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The historical development of Fan's hundred surnames

The historical development of Fan's surname


Fan is a kind of grass in the Chinese philology monograph Shuo Wen Jie Zi, and the place where Fan grass is produced is also called Fan. The font "Fan" in Xiao Zhuan comes from grass and water.

Fan's surname is a snake totem, with the snake as the family emblem, which consists of table wood, water and snake. Yes, this is a snake totem, isn't it? Is it table wood? Ten? what's up Quartet? [1] stands for four points. The cloud lives in and takes the land as its surname.

Fan originated in Laofanzhuang Village, southeast Gaomatou Township, Fan County, Henan Province.

Fan is located in Fan County, Henan Province, and his original surname is located in Dongjiu Village, Zhangzhuang Township, Fan County.

Fan (f? N) The source of surname is:

Origin one

After the surname Qi and Du Bo in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, it was named after the city. Ming dynasty name code "surname" [2-4]: Du Bo was acquitted and killed. His son arrived in Jin and became a scholar. His descendants took his position as their surname, so he became a scholar. Jin Shangqing Jinshi will assist Wen Gong and Xiang Gong, destroy them, and eat the city in Fan, which is Fan. ? According to Dialectics of Ancient and Modern Surnames and Compilation of Yuanhe Surnames, the Tang Dynasty was destroyed and Du was moved, namely Du Bo. Du Bo was acquitted, his son Du Ji went to Jin, and his grandson Du Lou was a judge (infantry) in Jin, so he was called a scholar. His great-grandson scholar was named Fan (now Fan County, Henan Province) for his work, so his descendants took Feng as their surname and called Fan. Scholars are called scholars in later generations. Scholars have two sons, the eldest son is missing and the second son is the hub. Shi que has two sons. The youngest son is a famous scholar named Fan Wuzi. After the Jinshi meeting, he moved to Zhengqing, the state of Jin, and was named Sui Yi, the ancestor of the Sui family, and Fan Yi, where Fan Shi was the ancestor. Fan Wenzi, the eldest son of the teacher association, is a sage of the country; The second son, the scholar, established the Quidditch family, and the scholar was the Quidditch son. The youngest son, Liu Bang, is a descendant of Emperor Gaozu. Shi Xie, word model, Jinshi, good at criminal law, the ruler of Jin State. The scholar gave birth to Fan Xianzi and was in power for the State of Jin. Shiyang gave birth and was killed by the stone chicken. Because of the civil strife in Zhao in 497, Zhao Yang killed the in-laws of the Bank of China, and Fan Jishe, who was also in-laws of the Bank of China, helped the Bank of China and Zhao to besiege Zhao in Handan, but was finally defeated by Si Qing and expelled, and Fan withdrew from the politics of Jin State. At this point, the scholar has children and grandchildren.

Fan's ancestors stood out at the beginning of his surname. Since Fan Wuzi became a scholar-bureaucrat, Fan Wenzi, Fan Zixuan, Fan Xianzi and other generations have been ministers of the State of Jin, which can be said to be one of the aristocratic families who once dominated for a while in the early days.

On the Origin of Fan's Surname in Fan Chuanfu's Hundred Surnames

Liu Yuan 2

From Chu State, taking the land as the surname: Chu State has Fan Land, Zuo Zhuan has been a writer for nine years, and Fan Shan.

Liu Yuan 3

Originated from the southwest Yi nationality, it came from the king at the end of the Jin Dynasty, belonging to cultural sinicization and changing its surname. During the Jin Dynasty, Lin Yi (also known as Zhancheng, now south-central Vietnam) wrote a model essay in Nan Man. Lin Yi was named Xianglin County in the Han Dynasty. Lin Yi? Just like Linzhi province, its territory is in the area of Zhancheng (now central Vietnam).

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, Lin Yi was Xiang County and Xianglin County. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xianglin's son, Gong Cao, killed the county magistrate and became king on his own. After the eighth century, it was renamed Wang Huan, and in the late ninth century, it was renamed Zhancheng. Later, the king had no children and was succeeded by his grandson Fan Xiong. After Fan Xiong's death, his son Fan Yi succeeded him as King Linyi.

Historical records? If Lin Yi people succeed in the battle, they will learn from the mountains instead of leaving the ground idle. It's always warm, there is no frost and snow, everyone is naked, and it's beautiful in black. Your daughter is cheap, your surname is married, and your wife is married first. Mourning is called filial piety, and burning a corpse is called burial. His king was crowned and he was tied up. Every time he listens to politics, his children's courtiers are not allowed to approach him. ? In the middle period of Sima Yan Taikang (AD 285), he returned to contribute. In the second year of Jin Xiankang (AD 336), Fan Yi died and was succeeded by assistant minister Fan Wen.

