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Demon inversion

How to solve the inversion of tarot demon?

According to the information you provided, you used unlicensed divination.

The card you drew was the devil of the opposite side-

Demons with bat wings, horns, leg of lamb and black feet symbolize the instinct and nature of animals. Your love is inextricably linked with your desires, which leads you to lose your way in love, be bound by impure love, and be miserable.

The devil has donkey ears, which symbolizes stubbornness. You also know that you are in a bad situation, but there is an irrational insistence in your heart that you must wait until he comes back to you.

There are a pair of men and women at the devil's feet, Adam and Eve, but both of them have tails and horns, which shows the nature of animals and implies the temptation of depravity.

A closer look shows that although they are imprisoned by chains, these chains are very loose, and they can break free with a little effort, but they are not.

The devil's reversal symbolizes very strong vigilance. You have the ability to break the status quo. Why not try to see what the final result is?

Waiting blindly will only make you despair slowly, taste the loneliness and emptiness, and fade away in pain.

You gave in to him, loved him with all your heart, and were bewitched by his soft words. You can only see his appearance, but you can't fathom his heart. Can you really stand such shallowness?

Isn't love a good medicine for healing the soul and chasing the wings of happiness?

At this point, since you all want an answer, why don't you explore it yourself? See this man's heart clearly and save your broken heart.

Perhaps, you just need to be more rational and sober, and you can see the simple essence under the complex appearance and realize the way you should go next.

Fortunately, the devil's reversal implies that you will eventually get rid of the temptation and be happy again.

Don't wait any longer, some things really can't be forced. You would rather waste your life on someone you have no chance to meet than find your Mr. Right as soon as possible.

The above is my answer, I hope it will help you.

What is the result of the reversal of the position of Tarot Demon representing love? I didn't see your whole deck, so let me explain the devil's inversion you asked:

The devil's inversion often points to heavy smokers, drug addicts or other people who are too obsessed; Sometimes it also points to moral decay or superstition.

Contrary demons are traditionally associated with physical temptation, so they often represent * * * or cowherd in the character image, sometimes pointing to the corresponding client; On the other hand, it often means extramarital affairs or lust.

On the spiritual and spiritual level, the devil's inversion often means that only material or sensory enjoyment can't fill your inner emptiness. Only by transcending the temptation of material things can we gain real feelings and further find our inner healing and strength.

Reflections on the extension of inversion;

Seduced, weak, self-indulgent, free from bondage, restored, moral and kind.

I see your cards, Sun+,Hang Man+,Devil-be careful not to be carried away by love.

What does the devil mean by reversing tarot cards? 0 0 demon reversal: escape from bondage; Long-term distress has been liberated; Cut off the leading edge; Overcome difficulties; Temporarily stop; Reject temptation; Abandon selfish desires; Cure a long illness; Parting moment; Like love and hate in the mire. Justice inversion: unfairness; Unbalanced; Adverse conditions; Biased; Preconceived ideas; Prejudice and arbitrariness; You can't have both; Neither side of the balance can be balanced; Inconsistent personality; Love that ignores social morality; Preference. Hermits, on the other hand, take the opposite position: treat everyone equally; Not accommodating enough; Inattention is easy to make mistakes; Excessive vigilance, unable to proceed smoothly; Secret leakage; Too stubborn to listen to other people's opinions; Loneliness; The motivation is not simple; Because of complaints and prejudice, people are suspicious; A frivolous relationship; Doubt love.

Tarot Demon's Reverse Career You start to get used to restraining yourself, accept things you don't like, know what you really need, and have a clear goal in life, and you will keep moving forward for this goal.

Good luck.

What is the result of the reversal of the position of Tarot Demon representing love? Personally, it's not a bad thing that you show it on the card. The general meaning of this card is that you will gradually realize that there is no need to make so many unnecessary sacrifices for him When you relax, your mood will get better and better, and your mood will be suddenly enlightened. Finally, you will get rid of his bondage, walk out of the past and welcome a better tomorrow.

Sorry, I'm a novice. I just want to understand. I hope I can help you. Please correct me if there are any mistakes.

What is the meaning of the devil's head and tail in Tarot? 15 devil.

Card description:

On the devil's card, we see a composition similar to that of lovers, except that the angels in the lover's card are changed to demons, while Adam and Eve have fallen, and the blessings from heaven have become curses.

