Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is the reason why Sui Jun won?

What is the reason why Sui Jun won?

Sui Dynasty: Overwhelmed by political ideals beyond the limit. After the sudden death of the Sui Dynasty became a history of comment in a smoke, the historical guy finally sorted out the mess. It turned out that the path choice of this dynasty's fate initially depended on an idea of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty.

Yang Guang, an outstanding figure, certainly didn't want to be a cold-blooded killer from the beginning, killing his eldest brother. Just born in the royal family, brothers are either dead or alive. This is the political hidden rule of royalty, and it is also the hidden rule of life. You can't hide It is hard for Yang Guang to imagine that his eldest brother won't kill him after he ascended the throne.

Because he's amazing. Excellent moral character. Excellent deeds. He overthrew the Chen dynasty. Will he overthrow anything else? So he is destined to be the number one target of Yong Yang, the future son of heaven.

Therefore, Yang Guang should strike first. He must attack eldest brother first. Father must make up his mind to overcome all difficulties and rebuild the prince.

This was Yang Guang's last chance, and he seized it decisively.

He not only grasped it, but also grasped it skillfully. Yang Guang, an outstanding figure, made a move from an angle unimaginable to a historian. He first let confidant Zhang Heng try to woo Prime Minister Su Yang, and let Su Yang make an either-or statement on the issue of abolishing the Prince. In the face of huge political interests, Su Yang chose to stand with Yang Guang. At the same time, Yang Guang swears in front of the Queen Dugu, claiming that Yong Yang tried to kill him several times in order to succeed. This made Queen Dugu quite angry. Finally, Su Yang met the queen and knelt down and asked her to support the new prince Yang Guang.

Queen Dugu finally made up her mind. Disappointed with her eldest son, she stood firmly on the side of her youngest son Yang Guang. A deadly encirclement was thus formed under the operation of the outstanding figure Yang Guang. This is a political alliance formed by the trinity of mother, brother and minister. As long as they overcome the last lingering in the heart of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, the fate of a dynasty successor will be completely rewritten.

There is no doubt that Yong Yang felt the oppression of the political alliance, but he was unable to fight back. His life wisdom is almost concentrated on being immersed in love with children, and his political wisdom is almost zero. The last thing he did as a prince was to hire a warlock to predict the life span of his father, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty! Perhaps the simple-minded Yang Yong wanted to know how much time he still had to fight against the political alliance in this way, but this extremely taboo practice finally allowed Emperor Wendi of Sui to completely overcome his erratic mentality and made a major choice that profoundly affected the fate of this dynasty-midfield substitution! Let Yang Guang be the next leader of this empire.

"Since ancient times, the prince, there are always incorruptible and incompetent people, and the emperor often cannot bear to recall, so that the Zongshe fell and the world was destroyed. From this perspective, the safety of the world depends on the merits of the position, and the great cause is not important! The crown prince is brave, dull in character, unclear in benevolence and filial piety, close to villains, and uses evil spirits. What he did is hard to describe. People are the people of the world. Although I love my children, I dare not use my love to hurt the well-being of people all over the world and make trouble forever. If you are brave, you will be abolished as Shu Ren and your second son will succeed you! "

In Wude Hall, Yang Guang and Yong Yang listened to the imperial edict. Xue Daoheng, assistant minister of literature and history, read the imperial edict. Xue Daoheng is a double bass, full of air. His head jar voice jar spirit, everywhere impact in wudetang, caused a strong * * * sound. This is an ordinary noon in this new empire, with countless disappointments and hopes. However, the civil and military officials in the Qing Dynasty kept silent and had their own ideas. As a realistic political choice, they may think most about how to get in touch with the new prince Yang Guang in the future. On the other hand, Yang Guangzheng knelt on the ground and dared not look up for a long time. His low profile satisfied Wendi. Emperor Wendi of Sui felt that such a successor was a gift from heaven to Da Sui. In order to accept this gift, he resolutely broke the principle of choosing a monarch during his term of office, thus pushing himself to the forefront. Now it seems worthwhile.

