Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Cheng' an introduced

Cheng' an introduced

Cheng An, executive director of Sichuan Gaozhi Shoumin Law Firm, founder of your defense network, and chief lawyer of Sichuan Cheng An. In the past ten years, its team lawyers have handled nearly 1000 criminal cases.

A just lawyer, a group of tough guys and a warm team have merged into a proud soul. "In this contest between the weak and the strong, as long as there is still a breath, I will always defend you." Maybe the criminal law is cruel and the law is ruthless, but human nature is warm, and our legal service and criminal defense are warm. From rural students who can't afford shoes, to doctoral students in top universities, to chief criminal defense lawyers who are active in defending life and freedom in all walks of life, what kind of experiences and beliefs have supported him to the present? "There is no perfect individual, only a perfect team." As the initiator and founder of Defending Your Criminal Team, how does he view the importance of team building? Now I think the era of being alone has passed, which means he is also involved in a criminal case. So I think the team is very important. In people's eyes, lawyers are often the embodiment of justice. They are dominant in law, eloquent and litigious, and defend the rights of vulnerable groups. What makes him say that lawyers are mercenary people?