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Ask for detailed information about pigs, wild boars, porcupines and porcupines.


Pigs (scientific name: Susscrofa domestica), mammals, Artiodactyla, pigs, omnivores. Pigs generally refer to domestic animals. The pig is the end of the zodiac, also known as the sea. Pig breeding in China has a history of at least 5600-6080 years.


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Pigs, pork and greedy people

Give birth to piglets and be greedy.

Pigs have short fat limbs, docile temperament, strong adaptability, easy feeding and rapid reproduction, with black, white, sauce red or black and white flowers. Pigs can be bred 5- 12 months after birth, and the gestation period is about 4 months. The average life span of pigs is 20 years. One feeds on domestic fat animals, cute when I was a child, scary when I grew up, big nose, big ears, eating more and growing fast. It is a misunderstanding that pigs always seem to be considered stupid. Pigs are actually very smart animals, seemingly simple and honest, but actually a little short-tempered. Now there are piglets as full-time pets. They are really cute.

Recently, through long-term observation and research on the living habits of pigs, it has been proved that pigs are kind, docile and intelligent animals. It is neither as obedient as cattle and horses, nor as overbearing and fierce as goats; Neither ungrateful like a cat, nor flattering like a dog. In many ways, dogs are not as clever as pigs!

After training, pigs can not only master various skills and movements like dogs, but also have shorter training time than dogs. Some specially trained pigs can dance, drum and swim; Some will push the car straight; Some clever pigs can also be "pigs and dogs"; Some people can even sniff out mines buried in the soil with their noses.

Pigs can also be guards like dogs. In the United States, some farmers use pigs to defend the land of the manor, and also bite strangers who have strayed into the manor. Another farmer raised two pigs to guard the pond instead of people in order to prevent cattle from being bitten by snakes when drinking water by the pond, and achieved good results. Pigs can not only prevent snakes, but also like to eat them. Scientists have proved through experiments that it is scientific to raise pigs to prevent snakes, because pig fat is thick, which can neutralize snake venom and prevent snake venom from entering blood vessels.

The sense of smell of pigs is also very developed. In some parts of France, an expensive edible fungus black truffle grows underground. Local farmers regard pigs as powerful assistants for harvesting black truffles. Pigs can smell black truffles growing 25-30 cm underground from 6 meters away. Although dogs can also undertake this job, it is much more difficult to train dogs than pigs, and they have to be searched every day. If they are separated by a few days, they will forget. In this respect, pigs are much more capable than dogs. Even if it only searches once a week, it won't forget the skills it has learned.

Besides, the pig is still a player on the sports field! A few years ago, at the national farm exhibition held in the United States, a unique pig race was held. When the referee gives the order, the pigs with labels will run one after another, and they will make the final sprint when they are near the finish line!

You Zhu is called "Wu Jin", "Black-faced Lang" and "Black Grandpa". According to reports from the ruling and opposition parties, people in Hongzhou in the Tang Dynasty raised pigs and became rich, which was called Wujin. Yun Xian Miscellaneous Notes in the Tang Dynasty quoted Cheng Ping's Old Edition: "A black-faced lang, also known as a pig." On the land of China, as early as the matriarchal clan commune period, domestic animals such as pigs and dogs have been raised. The pottery pigs unearthed from Hemudu Neolithic cultural site in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province are very similar to the current domestic pigs, indicating that pigs had been domesticated at that time.

Before the Spring Festival, pigs are usually killed before the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, and the 26th day is a knife-closing day. No machetes can be used. Killing pigs in Zhejiang province should pay attention to "clearing with one knife", that is, killing with one knife, otherwise it is considered unlucky. When entering the knife, the butcher will say "born into the body", and children and women can't watch it. After killing, put the paper stained with pig blood in the corner of the room or in the pigsty to show that the pig is not dead. Pig hair should be filled with blowtorch. After all the boiling water is put into the bucket, the lower end of the blowtorch is immersed in the soup bucket, and the upper end is blown with the mouth and around the bucket, indicating that the pig will grow fast and big in the future. When Joe wears pig hair, he should leave a fast hair on the pig's head and tail, which means "there is a head and a tail", and then put the whole pig on the stool. First, the pig's head faces outwards, leaving pig hair to burn incense and thank heaven and earth. Cut the pig into two pieces, and put the rest in the jar for use except for the Chinese New Year.

