Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Introduction to all the characters of Harry Potter

Introduction to all the characters of Harry Potter

The first part, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: Harry. Potter: The hero of the novel, whose parents were killed by an evil wizard at the age of one, was adopted by menstruation, and then entered Hogwarts School of Wizardry to study magic. Mr. Vernon Dersley: Harry's uncle. Margo: Vernon's sister. Payunia: Harry's period. Dudley: Dursley's son bullies Harry all day. Lily and James. Potter: Harry's mother and father were excellent students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and were killed by evil wizards. Albers. Dumbledore: The headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a famous magician. Professor McGonagall: Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts School. Ruby. Hagrid: The gamekeeper, a good friend of Harry's, studied at the magic school and was expelled for violating the school rules. Margo: What the wizarding world calls ordinary people who can't do magic. Voldemort: A powerful evil wizard who always wants to rule the whole wizarding world. People are afraid of his power and dare not call him by his first name, so he often uses "that man" instead. Quirrell: Professor Hogwarts. Arthur. Wesley: Member of the Magic Cabinet, very keen on Mag objects. Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Bill, Charlie: Most of the Weasleys study at Hogwarts. Scarbers: Harry's friend Ron's mouse. Lamberton. Neville: Harry's good friend, a student at Hogwarts. Li. Jordan: A student at Hogwarts School. Aunt Fat: Little Hermione on the wall leading to Gryffindor's room. Grinzo: Harry's good friend, a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Gao Jie Malfoy: A student at Hogwarts, Harry's sworn enemy. Crabbe and Goyle: Malfoy's best friend. Faye, Invis, Barron and Nick: Ghosts of Hogwarts School. Seamus: A student at Hogwarts, Harry's best friend. Snape: Professor of Pharmacy at Hogwarts School. Jaggers. Fitch: Inspector of Hogwarts School. Mrs Norris: Fitch's cat is an informant. Bincy: A professor who teaches the history of magic. Flitwick: A professor who teaches spells. Harvey: The owl that delivered the letter to Harry. Fran: Hagrid's dog Shh: Quidditch teacher. Marcus. Flint: Captain Slytherin Quidditch. Oliver. Wood: Captain of Gryffindor Kuaidi team. Nicholas. Flemish: Great magician, friend of Dumbledore, inventor of the philosopher's stone. Norbert: Hagrid has a dragon. Frafi: A three-headed dog guarding the Golden Stone. Professor Hogwarts. Rome, Benny and Florence: remy martin in the Forbidden Forest. Madam Pomfrey: A doctor at Hogwarts School. The second film is called Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter: The hero of this book. Twelve years old, in the second year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Gryffindor College. When he was a child, his parents died and he lived in Uncle Vernon's house. Due to the wizard's talent, Hogwarts was admitted to school. Vernon Dursley or Dersley: Harry's uncle. Payunia: Harry's menstruation Dudley: Harry's cousin Hagrid: a bird catcher at Hogwarts School, Harry's good friend, straightforward and rude by nature, and loves to keep monsters as pets. Harvey: Harry's owl delivers letters. Voldemort: The most powerful dark wizard in witchcraft. He killed Harry's parents, but when he saw the lightning scar on Harry's forehead, he lost his energy and has been hiding it ever since. Quidditch ball: A popular ball game in witchcraft. Two teams, each with six players. * * * There are four balls with different functions and different scores. Two of them are called brush balls, which can be used to attack opponents and make them fall off the broom. Each team has two batters who are responsible for hitting the ball. The third ball is called golf, and each team has three attackers. If you throw this ball into the opponent's basket, you can score. The fourth ball is called the Sness ball, which is small and fast. Searchers of each team are responsible for getting it first, and they can get 150 points, and the game is over. The four schools of Hogwarts School of Wizardry: Gryffindor, Haitian Baff, Ronnie Winkler and Slytherin. Dobby: Elf. Ron Weasley: Gryffindor College student, Harry's best friend. Hermione Grinzo: A student of Gryffindor College and a good friend of Harry. Jagger Malfoy: a student of Slytherin College and Harry's sworn enemy. Crabbe and Goyle: Marv's best friend. Developed limbs, slow response. Fred and George: The Weasleys' Twin Brothers. Ginny: The little sister of the Wesley family worships Harry. Arthur Wesley: Ron and other fathers who work in the legal department are very interested in this magazine. Molly or Mrs. Wesley: the mother of Ron, etc. Percy, Bill and Charlie: The three elder brothers of the Wesley family, among whom Bill and Charlie have left school after graduation. Rupert Malfoy: Jagger Malfoy's father. Hate maggs, disagree with Arthur Wesley. Oliver wood: Captain of the Fasties team at Gryffindor College. Captain of the Quidditch team in Sliddling House. Fei Chi: Administrator, who specializes in catching naughty students. Mrs. Norris: A description of Fitch's upbringing. Fran: Hercules' dog. McGonagall: Ordinary people without wizard blood don't believe in witchcraft. Squibb: A person born in a wizard's family but without magic. Madam Pomfrey: The female director of the school is in charge of hospital work. Nick, Peeves and mettler: Ghosts of the School. Lee jordan: Harry. Mrs Hawke: The school fastball coach. Lingguang 2000, Lingguang 200 1, Jisu, Meteor: the product name of broom. Rhett: A student at Hogwarts 50 years ago, when Hagrid was a classmate. Damocq: A phoenix, reborn in flames. Basri sk: the name of python. Barlow Street: The Weasleys' residence. Gilderoy lockhart: People who yearn for vanity have no real talent and knowledge. As a school teacher against black witchcraft. Verris and baloters: bookstore name. O.W.L: short for standard witchcraft level. Griggos: The name of the bank in the wizarding world. Jin Bo: The owner of a black witchcraft shop. Sailing market (gold coin), sickle coin (silver coin) and carat coin (copper coin): the names of coins in witchcraft. Lake willow: an ancient tree that attacks people. Errol: Ron's owl is delivering a letter. Professor McGonagall: She teaches transfiguration and is the dean of Gryffindor. Professor Snape: He teaches pharmacy and is the dean of Slytherin College. Professor Dumbledore: the headmaster of Hogwarts School. Seamus finnigan, Dagen Thomas and Langdon Neville: People from Gryffindor College share a dormitory with Harry and Ron. Mr. Spot: Herbology teacher. Wanruike: An effective plastic agent. Colin grilli: Freshman. Worship Harry. Freddie Bincy: Professor at the school. Millicent: A native of Slytherin College, she is Malfoy's good friend, Palmer: used as a title for people who speak snake language. Ernie Faustine: People from Heff College. Azkeban: a prison for witchcraft. The third film is called "Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban": albus dumbledore-albus dumbledore, now the headmaster of Hogwarts School, the greatest headmaster.

