Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - This is a correct interpretation of Vettarot -2 1 world.

This is a correct interpretation of Vettarot -2 1 world.

The Rise of Caution Consciousness —— The Road of Snakes

? Everyone is used to starting a journey from fool 0. This way is good, but everyone has his own study habits. Individuals still follow the cautious "Kabala" learning method, starting from the bottom of the material world. The 22 Great Alcans correspond to the 22 "paths" of the Tree of Life. And 56 little Alcana are assigned to 10 "circles" to understand the realization of the whole creative process, which is perfect and harmonious. The snake moved back and forth between the pillars to balance the polarity, in line with Kabbalah's study habits.

? It's important to reiterate that I'm not a fortune teller, and I won't summarize the meaning of cards into some simple and easy-to-remember words. I only talk about the historical and cultural symbols behind it, and feel the knowledge and wisdom of the creators through each card.

World (world)

Road (cross) corresponds to the 32nd road.

Tautao is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, so it naturally corresponds to the last road of Kabbalah and the last big Akanaka. This letter means cross. More precisely, the T-shaped cross is an ancient instrument of torture. Being here is a symbol of long-term pain.

In the middle of the card is a naked woman who only covers her sexual organs with a silk scarf. Seen from the root, the scarf covered his male genitals. So this character is actually hermaphrodite. Again, don't look at it with any cultural prejudice. On the surface, we are surprised by androgyny, but what's the difference? The same essence is human, just as cold and heat are two extreme feelings, but heat is hot because existence can be compared with cold. But they are also functions of continuous temperature spectrum. In fact, this is not difficult to understand, which just reflects the classic sentence of "above, so below, if there is nothing inside" on the jade slate. I like this Chinese translation very much. "What goes up is effective, and what exists in the middle is external." Very incisive translation, which is connected with the ancient culture of China, contains profound connotations. Of course, it is easier to understand from the perspective of "Kabala", and the balance between hermaphroditism and stone tablets is consistent. From a microscopic point of view, balance is the key to the existence of anything. The human body needs balance, and so does the ecology. Everything must strive to achieve balance in order to live longer and healthier.

Let's analyze this "character" from both macro and micro perspectives.

First of all, from a macro perspective,

Female face: the vitality and potential of all living things

Male face: It is implicitly pointed out that everything in the past, future and present is a reflection of the universe as a whole.

From the microscopic point of view,

Female face: the human soul side that expresses instinct and animals on the level of individual "non-emptiness"

Male face: It represents a small part of conscious self and personality on the level of "Ruah".

Then the derived question comes, what is "Ruah" and what is "right and wrong"? This is too abstract to describe, and it may take up more space than the whole deck. Simply put, it is the microscopic "Kabala", the self-structure and orientation of the tree of human life. It is slightly different from the macroscopic Kabala 10 circular four worlds, and is roughly divided into 6+ 1 world, or called hierarchy. In front of these concepts, our language is very limited and pale. From top to bottom, it can be divided into: Yehida-Shia-Naimasha-(hidden abyss, protoplasm Dat)- Rua-Naifis-Goff. Just by the way, I won't expand it here. Those who are interested can consult the relevant materials.

We go back to the number plate 2 1, and she/he holds a scepter in each hand. In the previous Four Elements, it was mentioned that this scepter is the fire scepter of "Golden Dawn". Fire is an expression of personal views, and everything has two sides. Just like the androgyny mentioned above, once again, balance is the unchangeable law of everything in the whole universe and even the ordinary world.

In addition, there are also views that she/he represents the fifth element-ether-the ordinary realization of spiritual power. That's a good understanding. After all, all mysteries are obscure "nonsense". The world is complex and rich, and everyone's understanding is different. As long as you feel with your heart and study with your heart, you will get different results.

Around him/her is a laurel wreath with infinite symbols at the top and bottom. This can be traced back to the legend of Apollo, the God of the Silver Bow, and Daphne, the daughter of the river god Penes. The story is very romantic and beautiful, in line with the temperament of the first beautiful man in Olympus. If you are interested, you can find out for yourself. Daphne, who changed from the goddess of Shui Ze to the goddess of laurel, stands for evergreen seasons. The symbol of infinity comes from Latin "infinity", which means boundless. There is always another boundary outside the boundary, which means unlimited shuttle between the infinite boundary and the boundary.

The four corners of the card are human, eagle, cow and lion, and everyone knows that they represent four elements respectively. However, all kinds of tarot books on the market have not mentioned which elements correspond to each other.

Let's talk about it from the perspective of elements first.


Lion's fire

cow dung

Eagle water

However, there is another religious explanation. In the Middle Ages, monks would think about the parable of Jesus from four aspects.

The four corresponding elements.

Air-the teaching of Jesus Christ

Fire-the behavior of Jesus Christ

Earth-the natural life of Jesus Christ in the ordinary world

Water-the sacred and mysterious side of Jesus Christ

Instead of discussing religion, let's take a look at Jung's psychological function model, the drug king. We only make a general summary here. After all, Jung's ideological theory is also obscure.

Air-Expression of Wisdom-Thought

Fire-expressing personal views-feeling

Earth-Real Expression-Inspiration

Water-self, direct and irrational expression-intuition

On the whole, in Genesis, after the fall of the human world, the gate of Eden was guarded by "cherubim" and "burning sword". Angels are not the chubby baby angels that everyone appears in their consciousness. It is in charge of four elements and represents the angel power of YHVH (Yahweh) Tezogomaton. On the other hand, The Burning Sword embodies the initial crush on the primitive world.

The world was created as the 32nd road of Kabala, connecting the circular "Yesad" and "Mahut". We don't discuss Kabbalah here, but we can't avoid Kabbalah. "Mahut" represents the circle of our common reality, while "Yesade" is the circle of subtle power beyond the material world. After the balance, the power of the whole tree of life fell to the route taken by Mahut.

In ancient tradition, the astrological symbol assigned to the 32nd road is Saturn. Then why Saturn? Saturn, as the traditional seven planets, is the slowest and farthest from the sun. So what does this have to do with this card? In traditional mysticism, Saturn exists as a rule governing time and the movement of other planets. After the last cycle, when one door closes, another door opens. Looking for higher-level or even dimensional knowledge. It is both the starting point and the end point, depending on your attitude and pursuit. The universe has brought us amazing lessons. Nothing lasts forever. Everything is changing, developing and evolving. Everything will start again. From a fool to an awakened fool.