Fan Wen was originally a slave of Pu Bomo, the leader of the Yi nationality in Xi Juan County, Rinan County (now Yucheng, Vietnam), and an indigenous Yi nationality in ancient Annan. His original name was not Fan. Later, Fan Yi named him a model essay, and changed his former teacher, Pu Bomo, to Fan Zhui.

Fan Wen has been in frequent contact with merchants since he was a child. He went to the Central Plains many times to learn about the social system of the Jin Dynasty, and then came to Wang's territory to give lectures. Go to the state to build palaces, cities and equipment. Escape from love and believe it, making it a general? , became an important assistant minister of the king. After the death of King Fan Yi of Lin Yi, Fan Wen immediately took his place as the most famous king of Linyi in history because he had no children.

Fan Wen established herself as the queen and imprisoned Fan Yi's wives and concubines in this building. If you want to be your own wife and concubine, put it down and wait on yourself, and if you don't, you will starve to death.

Later, Fan Wen led Linyi soldiers to attack neighboring tribes, such as Daqi Festival, Xiaoqi Festival, Shifu, Xu Lang, Qudu, Ganlu, Fudan and other countries, and then merged, and finally got 40,000 to 50,000 people. After the influence reached a certain level, Fan Wen sent envoys to pay tribute to Jin Xian Di.

In the third year of Jin Yong (AD 4 18), the Eastern Jin Dynasty was on the verge of extinction. Fan Wen led his men to seize the opportunity to capture Rinan County, kill Xia Houlan, the satrap, and slaughter five or six thousand residents. Then he went to Jiuzhen (now Tsinghua, north of Hue, Hanoi, Vietnam) to let the people pay tribute to the dead bodies and offer sacrifices to heaven. Later, he led his troops to Ping Xi Juan County, where he was a slave and occupied the whole southern Japan. Later, the letter told Jiaozhou (present-day Hanoi, Vietnam) to secretariat Zhu Fan, demanding that the regional forces be divided by the north and south of Japan.

Later, there was chaos in the Central Plains, and wars broke out in the sixteen countries of Wuhu. No one has time to manage Linyi's country. Linyi's country is getting bigger and bigger, and Fan's family is getting stronger. This Fan family system has continued to grow and become the main source of the Fan family in Vietnam today. For example, pham gia khiem, vice chairman of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, is a descendant of Fan Wen. In the history, many people of this Fan family entered Guangxi, China, which is the mainstream of Yao, Miao and Jing Fan families in Guangxi, and some of them returned to Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian and Zhejiang, and all of them have been translated into Han nationality.

Origin 4: Originated from Manchu, it belongs to cultural sinicization and changed its surname to surname.

According to the classic Annals of the Qing Dynasty? Team strategy? Manchu eight banners surname "records:

(1). The Boduli surname of Manchu originated from Jurchen in the late Tang Dynasty? General, thirty surnames? One of them, Balulu, was a jurchen in Jin Dynasty. She took her surname as her surname, and her Manchu pinyin was Bodu Rihala. She lived in Suolun (now the vast area west of Nenjiang River in Heilongjiang Province). After the middle of Qing Dynasty, the surnames of China people were changed to Fan, Bo, Lu, Hua, Bu and Bu.

(2) Manchu Fan Jiashi, whose Manchu pinyin is Fangiya Hala, was taken by the Wuhuan Department of Xianbei in Liaodong at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and then gradually evolved into a Jurchen in Liaodong, living in Huifa (now Liuhe, Huifa River and the lower reaches of Shahe River, Huadian and Huinan in Jilin). After the middle of Qing Dynasty, about one third of the people changed their surnames to Fan.

Origin 5: Originated from Ewenki nationality, it belongs to cultural sinicization and changed its surname to surname.

According to the classic Annals of the Qing Dynasty? Team strategy? Manchu eight banners surname "records:

Ewenki brito Shi Tian, also known as Bredo Sophomore and Boduli, originated from Nuzhen in the late Tang Dynasty. General, thirty surnames? Among them, there was a family named Ba Lu Lu, which was called Ba Lu Lu family in the Jin Dynasty, and took his surname as his surname, living in Suolun (now the vast area west of Nenjiang City in Heilongjiang Province). Later, if Manchu was taken as the surname, Manchu pinyin would be Bodulihara. After the mid-Qing Dynasty, Ewenki and Manchu Britto Rentian changed the Han surname to Fan, Bo, Lu, Hua, Bu and Bu.

