Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is the development standard of a two-year-old baby?

What is the development standard of a two-year-old baby?

Terrible two-terrible two years old;

At the age of 2, he is no longer a big-headed child, and the baby fat has slowly disappeared and looks more symmetrical;

At the age of 2, it's human talk. Others can understand, understand people's words, and your mother's instructions can be understood.

2 years old is still very important for children.

Growth and development standard: body length: 81.6-95.8cm. Boys are normal, preferably above 88 cm. Girl: 80.5-94.3 cm is normal, and 87 cm is better.

Weight: 20k g-3 1kg for boys is normal, preferably around 25 kg. Girls 19 kg to 29 kg is normal. It is suggested that about 23 kg will be better.

Parents should remember that the growth rate of children's weight should not be faster than that of their body length, because children grow taller and look slimmer when they are young, which is more conducive to their later growth. For example, if their body length is above average and their weight is medium, it seems that their children will be thin and tall, and they will be thin and tall when they grow up.

If the child gains weight quickly, such as high weight, medium length and chubby look, the child will do the same in the future. A chubby figure is not the best.

Dietary nutrition: milk can provide children with nearly half of the calories, about two-fifths of the calories. Drink 500 ml of milk every day, and eat rice and flour for other meals every day. You can eat some fruit with extra meals, and try to give children less snacks outside. But some granular foods should not be given to children as much as possible, mainly for fear of choking.

Action development: running and jumping are very vigorous;

Walking posture has been relatively stable. She climbed up and down skillfully, and her feet alternated up and down the stairs, making it easy to run. Jingjing's mother remembers that when she was 2 years old, she could ride around on a small tricycle without falling down.

Great progress has also been made in fine movements:

You can use crayon to draw some horizontal lines, vertical lines or circles, not too round, but there is already such a concept.

When you want to read a book, you must turn the page yourself, and even write with a pen driven by your curiosity;

He can twist and open some bottle caps that are not too tight, and he especially likes to open doors. The family insisted that he open the door.

Language development: Understand less complicated instructions: get ready to sleep and brush your teeth, and remember the names of different objects.

For example, when Ma Jing knows a 2-year-old child, she can recognize the signs of different brands of cars: Dongfeng, Honda, Toyota, Lexus and so on.

Understand the physical relationship of space: inside, outside and below.

When someone asks him what he eats, he can tell his name and age.

Words such as, you, you, me, and us can be used.

Cognitive ability: seeing apples will correspond to apples in books, and they will also play role-playing with their toys. Can complete simple puzzles within four pieces, and can understand the order relationship.

Social skills: I like playing house and want to play with my peers. Two-year-olds have their own ideas and can't control their emotions. They often suddenly turn on the tantrum mode. Parents should pay attention to: don't physically punish children, divert their attention or treat them coldly.

Topic: What is your 2-year-old child like? Do you remember?

What is the development standard of a two-year-old baby? This question seems simple, but it is actually rich in content. Let's take a look at what kind of growth and development indicators of 2-year-old children are normal, and what is the reference significance for parents? What can a child do when he is 2 years old?

Growth and development follow certain laws, whether it is speed or the development order of various organ systems. First of all, it is emphasized that children's growth and development is a continuous and phased process. The development of each system is unbalanced; There are individual differences. What are the growth and development indicators of 2-year-old children affected by genetic and environmental factors?

What are the indicators of growth and development of 2-year-old children? According to the "Practical Pediatrics (Futang Zhu, Hu Yamei, Jiang Zaifang)" and "Reference Standards for Growth and Development of Children under 7 in China" issued by the Ministry of Health, it is clearly pointed out that:

1 2-year-old children's physical development indicators are:

Head circumference is 45.4 5 1.7 cm for boys and 44.4 50.6 cm for girls.

Length: 80.698cm for boys and 79.596.6cm for girls.

Weight: 9.74 16.5 1 kg for boys and 9.32 15.76 kg for girls.

Teeth: 18~20 deciduous teeth erupt, children's chewing ability is close to that of adults, and they can eat all kinds of food well.

2, 2-year-old children's sports, language, behavioral ability, psychological and emotional development:

Great development of sports: Today's children can play up and down slides by themselves and cross obstacles by themselves. Children's self-awareness and dominance are enhanced, and they can influence the surrounding environment with their own activities. Most children can run independently, go up and down stairs, step on a tricycle, pile up four layers of building blocks and turn pages independently.

