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Introduce a foreign myth

Norse mythology

Nordic mythology originated from the worship of the sun and nature and is a unique myth system in Scandinavia. Its formation time is relatively later than other major myth systems in the world. The oral communication history of Nordic mythology can be traced back to 1-2 century, which was first popular in Norway, Denmark and Sweden, and spread to Iceland and other places with a group of immigrants around the 7th century. In the Middle Ages, Christianity prevailed throughout Europe. Because of its strong political attacks, most of the works that record Nordic myths are regarded as heresy and burned. So far, the Icelandic epic Eda and the Germanic epic Song of Nibelungen have been well preserved. Nordic mythology is a polytheistic system, which can be roughly divided into four systems: giant, god, elf and dwarf. Among them, the giant created the world and gave birth to the gods, but at the same time it is also the greatest enemy of the gods, which can be understood as a personalized natural force. The gods are divided into two tribes, the asir tribe headed by Odin and the Vannier tribe headed by Neil, the sea god, among which there are twelve gods. Elves and gnomes belong to demigods. They serve God. Their specific origin is still very vague, and they belong to a special creation in the Germanic region. There are many very special parts in Nordic mythology. For example, the creation of human beings first created women, and the material created is not the soil expressed in most myths, but a branch. A prominent feature is its geographical location. Because Scandinavia is located in the extreme north, it is cold all the year round, so the frost giant has a high position in mythology and often makes the gods feel headache. Secondly, the view of extinction and rebirth has the greatest influence. Different from other mythological systems, the gods in Nordic mythology are not perfect, and they themselves will face the fate of extinction. For example, Odin sacrificed his left eye in order to gain knowledge, and Kuya was hanged from a tree and was traumatized before he got a pike symbolizing strength. On the other hand, Nordic mythology believes that when everything dies, it will form a new life again, and everything in the world is cyclical.

Lord god list:

Odin: The Lord God.

Frigga: goddess of love, in charge of marriage and family, Odin's wife.

Thor: Thor, Odin's eldest son.

Sif: Sol's wife, goddess of land and harvest.

Frey: God of fertility, master of harvest, reproduction and love, son of Neeld, the sea god.

Loki: Vulcan, Odin's brother.

Tyre: God of War, son of the giant Emil.

Freya: The God of Reproduction, in charge of fertility and love, Frey's sister.

Heimdahl: the patron saint of the gods.

Bode: god of light.

Holder: The god of darkness, said to be Balder's twin brother.

Bujila: The son of Odin, the god of poetry, is said to be the god of wisdom, poetry and eloquence.

Roman mythology

Greek mythology and other Roman myths did not actually exist. It was not until the end of Rome and China that Roman poets began to imitate Greek mythology to write their own myths. The Romans did not have such traditional legends as the struggle between gods in Greek mythology.

Roman traditions are:

Well-developed rituals, priests and a group of interrelated gods.

A series of rich legends about the birth and development of Rome, in which human beings play a major role and God sometimes intervenes.

This shows that the Romans' understanding of God is different from that of the Greeks. If you ask an ancient Greek who is De Miltel, he will say that De Miltel has a very beautiful daughter who was taken away by Hades, so De Miltel is very sad, and so on.

If you ask an ancient Roman who Silas was, he would say that Silas had a priest, who was lower than the priests of Jupiter, Mars myth and Quirinus, but higher than Flora and Pumuna. He would say that sayles was in the same group as Lipper and Libera, two other gods in charge of agriculture, and he might even name the little god who helped sayles.

Therefore, the "myth" of ancient Rome is not a story, but a complex relationship between God and God and between God and man.

The early religions in Rome later added many sometimes even contradictory new contents, especially absorbed many parts of Greek mythology. Today, our understanding of Roman mythology comes not from the records at that time, but from the descriptions of some scholars who tried to preserve those ancient traditions later. For example, Marcus Tilentius Varro lived in 1 century. Other Roman writers, such as Ovid, were deeply influenced by Greece in their writing, and they often quoted Greek mythology to fill the gaps in Roman mythology.

Roman god

Roman prayers and official priests divided their gods into two categories. The first kind is the primitive god of Rome ('Di Indigo'), and the second kind is introduced to cope with a catastrophe at a certain period in Roman history ('de novensides'). The first kind of gods had their own priests very early in Roman history, and they had fixed celebration days on the calendar. There are 30 such gods. In addition to these 30 great gods, Rome has had a group of special gods since very early, and they have their own special tasks, such as being responsible for harvesting. Some ancient rituals to be carried out during farming or sowing show that there is always a god involved in every operation, and the names of these gods are generally derived from the verbs of this operation. These gods can be called the helpers of the Lord God. The early Roman faith was not a polytheistic religion. These gods usually have only one name and one function, and their divine power is also very specific.

