Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Fun Network: Crash College 2 Tarot Card Destiny Tarot Card?

Fun Network: Crash College 2 Tarot Card Destiny Tarot Card?

Orthographic interpretation:

When the hp ratio is greater than the enemy, the damage increases by 80%. Although the value is not high, it is quite satisfactory. However, after testing, it is one of the few skills to add phantom when multiplied by most of the present skills, and it can even add additional damage of phantom, so it has strong applicability.

Reverse interpretation:

When the hp ratio is smaller than the enemy, the damage is reduced by 45%. Very low damage reduction, different from the increase of hp upper limit, damage reduction is equivalent to improving the quality of shield and hp. Although it is ineffective for proportional damage, in this increasingly important defense version, extreme superposition of "damage reduction" and "avoidance" can provide strong survivability.

Tarot cards, as a highly applicable skill, can provide two bonuses for offensive and defensive ends. But the meaning of tarot cards on the offensive end is greater than that on the defensive end most of the time. In actual combat, the percentage of each zombie mother's blood volume is uncertain, so tarot cards act on each zombie mother independently in bonus and judge different targets independently. In the face of high-intensity elite monsters, the blood line is uncontrollable, and low blood line will lead to permanent injury reduction benefits, which has been in a passive situation. Fortunately, the version is updated, and the shield mechanism is added. In most cases, the shield will be consumed first when it is injured. The trigger condition of "positive release" is relatively simple. Most monsters in the level will not return to blood after the blood volume is reduced, but the blood volume reduction of our players is reversible. We can supplement the medical kit through recovery equipment (such as lattice machine) to ensure that the blood volume is higher than the target and obtain the effect.

Ps: world boss default 100% HP. If the player is full of blood and has a shield, the bonus at both ends of the tarot card can be triggered. However, if you always take the dead Lord with you, it will trigger the defensive effect because of the fluctuation of blood volume.