Tianjin, Hebei and other places have "Fat Pig Arch" festival window grilles, which are cut with black wax paper. Pigs carry a cornucopia on their backs, and stick one on the left and right when carrying towels to show their intention to get rich.

Wedding custom of sending pig's trotters in Shaanxi. The day before the wedding, the man will give four Jin of pork and a pair of pig's trotters, which is called "gift hanging". After the woman leaves the "ritual hanging", she will also return the pig's front hoof. On the second day after marriage, husband and wife should take double dried noodles and pig's hind hoof back to their parents' house, leave the dried noodles and return the hind hoof, commonly known as "hoof comes, hoof goes", which means that they will have close contacts in the future.

On the wedding day, both men and women of the Bulang nationality in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province will kill pigs and treat them. In addition to treating guests, it is also necessary to cut pork into small pieces and string them with bamboo poles and distribute them to all families to show the meaning of "blood relatives".

Han people used to have a folk exorcism activity of "killing sow ghosts". Whenever there is a disaster or misfortune at home, the elders at home will set up incense tables to worship the sow ghost and make a wish to the gods to exorcise evil spirits. When offering sacrifices, you should choose the auspicious day of the zodiac, kill the old sow, and put the extra parts, hooves, liver, intestines and lungs in a basket and put them in the middle of the room. The host will burn incense and worship. After the sacrifice, the internal organs will be cooked and eaten separately. Folk believe that "kill a sow ghost and drive away an evil."

The Wa people in Yunnan have the divination custom of "pig bile divination". After killing the pig, judge whether it is good or bad according to the pig bile. If the gallbladder lines are up and down, there is more water in the gallbladder, which is auspicious; The gallbladder lines are left and right, and there is little water in the gallbladder, which is a hidden divination. Generally used for major events, divination is carried out by wizards.


The hair of wild boar (special wild boar) is generally grayish black or brown (brownish red). Piglets have striped patterns, thick and thin hair, mane almost from neck to ass, small ear tip, long mouth tip, small head and abdomen, high and thin feet and black hooves. The back is straight and not concave, the tail is shorter than that of domestic pigs, and the teeth of male wild boar are sharp and developed. Pure wild boar and special wild boar are mainly manifested in the size of ears, mouth, back, feet and abdomen.

Wild boar is an ordinary but elusive animal, weighing between 80- 100 kg. It lives in the mountains of Asia, Europe, Africa and America, and has not yet been domesticated, perhaps to avoid human beings, and usually does not come out and walk during the day.

Wild boars are distributed in the north and south of China, and most of them live in groups. A 4- 10 group is common. Who has seen the largest group reach 3 10!

Wild boar's nose is very tough and powerful, which can be used to dig caves or push 40-50 kilograms of heavy objects, or as a weapon. Wild boar has a particularly keen sense of smell. They can tell the maturity of food with their noses, and even search for a walnut buried under 2 meters of snow. Males can also find females by smell. Wild boar has been running in the forest since childhood, and has developed a good physical strength. Chased by hounds, they can run continuously 15km ~ 20km. This extraordinary physical strength even makes marathon runners feel ashamed. Wild boar spends a lot of time eating and sleeping. Some wild boars are afraid of being discovered by natural enemies. They often gather by rivers, lakes and ponds, and often sleep on sandbars in the river, so that when they are in danger, they will cross the river immediately without leaving any smell, which can ensure safety.

Wild boar likes to bathe in muddy water. Males spend a lot of time rubbing their sides on stumps, rocks and hard river banks, thus grinding their skin into a hard protective layer to avoid being seriously injured in fighting in estrus. Wild boar's mane is as warm as a sweater. In summer, they take off part of their manes, which makes them look like they are wearing worn-out clothes.

Interestingly, in the first year of life, the weight of wild boar can increase by 100 times, which is very rare among vertebrates. As the little boar grew up, the father-in-law pig soon came to find the mother boar. When there is enough food, a female boar of the best age can give birth twice a year.