(author weasley)-writer Weasley.

(bill weasley) Bill Weasley

(Bloody Baron)-Bloody Baron, the ghost of Slytherin.

Charlie Weasley

Connelly fudge.

Dobby, a male house elf.

Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.

Dudley Dudley

(Fat woman)-Fat woman.

Filch, the janitor at Hogwarts

(Fred and George) Fred, George

(Ginny) Ginny

Gregory Goyle.

Harry Potter.-Harry Potter

Hermione Granger Hermione Granger.


Lucius malfoy.

(minerva mcgonagall)-Professor Minerva McGonagall, Dean of Gryffindor College.

(molly weasley) Molly Weasley

(Neri Headless Nick)-Nearly headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor College.

(Neville Longbottom)-Neville Longbottom.

Peeves, troublemaker.

Percy Weasley Percy Weasley

(Peter Pettigrew)-Pettigrew, called "Wormtail" by friends.

(Morning glory) small money menstruation

(Pig)-Pig, Ron Weasley Owl, Pig is the full name.

Harry's parents are Zhan Mu and lily potter. Zhan Mu's nickname is the pointed fork.

Binns Cuthbert, a ghost who teaches the history of magic.

Professor Flitwick, spelling teacher.

Professor Sprout, a herbalist teacher.

Remus Ruben.-Remus Ruben.

Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's best male friend.

(rubeus hagrid)-Hagrid, Hogwarts groundskeeper.

(severus snape) Severus Snape

Professor sibyll trelawney who teaches divination.

(Sirius Black)-Sirius Black, nicknamed Bigfoot.

