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What are the days at the end of the four-word word?

Shout to the sky: Fall. Calling for heaven and grabbing land, describing extremely sad thorns. There are thorns everywhere. Describe the broken scene or difficult situation after the accident. Describe the sky carefully. Hold the sky carefully. Refers to the earth-shattering flood, the flood of the earth. Hands can be reach for the sky, which is a fairy tale of a very tall goddess mending the sky. Fuxi's sister, Nu Wa, refined five-color stones to make up the sky. Describe the majestic spirit and fearless struggle spirit of transforming heaven and earth, and look up at the sky. Metaphor is upward-looking, vague style, unwilling to put down the shelf and go deep into the grassroots. Pull out the ground and lean on the sky: bulge, bulge. Lean on: lean on, approach. Suddenly from the ground, close to the sky. Metaphor is tall and prominent, magnificent. Ascending to heaven by day was originally Taoism, which means ascending to heaven by day and becoming immortal. After metaphor suddenly rich. Regret: regret; Ultimately: for life. Being old means being sad for life because of the death of your parents. Now it means doing something wrong and regretting it for life. Blue sea and blue sky originally described Chang 'e's loneliness and desolation when she looked at the empty blue sea and blue sky at night in Guanghan Palace. After the metaphor of women's loyalty to love. There is another realm in the metaphor of caves. Don't wear it for a day: wear it on your head or wear it on your head. I don't want to coexist with my enemies under the same sky. Describe the depth of hatred. Shout to the sky: sadness, sadness. Cry sadly. An expression that describes extreme grief and despair. Inch refers to a small piece of land and sky. Put a basin on your head and look at the sky. Metaphor behavior is contrary to the purpose, and desire cannot be achieved. Bold describes great courage. Boiling against the sky: tumbling; English: I'm full. The sound boils and rolls like water, filling the space. Describe noisy voices, chaos into bonfires, and describe wars everywhere. Lick with your tongue. Lick the sky with your tongue. Metaphor is inconsistent with what you want and can't achieve your goal. Life is higher than the sky. It's a congratulatory message. Turning things upside down means something great has happened. It is also a metaphor for national subjugation. Fudi Cave was originally a Taoist term, referring to the famous summer resort where Shinto lived. After Dobby refers to a place with beautiful scenery. Oh, the wall seeks heaven: shout loudly; Ask Heaven: Ask Heaven a question. Describe a scholar who complains when he is frustrated. Hongfu Qi Tianhong: Big. In the old society, praising people was a great blessing. Reaching for the sky: disaster; Call: shout. Describe not preparing in advance, disaster strikes, and asking for help from heaven. Legend has it that Liu An, the king of Huainan in the Han Dynasty, scattered the remaining medicine in the yard after he became immortal, and the chickens and dogs ate it and ascended to heaven. Metaphorically, when a person becomes an official, people who have relations with him follow suit. Candlelight lit up the sky. Describe a fire (especially a fire). The description of the world is all over the world. Complain bitterly and complain incessantly. Describe it as very painful. The metaphor of seeing the sky through the fog makes people suddenly enlightened. Refining stone to make heaven: to make a substance pure or hard by heating. According to ancient mythology, the sky lacks the northwest, and Nu Wa refined five-color stones to make up for it. Metaphor shows the ability and means to make up for national and political mistakes. Loud gongs and drums: loud. The gongs and drums are loud. It originally refers to beating gongs and drums and directing advance and retreat in a battle. After describing the festive scene. Man proposes, God disposes. This means that I have tried my best. As for whether we can achieve our goal, it depends on luck. Food is the most important thing for people: a metaphor for the most important thing to live on. People live on food. Refers to the importance of human food. Metaphor suddenly reached a high position or realm. The gunfire was very heavy. Anger soared into the sky. Describe anger to the extreme. The flame smoked the sky: momentum. Describe arrogance. Worried about the sky: the name of the Zhou Dynasty princes is in Qixian County, Henan Province today. There was a man in Qi who was afraid that the sky would fall. Metaphor is unnecessary or unfounded worry and anxiety. Enthusiasm describes the enthusiastic mood and high atmosphere of mass activities, like a raging flame burning according to the sky. Human life is very important: metaphor is very important. Refers to things related to human life. Samsung is newly married in heaven. People can conquer nature by gathering strength. As if the sun were at the zenith. It is a metaphor for the development of things