Origin 6: Originated from other ethnic minorities, it belongs to cultural sinicization and changed its surname to surname.

Today, among the Yi, Jing, Achang, Tujia, Mongolian, Hui and other ethnic minorities, there are members of the Fan clan. Most of its sources come from the policy of imprisonment in Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and the movement of changing soil into water passed down from generation to generation.

Partial ancestor

Fan (about 660 BC-583 BC) was Fan Wuzi, the grandson of a doctor and a scholar in the State of Jin in the Spring and Autumn Period. Qi surname, Shi surname, Minghui people, word season, because it is sealed in Suihui, it is called Suihui; Feng Yufan, also known as Fan Hui; With a large number of surnames, it is also a scholar association.

He went into exile in Qin for welcoming Zi Yong, made suggestions for Qin in the battle of Hequ, and successfully resisted Jin Jun. Zhao Dun tricked him into welcoming him back to the State of Jin. The battle of Taihe saw the internal discord of 8 Jin Army and advocated dispatching troops. When Xun Lin's father died, he was promoted to the position of authority, and devoted himself to education, so that all thieves from the State of Jin fled to the State of Qin. Ke humiliated Qi and asked him not to cut Qi. Scholars are worried about the civil strife in the state of Jin and demand that Ke take power. Twenty years later, Duke Xiang of Jin is still in mourning? Fan Wuzi's method? One hundred years later, Uncle Wu Zhao still misses this scholar and wants to travel far from here. Fan Zun's teacher named Fan the ancestor. Later, Fan Xianzi was one of the six ministers of the State of Jin. Later, Fan and Bank of China were expelled by Zhi, Han, Zhao and Wei, which was the night before the three tribes were divided into Jin.

blood relationship

Yang Shun's Fan family refers to a Fan family that rose in Yang Shun County (now in the area of Li Guan Bridge Town, Xichuan County, Henan Province) during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. Fan was one of the important gentry in that time. This Fan family, which rose in the Qin and Han Dynasties, became famous in the Eastern Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties and began to decline in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. After more than 300 years in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, as many as 29 people were recorded in historical books, which made it famous all over the world. It was the most prominent fan family in China at that time. Yang Shunfan's family, relying on the Confucian classics of past dynasties, adhered to the technical profession for a hundred years and became a cultural clan. Fan Fang, the first generation of young Fan Fang, traveled abroad and was turned into an official. With his own shadow, his descendants learned culture, served as officials and were loyal to the imperial power of Confucianism, which finally ensured the success of Fan's family business. The political status of the Fan family was also maintained during the Jin and Southern Dynasties.

As the birthplace of Fan Li, Yue State in the Warring States Period [6] is the same as Fan Shi in Yang Shun, and some people think that Fan Li is the ancestor of Fan Shi in Yang Shun. However, after Fan Zhongnan, his son, was executed, the other two sons disappeared, making the lineage after Fan unclear and impossible to verify. It is also reported that after Zhi Bo destroyed Fan, a group of people named Fan moved from Fan County.

Since the Warring States period, Fan's lineage is unknown, and his descendants are not literate, so few people have seen Fan's lineage in history, and Fan's family lineage before Wei and Jin Dynasties was also vague. It was not until the Wei and Jin Dynasties that the appearance of Fan Fang made the development of Yang Shun's Fan family turn for the better. According to Mr. Wang's definition, the Fan family should be a new family since the Jin Dynasty. As the first generation of Fan in the Southern Jin Dynasty, his appearance played a key role in the revitalization and development of Fan. Fan Wei started out as a scholar and gradually became an official. It is precisely because of his official career that during the Jin Dynasty, when the elite class was formed, his family descendants began to take the rest of their shadows into official posts. After several generations of reproduction, Fan eventually became a noble family in the Jin and Southern Dynasties.

During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, members of the Fan family promoted Confucianism and contributed to the Confucian imperial power. However, metaphysical politics is hard to resist after all, and they are repeatedly excluded and become victims of the struggle for power and profit between imperial power and imperial power politics. In the Southern Dynasties, Fan Taiben created a new situation and won the favor of Liu Song's imperial power. However, his son Ye Fan got into trouble again, which implicated many people in Yang Shun Fann. Since then, although Fan Li in the early Liang Dynasty has shaken the Yang Fan family, his descendants are not obvious. To Chen Lai, Fan Zai, like all gentry, returned to a state that was difficult to show in history before the Western Jin Dynasty. After experiencing the glory of the Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasties, Fan finally fell out of power.