Tom marvolo riddle, tom marvolo riddle

Uncle Vernon

A female house elf. The fourth part is called Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Introduction to the Characters.

Harry Potter: fourth grade at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When I was a child, my parents were killed by an evil wizard, and then I lived in a menstrual home.

Vernon Dursley: Harry's uncle. Payunia: Harry's period. Dudley: Harry's cousin. Albers Dumbledore: President of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a famous professor of witchcraft and wizardry. Hermes Grinzo: Harry's good friend is studying witchcraft at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ron Weasley: Harry and Hermione are good friends. They studied witchcraft together at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Arthur Wesley: Cabinet member, Ron's father. Percy, Fred, George, Ginny, Bill and Charlie: Most of the children in Wesley are studying at Hogwarts School or have graduated. Hagrid: the guardian of the castle and Harry's good friend. Voldemort: the ruler of evil wizards, who often calls himself "the man", has been hiding since being defeated by Harry, and is also the murderer of Potter's parents. Professor McGonagall: Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts. Trelawney: Professor of Divination at Hogwarts. Lubang: It's the dark magic teacher in Harry's class. Snape: Professor of Hogwarts Pharmacy. Neville: Harry's classmate. Wood: It's Captain Gryffindor. Harvey: Owl, specially for Harry. Scarbers: This is a mouse, Ron's pet. Krushuk: Hermione's pet, a cat. Lily: Harry's mother. James potter: Harry's father. Madam Pomfrey: The school doctor at Hogwarts School. Flitwick: The Hogwarts professor's spell. Peeves: The Ghost of Hogwarts. Kate Spinner: Gryffindor Express. Malfoy: Slytherin's student, Harry and Ron's sworn enemies. Crabbe and Goyle: Marv's best friend. Margo: What the wizarding world calls people who don't know witchcraft. The fifth part is called Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Mundungus Fletcher: nicknamed "Deng Ge". A rogue who likes to steal, a member of the order of the phoenix.

The sixth part is called Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: 1. Albus percival Woolfrickian Dumbledore: Albus means white in Latin, because Dumbledore is a white wizard who opposes the dark Lord Voldemort. According to Rowling, Dumbledore means "buzzing bee".

Severus knapp: Severus means sternness in Latin, which is quite consistent with Snape's character. But in fact, Snape is just the name of a small English village. Snape is only one letter short of the word snake in English! No wonder Snape is the dean of Slytherin.

3.MinervaMcgonagall: The usual translation is Minerva, the goddess of wisdom in Roman mythology, which is equivalent to Athena in Greek mythology.

4.HermioneGranger: From the pronunciation point of view, it comes from the name of Hermes, the famous messenger of the gods on Mount Olympus. Hermeneutics, which is popular in today's philosophy, was originally born out of the name of Hermes. No wonder Hermione is famous for her intelligence and wisdom in her novels. Many difficult riddles can be solved by her hands.

Remus Lupin: Lubang comes from the Latin root Lubang, which means wolf-Lubang is a "wolf-like man" and Lupus is a "jackal". It is said that the residents of Normandy sometimes call werewolves Lubang! Remus is more interesting. This is the name of one of the twins fed by the female wolf in Roman legend, the cute little wolf cub!

SiriusBlack): Sirius is Sirius, of course, and black is "black". After that, he became a big black dog.

7. Peter Pettigrew: The name Peter is so common that it doesn't seem to have any special meaning. Pettigrew means "very small", and the name can be disassembled into PETIGREW, which means almost "I became a pet"!

8. ArgusFilch: Filch means "stealing" in English, while argus is a troll with one hundred eyes in Greek mythology. Mr. filch often secretly observes students' behavior.

Rubeus hagrid: According to Rowling, Hagrid is an old English word meaning "a bad night" or "a bad night's sleep". Hagrid often can't sleep well because of drinking.

10. AlastorMoody): Alastor is the devil in charge of revenge in Greek mythology, and moody means changeable mood in English.

11.binns Cuthbert: Binns is pronounced very close to BEEN and is the past participle form of the verb be in English. This professor is already a ghost, and it is indeed a thing of the past!

12. tom riddle: Riddle means riddle in English. As soon as I saw the name, I knew Rowling was going to play word games.