Roman gods and their celebrations show that ancient Rome was not only an agricultural society, but also very good at fighting and often participated in wars. These gods showed the needs of daily life in Roman society at that time. They enjoy the necessary rituals and sacrifices. For example, janus and Vesta guard gatekeepers and stoves, Lares protect land, houses, fences and poles, Saturn protects sowing, Seils protects grain growth, Pumuna protects fruits, and Consus and Ops protect harvest. Even Jupiter, the Lord of the gods, is respected for his showers to protect manors and vineyards. Through his lightning weapon, he is regarded as the master of mankind beyond everything, and through his vast territory, he is regarded as the patron saint of Roman troops when they are on expeditions abroad. The early important gods were the myth of Mars and Quirinus, and there was almost no difference between them. Mars myth is the god of young people and their activities, especially war. He died in March and October. Modern scholars believe that Quirinus is the patron saint of soldiers in peacetime.

In the early temples, besides Jupiter, Mars myth and Quirinus (their three priests were the tallest in Rome), there were also janus and Vesta. These early gods had no personality. They have no personal experience, no marriage and no children. Unlike Greek gods, they have no humanity, so there are not many records about their activities. Numa Pompeius, the second king of Rome, is often regarded as the founder of this ancient way of sacrifice. It is said that his companion and assistant was Geria, the Roman goddess in charge of springs and fertility. Later literary works called Geria a narcissus. But something new was added a long time ago. It is said that the Cobian family introduced Jupiter, Juno and Minova, who later occupied the most important position in Roman religion. Other new imports include the worship of Di Anna on Mount Evandin and Sibu Oracle, a book that predicts the world. It is said that Tucker bought it from a prophetess at the end of the 6th century.

Introduction of other gods

With the occupation of the surrounding areas by Rome, the nearby gods were also absorbed. The Romans respected the gods of the occupied areas just as they respected the gods of Rome itself. In many cases, these newly introduced gods were formally invited to the new holy land established for them in a special ceremony in Rome. 203 years ago, a sacred object representing Cybele was officially introduced into Rome from its place of origin. In addition, the expansion of Rome attracted foreigners, who were allowed to continue to worship their own gods. This is how Mitra came to Rome. He was very popular in the army, so his worship was brought to England. Besides Caster and looks, Di Anna, Minova, Hercules, Venus and other small gods also came to Rome with Rome's conquest of Italy. Some of these gods were invented by Italy itself, and some originally came from Greek culture. Later, every major Roman god found a corresponding Greek god with more humanity, and added their attributes and myths.

Rome as a God

Some temples worship Rome, which may indicate that a god was appointed as Rome.

But in fact, this is a metaphor, giving the country a humanized representative. This humanization first appeared on coins in the first 269 years. Outsiders may think that Rome is deified, but this is just speculation. To emphasize this metaphor, the Romans built the first temple for Rome in Smyrna in BC 195. It is also easy to confuse the deification of Roman emperors, such as Augustus the Great, especially the religious ceremonies set up for him by some Roman politicians.


Roman religious calendar reprinted the Roman acceptance of gods in occupied areas. There were only a few religious festivals in early Rome. But some early festivals remained until the last moment of pre-Roman Christianity. These include the reproduction and atonement ceremonies of primitive agricultural people. The arrival of a new god brings a new festival. Later, there were more festivals on the calendar than working days. The most important festivals are Saturnalia and Pastoral Festival.

The Saturnalia Festival of the Empire lasted for seven days, from 65438+February 65438+July to 65438+February 23rd, which was also the winter solstice. During this time, all businesses stopped, slaves were temporarily free, people exchanged gifts, and many people got married. The faun festival was originally an ancient festival to celebrate the Italian faun Lupocus. This festival was celebrated in Lupokus Cave on the hill of Berun Town on February 65438+5, 2005. Mount Bermuda is the legendary place where Romero and Lemo, the founders of Rome, were adopted by a wolf when they were children. According to Roman legend, a shepherd found the twins in the wolf's den and took them home to raise his wife.