Fine motor development: pick up small objects with thumb and forefinger. When he was nearly 2 years old, his physical coordination ability also improved, and he was able to play more complicated games.

Language ability: With the rapid development of language ability, disyllabic words will be issued, and the vocabulary will also increase, and people will gradually be able to communicate in simple language like adults and express their wishes. I can understand my parents and say my name.

Cognitive ability: can notice the subtle differences of some projects. Children can correctly answer some simple questions raised by adults, complete them according to the simple requirements of parents, and imitate one or two sentences in a children's song.

Emotional development: with a certain concept of right and wrong, knowing what to do will be praised or punished. The observation ability is improved and the vocabulary is constantly enriched. I like to communicate with adults and correct their mistakes.

Social skills: I intentionally imitate my parents' actions and demeanor, and I will ask my parents for help. At this time, the child's self-awareness has been strengthened, and he began to be disobedient and interested in the behavior of children of the same age.

What should parents pay attention to when raising a 2-year-old child? 1, pay attention to a balanced diet and develop good eating habits:

Children in early childhood develop slowly, but they are still in the stage of rapid growth and development. Choose the right food to ensure adequate energy intake and high-quality protein. At the same time, it is necessary to provide the baby with positive eating methods, pay attention to food hygiene, and guide the baby to develop correct eating behaviors and habits.

2, to ensure adequate sleep:

2-year-old children need to adapt to certain life rules. It is recommended to go to bed from eight to nine in the evening. Lunch break after lunch 1.2 hours. Pay attention not to let the baby sleep too long during the day to ensure the nap time, otherwise it will affect the sleep time and it is difficult to form a regular sleep habit.

3. Pay attention to travel safety:

When the weather is fine and the sun is sunny, take your children for outdoor activities to increase their adaptability to the environment and climate and improve their immunity. When ultraviolet rays are strong, pay attention to skin protection. Keep warm in winter. Strive for outdoor activities every day12, starting from 10 15 minutes and gradually extending to12 hours.

If you need to take your child to drive, be sure to put the child in the safety seat and fasten the seat belt. Prepare the necessities, food and water that children need.

4. Vaccinate on time:

Vaccinating children in a planned way is the best protection for children; To improve the disease resistance of infants and young children, in addition to planned immunization, some second-class vaccines should be vaccinated according to procedures to actively protect children's health.

The 2-year-old baby is 87cm long and weighs 12kg. He can speak simple sentences, express anger clearly, play with building blocks, turn pages and be healthy and disease-free, which is a sign of good development. Details are as follows:

Height (length): 2-year-old baby is about 89cm tall. Height estimation formula: age (year) x7cm+75cm.

Weight: 2-year-old baby weighs about 12kg. Weight estimation formula: age (year) x2kg+8kg.

Head circumference: The head circumference of a 2-year-old baby is about 48cm.

Teeth: The upper and lower fangs of the 2-year-old baby began to grow.

Action: 2-year-old baby can run and jump, jump with both feet at the same time, and eat with a small spoon. Can pick up things on the ground.

Language: The baby can speak simple sentences consisting of 2-3 words.

Emotion: the baby will express the feelings of love, fear and anger, and can also express the meaning of understanding.

Cognition: 2-year-old children can recognize vertical lines and horizontal lines. At this time, the baby can play with building blocks, usually 6-7 square building blocks, or flip through books.

In addition, compared with babies under 2 years old, babies under 2 years old are less likely to become strangers and more likely to be separated from their parents.

The two-year-old baby's body growth rate is slower than that of the baby under 1 year-old, but the development of digestive tract and renal function is gradually mature, and the basic ability of movement and language is also developing, so he can actively observe, identify and engage in social activities!

The development standards at this time mainly include the following aspects: 1. Physical development:

Including height, weight and head circumference, the growth curve of male and female babies is different.

If it is a male treasure, at the age of 2, the weight is normal between 10.22kg- 15.46kg, and the height is normal between 82.1cm-95.3cm.. At the age of 2, the head circumference is about 47-49cm and the chest circumference is about 48-50cm.

Most babies can have 20 deciduous teeth within 3 years old.

Attached below is the standard percentile curve of head circumference, weight and height for boys and girls aged 0-3 in China.

