Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is the idiom of cheating?

What is the idiom of cheating?

The idiom of cheating is: being cheated, swindling and cheating, which is purely a scam.

The idioms of cheating are: being cheated, cheating, and cheating again. 2. The structure is that the line (left and right structure) cheats (left and right structure). 3. The part of speech is a verb. 4. The phonetic notation is ㄒㄥ?ㄢ _. 5: Pinyin is, xí ngpi à n.

What is the specific explanation for cheating? We will introduce you through the following aspects:

I. Text Description Click here to view the details of the plan.

Cheat xíngpiàn (1) to cheat.

Second, the citation interpretation

1. Cheating. Quoted from the fifth episode of Twenty Years of Adventure: "Do you think Liu didn't deliberately set this trap to deceive people?" Fan Wenlan's A Brief History of China, Part III, Chapter 7, Section 1: "Generally speaking, the popularity of esoteric religion must have an objective environment that is easy to deceive."

Third, the national language dictionary.

Do something deceptive.

Fourthly, online interpretation.

Deception, pronounced as xíngpìan, is a Chinese word, which is interpreted as deception.

Synonyms about deception


About cheating

Liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar.

About cheating

This is just a scam. Swindling around, swindling around, swindling eating and drinking, swindling eating and living, swindling eating and living, swindling eating and living, swindling eating and living, and kidnapping.

Sentences about deception

1. In these modern times, there are still many commonly used divination methods to help people predict the future, and even more people cheat in the name of divination.

2. The fraud footprints of this gang are all over new york, Florida and Pennsylvania. Based on their professional judgment and independent research, they use social networking sites to promote some popular low-priced stocks.

Generally speaking, members who have just joined the organization have to listen to the audio recorded by the old bird during the deception for a period of time.

The countdown for you this week is the top ten most cunning liars in the animal kingdom. I advise you not to be deceived by the pure appearance of a liar. Their deception methods are endless, which makes people hard to prevent.

He pretended to be a policeman and cheated, and finally he was caught by a real policeman.

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