Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Please explain the meaning of the Eight Diagrams Taiji Diagram in detail, thank you!

Please explain the meaning of the Eight Diagrams Taiji Diagram in detail, thank you!

Diagram of the Supreme/Great Ultimate

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& ltDIV align = center & gt& ltFONT color=#ff0000 size=4>。 & ltB& gt; Diagram of the Supreme/Great Ultimate

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& ltDIV align = left & gt& ltFONT color=#000000>。 & ltBR & gt& ltSTRONG & gt What is Tai Chi? & lt/STRONG & gt; Too meaningful; Extreme extreme, that is, in terms of limit, has no similar meaning. It includes both extreme principles and extreme limitations of time and space. Putting it down is the six in one, and the volume is hidden in the heart. It can be greater than any amount but not beyond the circumference and space, or less than any amount but not equal to zero or zero. This is the meaning of Tai Chi. Taiji diagram is an important image to study the principle of Zhouyi, which contains the * * * nature of everything in the world. & ltBR & gt& ltSTRONG & gt But Taiji diagram

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& ltDIV align = center & gt& ltIMG src = "/travel/ylc/bgzs/img/taiji . gif " & gt; & lt/DIV & gt; & lt/TD & gt; & lt/TR & gt; & lt/TABLE & gt;