2. Sports development:

1) heavy exercise: at the age of 2, you can run and walk backwards, stand on one foot 1-2 seconds, and jump in place;

2) Fine exercise: At the age of 2, you can stack 6-7 pieces, turn pages, drink water from a cup, and imitate drawing vertical lines and circles.

3. Language development:

When he was 2 years old, he could understand about 400 words and appear two-word sentences. If the baby is familiar with something, he can basically combine words according to the rules and appear short sentences in communication; With the increase of hundreds of words, the imitation ability is enhanced, and the topics in communication are increased, showing better flexibility.

The baby's vocabulary develops rapidly after 1.5 years old, and it grows faster when it is 2-3 years old. Due to the influence of biological factors and environment, language development varies greatly among individuals.

However, if the vocabulary is less than 30 at the age of 2, or less than 50 at the age of 3, or the pronunciation is unclear, it belongs to language development retardation.

4. Personal-social capacity development:

2-year-old children can initially establish self-care ability, such as self-feeding and toilet training; Learn to pack toys, like listening to stories, watching pictures and watching TV, like running, pushing and pulling and other sports games.

5. Sleep development:

Generally, there are/kloc-0 naps during the day, and the total sleep time in a day is 1 2-14 hours.

6. Sensory development:

1) vision development: at the age of 2, the vision can reach 0.5, and I can distinguish between vertical lines and horizontal lines, and gradually learn to distinguish between red, white, yellow and green.

2) auditory development: it can accurately distinguish between sound and loudness, and can distinguish between dog barking and car horn sound.

3) Skin feeling: It can identify the attributes of objects, such as soft, hard, cold and hot.

4) Taste and smell: At the age of 2, taste and smell are mature, and they can distinguish aroma, sour taste, bitter taste, spicy taste, sweet taste and salty taste.

1 year is a very important time node in a baby's life. /kloc-before 0/year old, the baby's growth and development speed is amazing, but there will also be various problems. If the baby has the following performance, everyone must be alert, the baby may have developmental retardation.

1. can't stand in your hands.

Generally speaking, babies can stand upside down in August-September. The baby can stand, indicating that his bone development and cerebellar balance are in a normal state. Some babies develop their athletic ability earlier, and when they are 8 months old, they can walk with their hands on the wall. Some babies develop their motor ability very late, but they should be able to stand up by their hands when they are 1 year old.

Everyone should always let the baby practice standing. If the baby still can't complete the support station after practice, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the baby's bone development is normal and take the baby to the hospital for relevant examination.

You can't pinch things with two fingers.

The baby can pinch things with two fingers and put them in the storage box, which reflects the development of his fine movements. If the baby can't complete this action when he is 1 year old, it means that his growth and development have problems.

Of course, the baby can't do this without the help of mom and dad. At first, the baby can hold things with two fingers and put them in a storage box with a large opening, and then slowly change them into a storage box with a small opening.

The baby has done many exercises but still can't. Everyone should take him to the hospital for growth and development assessment in time. Intervene in time when problems are found, so as not to affect the healthy growth of the baby.

You can't follow the sound.

Whether the baby can talk or not, everyone should communicate with the baby often. At a certain age, babies will naturally learn to talk to their parents. Some babies can talk very early, 1 year-old can already call their own surnames, and some babies will talk very late.

As long as the baby can learn pronunciation from adults, even if the syllables are vague and the pronunciation is unclear, it is normal. If the baby can't learn pronunciation from adults, everyone should be alert to whether the baby has language retardation.

The development of a two-year-old baby can be judged by physical growth and neuropsychological development.

Body growth weight: weight is the most direct indicator to measure baby's growth and nutrition. The weight of a 2-year-old baby is basically around 13kg.

Length: 2-year-old baby is about 87cm long. Generally, after 2 years old, the height increases by 6-7cm every year. If the height increases less than 5cm every year after 2 years old, the growth rate will decrease.

2 years old is a critical period for the baby's growth and development. At this time, formula milk and complementary food are basically used. Eating too little and single complementary food can easily lead to the baby's slow growth and development, leading to the weight and height not reaching the standard.