Wild boar's food is very miscellaneous, as long as it can be eaten. Wild boar likes to live in the oak forest on the sunny slope in winter, because the sunny slope is warm and there are a lot of acorns under the deciduous layer of the oak forest, so wild boar depends on it to spend the cold winter. Once acorns are not harvested, a large number of wild boars will starve to death in the next spring, which is also the law of natural elimination of wild boars. In summer, wild boars like to live near water sources, especially in subalpine meadows, where mountains are high and temperatures are low, and there are natural pools, so wild boars often feed here and bathe in muddy water. The birch forest, larch forest and spruce forest on the shady slope are also good places for wild boar to move frequently in summer. The food of wild boar is much richer. Worms in grass and soil are its prey, and sometimes it steals birds' eggs, especially those of grouse, pheasant and chicken. Although the bird's nest is generally well concealed, the wild boar has a good sense of smell and can smell the nest. Usually, the brooding female will fly out quickly, hoping to lure the wild boar out of the nest, but the wild boar will continue to look for the nest until it is found. Wild boar is not only good at preying on rabbits, mice and so on. , also on scorpions and snakes. Although scientists have not yet reached an agreement on whether wild boar is immune to toxins, it seems that wild boar has not suffered from eating these dangerous foods.

In the European Alps, it is found that wild boar can "qigong". In winter, in order to go down the mountain for food as soon as possible, they immediately "luck", make their bodies into barrels, and then roll down the mountain, no matter how steep the mountain is and how hard the stones are, they will not hurt their bones and muscles. In addition, some people have witnessed many wild boars living on the reefs in the central Pacific Ocean. Their fangs are particularly sharp. When they lack traditional food, they can swim in shallow water and satisfy their hunger by fishing.

The natural enemies of wild boar are wolves, bears, leopards, lynx, raptors and other wild animals, so we must be alert to any sudden attack. Wild boar is smart and fierce, fast and alert. Its mane is not only a warm coat, but also an alarm to warn its companions. Once in danger, it will immediately raise its head, suddenly make a "buzzing" sound, and at the same time its mane will stand up. If the leopard meets a group of wild boar, it is afraid to attack rashly, because the wild boar's long fangs are difficult to deal with, so it has to roar and threaten from a distance. When wild boars flee in groups, they will hunt at close range, looking for individuals who are behind in long-distance Mercedes-Benz cars. Only the "king of birds" jujube golden eagle is 2 meters long and its wings are 4 meters wide, which is famous for its fierceness. If you see a group of wild boar when you are foraging, you dare to flap your wings and hiss over their heads, scaring them to howl and run for their lives, then fly low to chase them and catch them with their sharp mouths and claws. However, most of the old, weak, sick and disabled wild boars are of course the first choice for wild animals to hunt, which is an indispensable part of natural adjustment of ecological balance and is in fact conducive to the optimization of wild boar population. However, human attacks are the most dangerous and terrible for wild boar. The fangs of the pig's mouth are sharp, and the bristles and skin are coated with solidified turpentine, so hunting bullets are not easy to shoot. Therefore, when catching wild boar, several troops will always be sent to hunt separately. Don't smoke or bathe when hunting, so as not to be found by wild boar. They used hunting dogs to locate the wild boar, drove it out of the jungle, and then killed it with a shotgun. In order to prevent humans from hunting, wild boars sometimes attack people, but they strictly abide by the principle of "people don't attack me, I don't commit crimes". When attacked by humans, the injured wild boar will attack humans crazily, and the scene is very scary.

Wild boar is polygamous. In estrus, there will be a battle between males and beasts, and the winner will naturally dominate. Women usually start looking for a suitable place to be a "delivery room" a few days before giving birth. The location of the "delivery room" is generally selected in a hidden place. It brings branches and soft grass to pave a soft and comfortable "maternity bed" to shelter the newborn "children" A cub is born with four tusks and will bite two weeks later. The female leads the way, and the cubs follow closely, looking for food in the ditch dug by the female. When the cubs are very young, the females take care of the piglets alone. At this time, the female animal is very aggressive, and even the male animal is afraid of it. A few weeks later, the cubs grew up and the female's temper changed. Females cherish their "sons and daughters" very much, take care of them very carefully, always take care of their cubs carefully, carefully prepare sleeping places for them to avoid wind and rain, and more importantly, let them avoid predators.

The reproductive rate of wild boar and the survival rate of young are very high. The mother beast is really a "heroic mother". Its pregnancy is only 4 months, and one child can give birth to 4- 12 cubs. Moreover, during the vigorous breeding period, females can have two babies a year, usually one in April-May and the other in autumn.