roman temple

The temples in Rome reflect Rome's acceptance of other gods in the world. The oldest temples, such as Jupiter, Juno and Minova, which were built on Mount Capitole 509 years ago, are modeled after Etruscan temples. Like the Etruscan temple, it stands on a towering foundation. Unlike Greek temples, Greek temples have upward steps all around, while Etruscan temples only have steps at the entrance. The surface of the temple is also different from that of the Greek temple. Its colonnade is deeper than the colonnade of the Greek temple (one * * *, there are six pairs), and only the entrance has a colonnade. The Greek temple has a week-long colonnade. The temple is divided into several large rooms, each of which is dedicated to different gods. The temples of Ai Xisi and Celabis in the Arena of God of War are representative works of religious architecture in late Rome. They were made of Egyptian materials, and they worshipped the Hellenistic Egyptian gods. The most special temples in Rome, Jupiter, templo mayor and Pantheon. The Pantheon was built by Hadrian from 1 17 to 138, which contained all the gods. It replaced a smaller similar temple. In 607, the Pantheon was transformed into a Christian church. Today, it is the Italian National Memorial Hall, where san rafael and some kings who contributed to the Renaissance Mentor are buried.

The decline of Roman religion

The Hellenization of Roman religion, and more importantly, the spread of Greek philosophy among the well-educated people in Rome, made the old ceremony less and less valued, and the status of the old priests plummeted before 1 century. Apart from political needs, many high-ranking aristocrats who should have accepted these positions from birth simply don't trust these ceremonies, and people with low education are becoming more and more interested in foreign ceremonies. Even so, the' pontifex maximus' and the fortune teller ('fortune teller') still have a high political status. Caesar used his position as the highest priest to exert political influence on other priests.

Augustus the Great reformed and rebuilt the old religious system, and he integrated all the priests himself. Although the old ceremony (in fact, people traded with God, and people served God in exchange for God's protection) had nothing to do with morality, Augustus transformed it into piety and religious belief discipline and used it as a system to prevent internal unrest. At this time, Virgil's long poem Aeneas made the legend that the Trojan hero Aeneas founded Rome very popular.

The reform of Augustus the Great could not prevent Roman religion from paying more and more attention to the worship of the Roman emperor, and later the Roman emperor was deified after his death. This trend existed in Caesar's time before the establishment of the Roman Empire. Augustus, Claudius, Vespin and Titus were all deified, and few emperors after Marcus Cocceius nerva were not deified.

During the imperial period, many foreign gods were very popular, such as the worship of Egyptian goddess Ai Xisi and Persian god Mitra, and so was Christianity. Although Christianity was strongly persecuted during the period from Nero to Diocletian, it continued to expand. Constantine the Great ruled alone from 324 to 337, and finally established Christianity as the state religion. Since 392, Dior I has banned all other worship.

The main god of ancient Rome

Ancient Roman mythology has a profound influence on European culture. The constellations in the sky were originally named after mythical figures and gods by the Greeks, but at present the academic circles all use Roman names.

Janus, the door god of Janus, has two faces before and after or four faces in four directions, symbolizing the beginning.

Jupiter, the king of Jupiter. Zeus Zeus, corresponding to Greek mythology.

Juno Juno, goddess, corresponds to Hera Hera in Greek mythology.

Mercury, the messenger of God, corresponds to Hermes in Greek mythology.

Venus, the goddess of beauty and love, is equivalent to Aphrodite in Greek mythology.

Mars, the god of war in Mars mythology, corresponds to Ares in Greek mythology. But the image is much more positive than Ares.

Saturn, the father of Jupiter, corresponds to kronos in Greek mythology.

Maya Maya Mercury's mother, the goddess of flowers.

Di Anna, the moon goddess in Di Anna, corresponds to Artemis in Greek mythology.

Apollo Apollo, the sun god, Greece and Rome have the same name.

Minerva, the goddess of wisdom in Minova, corresponds to Athena in Greek mythology.

Ceres in Seils corresponds to Demeter in Greek mythology.

Vulcan, the husband of Venus, corresponds to hephaestus in Greek mythology.

The God of Neptune, corresponding to Boston in Greek mythology, the younger brother of Jupiter.

Pluto, the god of Prouteau, corresponds to Hades, the younger brother of Jupiter in Greek mythology.

Cupid little love god, the son of Venus, corresponds to eros in Greek mythology.

Aurora, the goddess of dawn in Aurora, corresponds to Eos EOS in Greek mythology.

greek mythology

Greek mythology is the earliest oral creation of people in Europe, which came into being between12nd century BC and 8th century BC. It has been handed down from generation to generation by the ancient Greeks for hundreds of years, and it has been continuously processed and preserved in various literary, historical and philosophical works.