Head circumference: the head circumference is measured by the length of a circle symmetrical around the upper edge of eyebrow arch and occipital tubercle. It is related to the development of the skull. The younger the month, the greater the proportion of head circumference. Generally, at the age of 2, the head circumference is about 48cm. Head circumference plays an important role in the discovery of some diseases, so the head circumference within 2 years old is more valuable.

Chest circumference: mainly reflects the growth of lungs and thorax. A 2-year-old baby is generally 48-49cm.

Anterior fontanel: Generally, when the baby is about 6 months old, the anterior fontanel gradually ossifies and becomes smaller, no later than 2 years old. The front fontanel of a baby plays an important role in the physical examination of pediatricians. For example, the anterior fontanel closure is delayed in hypothyroidism.

Neuropsychological development of the nervous system: 2-year-old babies can show positive signs in some nervous system examinations, but this does not represent pathological phenomena. For example, children under 2 years old can be positive for babinski's disease.

Visual perception: Newborns have visual perception. As they get older, their visual system becomes more and more perfect. At the age of 24 months, babies can tell whether a line is vertical or horizontal.

Motor development: 24-month-old baby's motor development is relatively perfect, such as eating with a small spoon, folding 6-7 squares, turning pages and so on.

Language development: 24-month-old babies can simply say sentences and sometimes point out simple people, things and pictures.

Development of psychological activities: Some parents will find that after 24 months, the baby is no longer afraid of strangers and is easy to be separated from his parents. And the baby will express his joy, anger, fear, understanding and so on.

Some commonly used physical development tests of children can be measured by simple methods such as weight and height, which are relatively simple. However, some neuropsychological assessments of children need professionals and appropriate measurement methods. It can be divided into screening test and diagnostic test.

These methods comprehensively evaluate children's big movements, fine movements, language, mental development, intelligence and abstract ability. However, these tests can only judge the level of children's neuropsychological development, which is meaningless for the diagnosis of diseases.

To sum up, my son went to the vaccine station for a physical examination last week. Although he felt that there was nothing wrong, he was still very upset before the result came out. His hanging heart didn't fall to the ground until he heard the nurse say everything was all right.

After having a baby, parents are most concerned about the baby's development. If you develop fast, you will worry and slow down. The development standard of two-year-old baby can be analyzed from four aspects.

One-year-old and two-year-old babies' physical development standards, height and weight are important indicators to measure whether the baby is developing normally. Parents can often be seen asking in the community treasure mother group.

"My daughter is 5 cm shorter than her peers. Can she catch up later? " ,

"My father and I are not tall. Does my son still have a chance to grow into a tall man? "

"The neighbor's baby is chubby and cute. My child is as thin as a monkey. Is it bad digestion and absorption? "

In terms of height, parents are worried that genes will hold their children back. In terms of weight, parents want their baby to eat well and worry that gaining weight is not conducive to growth and development. So, what is the standard weight and height of a 2-year-old child?

In 2009, the Ministry of Health published the Reference Standards for the Growth and Development of Children under 7 in China. Then, according to the development of children, the standard weight and height of 2-year-old children are normal in the following range.

The 2-year-old girl is 83.8 cm-90.7 cm tall and weighs10.7 kg-0/3.31kg.

The 2-year-old boy is 85. 1cm~92. 1cm and weighs1.24 ~14.01kg.

The above data is not absolute. Due to genetic, environmental, nutritional and other factors, as long as the gap is not too big, parents need not worry. A large number of data show that height is affected by genetic factors, accounting for 70%. Parents who are not tall should not be discouraged. It is not impossible to work hard on children's sports and nutrition and raise "big and tall" children.

Second, the language ability of two-year-old babies Language is the best way of communication between people. Language ability in childhood is very important for children's future development.

Parenting experts generally divide the baby's language development into three stages.

/kloc-Before 0/year-old, the baby will pronounce some simple syllables at 0.3 months, babble at 5.7 months, and shout ma-ma- and other sounds at the early stage of development, but not just referring to the mother; /kloc-about 0/2 months, I usually shout "Mom, Dad" and can understand some simple languages spoken by my parents.

1 2 years old is a period of rapid development of baby language. At this stage, the baby's vocabulary is constantly increasing, and he can gradually communicate with adults and express his needs in simple language.

By the age of 2, more than 30% of babies will say short sentences, such as "Mom, I want to drink water, and I want to go out to play with my father". And their language understanding ability has also advanced by leaps and bounds, and their basic daily needs can be expressed to their parents in language, such as drinking water, sleeping and eating.

