Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Sixty-four hexagrams and forty-two hexagrams in Zhouyi are beneficial to storms.

Sixty-four hexagrams and forty-two hexagrams in Zhouyi are beneficial to storms.

We are generally clear about divinatory symbols. After all, we have all seen people who look like magic sticks in some TV dramas use some divinatory symbols to measure fortune or a fortune. So in numerology, what is the forty-second of the sixty-four hexagrams in Zhouyi? Come and have a look with us.

Yi gua

Benefit. A good relationship is good for Dachuan.

The elephant said: Wind and thunder are beneficial. A gentleman moves when he sees profit, and changes when he sees profit.

Explain in vernacular Chinese:

Beneficial divination: When you get to a certain place, it's good for you to wade across the river when you meet this.

"Xiangci" said: This book is called Xun, and Xun is the wind; Divination is an earthquake, an earthquake is thunder, and the wind and thunder are stirring, which is a divination image that is beneficial to divination. When the gentleman saw this divinatory symbol, he was frightened by the power of wind and thunder. When he saw the good, he followed, and when he had it, he changed.

Interpretation of hexagrams in Shao Yong s Heluo;

Damage to the benefit, work hard and complain; Enterprising and becoming famous, businessmen seek profit.

Xiaoji: People who get this kind of divination are just lucky, work hard, get help from others and get fame and fortune.

Explanation manual:

Wealth: when you are proud, trade in the old for the new.

Wealth: Only when trade is fast can you gain.

Home: beware of wind and thunder; Marriage is good.

Body: excessive liver fire.

Sixty-four hexagrams and forty-two hexagrams in Zhouyi.

As the saying goes, fortune is prosperous, dead trees bloom again for many years, and the branches and leaves are lush. A few people praised it when they saw it.

This hexagram is a superposition of different hexagrams (the next earthquake is the last one). Xun is the wind; Thunder. Wind and thunder agitate, the stronger its potential, the louder the thunder, and the wind and thunder help each other. This hexagram is the opposite of destroying hexagrams. It is a loss and benefit, and the latter is a loss and benefit. These two hexagrams explain the principle of profit and loss.

Career: Bold investment and courage to support others' career will complement each other. Go ahead and be bold. As long as you are kind-hearted, pure and modest, your career will increase day by day and your future will be limitless. Helping others should be immediate, quick-witted, pioneering, internal unity, perseverance, and not afraid of risks and difficulties.

Do business: don't pursue small profits, make it beneficial to customers, and you will get rich profits instead. Don't be greedy. When you are in danger, you should seek advice from others and get honest assistance.

Seeking fame: if you sincerely give benefits to others, you will be sincerely rewarded, supported and successful in your career.

Going out: profitable. Go out and act boldly.