But Wendi didn't know that he pushed himself to the mouth of Fengjian Langkou, and he pushed the dynasty under his ass to the mouth of Fengjian Langkou. Because the seemingly low-key Yang Guang can simply toss and turn.

He finally ruined his Yang family alive.

Yang Guang likes tossing and turning because he has great ideals.

Political ideal.

Among all the emperors who had achieved hegemony before him, his father was not his political idol. Even Qin Huang Hanwu is not his political idol.

His goal is to surpass them.

If you can't be the last one, at least be unprecedented. This is the life creed of the new emperor Yang Guang.

Therefore, Yang Guang deeply feels that 10,000 years is too long to seize the day. Only three months after he succeeded to the throne, his huge achievement project began with great vigour. He ordered the recruitment of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers and built a defense line thousands of miles north of Luoyang to stop the Turkish cavalry from attacking the new capital Luoyang. Then, the largest project of the Sui Empire-the capital Luoyang project started. Millions of migrant workers were recruited this time. At the same time, in the eastern part of this empire, an imaginary grand canal connecting the north and the south was started at the same time, and as many as one million migrant workers were recruited from all over the country to travel to Tongji Canal day and night. ...

This achievement project is so vast and intensive that Yang Guang became the most familiar stranger in the eyes of ministers overnight. Ministers don't understand the significance of this toss and turn. Without war, they suddenly moved the capital and had a whim to dig the Grand Canal. They don't know why the new son of heaven is so ecstatic. Most importantly, almost all the labor force in this country has invested in the political achievements project. Who will grow food? Without food, there will be chaos. ...

But Yang Guang ignored it.

He closed his lips and said nothing.

Without a word, Yang Guang is savoring the loneliness of being a great emperor.

Sages have been lonely since ancient times. Yang Guang thinks he is no exception.

In fact, Yang Guang's achievement project is really not for himself or the whole world. He did it for history.

Yang Guang believes that historians will write it down.

Because the world at that time was really not peaceful. It's only been 12 years since the country was unified, but there have been four major rebellions. Two of them were suppressed by Comrade Yang Guang himself. The most terrible thing is the last time. His younger brother, Yang Liang, raised the banner of rebellion in Shandong on the grounds that he opposed Yang Guang's accession to the throne because his older brother, Yang Yongming, was unfair. Although the rebellion in Yang Liang was suppressed, it caused great losses to the empire-Chang 'an was too far away from Shandong. When the news of the rebellion came, the rebellion in Yang Liang had been going on for nearly a month. It's like putting out a fire, which is easy to put out at first; It will cost a lot to burn it before going out.

So Yang Guang decided to move the capital. Move the center of the empire from Chang 'an to Luoyang. Luoyang is in the world, relatively close to Jiangnan and Shandong. In this way, at least when a fire breaks out, the fire fighting work can be carried out faster. Of course, Yang Guang didn't know the huge price to pay for moving the capital, but for generations of Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang was willing to be the fool who fed the tiger.

The same is true for digging the Grand Canal. Yang Guangna is a kind person. After reunification, he hoped that the north and south of the empire would move from confrontation to hand in hand to enhance understanding and exchange needed goods, so there must be a pipeline as a carrier. But the pipeline will not fall from the sky and must be dug manually, so the Grand Canal project can only be launched as soon as possible.

There are so many facts to be done now that it is impossible to prioritize. In Yang Guang's view, these projects need to be started urgently, so he can only scratch his eyebrows and beard.

Of course, Yang Guang is still very clear about the current situation of imperial labor force. In the five years of the great cause, the materials reported by the National Bureau of Statistics said that the total population of the country reached 46.03 million in that year. Yang Guang estimated that he only used one third of the labor force (adult working population) at most, which should be within the tolerance of the empire.

Yang guang decided to go on his own way-let the world speak, and history will prove who is right and who is wrong.

For a long time, the Sui Dynasty treated North Korea as a sovereign country.

But Koryo was not convinced. In A.D. 18 (A.D. 598), korean king Gaoyuan actually launched an attack on Da Sui.

