Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Information about the Yellow River

Information about the Yellow River

1- Legend has it that a long time ago, the ancient Yellow River was a wild horse that was difficult to tame. It runs as it pleases, like a grinning monster, growling day and night, devouring thousands of fertile fields. Bite Chung Shan Man, the Hui people on both sides of the Yellow River can only live a slash-and-burn life at the top of the mountain and at the bottom of the ditch. At that time, Ningxia was not a plain bordered by Ma Pingchuan, but green mountains and valleys. There is no flat field, and no field can be irrigated with Yellow River water. Legend has it that there are several families living in Niushou Mountain who return to the Han family. They carry water at the foot of the mountain and farm at the top of the mountain for generations. All ages are busy, but they don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes. For a long time, no one could stand this torture. One year, a 70-year-old Hui Hui man named Del opened a melon garden on the mountain and planted some cucumbers. He gets up early every day and goes to the Yellow River to fetch water and water cucumbers. His shoulders are swollen and his feet are skinned. He carefully cultivated cucumbers, and the yellow ones looked tender and sweet. On this day, the old man was tired and fell asleep at the gate of the vegetable garden. As soon as he fell asleep, he dreamed that there was a white cloud floating in the sky. Gradually, Baiyun became an imam with a white beard, shook his silver beard and said to the old man, "There are two strong winds today, so you should pay attention. There is a yellow wind at noon, which can make cucumbers wither; There is a black wind in the afternoon, which can make cucumber stems fall off. No matter how windy it is, don't pick cucumbers. When the old man woke up, he saw that the white-bearded imam had disappeared, but he saw that the yellow wind in the north was overwhelming and suddenly blew to Niushou Mountain. The old man looked at the cucumbers carefully, and sure enough, they faded one by one. He was very sad. A year's efforts were in vain, but the thought of the white-bearded imam stopped him. In the afternoon, a black wind blew, shaking the earth and shaking the leaves layer by layer. When the old man saw that the cucumber was about to fall to the ground, he was very angry. He picked a cucumber and threw it into the Yellow River. The Yellow River immediately broke a line. As if he had been cut by a fairy with a knife, he clearly saw the bottom of the river. When the old man Gerd swooped down, the river suddenly joined again. The old man was tired and hungry, sitting on the river bank, blinking, and the golden flower danced wildly, knowing nothing. At this time, the old man in Del heard the white-bearded imam say, "This cucumber is the key to conquering the Yellow River. You can cut off the Yellow River and make it listen to people. But now the Yellow River is called Yellow Wind and Black Wind, and these two Iberians are suffering. Don't be impatient, be patient and work harder. Next year, you plant another cucumber garden. When the cucumber is ripe, you pick the biggest one and throw it into the Yellow River. At that time, you walked into the cave at the bottom of the river, took off your jewels, took away the seeds of grains, and had a sword to cut dragons and demons and tame the Yellow River. Where you point, the Yellow River water will flow. The next year, the hardworking old man Gerd planted another cucumber garden. He is not afraid of the long journey, and he does not hesitate to sweat like rain, carrying water from the Yellow River to water melons. Everything comes to him who waits. Finally, a three-foot cucumber grows in the garden, which looks like a key. The old man happily slept in the melon garden for a day and a night until the melon was ripe. On this day, the weather was fine, without a cloud. Old man Wilder picked a three-foot cucumber, read "Taismi" and threw it into the Yellow River. At this time, I only heard the roar of the Yellow River, and I opened a long crack. All the stones at the bottom of the river are clearly visible. When the old man went down to the bottom of the river, he saw a hole near the river bank, where pearls and agates were everywhere. The old man took some and just left, he heard the storm whistling. At that time, the waves on the river rolled and the waves became higher and higher. The old man Gerd picked up his sword and cut dozens of swords on the left and right sides of the black whirlwind and the yellow whirlwind. After a while, black wind and yellow wind blew in the sky. At this time, the faults of the Yellow River gradually tightened. Del's old man remembered the command of the white-bearded imam, and this sword could conquer the Yellow River. He knew very well, and he thought, I want the Yellow River to fill ditches and level mountains. Holding two swords, the old man plunged into the Yellow River, and the water in the Yellow River stopped flowing at once, as if a Great Wall had been blocked in front, but it was still rising steadily, which was really scary from a distance. Three days later, from Liupanshan in the south to Helan Mountain in the west, there was water everywhere, leaving only a few mountain tips. Only then, the old man, Gerd, drew his sword and told the Yellow River to flow forward. Since then, Ningxia, a deep mountain valley, has become Ma Pingchuan, and the Hui people living on both sides of the Yellow River have dug ditches for farmland with hard-working hands and lived a happy life.

