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Four articles in classical Chinese

1. Looking for Yang's four sons in classical Chinese in primary school:

Liang's son is nine years old and very clever. Junping Kong thought of his father, but when his father was away, he shouted. In order to set fruit, there are bayberry. Confucius pointed out to his son and said, "This is the fruit of your family." The son replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is a master of poultry."

In the state of Liang, there is a family named Yang. There is a nine-year-old son at home. He is very clever. One day, Junping Kong came to visit his father. It happened that his father was not at home, so Junping Kong called the child out. The child brought Junping Kong fruits, including bayberry. Junping Kong pointed to Yangmei and showed it to the children, saying, "This is the fruit of your family." The child immediately replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is your bird."

The original "Boya Juexian"—

Boya is good at playing drums, but Zhong Ziqi is good at listening. Boya Guqin, looking at the mountains in the distance, Zhong Ziqi said, "Well, I am like Mount Tai!" Determined to run water, Zhong Ziqi said, "Good, like a river!" Zhong Ziqi will understand what Boya said. When he died as a child, Boya said that there was no bosom friend in the world, but he broke the piano and never played drums all his life.


Yu Boya is good at playing the piano and Zhong Ziqi is good at listening to it. When Boya played the piano, he thought of showing the mountains. Zhong Ziqi listened to the praise and said, "Great, I seem to see the towering Mount Tai!" Boya wanted to express the flowing water in his heart, so Zhong Ziqi said, "Great, just like a running river!" No matter what Boya wants to express, Zhong Ziqi can accurately express his ideas. After Zhong Ziqi died, Boya found it difficult to find someone who could understand his piano, so he broke his beloved piano and stopped playing it for life.

Confucius traveled eastward and saw two children arguing and asked them why.

A child said, "I think the sun is close to the sky at sunrise and far from the sky at noon." . "

A Confucius said, "I am far away at the beginning of the day, and I am near in Japan."

A son said, "The sunrise is as big as a car cover. At noon, it is like a plate: a container for holding things, a round plate and a square bowl. This is not too small for the far, but too big for the near? "

Another child said, "The sun just came out to cool down, and it was as hot as putting your hand in hot water at noon. Isn't that why you feel hot when you are near and cool when you are far away?" ? "

Hearing this, Confucius could not judge who was right or wrong. The two children smiled and said to Confucius, "Who said you were smart?" ? "

When Confucius traveled eastward, he saw two children arguing and asked them what they were arguing about.

A child said, "I think the sun is close to people when it first comes out, and far away from people at noon."

A child said, "I think the sun is far when it first comes out and near at noon."

original text

Learn chess.

Qiu Yi is the best athlete in this country. Let Qiu Yi teach two people to play chess, one to concentrate on playing chess, and Qiu Yi listens; Although one person thought it was a swan, he tried to shoot it with his bow. Although I learned chess from the previous one, chess is still not as good as the previous one. Is it because his intelligence is not as good as the former? That's not true.


Qiu Yi is the best Go player in China. Let Qiu Yi teach two people to play Go. One of them was so absorbed that he listened carefully, pondered and understood everything Qiu Yi said. On the surface, another person is also listening to Qiu Yi's teaching, but in his heart, he thinks the swan is coming and thinks about how to shoot it down with a bow and arrow. Although they learn Go together, the latter is not as good as the former. Isn't his intelligence inferior to the former? Answer: it's not like this.

A child said, "When the sun first came out, it was as big as the roof of a carriage." By noon, it's as big as a plate, isn't it far (it looks)

Small and close (looks) big? "

(Another) A child said, "It's cool as soon as the sun comes out, and it's like entering a bathhouse at noon. Isn't that as close as possible? "

The hotter, the farther away. Is it getting cold? "

Confucius can't decide (who is right and who is wrong). Two children laughed at Confucius and said, "Who says you know much?"

2. China ancient writers Guan Ning and Huaxin, who said four new words, were hoeing vegetables in the garden. They saw a piece of gold, and the hoe was the same as a tile stone, but they caught the gold and threw it away. I have also tasted the taste of reading at the same table. Those who walk through the entrance would rather read as before, and I would also like to read waste books. Ning cut the mat and sat down separately, saying, "I'm not my friend." (For the first time, see Shi Shuo Xin Yu)

Zheng Xuan is under Ma Rong's door and can't meet each other for three years. He was only taught by a high-impedance disciple. It is incomprehensible for disciples to taste the sum of heaven and earth (2). Or those who say that they are mysterious and capable, they will be called to calculate, and they will be sure in one turn. While Michelle Ye resigned, there was a sigh of propriety and music, fearing that Michelle Ye would be jealous of his fame. Xuan, too, sat under the bridge and exhibited on the water. Melt the fruit, enter it one by one, and tell the left and right: "Xuan is on the ground, under the water, and will die." Then stop chasing. Xuan survived.

