Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does Indian Brahman mean?

What does Indian Brahman mean?

Indian brahmins refer to Indian priests. Indian society is permeated with a strong religious atmosphere, and priests are regarded as gods and called "Brahmins". "Brahman" originated from "Brahman", which originally meant "prayer" or "added things". The language of prayer has the power of spells. With the increase of spells, good people can be blessed and bad people can be punished. Therefore, priests who perform prayers are called "Brahmins". Brahman is the highest caste, priest and scholar class among the four major surnames in India. It is the core group that mastered all the knowledge of ancient India and the highest caste in Indian society. Among the four surnames, Brahmins have six methods, namely, learning Vedas, teaching Vedas, offering sacrifices for themselves, offering sacrifices for others, and giving and receiving. Therefore, all three surnames except sudra, the lowest, should recite the Vedas and make sacrifices themselves. However, offering sacrifices to others, teaching the Vedas and giving alms to others are limited to Brahmins.