Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is Yang in "The Warrior Lan Ling" the goddess of witchcraft and a descendant of witchcraft?

Is Yang in "The Warrior Lan Ling" the goddess of witchcraft and a descendant of witchcraft?

In Lan Ling Jun, Yang is a witch goddess. In ancient times, some witches and salty people lived in Zheng's land. The goddess is a descendant of Wu Xian and was given the surname Zheng. Grandma Yang should have figured it out. Yang Shenglai's mission is to protect the warrior Lan Ling, and even lose his life, so he couldn't bear to watch his granddaughter die, so he lied to her. Actually, Yang is. There is a great controversy about Wuxian nationality in history. Is Yang the goddess of Wuxian, a descendant of Wuxian people?

Tang Yao's Wu Xian was famous for his divination. He can extend people's blessings and diseases, know their life and death, and judge whether they are gods through years. Emperor Yao respected them as gods and witches, and sealed them as beautiful. He was sealed in this mountain before his death and buried in this mountain after his death, and named the place where Wu Xian lived as Wu Xianguo. Wu Xian's son was naturally the king of Wu Xianguo, and was later incorporated into Wu County by Pakistan.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions's writing is salty. He is good at divination, the founder of divination, and the representative of theocracy. After the death of Emperor Yong of Shang Dynasty, his brother David succeeded to the throne. Wu Xian died and was buried in Yushan, Changshu. Taiwu, the founder of divination in Shang Dynasty, was a famous astrologer. He successfully governed the Wangs and wrote "Xianwu".

Shangshu: The great ministers include Xian Wu and Xian Wu. Wu xian also invented the star pulling technique (it is impossible to locate when sailing at sea, taking Polaris as the first reference point). When you can't see Polaris at low latitude (below six degrees north latitude), it will be used as a reference point. Although the book Wu Xian Zhan was written from the Warring States Period to the early Han Dynasty, it inherited the learning of Wu Xian. This ancient book on astrology is the first time to mention this observation unit. Kaiyuan Zhan Jing, compiled by Qutanstar in Tang Dynasty, contains Wu Xian's astrological words and catalogues. Changshu has Wu Shan, named after Wuxian, Wuxian Temple and Wuxian Tomb.

A witch is a person who acts as an intermediary between God and the lower emperors. One is a witch doctor, the legendary witch doctor. Ministers regard mangroves as Yao medicine, which can prolong people's happiness and cure people's diseases. According to historical records, Wu Xian was a wise minister around Emperor Wu of Shang Dynasty. His son Wu Xian became prime minister after Taiwu's grandson Zu Ti succeeded to the throne, also known as a good minister. And there is salty e in Oracle Bone Inscriptions. Therefore, some scholars believe that Wu Xian is the minister of the Shang King Taiwu.

Wu Xian, an ancient famous doctor, was assisted by Wu. One is a witch, and the Oracle says it is salty. It is said that he is good at astrology and invented divination, and he is the representative of theocracy. The method of witchcraft aggravated the illness, which reflected the combination of witchcraft and medical ethics at that time. From Taijia to Taiwu, after the Seventh World War, the national situation gradually declined. He cooperated with Zhiyi, decorated political affairs, and made achievements in governing the country, which made the Shang Dynasty once prosperous.

A witch is a person who acts as an intermediary between God and the lower emperors. "Lu Chunqiu? ; Don't bow your head: Wu Peng is a doctor and Wu Xian is an embarrassment. " Song of the South records that witches and salt will come in the evening. The king's note is witch salty, and the ancient god is also a witch. In ancient times, witchcraft was a noble profession. According to legend, when the Yellow Emperor went to war, Wu Xian was invited to a funeral. It is said that the name of martial arts comes from the wizard Wu Xian.

There are other legends about Wu Xian. For example, it is said that he is the inventor of the drum; It is said that he is the founder of divination (a kind of grass); It is also said that he measured stars, was an astrologer, and was regarded as the earliest astronomer in China.