3. The first question of four short essays: How to do Chinese reading comprehension exercises in the third grade of primary school-four short essays

Essay 1:

Looking back on the 20th century, our only (wéi) home, the earth, has become riddled with holes and unbearable (kān) burden due to environmental pollution. Recalling the floods in the Yangtze River in China, frequent typhoons (pοon), the interruption of the Yellow River, red tides at sea and sandstorms in Beijing, people can't help asking: "What happened to our earth?" Nature is retaliating against mankind, and the earth is crying. Protect the environment and save the earth. Let's all care about environmental protection.

1. What examples are given in the article to illustrate the seriousness of environmental pollution? Please draw it with "_ _".

2. What questions have people raised in the face of the crying earth? Please write it down below.


Essay 2:

Some creatures (Huns) are covered with thorns. The porcupine is covered with slender spines, which are usually tightly attached to the skin. Once in danger, porcupines will open these thorns and stab the enemy to protect themselves. Pangolin scales are its thorns, similar to nails. Although its scales are not as sharp as thorns, their edges are as sharp as blades. The most familiar spiny plant should be cactus. Their thorns are leaves. In order to reduce the evaporation of water, these leaves evolved into thorns. Palm tree (lǐ) grows in the Amazon jungle, and its trunk is densely covered with thorns to protect its fruit from animals.

1. What kinds of thorns are introduced in the article? Please write it on the horizontal line below.


2. What are the functions of the thorns on these creatures? Please write it down.


Essay 3:

Kites have many uses. It is said that the original use of kites is military, which can be used to measure distance and transmit information. Later, the function of kites changed from military to entertainment. In modern times, kites have become popular sports and fitness activities. Not only (jǐn) but also kites are popular handicrafts.

1. Which sentence does this article revolve around? Please draw it with "_ _ _ _ _ _".

2. What's the use of kites? Please simply write it down below.


Essay 4:

A famous writer lives in a hotel somewhere. People told him that mosquitoes were particularly harmful here. He was checking in at the reception desk when a mosquito flew in. He said to the waiter, "I heard that the mosquitoes here are very smart. Sure enough, they will fly to look after my room number (M) in advance, so that they can come and have a full meal at night." The waiter couldn't help laughing.

As a result, he slept well that night, because the waiter also remembered the room number and did everything he should do.

1. "Sure enough" can be replaced by another word, please write it down.


2. What does it mean to "do everything that should be done" in the passage? Please write it down briefly.


Reference answer

Teachers can choose three of the five articles provided to test students. The recommended test time is 20 minutes.

Reference answers and evaluation methods are as follows:

Essay 1 the first question, draw the correct sentence, 3 points. Students should draw "China Yangtze River flood, frequent typhoons, Yellow River cut off, red tide in the sea, sandstorm in Beijing". No points will be deducted for drawing mistakes, and more points will be deducted for drawing 1 point.

Essay 1 second question, 3 points. Students should write "What happened to our earth?" . Write more and write less without scoring.

Question 1 of essay 2, 3 points. Students responded to "porcupine, pangolin, cactus, palm tree" and "protect yourself, reduce water evaporation and protect fruits". Deduct 2 points for the first wrong answer and 1 point for the second wrong answer.

Question 2, Fill in the blanks, 3 points. Students should write "first-class ideological, artistic and ornamental". No extra points for filling in mistakes.

The first question in essay 3, fill in the blanks, 3 points. Students should write "kites have many uses", and draw mistakes without scoring.

Question 2 of essay 3, 4 points. Students should write "military, entertainment, sports, fitness, handicrafts". Don't score if you make a mistake.

Question 1 of essay 4, 3 points. Students can write "Sure enough". If you make a mistake, you won't get the score.

Question 2 of essay 4, 5 points. Students only need to write the words "killing mosquitoes" to get points.

Students who get 18-20 points can get five stars; Score 15- 17 and get four stars; Get 12- 14 integral and get three stars; Get 9- 1 1 point and get two stars; If you don't get 8 points, you will get a star.

4. Seek the article translation, central idea and key sentence analysis of four fables in Lesson 30, Grade One. Naoko's suspicious neighbor translation.