Greek mythology includes stories of gods and legends of heroes. The story of God involves the origin of the universe and mankind, the appearance of God and its pedigree. According to legend, there were twelve gods of Olympus in ancient Greece: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Apollo, the goddess of archery and the sun, themis, the goddess of hunting and the moon, Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, Ares, hephaestus, Hermes, the gods of fire and craftsmen, Demeter and Hestia, the gods of agriculture. They are in charge of all kinds of phenomena and things in nature and life, and form the Olympian God system with Zeus as the center and the olimp God system with Zeus as the center.

The legend of heroes originated from the worship of ancestors, and was an artistic review of ancient history and the struggle with nature by the ancient Greeks. Most of these legendary heroes are descendants of the man of God, who are demigods and demigods. They have extraordinary physical strength and courage, which embodies the heroic spirit and tenacious will of human beings to conquer nature and becomes the embodiment of the collective strength and wisdom of ancient people. The most famous legends are Heracles's Twelve Achievements and Jason's golden fleece.

In Greek mythology, God and man are similar. Some people are physically beautiful, others are secular, know the joys and sorrows, and participate in people's activities. The only difference between God and man is that the former lives forever and has no period of death; The latter's life is limited, birth and death. The gods in Greek mythology have distinct personalities, no asceticism and little mysticism. Therefore, Greek mythology is not only the soil of Greek literature, but also has a far-reaching influence on later European literature.

The following are the main figures: (There are many Greek mythological figures, at least tens of thousands)

In Greek mythology, everything begins with chaos. . .

Chaos (Khaos/Chaos,): the god of chaos.

At the beginning of the universe, there was only chaos. Who was the boundless empty space? Then came Gaia, the goddess of the earth, Taras, Erebus, Nyx and eros, the goddess of the night, and the world began.

Gaia: Goddess of the earth, daughter of chaos. The noumenon of the earth gave birth to our Oranos in the sky, Bendu in the ocean and Ourea in the mountains.

Then she and her two sons gave birth to many gods. Uranus gave birth to 12 titans, representing the first of all things in the world (day, month, day, time, righteousness, memory, etc.). ) and pantos gave birth to five children, representing different seas. She is the mother of the gods (the ancestor of Olympus).

Tal talos Talas: God of the abyss of hell, son of Coase. One of the five creator gods, can be said to be the creator of the underworld, the ontology of the abyss.

He was born after Gaia on the earth, under Gaia, and later Tifeng the monster gave birth to Gaia's youngest son. He is an invisible abyss, at the bottom of the world. Then there is the place where monsters and some gods are held. Zeus imprisoned some Titan gods in Tartalas.

Erebus: the god of darkness, son of Keos. One of the five creation gods, Tartaras was born above Tartaras (underground/under Kaya). The incarnation and noumenon of darkness lies between the earth (Gaia) and the earth. He and her sister Nyx, the goddess of the night, gave birth to three ancient gods. They are:

Ether, the god of space, Hemera, the god of day, and Ka Rong, the god of crossing Styx.

Nyx: Goddess of the night, daughter of chaos. One of the five creatives, Ripas, was born on the earth (Caia). The incarnation and noumenon of night, she is an ancient and powerful god. She not only gave birth to three children with her brother, but also gave birth to a large number of gods alone.

Or eros. Cupid, son of Carlos. One of the five creation gods, born after darkness and darkness. The embodiment of love, fertility and sexual desire. It is he who promotes the fertility and love of the gods, and he is the embodiment of all the desires for love (including the same surname and the opposite sex)

Uranus: the god of heaven. Gaia's eldest son and husband, the first king of God. Overthrown by his son.

Bendus: Poseidon, the son and lover of the earliest Poseidon Kaya.

Ourea (Ourea): Mountain God, philosopher of Kaya.

Cronus: The youngest of the twelve children on Titan and Uranus. The God of heaven and earth overthrew the Father God and became the second God King. .

Rhea: One of the twelve temples, the goddess of time. Cronus's wife is the second goddess.

Oceanus: One of the 12 Titan gods, the god of the sea and rivers. It has bred all the rivers on the earth and 3000 Poseidon.

Tethys: One of the twelve Titan gods, the goddess of the sea; Oceanus's wife.

Hyperion: One of the twelve Titan gods, the god of the bright sun. Father of the sun, moon and dawn.

Thea: One of the twelve Titan gods, the goddess in charge of wealth, light and vision; Engaged to Leon's wife.