2- Myth and legend: Dayu had three treasures when he governed the Yellow River. One is the river map; The second is a mountain axe; The third is to avoid water swords. Legend has it that the river map was given to Dayu by Hebo, the water god of the Yellow River. In ancient times, there was a man named Feng Yi in Huayin General Township. He feels uncomfortable farming, but he is bent on becoming an immortal. He heard that people can become immortals after drinking the juice of daffodils for one hundred days. So I looked everywhere for daffodils. Before Dayu harnessed water, the Yellow River flowed to the Central Plains. There is no fixed channel, it flows everywhere and is often flooded. There are seven strands and eight roads on the ground, and the branches in the ditch are all yellow river water. Feng Yi ran around looking for daffodils, often crossing, crossing and dealing with the Yellow River. Ninety-nine days passed in the blink of an eye, and then I found a daffodil and sucked the juice of the daffodil for a day, so I could become an immortal. Feng Yi was so proud that he crossed the Yellow River and went to a small village to look for daffodils. The water here is not deep. Feng Yi waded across the river and reached the middle of it. Suddenly, the river rose. He panicked, slipped, fell into the Yellow River and was drowned alive. After Feng Yi's death, she was full of grievances and resentments and hated the Yellow River, so she went to the Jade Emperor to sue the Yellow River. The Jade Emperor was also annoyed when he heard that the Yellow River was undisciplined and wandering around, endangering the people. Seeing that Feng Yi had been sucking the juice of daffodils for ninety-nine days, it was time to become an immortal. He asked Feng Yi if he would be the water god of the Yellow River and govern it. Feng Yi was overjoyed. Full of promises. Now I can realize my dream of becoming an immortal, and secondly I can avenge my drowning. Feng Yi became the water god of the Yellow River and was called Hebo. He has never been involved in water control, and suddenly assumed the responsibility of managing the Yellow River, helpless and worried. What should we do? I have no magic weapon, so I have to ask the Jade Emperor for advice. The Jade Emperor told him that to manage the Yellow River well, we must first find out the water conditions of the Yellow River and draw a river map. Based on the river map of the Yellow River, it will be much easier to control the Yellow River. Hebo, according to the instructions of the Jade Emperor, was bent on drawing a river map. He went to his hometown first and wanted to ask the villagers for help. Everyone in the village hated his idleness and his work, and no one answered him. He found the old man in the village and expressed his great ambition to govern the Yellow River. When the old man saw that he was now a fairy and wanted to do something good for the people, he promised to help him. From then on, Hebo and later old people came and went in the rain, wading through mountains and rivers to see the Yellow River water regime. After running for several years, the old man was tired. After the old man only went back, the rest of Hebo continued to check the water situation along the Yellow River. When we parted, the old man repeatedly told Hebo that the director should go all the way and not give up halfway. After drawing the map, he began to manage the Yellow River, and there was not enough manpower. He persuaded the villagers to help. It is a hard job to check the water regime and draw a river map. By the time Hebo finished drawing the river map, he was old and weak. Hebo looked at the river