There was a rich man in the state of Song. It rained heavily and the wall of his house was broken. The rich man's son said, "If you don't build it, thieves will steal it." The old man next door said the same thing. At night, the rich really lost a lot of things. As a result, the rich man thought his son was very clever, but he suspected that the old man in the neighborhood had stolen from his family.

old frontiersman losing his horse—a blessing in disguise

Among the people living near the frontier fortress, there is a person who is good at speculating good and bad luck and mastering several tricks. Once, his horse ran to the residence of the Hu people for no reason. People came to comfort him for this. The old man said, "Why can't this be a blessing?" A few months later, the lost horse came back with the good horse of the Hu people. People came to congratulate him. The old man added, "Why can't this be a disaster?" There are many good horses in the fortune teller's house. His son likes riding horses, and as a result, he fell off his horse and broke his thigh. People began to sympathize with him. The old man said, "Why can't this be a blessing?" A year later, the Hu people invaded the frontier fortress on a large scale, and all the able-bodied men took up arms to fight. Nine out of ten people near the frontier fortress died. The man was saved in the battle only because he was lame, and the father and son saved their lives together.

5. Translation of Aesop's fables in four classical Chinese 1. When the donkey was walking outside, he heard insects chirping in the grass and liked it very much, so he wanted to imitate their chirping. Ask the bug, "What food do you usually eat? Does it sing so well? " The bug replied, "It's just dew." The donkey thinks drinking dew is beneficial, so he stops eating grass and uses dew. For ten days in a row, the donkeys starved to death.

2. In winter, ants take out the corn harvested in summer. When other bugs are hungry, they ask for corn. The ant replied, "Then why don't you store food in summer?" The bug said, "I am busy singing to the summer (warm) wind." The ant said with a smile, "(an outstanding singer) sings in summer and hibernates when it is cold." How can you say you are hungry? "

3. Two people walk together. A man found an axe on the road and said to his companion, "I found an axe." His companion (corrected) said, "Don't say' I', say' we'." Later, I met someone looking for an axe on the road. The man who found the axe said, "We are in danger." The companion (corrected) replied, "Don't say' we', you can say' I'." Therefore, in this world, only when we face the danger together can we enjoy the harvest together.


A man wanted to leave, so he rented a donkey. It's very hot and the sun is exhausting. The man wanted to find a cool place to cool off, but he couldn't find it, so he squatted under the donkey's belly to shade himself. But there can only be one person lying under the donkey's belly, and pedestrians and donkey drivers are scrambling to lie down. The donkey man said, "I rented the donkey to you, but I didn't rent the shadow of the donkey to you." The pedestrian said, "I rented your donkey, and the shadow of the donkey should be mine." They argued for a long time, and when they looked back, the donkey had been sunburned.

6. Four fables: The first clever son doubted his neighbor. Song dynasty has enriched the people, and the rain wall is bad.

His son said, "If you don't build ④, there will be thieves." His neighbor's father is Yun, too.

At dusk, the fruit is destroyed and the money is wasted. His family is very wise, but he doubts his neighbor's father. (1) from Everything is Wrong and Difficult, with the title added by the editor.

Han Fei (about 280-233 BC) was a famous thinker at the end of the Warring States Period. His works are included in Han Feizi.

Wisdom, cleverness, here means "as clever as ...". (2) [Song] refers to the State of Song.

(3) [bad] damage. (4)[ Building] repair.

[Yi Yun] said the same thing. 6. Good evening.

All landowners [fruit] Sure enough. 8 [Death] Lost.

A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise, and a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. Everyone hung up on ⑤, and his father said, "Why is ⑤ not a blessing?" After living for several months, his horse returned to Hu.

Everyone congratulated him, and his father said, "Why can't this be a disaster?" The family is rich and good, and the son is easy to ride, but he broke his moustache when he fell. Everyone hung up, and his father said, "Why isn't this a blessing?" After living for a year, the conference semifinals entered the fortress, and Ding Zhuang's attending took the lead and fought.

Nineteen people died near the traffic jam. This alone is lame. Father and son protect each other.

(1) is an excerpt from Huainanzi Human Training, with the title added by the editor. Huainan Zi, also known as Huainan Lie Hong, was written by Liu An, the king of Huainan in the Western Han Dynasty (179- 122).

Plug (sài), side plug. (2) [plug] here refers to the Great Wall area.

(3) [the giver] is a person who is proficient in several tricks. Art, artistic figures, and spells that predict good or bad luck of people, such as fortune telling and divination, are all superstitious activities.

(4) [death] escape. (5) [hanging] to comfort their misfortune.

⑥ 【 He Qi (Jù) 】 Why? This is a rhetorical question. All landowners [home] here means passing by.

8 [meeting] leaders. Pet-name ruby 【 ⑤ (b) 】 thigh.

Attending [Ding Zhuang] A mature man. ⑾ 【 Lead the string to play 】 Pick up the bow and arrow to fight.