After the baby is born, the body color will change with age. From birth to 6 months, I had khaki stripes on my body to better disguise myself, and then the stripes began to fade. It is red from 2 months to 1 year-old, and it turns black after 1 year-old, commonly known as "black pig".

Interestingly, domestic pigs and wild boars are often "combined into one". In the deep forest, the sow raised by the villagers is in estrus, and sometimes it is difficult to find a spouse, so they "elope" to the forest and "freely fall in love" with the wild boar for life. After the "honeymoon", the boar sent the "bride" out of the forest. When they parted, they stopped at the edge of the forest for a long time, holding their heads high and reluctant to go. Four months later, the crystallization of love was born. Piglets are also colorful, with yellow stripes, some yellow and white, some yellow and black, which are different from pure wild boar cubs and domestic pigs. Piglets grow fast and strong, with thin meat and high nutritional value, which undoubtedly brings people the idea of developing wild boar.

Recently, animal behaviorists found that wild boar is smarter and braver than domestic pigs. For example, in the wild boar village in Izu, Japan, some wild boars can walk steadily on small wooden stakes, similar to the "plum blossom heap" of samurai knights! Wild boar can also be called "romantic connoisseur" and has the ability to recognize colors. Experiments show that among the six color cards of red, blue, purple, yellow, gold and green, wild boar likes romantic purple best, followed by yellow. These are luxurious and gorgeous colors. But it doesn't like red. If city zoo wears a red vest, it will definitely make him angry.

Although wild boar also has natural enemies and faces more and more threats from all sides, as long as the awareness of ecological balance is deeply rooted in people's hearts, wild boar can also occupy a place in this vibrant world.


Porcupine is also called porcupine. From its back to its tail, it is covered with thorns that pigs don't have, like jokes and arrows. In particular, the thorns on the buttocks are getting thicker and thicker, and the thickest one is bitter chopsticks, which is about half a meter long. The color of each thorn is black and white, which is very vivid.

Rodents, porcupine family, porcupine genus

In addition to thorns, porcupines have a very fat body, sharp teeth and a mouse-like face. Porcupines are rodents. Porcupine is a widely distributed Nocturnal Animals. It sleeps in caves during the day and comes out to look for food at night.

Porcupines are distributed in all continents, and there are about 20 families, which are roughly divided into two categories: the eastern hemisphere and the western hemisphere. Old World porcupines are distributed in Asia, Africa and southern Europe. Most of them live on the ground and in caves. They dig the soil on the ground by their noses and look for the roots and fruits of plants for a living. Porcupines in the Western Hemisphere are distributed in North and South America. Unlike the old world porcupines, they have longer tails, hairy feet and can climb trees. Among them, the Brazilian tree porcupine is the most famous. Its individual is small, and most of its weight is around 12 ~ 15 kg. The waist is thick and the legs are thin, and the toes have pointed claws. They can grab a branch and hang themselves in the air, so that they can climb quickly.

When the porcupine fights with the wild animals, it can quickly harden the spikes on its body, which are like trembling steel bars and collide with each other to make a swish sound; At the same time, my mouth also gave a cry. The porcupine is growling. It wants to scare off fierce enemies and resist them with its own unique tricks. If the enemy continues to attack the porcupine without warning in this invulnerable and violent situation, then the porcupine will turn its ass and stab the enemy backwards. The porcupine is still a strong and unyielding opponent in front of lions and tigers. Its greatest skill is that it is good at slamming the enemy's head with its tail, so that the short and thick thorns on its tail cover the enemy's face. There are barbs on the needle hair. If the enemy is stabbed, the needle hairs will stay in the muscles and the pain will be unbearable. Wolves, foxes and bobcats dare not provoke porcupines easily.

At first, porcupines only had manes. Later, some individuals occasionally grow a few hard and long keratinized thorns, which have played a major role in defending the enemy in the long-term life of nature. This feature is gradually passed down in the reproduction of future generations, and over time, thorns grow all over the body. The thorns on the porcupine are the result of the gradual transformation of mane.

Porcupines mainly live in trees and like to eat tender bark in tropical forests. Especially poplar and eucalyptus bark are its favorite foods. Because of this feature, it is very harmful to forests.