Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to operate the track of empty FC?

How to operate the track of empty FC?

I think the focus is on the following three categories: 1, full BP, 2, cookbook collection, and 3, red obsidian novel collection.

These three are attached below, so you don't have to look at the plot strategy.

Lorant's total blood pressure is 55

main line

1 field training. Search for treasure and get BP 1.

2 Protect children from BP 3(+ 1)

Yuta, choose the second item and enter together.

3. Destroy Warcraft in Parsell Farm and get BP 1(+2).

Once caught in the retreat of Warcraft

4 Mayor Klaus was entrusted by BP 4.

The reporter's guide got BP 4

The mayor's residence was robbed 6-7 and gained BP 6(+5).

Gems in the vault

A gang of 3-4 people

Invade from the balcony on the second floor

Tourists who have been there recently

When you finally find the thief, choose patience.

branch line

1 looking for glowing stones to get BP 2

2 send a private message to get BP 2

3 picking mushrooms to get BP 3

4 change the street lamp to get BP 3(+ 1)

When street lamps are exchanged, the hero will change or the heroine will change the password and enter it correctly.

5. Collecting medicinal materials to obtain BP 3.

6 training soldiers to get BP 3(+2)

Soldiers win in training.

7 find a kitten to get BP 2

8 milk street wanted Warcraft made BP 3

9 Alice street wanted order Warcraft production BP 4

The total BP of Perth is 64- 1 19.

main line

1-2 BP 5(+3)

Because the stronghold is in a special place.

3-5 robbery in Nanjie District obtained BP 10.

branch line

1 Search for Warcraft on the mountain road and get BP 4.

Collecting food materials to obtain BP 3

The wanted man of East Perth Street, Warcraft, got BP 4.

4.BP 4 was obtained by investigating Echinacea purpurea.

5 fog valley's wanted Warcraft gets BP 5

6 west Perth street's wanted man, Warcraft, making BP 4.

Amber tower 7 suspects (hidden) get BP 4.

8 escort delegation to obtain BP 4(+ 1)

Choose "frontal breakthrough" when being attacked on the bridge.

9 Ansel street's wanted man Warcraft won BP 5

10 the stolen ring got BP 3.

1 1 black notebook (hidden) to get BP 5

Total BP 79—— Lu 'an —— Total 198

main line

1 Guroni Top World of Warcraft gets BP 2.

2-3 Marcia orphanage fire investigation obtained BP 5(+4).

An artificial arson case

Those hooligans in the warehouse area

4 Attend the College Festival and get BP 5(+5).

Destroy the old teaching building of Warcraft -***4 (hidden) BP3

Decorate the school -***3 places (hidden) BP 1

Collect research data (hidden) BP 1

Teacher Teresa was attacked and got BP 10.

Really, really unruly guy ...

Mayor of Delmonte

branch line

1 Sweep the Beacon of Warcraft (hidden) to get BP 4.

2 The wanted order of Meiweihai Road, Warcraft got BP 4.

The key to the warehouse is obtained from BP 2

4 search for trial products to get BP 3

5 Aina Street wanted BP 4, the envoy of Warcraft.

6 transportation maintenance toolbox gets BP 4+ working helmet+fighting scarf.

After you get the toolbox, go to the gambling bar in Lavantar across the street, talk to Primio, and take Arria with you. When you arrive in Mathea Village, you can buy "Spicy Fish" and get extra props.

7 Investigate the ancient map and get BP 3(+2).

Before entering Lu 'an, he saved Jimmy somewhere on the coast, where he relied on this man to investigate ancient maps.

8 escort the uncle who went up the mountain to get BP 5

9 candlestick theft was awarded BP 7

10 persuade travelers to get BP 3(+2)

Dialog box options are 2,2, 1, 2 or 2, 1, 1, 2.

1 1 meiweihai road ② the wanted man of Warcraft got BP 5.

Datong total BP 92- total BP 290

main line

1 Investigate the black force conductance and get BP 0.

Repair the water pump of Yarmo hot spring and get BP 5.

3-4 BP 6(+8) is obtained from the attack center workshop.

Remove the chimney after entering the workshop (***5 places, B 1 to 4, 1 on each floor).