The devil in Cary has bat wings, horns, leg of lamb and bird's feet, which symbolizes the instinct and nature of animals. Its donkey ears represent stubbornness. The inverted five-pointed star on the devil's head, with its top pointing to the ground, represents the material world. The devil's right hand made a gesture of black magic upward, in contrast to the gesture of the Pope's blessing. The symbol of the palm represents Saturn, the star of limitation and inertia, and the ruler of Capricorn. The devil went down to the material world with a torch in his left hand, as if to incite Adam's desire. Note that the place where the devil sits is not a three-dimensional cube, but a two-dimensional rectangle, which symbolizes that people only see the reality seen by their senses, not the whole truth, just like a blind man touching an elephant. Adam and Eve in front also grew horns and tails, which showed the animal instinct. Adam's tail tip is a flame, and Eve is a grape, both of which are the fruits of the lovers' card tree, indicating that they misused their talents. At first glance, the two men were chained, and there was nowhere to escape. But on closer inspection, the children tied around their necks were very loose, and they could get rid of them at any time if they wanted to, but they didn't, indicating that they put this shackle on themselves. The background of the demon card is completely black, and the light does not exist, which represents the darkness of the spirit.

Deduction of brand meaning:

Demons correspond to Capricorn in astrology and Pan in Greek mythology, representing external material desires, whether fame and wealth or debauchery and wealth. 15' s demon is a more advanced disk 5, which expounds the same theme in different ways and shows the opposition between mind and matter. In the Pope's Cary, the spirit has been improved; Cary, the devil, desires sink.

In the demon card, spiritual pursuit is completely ignored, material pursuit is the focus, and people become blind. However, this does not mean that the devil is completely evil. In today's society with both fame and fortune, the devil often indicates success and pursues fame and power, which will be the wish of many people. In love, the devil may represent a binding relationship, or both parties may refuse to end a relationship that should have ended long ago, even though they know it is bad; Or one party often restricts the other; It may also represent sex without love, or a relationship bought with money. In the best case, the devil can become a corporate tycoon; In the worst case, the devil is like Yue Buqun in the legendary swordsman. He will do whatever it takes to gain power and eventually lose his reputation.

Perhaps people who pursue material things will not realize that in the process of pursuing, they are bound and become slaves of material things. You may kowtow to your boss, work hard day and night to earn more money, and beg for votes at the expense of being elected. So the devil can represent a cheapskate, snob, greedy person, slave or workaholic. What these people don't know is that wealth can make people live more freely and happily, but people often put the cart before the horse and think that wealth represents everything. With this concept, it will become Adam and Eve on the devil's card, adding iron to itself and setting limits for itself. I don't know that only letting go of obsession is great freedom.

Ignorance and helplessness can also be seen here. Ignorance comes from not seeing the truth, only seeing the second square where the devil is, not the real cube, just like an insatiable person who cultivates the soul is always blind and can only see the material. On the other hand, being locked in by others is one thing. If you don't want to leave the bondage imposed on yourself, it is completely hopeless and really helpless, because even if someone wants to save, it can't be saved.

The opposite pursuit of material will also evolve into addiction, such as alcohol addiction, drug addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, smoking addiction, or various forms of addiction, which is also a restriction and constraint. Don't you know that many poor people go to prison because of their drug addiction? The devil exists in everyone's heart, and everyone has some desires to satisfy more or less. Slightly, it will not cause specific consequences, but when the devil's power controls people's hearts, it is when the situation is out of control. So always pay attention to control your desires.

The devil is a material card. At this time, the spirit degenerates, and the material and people become realistic and snobbish. It seems that nothing else matters. As mentioned above, the pursuit of external material is regarded as a legitimate thing or even a good thing in today's society. When asked about career, study or money, the appearance of the devil is often a good sign, indicating that the parties are really eager, serious and hard to get. However, the appearance of the devil also reminds the parties, please reflect ... >>

What do you mean by the devil who is courting and doing the opposite? 10: Get rid of bondage, leave bad friends, refuse evil temptations, things get better, and forget hatred.

Love: atone, express true feelings, and feel happy and not frivolous.

How to solve the problem of tarot cards inverted by occupation and devil if you ask about the situation after leaving the company.

The devil's reversal shows that this is a good action.

It means that your present job is not suitable for you. Like a cage.

Better leave ... it's a relief ..

How to solve the problem of Tarot demon's reverse occupation? Finally, I have the power to break free at the right time, and my work situation has begun to improve. At this time, I can succeed as long as I work hard, try hard, pay more attention to the internal communication between body and mind, and think clearly about what I should do.