13.LordVoldemort): Voldemort comes from the French word Voldemort, which means "fly away from death" or "fly away from death". No wonder Comrade Lao Fu thinks about immortality all day. The word "Voldemort" was changed by TomMarvoloRiddle, but the alphabetical order changed. In Voldemort's past, tom riddle didn't like his name and thought it was too common, so he changed the letters from TomMarvoloRiddle to LordVoldemort to show his uniqueness.

VernonDursley: Vernon is Rowling's most annoying name. There is a city called Dursley near Gwen Dekheel, Rowling's birthplace.

15. Dudley Dursley): Dudley is a variant of the British slang dude, meaning a boring person.

16.PetuniaDursley): Penny means morning glory and her sister. Harry's mother Lily's name means Lily. Morning glory symbolizes anger and hatred, and lily symbolizes purity.

17.DracoMALFOY):Malfoy is a variant of French Malfoy, which means treachery. This family is all death eaters, and they all believe in dark magic. And Draco. DRACO means dragon and snake in Latin, while dragon is associated with Satan in the west. Draco was also the name of an extremely cruel legislator in ancient Athens.

18. Lucius Malfoy): Lucius and Lucifer are very close, just like Draco. Lucius was also the name of the ancient Athenian legislator.

19. Narcissa Malfoy): Narcissa came from a character in Greek mythology, that is, a young man with narcissism complex, who fell in love with his own shadow in the water. Narcissa means daffodil, which stands for narcissism.

Mao Mao: (Mao Mao means "furry".

2 1. Hedwig: It is the name of a German saint in the 3rd century. She sends messages to people in the city.

22.Godric Gryffindor: Gryffindor is a winged animal with a lion's head in Greek mythology. In French, dor means "made of gold". "Gryffindor" refers to winged beasts with lion heads. God stands for "God" and -ric is a suffix, which means "jurisdiction and territory". Godric means "the abode of God". The symbol of Gryffindor is the lion.

23.SalazarSlytherin): Slytherin is the homonym of the English word "SLITHERING", crawling forward like a snake. Slytherin's symbol is a snake.

24.RowenaRavenclaw): Ravenclaw, literally translated as crow's paw. The symbol of Ravenclaw College is the eagle.

25. HelgaHUFF): Huff comes from English huff and PUFF. Both words are related to blowing, and I don't know what the connection is. The symbol of Hufflepuff College is Badger.

26. Muggle): Muggle is a variant of English slang, meaning fool.

27.LunaLovegood): Luna, which also means moon and luna in French, reminds people of her purity, beauty and a little mystery. Although Lovegood is a bit far-fetched, it still represents love and beauty. Two names together, as you can imagine, is a very likable girl. But in fact, the root of Luna also means "crazy", and Lunatic means "crazy", which is also in line with the child's personality.

Sibyll trelawney: Sybil is the title of a prophetess in Greek and Roman mythology. She was inspired by Apollo, the sun god, and created a language.

29. Fleurdelacour): Fleurdelacour is French, which literally means flowers in the court and is extended to aristocratic women.

Rita skeeter: skeat is related to verbs belonging to beetles, such as "scampering", "spreading" and "crawling".

Nymphadora tonks: Auror, a young woman, is a member of the Order of the Phoenix in Metamorphosis. Her father was born in Muggles.

Kingsley Shackleport: Auror, a black man, worked in the Ministry of Magic, during which he concealed his true identity as a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Kreacher: A house elf who serves the Black family.

Luna lovegood: A senior at Ravenclaw College, he believes in all legendary creatures. His father is the editor-in-chief of naysayers magazine.

Dolores umbridge: Senior Deputy Minister of Ministry of Magic, in charge of supervising Hogwarts School of Wizardry. That is a witch who looks like a toad.

One of the principals of Hogwarts, phineas Nigel, was born in Slytherin College. Great-great-grandfather of Sirius Black.

Mrs longbottom: Neville's grandmother. I am proud of my son and daughter-in-law who were mutilated by death eaters.

Gloppe: Hagrid's half-brother lives in the forbidden forest.

Antonin Dolohov: The Death Eaters who once killed the Puwitt family.

Algernon Rookwood: Death eaters hiding in the Ministry of Magic.

Mrs. Figg: The old lady who lives near the Dursleys likes cats very much.