If the baby still refuses to speak after 2 years old, it will be considered as "language development retardation" in medicine. Most babies have no chance to learn to speak because their parents are busy with work and have little communication with their babies. When this happens, parents should spend more time with their babies and talk to them, and the problem will be solved soon.

Of course, if the baby has language retardation, he should go to the hospital first to rule out the "physiological" reasons.

The exercise ability of three-and two-year-old babies includes "big movements" and "fine movements".

Let's talk about "big move" first. "Hold your head high, flip three times, sit six times, climb eight times, and walk once a week." Everyone who has children knows this jingle. Here is the baby's "big move". Most babies can learn to walk after 1 year old, but they can't walk steadily at this time, and they need the help of their parents to go up and down the steps.

When the baby 18 months old, he can walk very smoothly, climb the stairs slowly by himself and play with the children.

At the age of 2, most babies have learned to run and jump, can go up and down stairs by themselves, and can stand on one foot for more than 2 seconds. At this time, the tricycles bought by the old people can also play.

Let's talk about "fine movements" first. Fine movements mainly refer to the movements made by palms and fingers, including grasping, grasping, stretching, bending, grasping, twisting, twisting and tearing.

The hand is an extension of the brain. Let the baby carry out fine movements, which can play a role in exercising the baby's brain. /kloc-babies over 0/year-old can generally complete the actions of plugging, picking, rubbing, tearing and pinching, and can also build simple building blocks.

A 2-year-old baby can perform more complicated and delicate movements, such as dressing himself and buttoning himself.

The emotional development of four-and two-year-old babies is normal. Before the age of 2, the mother was the most attached person to the baby, but after the age of 2, the baby began to get close to other relatives who had more contact, such as father, grandparents, grandparents and so on.

After the age of 2, the baby's emotions become richer and more sensitive to the emotions of his family. Sometimes my son does something wrong, and I am preparing to educate him with a straight face. When the little guy looks pale, he blinks and makes strange movements. I have been teased many times to make him escape punishment.

The cognitive development of five-year-old and two-year-old babies is also very important. With the growth of age, the baby's memory comprehension ability is getting stronger and stronger, and the abstract thinking ability is also improved, which makes a qualitative leap in the cognitive ability of the 2-year-old baby.

A 2-year-old baby can not only distinguish colors, remember and distinguish various animals and fruits, but also match what he sees. For example, teapots and teacups are put together, and building blocks and tarot cards are put in two storage boxes.

When the baby is 2 years old, he can understand a number of words, from 1 to 10, but it will take some time for the real arithmetic.

The above is the development standard of my 2-year-old baby through various parenting books and videos. In fact, for the baby's growth and development, I have always adhered to the attitude of "letting nature take its course" and will not care too much about the occasional backwardness.

Welcome to share your baby's growth, exchange experiences and grow together!

What is the development standard of a two-year-old baby? 1, the two-year-old child's movements have developed greatly, and he has learned to walk, climb stairs, climb rocks, stand on tiptoe, play football and run by himself.

His language ability is improving, and his understanding ability is far better than his oral expression ability. When the baby is two years old, he can already use phrases and sentences. Can read and understand two-step instructions, such as "stand up and come here."

3. Be able to recognize shapes and colors. You can use more than four blocks to build blocks and throw balls. I like doodling everywhere with a pen.

With the autonomy, I can wear clothes whenever I want and take them off whenever I want. I always want to come by myself and wash my hands and face every time I eat.

5, will imitate at first, you can make a phone call or do a driving action.

Caring parents will share this article to benefit more people.

"Terrible 2 years old" is a challenge to parents. The growth and development of children will be slower than before, but it will surprise you again and again intellectually, socially and emotionally.

The biggest feature of two-year-old children is that their language ability develops rapidly. A "small talk" will make you feel that your child is like a "real person". On the other hand, he will talk about "no", please you, rely on you, and at the same time be eager to declare his independence.

The standard of development is not only measured by head circumference, height and weight, but also a comprehensive index, including children's sports development, language, cognition, social interaction and many other factors.

The growth index is 2 years old, with an average height of 88.5cm and a weight of 12.54kg.

2-year-old female Bao, with an average height of 87.2cm and a weight of 1 1.92kg.

