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The Life of the Characters in gaius iulius caesar's Works

Caesar was born in Rome in July 65438 +000 BC (another way of saying it is: June 65438 BC+July 65438 BC +02 BC). His father served as a financial officer, chief justice and other positions, and also served as the governor of Asia Minor. Mother Oreglia comes from O'Reilly Kota's family. In BC 1 19, my grandfather Lucius Aurelius Kota served as consul.

Caesar was sent to a school to train aristocratic children. He is very talented. As a teenager, he published The Merit of Hercules and the tragedy Oedipus. He loves ancient Greek culture, especially Greek classical literature. Besides literature, Caesar also likes sports. He is proficient in riding and fencing, muscular and very strong.

According to records, Caesar was calm and restrained, serious and rigorous when dealing with military affairs; Speak appropriately and politely during the discussion; When dealing with people, be generous, kind, cheerful and generous. But Caesar was also more arbitrary. He was eager for knowledge and made great achievements.

In 87 BC, according to Roman custom, Caesar began to wear white robes for adults.

From 86 BC to 84 BC, Marius and Qinna died one after another, and Caesar was regarded as a supporter of Marius. In 84 BC, Caesar married cornelia, the daughter of Qin Na. Gave birth to a daughter, Yuria, and was supported by members of the popular faction in the Senate.

In 82 BC, after winning the civil war, Sura asked Caesar to divorce cornelia. Caesar refused and left Rome, escaping from exile and the threat of death. From 82 BC to 79 BC, Caesar lived in the East and went to Asia Minor with Marcus Trentius Varro Lucullus in 8 1 BC. Accept the task, go to Bitilia to find the spaceship, and successfully complete the task.

In 80 BC, Caesar went to Mitile with the army and won a crown for his bravery.

From 79 BC to 78 BC, he took part in the battle to destroy Chiriki pirates.

In 78 BC, Sura died and Caesar returned to Rome after a long absence. Defend or prosecute yourself or your supporters in court and other places as a defender.

In 78 BC, after the failure of the rebellion, the consul Li Bide asked for pardon of his supporters; In 77 BC, he sued his political opponent Dolabella for corruption; In 76 BC, he defended the Greeks against Gaius Antonius.

In 76 BC, he once again embarked on a trip to the East.

In 75 BC, he was in Rhode Island, under the door of Mi Long's son and eloquent master, Apolloni Osman. During the trip, he was hijacked by pirates in Chiriki, and the pirates demanded a ransom of 20 talents. Caesar laughed at them for not knowing who they had caught and asked the pirates for 50 talents. He had to stay with the pirates for 38 days while waiting for the ransom. He joked with them that they must all be crucified after their release. When he was released, the first thing he did was to organize a fleet and capture all the pirates who hijacked him. Perhaps because the pirates were very kind to them, Caesar cut their throats before crucifying them in order to alleviate their suffering. In 74 BC, he returned to Rome and succeeded Aurelius Kota as a priest. In 72 BC, he was awarded the military tribune.

In 70 BC, he participated in the election again, and in 69 BC, he was elected as a financial officer for a term of one year, and he was automatically qualified as a member of the Senate. Caesar went to Spain in 69 BC to take office as a deputy governor, in charge of provincial finance. During the circuit trials in various cities, he asked to be dismissed from his post and leave Spain.

After Caesar returned to Rome, he was appointed as the manager of Apia Avenue in 66 BC, responsible for maintaining this avenue connecting Rome and Brindisi. Later, he recommended himself as the new municipal administrative officer the following year and was elected. Mainly responsible for the construction and maintenance of urban public facilities (especially temples), managing the market and other aspects of daily life in Rome.

In order to please the people, Caesar provided many competitions for the people, rebuilt many public buildings, and ended his one-year term as a city official with honor, but he was in debt for hundreds of talents.

In 63 BC, Cicero's term of office was the year of consul, breaking with the civilian class and achieving nothing during his term of office. On the contrary, Caesar always wins. At this time, Pius, the chief priest of Rome, died, and Caesar participated in the election and was successfully elected to this lifelong position. Later, he got another position-the judiciary.

In the same year, Caesar married Sura's granddaughter Pompeii. Caesar divorced Pompey on the grounds that "Caesar's wife is beyond doubt".

In 6 1 BC, the term of office of the Chief Justice expired, and Caesar was awarded the post of Governor of the Far Spanish Province. At the same time, Pompeii returned to Rome from the East. Caesar was once again in financial trouble, and crassus had to repay the loan for him.

After arriving in Iberia, Caesar launched an attack on Lucian and the galaxy, and brought rich trophies. After restoring the order of the provinces, he left the provinces and returned to Rome in a hurry, and made two demands at the same time: triumph and the post of consul. In the end, he gave up the victory and got the candidacy of consul.

In 60 BC (59 BC), Caesar was elected consul of Rome by the Parliament of Sentulia.

At this time, Pompey's attempt to relocate his veterans' land failed; Crassus is also worried about gaining control of the army needed to fight Pattaya; And the consul Caesar just needs Pompey's fame and crassus's money. Therefore, Caesar succeeded in making these two friends friends again (in 70 BC, Pompeii and crassus became enemies after the archon). The three men made a contract in 60 BC, with the aim that "no measure in this country shall go against one of them's wishes" (in Suwetonius).

Historians call this alliance "the first three-headed alliance". In order to consolidate this political alliance, 50-year-old Pompeii also married Caesar's only daughter Julia, who was only 14 years old.

After the alliance of the three men, their power increased greatly. Biblus retired from all political activities as consul until the end of his term. Caesar monopolized the power, and the year of Biblus and Caesar became the year of julius and Caesar.