to a very prosperous stage. Man can conquer nature, and man can conquer nature. Refers to the fact that human power can overcome nature. A beautiful day: attachment. Like the sun and the moon hanging in the sky. This metaphor is eternal. Thirty-three days Buddhism calls the sixth day of the desire world thirty-three days, that is, the day of seeking profit. After describing the highest point. Looking into the well is a metaphor for narrow vision and limited knowledge. There are many ways to use hand-eye metaphor, and the means are brilliant. Four feet in the air: of limbs. Describe a fall on your back. It is also a metaphor for lying down and not doing it. Sending Buddha to the West is a metaphor for doing good things to the end. An undecided date is a metaphor for things that have not yet been resolved or decided. Lawlessness used to mean doing bad things at will regardless of national laws and justice. Now it is often described as breaking the law and discipline, which is out of control. One person gets the word, the chicken and dog ascend to heaven, one person gets the word, and the whole family even the chicken and dog ascend to heaven. To make a metaphor, when a person becomes an official, people who are related to him also become officials. Snow Cave icehouse: A cave for collecting things. There is ice and snow everywhere. Describe the cold weather, also refers to the cold area. Spit on your back, look up at the sky, and spit still falls on your face. Metaphor is intended to hurt others, but it is oneself who suffers. Look up if you don't live up to God. It means having done nothing wrong and having a clear conscience. Cover the sky with one hand and the sky with the other. Describe relying on power, playing politics and deceiving the masses. Holding the sky in one hand is a metaphor for impossible. Pillar of heaven: lift it up. A pillar of heaven. It is a metaphor that people can bear the heavy responsibility of the world. Zhan Zhan Qingtian Zhan Zhan: A heavy look. Metaphor is justice and fairness. Look at the sky with a tube: bamboo tube; Peep: to look through a small hole or gap. Look at the sky through the hole in the bamboo tube. Metaphor is narrow-minded or one-sided. Once upon a time in America, the spirit of justice soared into the sky. Describe the spirit of fighting for justice as extremely noble. Sit at the bottom of the well and watch the sky. Metaphor is small in vision and little in knowledge. Bitterness describes great resentment. The most heinous crime: the sky is full of land. Describe a big crime. It is fierce to jump on the ground and lift the sky. Disasters are terrible, and disasters and wars are extremely serious, and the world is in chaos. Beyond a certain realm, it is endless realm. It is often used to indicate that people's horizons are limited by objective conditions and the field of knowledge needs to be continuously expanded. It also means endless experiences in a beautiful realm. Also known as "there is a mountain outside the mountain" and "there is a peak outside the peak". Describe the storm. Heads up, heads up, heads up. Describe arrogance. Nose lifted up, nose cocked up. Describe arrogance. Heads up, heads up, heads up. Describe arrogance. Wear it differently: on your head or on your head. I don't want to coexist with my enemies under the same sky. Describe the deep hatred of touching the ground. Describe extreme grief. Boldness is the same as "boldness". Earth-shattering shock: alarm; Moves: shock. Disturb the world. Describe an event with great motivation or significance. Boil against the sky, "boil against the sky." The flying dragon in the sky is a metaphor for the emperor's rule. The text "Ganyi": "In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Feilong is in the sky. It's good to see adults." Confucius' Ying Da Shu: "It is said that people with virtue can ascend to the throne." Gratitude for two days describes those who have saved people from danger, hardship and disease. The original intention of turtle calling heaven is bad luck in divination, and it is an insult and title to divination instruments and the sky. Extended to the call sign of unfortunate fate. Towering ancient trees: towering into the clouds. The ancient trees are flourishing and very tall. Drum music: playing. Loud sky: loud and noisy. Playing all kinds of musical instruments, the sound is so loud that it goes straight into the sky. Shake the earth: shake. Let heaven and earth tremble. Describe great strength, good technology and great courage. Describe the dark, extremely dark and decadent. It is also a metaphor for a dark and decadent society. Sunshine (1) means peace and prosperity. (2) metaphor eyes discerning, right and wrong. Jiadi Liantian Jiadi: the mansion of the rich and dignitaries. There are many houses that describe rich people and dignitaries. This is a metaphor for the impossible. Also known as "Sword Man Ascends to Heaven". If you go to heaven, you will see "If you go to heaven". The argot that feet die in the air. Golden drums and high-priced golden drums: In ancient times, soldiers