The Migration and Distribution of Fan's Surname

Fan is a very big surname, ranking fifty-first in today's surname list, belonging to the big surname series, with a population of about 566. 1 10,000, accounting for about 0.35% of the total population in China. Fan, Yao, Shun, Yulong in summer, avant-garde in Shang, and Tang Dou in Zhou.

During the pre-Qin period, Fan mainly lived in Shanxi, Henan and Hubei. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, Fan's family had been distributed in Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and other areas north of the Yangtze River, and then entered the south of the Yangtze River. During the Tang Anshi Rebellion, the family of Hanoi 18 moved to Huangzhujing, Ninghua, Hangzhou and Fujian, which was the ancestor of Fan Jinmin. Fan (a descendant of Runan people), the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, was the highest official of Fan's surname in the Tang Dynasty. His sixth grandson, Fan Sui, was moved to Chengcheng, Lishui, Zhejiang when he was in Tang Yizong. Later, because of the war, he could not return to the north, so he settled in Wuxian County, Suzhou. During the Song Dynasty, Fan, who entered Fujian, moved to Haiyang County, Jiaying, Meizhou, Tai Po, Changle, Lufeng and Raoping in Guangdong. During this period, Fan Zhongyan was born as a descendant of Fan Sui. After his death, Fan Zhongyan was buried under Wanan Mountain in Yinfanli, Luoyang County, Henan Province (now north of Xu Ying Village, Pengpo Township, Yichuan County, Henan Province), and his descendants were in Luoyang, the former residence of the grave keeper. With the nomadic people moving south and the Mongols invading south, Fan Zhongyan's grandson moved out to take refuge on a large scale. His first grandson, Fan Zhengguo, set his base in Linchuan, Jiangxi, and his fourteenth grandson, Fan Chang, returned to the Central Plains main temple from Suzhou in the Ming Dynasty. [ 1]

In the Song Dynasty, there were about 690,000 people surnamed Fan, accounting for 0.9% of the national population, and it was the second1surname in the Song Dynasty. The distribution is mainly concentrated in Sichuan, Hebei, Henan and Jiangsu, among which Fan accounts for about 57% of the total population, followed by Shandong, Shanxi, Hubei, Jiangxi and Shaanxi, with a concentration of 365,438+0% in these five provinces. Sichuan is the largest province with Fan surname, accounting for 20% of the total population. Sichuan, Hebei, Henan and Sulu have formed three population centers named Fan.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were about 430,000 people surnamed Fan, accounting for 0.47% of the national population, and it was the 52nd largest surname in the Ming Dynasty. In the past 600 years, the net population growth rate was 20%, while Fan's population growth rate was negative. In 600 years, the population of Fan decreased by 260,000. In the face of war and massacre, the victims should first be the people whose main body is in the north, and Fan is the surname of the north, which naturally suffered a serious impact. The distribution in China is mainly concentrated in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Fujian, with Fan accounting for about 50% of the total population, followed by Shanxi, Jiangxi and Shandong, with Fan accounting for 25%. The population of Fan in Zhejiang Province accounts for about 20% of the total population of Fan, making it the largest province of Fan. Fan's ethnic center drifted from north to southeast, forming a population gathering center of Fan in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian and Jiangxi.

With a population of nearly 4.6 million, Fan is the 5th surname in China, accounting for about 0.37% of the national population. Nationwide, it is mainly concentrated in Henan, Anhui and Shandong provinces, accounting for about 33% of the total population of Fan, followed by Hebei, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Shanxi, and the number of Fan in these six provinces is concentrated by 29%. Henan Province is the largest province with Fan surname, accounting for 17% of the total population of Fan surname. The whole country has formed three regions with Henan as the center, where the population of Sichuan, Liaoning and Hunan is concentrated. The schematic diagram of the distribution frequency of Fan's surname in the crowd shows that in colleges and universities in Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Zhejiang, the proportion of Fan's surname in the local population is generally above 0.4%, and the central region can reach above 0.9%. The above-mentioned areas account for about 30.3% of the total land area and are inhabited by about 72.5% of the population. In eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, northern and southwestern Yunnan, northwestern Guizhou, most of Gansu, southern Ningxia, southwestern Shaanxi, southwestern Hubei, northeastern Hunan, and most of Guangdong, Fan's surname generally accounts for 0.3%-0.4% of the local population, covering about 17.8% of the total land area, and is inhabited by about 18.4%.

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