After completing his consul's term, Caesar was granted the power to manage northern Gaul (now southern France) and Illyria (now Adriatic coast of Balkan Peninsula) for five years (58 BC to 53 BC) as governor. No sooner had they arrived than they launched the Gaul War (58 BC to 49 BC).

In the nine-year battle, Caesar captured the whole Gaul region (about equivalent to today's France), and turned the area with a perimeter of more than 3,000 miles bounded by the Pyrenees, Alps, Severn Mountain, Rhine River and Rhone River (except some allied cities) into a province (Gaul province), which still needs to pay a lot of money every year. Caesar became the first Roman to cross the Rhine and attack the Germans on the other side.

The Gaul War made Pompeii uneasy. In addition, in 53 BC, crassus, who marched eastward to Pattaya, was defeated and died, and the political situation of Santou was unstable. The Senate courted Pompeii.

In 49 BC, the Senate issued an order to Caesar to withdraw from Rome. Caesar wrote back hoping to extend the term of the governor of Gaul. The Senate refused and issued a final proposal, saying that if he did not return to Rome immediately, he would declare Caesar an enemy of the country.

Caesar took the legion to the Rubicon River at the border and then crossed it. Caesar's actions shocked Pompeii, members of the Senate and factions, and fled the Italian peninsula with their belongings. Caesar entered Rome without bloodshed and asked the rest of the Senate to elect him dictator.

Then, Spain and Greece were conquered, and Pompeii was completely defeated in the Battle of Fassalas in 48 BC and pursued to Egypt. After the Egyptians assassinated Pompeii, they presented Pompeii's head to Caesar. Caesar declared that the Egyptian throne would be shared by Ptolemy XIII and his sister Cleopatra. This angered the Egyptians and the Battle of Alexandria broke out.

Caesar led the sixth army to reinforce and completely defeated the Egyptian army. Ptolemy XIII was killed, and Cleopatra ascended the Egyptian throne. During the battle, the rockets fired by Caesar soldiers hit the Alexandria Library, and more than 600,000 books were destroyed. After the battle, Caesar and Cleopatra made a two-month trip to the Nile, and then conquered the kingdom of Pantes, thus breaking the agreement with Rome.

In 46 BC, after Caesar returned to Rome, he called troops to attack the remnants of Pompeii who fled to North Africa, and made an alliance with Jude, king of Numidia, and won a complete victory in the battle of Tassos. After that, Caesar returned to Rome for a ten-day triumph.

Caesar, who returned to Rome, carried out various reforms, including granting Roman citizenship to the people of northern Italy and Sicily, inviting experts to make julian calendar, and establishing Peace Square.

In 45 BC, Pompeii's two sons fled to Spain to launch a rebellion. Caesar made another expedition to Spain and defeated the rebels in the battle of Mengda. Pompeii's eldest son Rouse was killed and his second son was exiled to Sicily. After Caesar returned to China, he was declared dictator for life in 44 BC. In 44 BC, in order to save 9000 Roman soldiers captured in the Battle of Calais, Caesar announced that he would go on an expedition to Parthia. But the soothsayers at that time said that "only the king can conquer Parthia", which deepened the anxiety of parliamentarians and believed that Caesar would eventually be king. In February, in a ceremony, Consul Anthony presented a wreath to Caesar and called Caesar king. Although Caesar refused, the anti-Caesar faction was even more afraid and planned to murder Caesar.

About 60 people took part in the conspiracy against Caesar led by Gaius Gaius Gaius Cassius Longinus Longinus, Marcus brutus and Demos brutus. They call themselves liberators. These people met Gaius Gaius Cassius Longinus Longinus before Caesar was assassinated, and Gaius Gaius Cassius Longinus Longinus told them that if they were caught, they would commit suicide. On March 15, 44 BC, a group of elders asked Caesar to read a love letter in the Senate. The love letter was written by the elder, asking Caesar to hand over power to parliament. But this love letter is false. When marc anthony heard the news from a liberator named Casca, he hurried to the steps of the Senate to stop Caesar. However, these elders who participated in the conspiracy first found Caesar in front of the theater built by Pompeii and took him to the east porch of the theater.

When Caesar was reading this fake love letter, Casca took off Caesar's coat and stabbed him in the neck with a knife. Aware of Casca, Caesar turned and grabbed Casca's hand. He said in Latin, "Evil Casca, what are you doing?" Frightened, Casca turned to other elders and said in Greek, "Brothers, help me!" . Suddenly, everyone, including brutus, began to assassinate Caesar. Caesar tried to escape, but he fell down because his eyes saw too much blood. Finally, these people killed him when he fell to the ground. According to the historian Eutropius, there were more than 60 people involved in the murder.

The conspirator wanted to throw his body into the Tiber River, but he didn't, because he was frightened by the consul marc anthony and the cavalry leader Lei Bida.

At the request of his father-in-law, Caesar's will was unsealed at Mark Anthony's home. This will was written on September 13 of the previous year and has been kept in the hands of Vesta, a priestess. In this will, Caesar appointed three grandchildren of his sister as his heirs: three quarters of Octavian's property, and the other quarter was shared by Rukius Pinarius and Colvis Nuss Petius; Appoint guardians for their possible children, several of whom are murderers involved in the conspiracy; Octavian was also appointed as a member of his family, and his name was passed on to him, and de simos brutus was appointed as the second heir. In addition, he left the garden of the Tiber River for public use and gave each citizen 300 sestertius.

Those who plot to assassinate him rarely live for three years after his death. They were all found guilty and died in different ways: some died at sea, some died in the war that Octavian and other Caesar would launch later, and some committed suicide with the same dagger that assassinated Caesar.

Caesar was 58 when he died. After his death, he was listed among the gods according to law and was honored as "Holy Julies".