Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - 2-3 business cards of the characters in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio, including their personalities, etc.

2-3 business cards of the characters in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio, including their personalities, etc.

For example, Bai, the protagonist in He's works, is a vivid and plump figure. Bai Qiulian's main personality characteristic for readers is "elegance". The first thing she said when she saw Mu Sheng was: "I am haggard for Lang, but I am ashamed of Lang." Then when she was ill, she asked Musheng to read her poems. To the reader's surprise, reciting poems can cure her illness, and when she died, she told Musheng that reading poems to her every day can bring her back to life. The author tries to explain that "elegance" is the most prominent character of Bai Qiulian. She met Musheng through poetry, divination of the future and even poetry. Elegant and weak Bai Qiulian also has her stubborn side. She is by no means a woman at the mercy of others. She showed great rebellion against her love and marriage, with a cool head and an open mind. Unlike Mu Sheng, Bai Qiulian not only cares about the immediate happiness, but also doesn't think much about the prospect of marriage. But to keep a keen eye on everything and not to indulge in love. When she realized that Musheng's father was obstructing the marriage, she relied on her wisdom and confidence to reverse the crisis of this love marriage. She has a thorough understanding of the nature of businessmen and made suggestions for Musheng's father, which made him earn a lot of money. From then on, Musheng's father regarded him as a god and agreed to this marriage. Besides, Bai Qiulian also has her strong side. When Mrs. Bai was caught by the Dragon King, Bai Qiu practiced to save her mother, explaining everything to Mu Sheng and telling him that she was different. "If you hate the other one, please throw it back to you. When I leave, the Dragon Palace will not be a hundred times more expensive than your home. " These words firmly broke through the feudal concept of "being loyal to one's life". Bai Qiulian stubbornly resisted the oppression of the Dragon King, and also decisively tested Musheng's love for himself. From this series of events, we can see that Bai Qiulian is not just an elegant and weak woman, but a person who combines rigidity with softness, sticks to her own opinions and dares to rebel for happiness. Highlight the main personality characteristics of the characters, that is, the stable, simple and distinctive side of the characters, taking into account the richness of the characters, that is, the changeable, complex and rich side of the characters. This kind of personality structure is the most common in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio.

Xiaocui, the fox in Xiaocui, is a successful character. Her most striking feature is that she is good at teasing. Her lively, carefree and cheerful personality that day has been fully revealed in Wang Taichang's smiling face under serious study and in her performance of "Never Sad Love" with her mother. In her body, I will never find a trace of sadness, nor can I see any shadow of sadness. Living with Yuan Feng, an idiot, Xiao Cui is "laughing terribly, not too much." She turned her own clause into a playground and played with Yuan Feng and the girls all day. "Make a circle with a thorn, make a smile with a pedal" and "make a fool of yourself", posing as the ancients. They play many names and novel tricks. They laughed and ran around all day, playing the piano and dancing. Not only did the whole family know, but finally the neighbors also knew. This "banter" feature is manifested in Xiaocui's words and deeds, every move.

Later, the author put Xiao Cui in the political struggle environment between Wang Jian and Wang Debate. The more Wang exhorted and slandered Xiaocui's father-in-law, the bigger her joke became, so that in the end, Wang sighed helplessly that "disaster is not far away" and sometimes cried "directed at the Japanese family!" Through this contrast, Xiaocui's "playful" main personality characteristics are more vivid and dazzling. However, Xiaocui is not simply "good at joking". Through this incident, we can see that "being good at joking" reveals Xiaocui's intelligence, ability, determination and strength. In the whole incident, Xiaocui's outstanding point is not only that the plan itself is thorough and careful, so that the enemy is trapped, but also that she knows that Wang gave Wang Taichang an idea. After she made a ceremony with Yuan Feng, she began to prepare and turned Yuan Feng's physical weakness into an advantage. All these fully demonstrate Xiaocui's resourcefulness. But in the whole process, Xiaocui encountered various obstacles from the beginning, and even took risks, but she never wavered. When she was scolded by her wife for kicking a cloth ball and smearing her face, she didn't say a word and was not afraid at all. When she played the emperor, she knew that her in-laws could not spare her, so she closed the door in advance to "make her harsh." When her father-in-law tried to break into the house with an axe, she smiled and told him in the room, "Weng has no annoyance or anger!" Having a bride is bitter, not harmful to parents. If so, does Weng want to kill that woman to kill her? " This passage shows how confident and strong she is! It was because of her perseverance and calmness that everything went according to the predetermined plan, which also made her succeed later. Finally, Xiaocui's banter actually killed people, which is the way to cure Yuan Feng's idiot. This kind of plot description makes Xiaocui's playful character reach its peak.

Xiaocui's image is full and complete. Although she is playful and naughty, it doesn't mean that she has no feelings for Yuanfeng. When Mrs. Yuan's staff is Yuanfeng and Yuanfeng large, she not only "changes color" but also "kneels down". Finally, she "smiled and pulled her son into the room, dusted off the clothes, tried to shed tears, wiped the staff and seduced him with dates and chestnuts." My son is collecting tears for analysis. " Later, although Xiao Cui left the Wangs, she still stared at Yuan Feng secretly. Thus, Xiaocui is very fond of Yuanfeng.

In addition, Xiaocui's personality also has a stubborn side. Because she accidentally broke a jade bottle, she was scolded by her in-laws and left angrily. Later, although I met Yuan Feng in the Garden Pavilion, I still refused to go home with Yuan Feng. This plot makes Xiaocui's stubborn character very realistic. While describing, strengthening and amplifying Xiaocui's banter step by step, the author touches on her essays, shows her wisdom and courage through the political effect of her jokes, writes her gentleness through her attitude towards her husband, shows her mind through her performance when she is reprimanded by her in-laws, and shows her stubbornness through her angry departure. In this way, the main personality characteristics and secondary personality characteristics are integrated into one, and a vivid and distinct Xiao Cui is presented to the readers.