map, where the Yellow River is deep and shallow; Where it is easy to explode, it is easy to explode; Where to dig and where to block; Where the water can be cut off and where the flood can be discharged are clearly drawn. I can only sigh that I have no strength to manage the Yellow River according to the map, which is very sad. Hebo thought that one day someone would come to harness the Yellow River. It will be worthwhile to give him the river map then. Hebo spent his old age under the Yellow River and never appeared again. Unexpectedly, the Yellow River overflowed again and again. People know that the Jade Emperor sent Hebo to control water, but they didn't see him. They all scold Hebo for not doing his duty, regardless of whether people live or die. The old man hasn't seen Hebo for several years after waiting for him every day in his hospital bed. He is uneasy about managing the Yellow River and wants to find Hebo. His son's name is Yi, and he shot every shot. No matter what the old man says, Yi won't let him go to Hebo. Later, the old man did not listen to his son's dissuasion. As a result, he met a breach in the Yellow River, was washed away and drowned, and even the body was not found. Hou Yi hated Hebo's guts and gnashed his teeth, saying that Hebo would be shot sooner or later. Later, Dayu came out to control water, and Hebo decided to give him the map of the Yellow River. On this day, Hebo heard that Dayu came to the Yellow River with an axe and a sword to avoid water, so he came out from the bottom with a river map to look for Dayu. Hebo and Dayu have never met before, and neither of them knows each other. Hebo walked for a long time and was so tired that he wanted to have a rest. He saw a young man crossing the river. This young man is a hero. He must be Dayu. Hebo shouted and asked, "Hello, who are you?" The young man on the other side is not Dayu, but Hou Yi. He looked up, and on the other side of the river, a saint-like old man was asking loudly, "Who are you?" Hebo said loudly, "I'm Hebo. Are you Dayu? " When Hou Yi heard that it was Hebo, he immediately rushed to his heart and sneered, "I am Dayu." Said the bow and arrow, don't ask, don't indiscriminate, "sou" an arrow, hit Hebo's left eye. Hebo pulled an arrow on his eye, and he was sweating with pain. He cursed in his heart: "Damn prison, how unreasonable!" The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he tore up the water map. Just then, there was a loud shout: "Hebo! Don't tear the picture. " Hebo barely looked at it with his right eye. On the other side, a man in a hat stopped Hou Yi. This man is Dayu. He knew that Hebo had painted a picture of the Yellow River and was going to ask Hebo for advice. Hou Yi pushed Dayu away and tried to draw a bow and arrow. Dayu grabbed him desperately and told Hebo about the hardships of painting. Hou Yi regretted his recklessness and shot Hebo in the left eye. Hou Yi and Dayu crossed the river together. Hou Yi admitted his mistake to Hebo. Hebo knew that Hou Yi was the old man's son and didn't blame him. Dayu said to Hebo, "I'm Dayu, and I've come to ask you for advice on how to manage the Yellow River." Hebo said, "My heart and blood and the way to manage the river are all on this picture. I will give them to you now." Look at Dayu's exhibition map, which is dense and dense, and draws the water situation of the Yellow River clearly. Dayu was extremely happy. He wants to thank Hebo. Looking up, Hebo jumped into the Yellow River and disappeared. Dayu got the hydrological map of the Yellow River and kept it around the clock. According to the instructions on the map, he finally managed to control the Yellow River.