Does choosing 3 in the conversation have anything to do with those men in black?

5-6 Find Dr. Russell and get BP 10(+6).

Dialogue 3, find the clue of the airship that the prisoner took when he took the doctor.

Sineitai was planted by someone else?

Dialogue choose 3 academia sinica.

After the doctor was rescued, he sneaked into the headquarters without being found.

branch line

1 Recruit temporary librarians to get BP 3

2 The wanted man of Torrant Plain Road, Warcraft, got BP 4.

Three temporary librarians worked overtime (follow-up) to get BP 3

4 continue? Temporary librarians work overtime (follow-up) to get BP 4

5 continue? Temporary librarians work overtime (follow-up) to get BP 4

6 Test the new product and get BP 4(+2).

Take "Storega Alpha" to at least the following 3 places and report to Tilia. ● Yarmo Village ● Al? Fort Leiden, Fort Reston, Fort St. Heimenburg, Fort Wolff

If you go to more than four, BP+2, you can get Storyga β. If we sell Storega α, the task will not be completed. ※.

7 looking for transport vehicles to obtain BP 4

8 looking for new components to obtain BP 3

9 No Smoking Intensive Week Obtained BP 4

10 The wanted Warcraft in Lita Street got BP 5.

1 1 repair the transport vehicle (follow-up) to obtain BP 5.

12 Messenger of Love (hidden) gets BP 2(+4)

If you buy her a gift, you will get extra BP. Wool knitted hat /BP+4● Fruit pie /BP+2● Work gloves /BP+2

13 Rita Street wanted Warcraft ② to get BP 6.


main line

1-6 The message for Queen Alicia got BP 10(+8).

Will you stop introducing letters? BP+ 1

Colonel Richard BP+2

If you are not found once on the way from the hotel to the church, BP+5.

Maid lounge

7-8 hostage rescue operation obtained BP 10(+4)

Someone told him to go out BP +2

On the Marriage of Princess Kolotia BP +2

9- 10 Her Majesty's rescue operation achieved BP 10(+5).

Don't beat the duke and win BP+2.

Beat the silver-haired boy BP+3

(key point:

1 Three people should be separated.

Speed should be fast, and driving force and acting force should be installed.

3 mainly magical attacks.

Put S skills when crow's blood is below 2000 to prevent him from making up)

1 1 [halo] to get BP 12.

branch line

1 the wanted man in the western part of the underground waterway, Warcraft, got BP 8.

2 The wanted man in the eastern part of the underground waterway, Warcraft, has obtained BP 8.

Entrusted by the imperial embassy to obtain BP 3

The maximum BP value is 368 and the maximum dependence number is 8 1.

The legend of heroes 6 Full Cuisine Information and Starting Location Author: Anceal


Yiyi coix seed powder 180- luoliante city

Fancy soda 250 poisoning was relieved in Chase, Lorant.

Cheese Pancake 200- Lorant (1 seal)

Salad sandwiches 150-Genese Wang Li College and many other places can be bought.

Meatballs 120 Str+5% Lorente? The task of finding the luminous stone has been completed.

Magenta Eye 100 Dark Elevator Datong, Lorant.

Maple Sugar Cookies 80- Lorant

I dreamed that the battle of burning 50 shells could not lift the Haken Gate of the 5F treasure chest of the Jade Pagoda.

French fries 100 MOV+ 1 Genese Wang Li College in Lorant? College festival

Perth city

Kingdom omelet 500- Perth? Commissioned collection of ingredients has been completed.

Tian Yang cheese gravy risotto 250 battle cannot lift Perth city.

Hell Blissful Pot (Dark Pot) 1 Randomly drop an HP to 1 increase CP Misty Canyon.

Butter Grilled Fish Noodles 600- Lu 'an, Lake Varela

The poisoning incident of colored jelly 550 in Perth was alleviated.

Roasted river fish and salt skewers 500- Lake Valeria

Salt baked rainbow trout 400- Lake Valeria

Bright-eyed omelet 350 hidden amber tower treasure chest

Qiweitang 300 charming Perth city.