Pull the string, pull the bowstring. ⑿ [19] Nine tenths, which means the vast majority.

[13] This person, this person. [14] [Crappy (bǒ)] Crappy.

⒂ 【 guarantee 】 save. Discussion and Practice 1 Read the text and talk about the meaning of four fables based on your own life experience.

Explain the following words with horizontal lines according to the context. 1。

7. People's Education Edition Complete Works of Ancient Chinese Poetry and Classical Chinese in Junior High School People's Education Edition Volume I Complete Works of Classical Chinese Translation Unit 1 5, Tong Qu (Shen Fu) Unit 2 10, The Analects of Confucius Unit 10 Unit 3 15, Five Ancient Poems Looking at the Sea (Cao Cao) The next berth in Beibao Mountain (Wang Wan) Qiantang Lake Spring Tour (Bai Juyi) Chen Taiqiu, two poems about snow in Shi Shuo Xin Yu, and Unit 6, Unit 30, Friendship Period, * Fable Four Sages Suspecting Neighbors, Saiweng Lost His Horse Education Edition, Grade 7, Volume 2, Complete Works of Classical Chinese Translation 1 Unit 5, Injury to Zhong Yong (Wang Anshi), Unit 2 10, Mulan Poetry, Unit 3 15, * Sun Room Culture (Lin Sihuan), Unit 5, 25, and two short essays by Kuafu. People's Education Edition Volume I Complete Works of Classical Chinese Translation Unit 5 2 1, Peach Blossom Garden (Tao Yuanming) 22, Two Humble Stories (Liu Yuxi) Ailian said (. A trip to the Avenue (Book of Rites) 25. Three poems by Du Fu, Wangchun Stone Moat, Unit 6, 26. Three Gorges (Li Daoyuan) 27. Essay, two thank-you books (Tao Hongjing), Night Tour in Chengtian Temple (Su Shi) 28. Observe the tides (carefully). Watching the snow in the lake pavilion (Zhang Dai) 30. Four Poems Returning to Yuan (Tao Yuanming), Residing in (Wang Wei), Farewell to Friends at Jingmen Ferry (Li Bai), Complete Translation of Eighth Grade Classical Chinese by Yellow Crane Tower People's Education Edition Unit 5 2 1, Zhu Yuansishu (Wu Jun) 22, Wu Liuchuan (Tao Yuanming) 23, Ma Shuo (Han Yu) 24, and sending them to Dongyang Horse (Festival). Five Drinks (Part II) (Tao Yuanming) Difficult to Go (Part I) (Li Bai) The thatched cottage was broken by the autumn wind (Du Fu) A song "Farewell to the White Snow in the Field-Clerk Wu Going Home () Ji Hai's Miscellaneous Poems (Gong Zizhen) People's Education Edition Volume I" Complete Works of Classical Chinese "Translation Unit 6, 2 1, aristocratic family Five-word Wang Jiangnan (Wen) Jiangchengzi Mizhou Hunting (Su Shi) Fisherman Ao (Fan Zhongyan) broke the battle, and presented Zhuang Ci Chen Tongfu (Xin Qiji) Wuling Chun (Li Qingzhao) People's Education Edition, Volume II, Complete Works of Classical Chinese Translation, Unit 5, 17, Mozi 18. Die in Anle 19, Fish I Want, Mencius 20, Zhuangzi, two stories about Keiko, Xiang Liang Zhuangzi and Keiko swimming in Haoliang Unit 6 2 1, Cao Gui debating Zuo Zhuan 22, Zou Ji satirizing Wang Qi coachable's Warring States policy 23, Gong Yu's Yi Shan Liezi 24, and The Book of Songs.

8. Translate the ancient poem "Four Stories" in Xixi Wei Wuying, Chuzhou. I only love the grass growing quietly by the stream. There are orioles crying in the depths of the forest by the stream.

Spring tide comes with the rain at night, and the unmanned boat at the ferry floats freely. Cen Can took the envoy to Beijing, looking thousands of miles east and a long way. With a dragon bell on his face and dripping sleeves, tears still don't work.

On the way, I met you at once, but there was no pen and paper to repair the book; I have to ask you to take a message home to tell me that you are safe. I always think about Wang Changling's boudoir, and I don't know how to worry; Spring has come. Dress up and climb the Cuilou alone.

Suddenly, I felt very uncomfortable when I saw the new green willow on the head of a stranger. Oh, I wish I had told my husband to get this title. Gong Ci was played upstairs, and Gong Fei's laughter came from the wind.

According to the palace, the bright moon heard the sound of the funnel and rolled up the crystal bead curtain, hoping to get close to the Milky Way.