Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to write a drainage copy?

How to write a drainage copy?

First, compensate yourself.

Everyone has empathy. If you have been paying a lot for a certain goal, what do you want? Compensation? Only compensation can get the inner reward.

Based on the pain points of the public, we can explain in the drainage article what the task we are facing now, what we have paid and how much effort we have made to complete this task. The more specific and detailed, the more moved we will be. Details can make others pay for a certain goal. Tell users that they can compensate themselves. Can my product make users feel ok? Reward? Myself.

Second, compensate others.

If a person feels that others have paid a lot for him, but they have paid little in return, at this time, they will feel guilty about others, and then try their best to compensate and try to find inner peace.

This pain point is universal, so we should think about who has paid or sacrificed for me in the past. In particular, under what circumstances do you want to compensate people who pay more for you than users do for them? Properly create users' sense of debt to others.

Finally, tell them in another written form. Who should be rewarded around you? Finally, talk about why your product can be used as such compensation.

Third, backward psychology.

Everyone has the mentality of beating others, and none of us want to lag behind others, especially those who are similar to us.

What is the essence of backwardness? Do people have me? Psychology, if people have this kind of psychology, it is easy to stimulate some behaviors that they want to change. Therefore, based on this pain point, we should learn to create user differences and form a sense of gap when writing drainage copy.

Fourth, superior psychology.

If a person can gain a sense of superiority in a product, which is not suitable for everyone and surpasses many people, he is more willing to choose this one? Rare? Products.

Based on this pain point, we need to know what the user wants to do well, and how your product can help him do well, that is, satisfy his inner superiority.