Fresh Fruit Juice 300 Shihua Street Lavennu Village

Boiled carp in flour sauce 300- Lake Valeria

Apple ice cream 300 Ravennu village

Red Tail Soup 250 Sealing Technology Promotes Perth City

Cheesecake 200 SPD+ 15% Perth

Cucumber fish tempura 200- Lake Valeria

Warcraft steak 180 CP+20 Ravennushan treasure chest

Lu 'an City

750 Health War Paofan Can't Disarm Luancheng

College lunch 650-Genese Wangli College

Hard-shelled mixed vegetable risotto 450- Manolia Village

Hot fried chicken 700 technology to upgrade the treasure chest of Bi Li Tower

Lu 'an Frozen Steamed Fish roe 600

The Battle of Asseri Asia Wine 500 cannot be lifted in Chase, Luancheng.

Roast small fish in a salt pan 450 DEF+ 10% Arlington pass

Royal pancake 400 poisoning, chaos relieved Genese Wang Li College? College festival

Hollow popcorn 400 MOV+2 Genese Wang Li College? College festival

Coffee ice cream 400 sleep elevator Genese Wang Li College? College festival

Rainbow fudge 350 CP+25 Genese Wang Li College? College festival

Orange juice ice cream 300-Genese Wang Li College? College festival

Towards picking vanilla tea 200 chaos lifted Manolia village Datong city.

Datong city

The ultimate meat hotpot can't lift the gate of St. Heim in 5000 battles

Youhuo Shancai Hotpot 800 CP+20 Yarmo Village

Special eggnog 1000 battle cannot disarm Yarmo village.

Warcraft fishbone 800 Str+ 10% Yarmo village

Fruit milk 600 SPD+30% Yamo Village

The scroll job's tears powder 600 chaos lifted the gate of St. Heim in Datong city.

Portable thick fish soup 600 CP30 chase? Temporary librarians work overtime? Reading tomorrow cuisine

Black pepper soup 550 expired, lift Datong City.

Fried eggs in hell 500 chaos, sleep and death hold up the red lotus tower.

Soft Hot Spring Eggs 450- Yarmo Village

Fruit Pai 400- Datong

Bitter tomato sandwich 100 CP+40 chasing the city? Looking for novel ingredients to be entrusted to complete.

Gransell, Wang Du

Ba Jin Nong Fish Soup 1500 CP+30 Wang Lan

Master curry rice 1000 Wang Lan

Mixed cocktail 1400 removes all abnormal conditions.

Super shaved ice 1000 CP+25 Wang Du Gransell

Don't let go of ribs 800 Str/DEF+ 15% Wang Du Gransell? underground watercourse

Vanilla Pie 800 Wang Lan

Deluxe Pancake 700- Wang Lan

Coffee 500 Sleep Release King Dugransel

Red medicine stone

Volume 1

After the training, you can have a conversation with Letra at home in Lorant. It is also available in Perth (Perth Supermarket).

Volume II

At the beginning of this chapter, you can talk to Harold, the soldier guarding Wiltshire Bridge. It is also available in Perth (Perth Supermarket).

Volume III

After learning that General Morgan is back, we can talk with Kyle at Hakenmen Bar.

Volume 4

When you are ready to go to Lake Valeria, you can talk to Ribrow at Perth Supermarket.

The fifth volume

After the Academy Festival, before going to Manoliya Village, you can talk to Matschl Da in Lu 'an.

Volume 6

At the beginning of the third chapter, I went to the reference room of the community building of Dzhanis Wangli College to talk with Pabu.

Volume 7

After the central workshop incident, go to Wolfsburg and talk to Bruno.

Volume VIII

Enter the last chapter, return to Arlington Pass, and talk to the reception soldier Otta on the first floor.

Volume 9

At the beginning of the last chapter, go to Gruna Gate as soon as possible to talk with soldier Sevian.

Volume 10

When you go to the Temple in the evening, you can talk to Ralph at the airport first.

Volume 1 1

On the third day of Wushu Congress, I talked with Andun in Wang Du East District and let him meet his favorite female NPC. Pay attention to the scene change and start again.

After collecting all the red pyroxenite with the volume of 1 1, you can go to Bagra Cafe to talk to your boss when you are fighting and assembling guerrillas to liberate from the palace. Then you can choose estelle's Tai Chi stick or Joshua's Black Thousand Birds and White Thousand Birds.