This is an attack beyond one's ability. Because Gao Yuan soon defeated western Liaoning. But this is another dangerous attack, because Da Sui was not strong enough to convince South Korea. Emperor Wendi was angry, and he quickly launched a counterattack: 300,000 troops divided water and marched at the same time, ready to beat North Korea firmly and make it completely convinced.

But something unexpected happened. Three hundred thousand troops were defeated, and the number of casualties reached nine times out of ten in Chang 'an!

It's not that South Korea suddenly took Viagra, but that God didn't help Sui. At the same time, 300,000 troops of the Great Sui Dynasty suffered from extreme weather on land and water, and the troops of the Great Sui Dynasty were defeated by the storm.

Fortunately, the final outcome was not satisfactory: mainly convinced, he sent someone to send an apology form, calling himself "Yuan, the dirty minister of Liaodong". Such actions and words made Wendi's mood suddenly cool-he finally became a Q-shaped winner. Emperor Wendi generously said that Gao Yuan's fault would no longer be investigated, and the two countries resumed the relationship between the suzerain and the suzerain.

N years later, Emperor Wendi of Sui died with his martial arts records. However, no one expected that this historical problem began to surface-in North Korea, korean king Gaoyuan suffered a crisis of confidence.

Because he claimed to be "Yuan, the dirty minister of Liaodong" when he sent an apology form, today, N years later, Koreans still feel humiliated. Korean people want Gao Yuan to be tough! As soon as Yang Di came to power, he was very busy, so he became openly tough, completely dissolved the relationship between the vassal States and created a new situation of equal diplomacy between the two countries.

Looking back on the past, Comrade Gao Yuan finally felt that his self-assertion was too shameless, belittling himself and the splendid North Korea. He brazenly decided: I'm going to be hard on his mother.

Under the gaze of the Korean people, Comrade Gao Yuan became tough.

But his hardness is not direct, but indirect. When Qimin Khan, a Turk, visited the DPRK, Gao Yuan told him that he never wanted to be the grandson of Sui again. Gao Yuan knew that Qimin Khan would convey his words to Emperor Yang Di. He wants to test what Dihua, who is busy with the performance project, will do with him. Of course, Gao Yuan did not think of a terrible consequence, that is, war. But Gao Yuan did not believe that the emperor who had just taken power would wage war at this time. Because war is about money, not people. In order to make those big projects, Emperor Yangdi Yang Di distributed money and grain nationwide for four consecutive years. Everyone knows that in this huge empire, countless people died behind those big projects.

Will anyone die for this unpopular emperor? Gao Yuan is not optimistic about this.

Unfortunately, Gao Yuan was wrong.

Although thousands of people in the Sui Dynasty didn't want to die for their emperor, as long as Yang Di wanted to.

Of course, Emperor Yang Di knew very well that fighting is not about inviting guests to dinner, making a fuss and painting embroidery, so it is impossible to be so elegant, so calm, so gentle, respectful and frugal.

You are playing with momentum, which is not equal, and this is not negotiable.

On the first day of the first month of the eighth year of the Great Cause, an unprecedented and impressive team set out from Beijing. The team claims to have two million people. Every day, it took a whole month to complete the departure ceremony of the team. The parade is 1400 Li Long, which is really endless. At the same time, the dragon also made an earth-shattering noise: the soldiers shouted loud slogans and marched into North Korea with the sound of gongs and drums of military bands, while countless colorful flags fluttered in the array, which was amazing.

What is even more surprising is that Yang Di despised the enemy not only strategically, but also tactically. He invited diplomatic envoys and military attaché s from various countries to watch the war with the army, and announced Sui Jun's serial number and marching plan to them. At the same time, he introduced Sui Jun's full-time surrender officers-Emperor Yang Di assumed that the North Korean army was invincible and surrendered without a fight!

Emperor Yang Di's actions made these "ignorant" envoys and military attaches speechless-they had never seen such a March to fight; I have seen a confident emperor, but I have never seen such a confident emperor. What do you mean you don't look at each other? That's not eye contact!