Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Historical stories related to praise? Did the Western Zhou Dynasty perish because of praise?

Historical stories related to praise? Did the Western Zhou Dynasty perish because of praise?

There is a saying in the Book of Songs: "Celebrate the week, praise it, and destroy it". These eight words condemned the crime of praise, which made her always regarded as the chief culprit of the demise of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and praise also became one of the famous disasters of national subjugation.

Praise the surname (homophonic with Dayu), praise the people, praise the country in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province today, so praise the surname is actually from Shaanxi. The ritual system of praising the country is called praise because "women call the country their surname". In the third year of Zhou Youwang (779 BC), Zhou Youwang praised the country, praised the country's defeat, and offered praise for surrender ("Mandarin": "Zhou Youwang has praise, praise people and praise women." )。 After being praised, Zhou Youwang loved him very much (Historical Records: "You Wang loved him for three years." )。

Soon, Cong Si gave birth to a son for Zhou Youwang, named Bofu, and you Wang loved her even more. In the eighth year (774 BC), you Wang gave up the application of Shenhou and Prince Yijiu, and commended them. Fu Bo became a prince. This move undoubtedly annoyed Shen Guo. In the 11th year of Zhou Youwang, the Queen of God attacked Haojing, the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty, with dogs. Zhou Youwang died, and the Western Zhou Dynasty perished. Satoshi's whereabouts are unknown, and he may have died in the army.

Historical Records also recorded two bizarre stories about praise.

The first story is about Yan's life experience. At the end of the Xia Dynasty, two dragons stood in front of the court, claiming to be two sages who praised the country. Wang Xia divined, killed Erlong, drove Erlong away, and left Erlong unlucky. It's lucky to tell him to hide. So Wang Xia "gave the money and told it", and the dragon left, leaving a spit. Wang Xia put the spit in a box and "picked it up". Xia Wu, this thing spread to Shang Dynasty, Shang Wu, and then to Zhou Dynasty. After three generations, no one dared to open it. It was not until the last few years in Zhou Liwang that it was opened for viewing. As a result, it was "in the court and could not be removed". Zhou Liwang makes women "naked and noisy", "passionate and mysterious", mysterious and mysterious, and so does the black lizard. The black lizard ran into the harem, and the "children's concubines" in the harem were "attacked". She became pregnant as an adult, "born without a husband, afraid to give it up." When (my father) was born, there was a nursery rhyme among the people: "It was really the death of Zhou." "A bow and arrow suit", a bow and arrow made of mulberry, and an arrow bag made of white wood. Hearing this rumor, Xuan Wang said, "There are couples who sell utensils, and Xuan Wang let them kill them with their hands." The couple then fled and met the abandoned baby on the way to escape. The couple later fled to Zambia, and abandoning the baby was also praised. This story is absurd, but I don't believe it anyway.

The second story is the famous "Prince of Bonfire Play". "Historical Records" Volume IV "Zhou Benji IV": You are not funny. Wang You wanted to laugh at him, so he didn't laugh. Wang You is the drum of the lighthouse. If you have a coach, you will light a bonfire. When the princes learned that they were coming, they did not fight, but laughed. Wang You said, a few bonfires. If you don't believe it in the future, the princes will not benefit. I don't believe this historical story of "wolf coming" either. Mr. Qian Mu once pointed out that "this is a petty talk", which I deeply believe.

Luo Yin, a poet at the end of the Tang Dynasty, said in a poem: "Why should Wu people complain about history when the country rises and falls?" . If Shi overthrew the State of Wu, who would be the loser of the State of Yue? "Luo Yin to say a good word, stone, jia and other national crisis. I end with this poem.