Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - When the governors joined the alliance, what was the main reason why Zhou Wuwang chose to withdraw?

When the governors joined the alliance, what was the main reason why Zhou Wuwang chose to withdraw?

The biggest feature of Shang Dynasty is to move the capital and move it constantly. From the beginning of Jiadi, it has become weak. Because illegitimate emperors came forth in large numbers, Emperor Jia himself was promiscuous, and when Emperor Wuyi arrived, he called himself God. This is hard to imagine in the Shang Dynasty, which directly defeated the ruling ethics of the Shang Dynasty, so the Shang Dynasty declined even more. The mad emperor messed up the Shang Dynasty, so a pair of rags was finally handed over to Di Xin, and Di Xin was Zhou Wang.

The Zhou dynasty is still humble, but it dare not claim the title of emperor, but can only claim the title of king. Therefore, the title of Di Xin was naturally downgraded to Zhou Wang in later generations.

Zhou Wang's own ability level is absolutely first-class, with super material strength and beast. But the problem is, this guy is not a serious person to govern the country. On the contrary, he is a master of eating, drinking and having fun. As for his sin, I won't say it in this article, because the sin of losers will only increase. But he is a master of eating, drinking and having fun, that's for sure. "What's the matter with Zhou Wang? How did he become the spokesman of the tyrant? This article analyzes Zhou Wang.

At this time, Zhou Wenwang saw the opportunity and began to prepare to buy people's hearts. He felt that Zhou's powerful opportunity had come. Sima Qian recorded this in Historical Records:

Xibo came back, but Xiu De did a good job. Many governors rebelled and went to Xibo. -History. Yin Benji

On the surface, how is Zhou Wenwang's performance? I dedicated the beauty and jewels to Zhou Wang, and at the same time gave Luoxi, a land belonging to the Western Zhou Dynasty, to the very docile Zhou Wang. Therefore, Zhou Wang is also very happy, and having such a subordinate who is good to himself will definitely pay off.

He made a promise, gave bows, arrows and axes, and turned the conquest into Xibo. -History. Yin Benji

What exactly does this power mean? It was Xibohou who won the right to crusade against the surrounding small countries. If Zhou Wang didn't give this power to Zhou Wenwang, how could there be so many governors to support it? This gave the Western Zhou an the opportunity to expand its territory and expand its influence in a fair and square way.

Next year, cut the dog. Next year, cut off the thick beard. The country will be defeated next year-Historical Records Zhou Benji

Such a large-scale crusade attracted the most attention of the important officials of the Shang Dynasty at that time. When drunk told Zhou Wang to guard against the Western Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Wang only said a frivolous sentence: Is there no destiny? What you can do.

When Zhou Wenwang received the news, his courage increased.

Next year, cut it down. Next year, tigers will be cut down. Building a city and prospering, moving to another place —— Historical Records of Zhou Benji

Who is Chonghouhu? It was he who told me that Zhou Wenwang sympathized with the slain Hubei Hou, which led to his being imprisoned and enjoying jail time. Now Zhou Wenwang brazenly crusades against this guy, but Zhou Wang has no response.

This was the relationship between the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty at that time, but Zhou Wenwang did not draw his sword at Zhou Wang.

It was in this situation that Zhou Wuwang took over the flourishing Western Zhou Dynasty.

Do you want to cut it?

Of course Zhou Wuwang wants to, but he's not sure. Because the time is ripe?

So he started his first test: observing soldiers from the East, as for Jin Meng. And the result?

The vassal unexpectedly met 800 vassals in Tianjin. The governors all said, "I can cut it-Historical Records Zhou Benji."

The word "unexpected" made Zhou Wuwang see the heart and the power he could have. Of course, history books also record many auspicious things, such as white fish getting on the boat and auspicious clouds.

With people's hearts, the sky will be there, and cutting is a natural thing. Everyone thought the time had come, but Zhou Wuwang just gave up the opportunity and went back with the army.

What do these mean?

Make the eight hundred prince confused. Many friends, including those who have seen it here, also think that this is the right place at the right time and should be cut.

Why? This is the easiest mistake to make when seizing the opportunity.

What mistake?

It is the most common problem for ordinary people to attack only by seeing their own strength and their own advantages, but not clearly seeing each other's strength.

Zhou Wuwang certainly won't make such a mistake.

Some people may ask: Aren't you preparing for Zhou Wang?

At this time, Zhou Wang has been unable to destroy the Western Zhou Dynasty, otherwise you think that these eight hundred governors are stupid and dare to rebel. When attacking the tiger who worships Hou, there is nothing he can do. Otherwise, the most stupid people also know the ambition of the Western Zhou Dynasty and will at least take action.

Another great advantage of Zhou Wuwang's withdrawal this time is that he will hide his advantages and send a wrong signal to Zhou Wang. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, he dared not rebel under such advantages, and Zhou Wuwang was an incompetent master. Because Zhou Wuwang saw clearly his own strength, and the hearts of the people were available, he didn't see clearly the strength of Zhou Wang. This withdrawal has created favorable conditions for him to see clearly the strength of Zhou Wang.

What is an opportunity? Part of it is naturally formed, and part of it needs to be created by ourselves. This is what Zhou Wuwang is doing.

Zhou Wang obviously got the news that the Western Zhou Dynasty was going to deal with him, and gave up the attack with the help of Qi Xin. It seems that the Western Zhou Dynasty was really scared. So Zhou Wang did more. Originally he was worried about the Western Zhou Dynasty. There is nothing to worry about now that the Western Zhou Dynasty is so female.

Conceited Zhou Wang began to cut the butcher's knife from tribal leaders to his own people, the most hardcore backbone of Shang Dynasty. His eldest brother Weizi didn't listen to his persuasion. The great loyal minister Bi Gan was also killed by Zhou Wang. Zhou Wang's uncle Ji Zi was also locked up.

The Shang Dynasty was in chaos, and fewer and fewer people supported Zhou Wang. It is time.

But a big problem happened at this time.

During the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, all explorations required divination. The last time eight hundred vassals joined the League, it was very auspicious. This time, it was very unlucky, and the weather was not good.

The prince of Wu will attack the enemy, prophesy the tortoise, and it is ominous, and the storm is coming. All people are afraid-historical records. Qi Taigong family

Some people will say, it's too bad to crusade. Time is not up yet. But how can real time be in divination? Persuaded by Jiang Ziya, Zhou Wuwang took 300 chariots, 3,000 warriors and 45,000 soldiers to crusade against Shang Dynasty, and Zhou Wang sent170,000 people to defend it.

Of course, there is a scene in which Zhou Wang's army mutinies. Some historians believe that this did not happen, but was added by later generations. But in any case, his head was cut off, and Zhou defeated Shang and established the Zhou Dynasty.

When people thought they would win, Zhou Wuwang announced his withdrawal. When people were afraid, Zhou Wuwang led the army to attack. This is really thought-provoking. How to seize the opportunity? What is the real opportunity? Zhou Wuwang made a textbook demonstration. Is there any inspiration?