Mnemosyne: One of the twelve Titan gods, one of the muses of poetry, the god of memory and the mother of Zeus' fifth wife The Nine Muses.

Partos: One of the Twelve Giants. The father of themis, Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menotius.

Chris: One of the twelve titans, the god of growth.

Simis: One of the twelve Titan gods, the goddess of order and justice. The second wife of Zeus and the mother of three goddesses.

Phoebe: Also known as Fu Bo or Fu Bi, one of the twelve titans, the mother of the moon goddess Leto and Astria.

Coase: One of the twelve Titan gods, the god of darkness and wisdom. Phoebe's husband.

Mehlert: One of the Titan gods, one of the Titan's twelve sisters, one of the goddess of poetry, and the goddess of deep thought.

Ode: One of the Titan gods, one of the Titan's twelve sisters, one of the goddess of poetry, and the goddess of singing.

Atlas: Prometheus' brother. One of the highest and strongest gods. He was punished for failing to resist Zeus.

Prometheus: The son of Partos. One of the most wise gods is called a prophet. Creator and protector of mankind. Because Zeus was kept in the Caucasus Mountains, vultures pecked at his liver every day, and later he grew well again and again. After being rescued by Heracles.

Epimetheus: The brother of Prometheus. One of the stupidest gods is called "the last to know". As a result of accepting the gift of Zeus-Pandora as his wife, diseases, evils and other disasters flew out of Pandora's Box.

Menotius: The brother of Prometheus, the god of violence and anger, was struck by Zeus with lightning.

Metis: goddess of wisdom, daughter of Anoos, first wife of Zeus and mother of Athena.

Eurynome: goddess of the sea, daughter of Anoos, third wife of Zeus and mother of three goddesses.

Leto: The goddess of the night, the daughter of Zeus and Phoebe, the sixth wife of Zeus and the mother of Apollo.

The following are the main gods in Greek mythology:

The Lord God of Olympus:

(1) Zeus:

★ Zeus is the son of Cronus, the king of gods in charge of the sky. The supreme god in Greek mythology, who mastered thunder and lightning, was also called Thor. With the support of his mother Rhea, he killed his father Cronus and became the third generation God King. He is extremely lewd, often cheating on his wife Hera with other goddesses and mortals, and there are countless illegitimate children.

★ The symbol of Zeus is eagle, oak tree and mountain peak; His favorite sacrifices are a female goat and a white cow with Jinjiao.

★ Development history

When Zeus was born, his father Cronus was in power, and his mother Rhea was afraid that Zeus would be swallowed up by his father. Note: For some reason, Cronus couldn't keep his child alive, so he hid him in Crete and was raised by three female fairies-on the island, a goat provided him with holy milk and an eagle brought him fairy wine; Whenever he cried, Rhea's servants went to the cradle to dance for Zeus and beat the bronze shield with daggers to cover up his crying, so Cronus never discovered the secret.

Zeus thrived on the island day by day. One day, while playing with a female goat, he accidentally pushed her down and broke a beautiful horn. Fairy Amar Teia soon healed her wound. Zeus picked up the horn, endowed it with magical power and dedicated it to the kind fairy. The horn of this ram has been called "the horn of abundance" since then, because it can produce all kinds of delicious food.

When Zeus came of age, he cheated out five brothers and sisters, all of whom were swallowed up by his father. Together, they overthrew Cronus and finally ascended the throne.

(2) Hera:

★ Hera is the daughter of Cronus, the sister and wife of Zeus; She is in charge of marriage and childbirth and is the patron saint of women; Hera is elegant in temperament, beautiful in appearance and faithful to her partner. She is a well-deserved diva, but her jealousy is also world-famous. Therefore, Hera and Zeus often have fierce quarrels, but usually Zeus's sweet words can always make them reconciled.

★ The symbol of Hera is peacock, because this bird with bright feathers and stars symbolizes the beautiful and spectacular night sky, and the sky is Hera's radiant face.

③ Poseidon:

★ The king of the sea, the second brother of Zeus, holds a huge trident and commands all living things in the sea. Described as half man and half fish, it can call the shots. Violent and cruel.

Horses and cows are sacred to him.

(4) hades (hades):

★ Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter's brother, was in charge of the underworld. He is strong, but he is peaceful. Except for stealing Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of harvest, as his wife, he did all kinds of evil.

★ Favorite black, favorite sacrifice is black ewe or black bull wrapped in black veil. Poplar is his sacred tree.