Influenced by parents' heredity and specific upbringing, each child's possible growth is different, but as long as it is within the normal growth curve, parents need not worry too much.

The 2-year-old child looks like his body is pulling out, his face is not round, he looks slim as a whole, and the proportion of upper and lower limbs looks reasonable.

In addition, because children's growth and development have slowed down after the age of 2, their food intake may be smaller than expected by their parents, but don't worry, children don't need so many calories, parents just need to provide various nutritious foods and let their children decide how much to eat.

A 2-year-old child with athletic development has infinite energy, but his attention is short-lived. He is happy to run around, and it is difficult to have a quiet moment.

2-year-old children, whether walking or running, are more and more like adults, and their body control is more precise. They can turn around and walk backwards. In short, parents must always be vigilant and put their children's safety first.

A 2-year-old child with language development can understand what most adults say, and his vocabulary is also expanding, and he can accurately express more than 50 words.

Children's language development is restricted by family environment. Only when parents talk more in front of their children and say more new words to them can their children's language development be accelerated.

2-year-old children with cognitive development will play role-playing games with their own toys or others, classify objects according to their shapes or colors, play some simple jigsaw puzzles and understand the specific meaning of numbers.

Generally speaking, 2-year-old children are completely self-centered and don't think much about other people's feelings. The most common thing is that they are unwilling to share toys with others and rarely interact with other children. You look completely independent.

Parents can guide their children to share, but they can't force them to play with 2 or 3 children. Someone must be on the spot to supervise to avoid children hitting people or other situations.

2-year-olds lose their temper easily. Parents only need to master the following tricks to 1. When the child is emotional and the small universe is about to erupt, try to shift his energy and attention to new games.

2. If it is too late or the transfer fails, parents should not beat and scold, don't blame, and wait for him to finish.

If it is in public, parents can take their children home directly or find a quiet and safe place.

4. No corporal punishment. If parents punish children of this age, he will think that as long as something doesn't follow him, he will use violence to deal with it.

If the child hits or bites, parents can't ignore it. They should clearly tell the child that the behavior is wrong, and give him some "punishment" (not corporal punishment) appropriately, so that he can understand that what he has just done is wrong, grasp the timeliness of education, and remind the child of the consequences caused by the wrong behavior.

To sum up, compared with a few months ago, the life skills of 2-year-old children have been greatly improved, their diet has become more and more adult, and their parents will be much more relaxed. Children's motor skills have been significantly improved, and their language ability has also been significantly improved. Although there is a saying of "terrible 2-year-old", 2-year-old children are generally gentle and kind, and cherish every day with their children, because he will soon grow up and enter a new small society-kindergarten.

Written in front: there is no exact value for the baby's development standard, it is only an approximation, and it is normal for the baby to be too early or too late.

Below I divide the baby's development standards into two aspects.

First, the physical development standards There are many tables and pictures on the Internet about the baby's height and weight development standards, which are dazzling, but in fact, the height and weight standards of babies over one year old can be calculated by formulas.

Height development formula: age multiplied by 6 plus 77 cm.

Weight development formula: age multiplied by 2 plus 8 kg.

That is, the height development standard of two-year-old baby is 89 cm, and the weight development standard is 12 kg.

In addition, because the baby's height and weight are also related to heredity, exercise, nutrition, sleep and other factors, as long as the baby's height and weight are within the normal range.

Second, the intelligence development standard (for reference only) 1, language ability

At this time, the two-year-old baby can already say many simple sentences, through which he can communicate with his parents simply. And the two-year-old baby is getting more and more curious, and will slowly start asking parents why.

2. Sports ability

Two-year-old baby has a good balance ability, can run, can jump, can go up and down stairs and so on. Even some babies will wash their faces and feet and button their buttons.

3. Cognitive ability

A two-year-old baby can tell all the structures of the human body completely, distinguish various objects and even notice the smallness of some objects.

4. Social skills

A two-year-old baby can accurately imitate the actions and expressions of adults and know which behaviors will be encouraged by parents and which behaviors will be criticized. And more and more like to play with children of the same age.

Finally, don't compare your own children with other people's children, because each child's individual differences are great, and other people's children are not standard. As long as the baby's development is within the normal range, parents don't have to worry too much.

I wish the baby health and happiness.