were commanded by golden pheasants and war drums, and when the drums were beaten, they entered, and when the gold sounded, they retreated; Even the sky: resounding through the sky. Describe great military power or fierce fighting. Drunkenness and extravagance describe a life of eating, drinking, gambling and debauchery. For partial deduction, see "Partial Deduction". A crucial day in the local area is full of fear and anxiety. Open the clouds and see the sky. There is another cave, another fresh realm: fullness. Diffuse between heaven and earth. There are many descriptions, everywhere. Also known as "the sky". Deceive heaven and earth. Metaphor is ignorance of conscience, concealing facts or deceiving people with lies. Hide the truth from your conscience and deceive others with lies. Also known as "hiding the sky". It's hard to describe a thing as difficult as heaven. Anger is running high. Extremely uncontrollable. Worrying about the sky is the same as worrying about the sky. Grab the ground: Touch the ground. Shout loudly to heaven and hit your head on the ground. Describe extreme sadness. Man is stronger than nature, and only when he is strong can he overcome nature. The sun and the moon pass through the sky every day. Metaphor aboveboard, enduring. Shooting fish is shooting fish from the sky. Although you work hard, you will get nothing. Swearing to the sun means seeing the sky. Swear to the sun. Food is the most important thing for people, which means that food is the most important thing for people to survive. It's terrible to be described as powerful and arrogant. Conforming to people should be the same as "conforming to people" See "Shunri Yaonian" in Shunri Tian Yao. Chat, talk about everything. Describe a broad topic or be good at using words. "Poetry Xiaoya First Month" was published by the Land Bureau: "It is said that the sky is high and you dare not lose it; It means that the ground is thick and you dare not lose it. " Later, it was described as "the earth is in the sky" to show caution. Copper stink: the smell of copper coins. Full of unpleasant smell of copper coins. Often used to laugh at the ugly behavior of the rich. It also refers to bribery and corruption. On the ground, the sky takes the ground as a seat and the sky is a curtain. Lying on the floor in the open air Sex is a major event in life. There is ice and snow everywhere in the snow kiln. Refers to cold areas. Smoke is burning and fireworks cover the sky all day. Inflammation: the same flame. One step to the sky: go. Metaphor suddenly reaches a very high level or degree. Metaphor means that people suddenly succeed and climb to a very high position. Metaphor is usually unknown and suddenly makes an amazing move. Look at the sky through the mirror. Resentment means lifelong regret. One painting opens the sky, and it is said that Fuxi painted eight diagrams, which began with the first painting in the third hexagram, and was called "one painting opens the sky". See "a pillar of heaven". Look at the sky through the pipe. Metaphor is narrow-minded and short-sighted. Yuzhu is Tianzhu, which can be used as a world event. The clouds opened, the dark clouds disappeared, and the light was seen again. Metaphor society from chaos to governance, from darkness to light. Covering the ground and covering the sky are the same as "covering the sky and covering the ground" Covering the sky is the same as "covering the sky". Know the earth, know the sky, know the earth: terrain: sky: weather. Understand the terrain and climate. Turning the sea into the sky is the same as turning the sun into the sky. See you the next day. Zou Yan talks about Biography of Historical Records Mencius and Xun Qing: "Yan Yan's skill is controversial; It is also very difficult to use stationery ... so Qi people sang' Talk about the sky and talk about the swallow, carve the dragon'. " Later, because of the eloquent metaphor of "Zou Yan's gossip". Zou, pass "Li". See the sky from the well, see "See the sky from the well". Rise from the ground [explanation]: suddenly stand up from the ground. Towering: soaring into the sky. Describe tall and mighty. With "pulling the ground depends on the sky. "rise from the ground [explanation] rise from the ground: suddenly stand up from the ground. Towering: soaring into the sky. Describe tall and mighty. With "pulling the ground depends on the sky. "A sunny day [explanation]. Express emphasis. Cover the sky [explanation] cover the sky and cover the sun. The description covers a wide range. Look at the sky through the clouds [explanation] Only by pushing away the dense clouds can we see the bright blue sky. Metaphor breaks through the darkness and sees the light. The origin of lust ascending to heaven is Galvatron Engraving Volume 17 at the beginning of Ming Ling Meng: "Wu Jijing's son should know how to be cautious, but he is obsessed with lust ascending to heaven, bullying his youth and completely ignoring it." It shows that it is very courageous to describe lust and lust. Seeing the light of day means that the grievances have been exhausted.