★ Introduction to Hades

After people died, Hermes, the guiding god, brought their souls from darkness (euripides) to the underworld. Here, a big black river, Akron River, is surging. The river blocked the way forward, and only the bearded boatman Caron could ferry the dead to the other side. However, the undead must pay a certain fee to get on the boat, otherwise they will wander on the painful river and find no home.

After crossing the river is a vast gray plain, known as the pastoral of truth. There are two roads connected here, one leads to Elysee, a paradise of happiness, and the other to hell of pain. The undead were tried by Minos, Radaman Das and Arcos, three judges of the underworld, on the judgment platform in front of the Garden of Truth. Guilty people will be punished in hell according to their crimes, while innocent people will be able to live a happy life in the beautiful and peaceful Elysee paradise.

Between heaven and hell in the Elysee Palace, there is a magnificent palace, which is the residence of Hades and Persephone in the afterlife.

(5) Hestia:

★ The Goddess of Kitchen Stove and Flame, the elder sister of Zeus and the oldest child of kronos Uriah, is in charge of everyone's family affairs. One of the three virgins. In Greek mythology, there is no detailed record. She is a chaste virgin goddess.

(6) Demeter:

★ The goddess of high yield and agriculture and forestry is the daughter of kronos and Rhea, the second sister and the fourth wife of Zeus. She is the goddess in charge of agriculture and high yield, giving life to the earth and teaching human farming. She and Zeus gave birth to Persephone.

(7) Ares:

The God of War is a ferocious, cunning and irrational god who fights for war. I once had an affair with Aphrodite, the wife of the craftsman god of love and beauty, and was caught in a special net made by the craftsman god.

Vultures are his god birds, and pets are dogs.

(8) Athens:

★ Wisdom and Sivir are the daughters of Zeus and Mites. She is brave, strong, kind and kind, but sometimes she is a little narrow-minded and doesn't want others to be better than her. When she was born, Zeus had a severe head pain. After splitting it with a big axe, Athena jumped out with a pike in her hand and wearing armor. She changed her name to Pallas Athena for accidentally killing her friend pallas. (Pallas Athena)

★ Owls with bright eyes at night, as well as cocks and poisonous snakes, are symbols of Athena, the goddess with bright eyes.

(9) Hermes:

★ Angel, daughter of Zeus and Atlas, son of Maya. Winged feet fly quickly, becoming messengers of the gods in the sky, then protectors of travelers, businessmen and thieves, and often protectors of mortals. It is the cleverest and most cunning god.

He is agile and elegant, wearing winged sandals, wearing a low-crowned hat with wings, and holding a magic battle coiled by two snakes.


Son of Zeus and Hera. Long and ugly, full of slopes, is a great failure of the beautiful gods! Although she is ugly, she is gentle and loves peace, and is very popular with people in heaven.

(1 1) Apollo:

★ God of archery and light, son of Zeus and Leto, younger brother of Artemis, goddess of the moon and hunting, one of the twelve Greek gods, also known as Phobos. He is the third sun god. He is in charge of lighting, medicine, literature, poetry, music and so on. Every day, the golden car driven by Tianma travels in the sky for one week.

The laurel is his sacred tree, and his favorite pets are dolphins and crows.

(12) Aphrodite:

★ God of love and beauty, Uranus' penis was thrown into the sea of love and was born from the waves. Her sweet words can fool all gods and people. She loves to laugh and has infinite charm, and smart people will lose their sense of proportion.

Myrtle is her sacred tree, and pigeons are her favorite birds. Swan and sparrow are also very popular.

(13) Artemis:

Themis, the goddess of hunting, midwifery and the moon, is the twin sister of Apollo and one of the three virgins. So it is also called the patron saint of virgins. She is the owner of wild animals, the main hunter in heaven, and the third moon god in Greek mythology.

Cypress is her sacred tree, and deer is her favorite pet.


★ Dionysus and the god of carnival, the son of Zeus and a mortal woman Semele, the only official god with mortal blood; Invented wine and popularized the cultivation of grapes. His dual personality can bring joy and intoxication, but at the same time it is cruel and irritable-just like wine.

* * * * * People and ghosts in Greek mythology * * * * * * *

Ether: God of space, son of euripides and Knicks.

Hemera: Sun God, daughter of euripides and Knicks.

Ka Rong: God of Styx, son of euripides and Knicks.

Thanatos: Death; Son of the night goddess Knicks.

Hypnus: sleeping god; Son of the night goddess Knicks.

Eris: There is no peace.