Mourn your own smallness in front of the vast sea-bemoan your own smallness in front of great things

According to legend, a long time ago, there was a river god named Hebo in the Yellow River. Hebo stood on the bank of the Yellow River, watching the rolling waves rushing from west to east, and said proudly, "The Yellow River is really big. No river in the world can compare with it. I am the biggest water god! "

Someone told him, "What you said is wrong. There is a place called Beihai in the east of the Yellow River. That's really big. "

Herb said, "I don't believe it. No matter how big the North Sea is, can it be bigger than the Yellow River? "

The man said: "Don't mention a Yellow River, even if several Yellow Rivers flow into the North Sea, they are not satisfied."

Hebo stubbornly said, "I have never seen the North Sea. I don't believe it. "

The man was helpless and said to him, "I will understand if I have a chance to visit Beihai."

In autumn, the flood season has arrived, and several days of heavy rain have caused large and small rivers to flood into the Yellow River. The surface of the Yellow River is wider. Looking across the river, you can't tell the cattle and horses on the other side. As a result, Hebo is even more proud that all the most spectacular scenery in the world is in his own place. When he was having fun, he remembered Beihai, which was told by others, so he decided to visit there.

Hebo went down the river to the Yellow River Estuary. Looking around, he saw the Wang Yang in the North Sea, as far as the eye can see. After watching it for a while, he said to the sea god of the North Sea with deep feelings: "As the saying goes, only those with short knowledge think they are the best, and that is me. I heard someone say that even Confucius' knowledge and knowledge are still limited, and Boyi's noble character has not reached its peak. I didn't believe such an evaluation at that time. Today, when I saw the boundless sea is so vast, I realized that this sentence is right. Otherwise, what I have done will not be laughed at by knowledgeable sages! "

After listening to Poseidon's introspection, Poseidon spoke. He said that the frog in the well can't talk to it about the sea because of its own living environment; Insects in summer are limited by seasons, so we can't talk about winter with them. People with shallow knowledge are ignorant and have limited education, so they cannot understand the truth. Now, you river god, you have stepped out of the river bank, looked at the sea, broadened your horizons, and realized your smallness and shallowness, so I can tell you the truth. There is no water bigger than the sea in the world. Thousands of rivers will never stop flowing to the sea, but the sea will not be full. It has no feeling of seasonal changes, floods and droughts. Because it is much more than the water in the river, it cannot be measured. But I've never been arrogant. I feel that I am formed between heaven and earth, receiving the qi of yin and yang, just like a small stone and a small tree in the mountains, only seeing my own shortcomings. How can I be arrogant?

This story is seen in Zhuangzi Autumn Water. This is where the idiom "sighing at the ocean" comes from. "Then why did Hebo start to look at the ocean and sigh?" There is a saying in the wild: I call it' listening to the Tao and not thinking about yourself'. "

The original meaning of this idiom is that only when you see the greatness of others will you feel small. Later, people used it to show that they felt helpless because they didn't have enough strength or conditions to do things. (Source/Japanese Chinese Herald)

The mountains cover the day, and the sea drains the golden river.

Have you noticed how the water of the Yellow River moved into the sea and never returned to Li Bai's "drinking"?

"The Yellow River has fallen into the East China Sea, and Wan Li has written in his arms." Li Bai gave Pei fourteen songs.

The Yellow River is getting farther and farther away, because it flows in the middle of the Yellow River, and Yumenguan is located on a lonely mountain. Wang Zhihuan Liangzhou Ci

The vast desert is lonely, and the Yellow River sets the yen. Wang Wei's Frontier Ambassador

The mountains cover the day, the sea exhausts the golden river, and the ring of the king stays in the heron lodge.

I will cross the Yellow River, but the ice will choke the ferry, and I will climb the Taihang Snow Mountain's "Difficult to Walk" by Li Bai.

Wan Li sand in the Yellow River, waves scouring the wind from Tianya Liu Yuxi's Tang Dynasty "Waves scouring the sand"

Sacrifice to the mausoleum of Huangdi

Yangtze River and Yellow River,


China descent.

For 5,000 years,

The sound of the waves remains the same,

The glory is still there.

Blood and fire swept through China,

Pour human feelings and love.

Gather into,

300 poems,

Deeply touched.

About right and wrong,

Success or failure is at stake.

Since ancient times,

Understand China and foreign countries.

Forget the hero,

How helpless is it?

Born brave and fearless,

The universe and atmosphere are divided into nine schools.

Living in the east,

Leading the world,


Wang Changling's tangled lyrics left Baihua Garden to go to Wangjing Division, when the Yellow River gushed. There are no pedestrians in the wilderness in the poor autumn, and the horse's head comes to know who it is.

Wang Yan sang a song, and the sun was half inclined in the north, and Mingjun immediately shouted Hu Sha. A pair of tears dripping from the Yellow River deserved to flow eastward into the Han family.

Last night, Feng Xue wrote the lyrics of Liangzhou Ci, and the soldiers paid tribute to the national enemy, while Shazhou kept Liangzhou. The Yellow River Jiuqu belongs to Han now, and the Great Wall is full of blood.

Liu Yuxi's miscellaneous songs, Langtaosha, Jiuge, Yellow River, Wan Li Sand and Langtaoji come from the end of the world. Since you are from the sky, and now you seem to fly directly to the Milky Way, please take me to the sky, gather in the Milky Way, and go to the home of Cowherd and Weaver Girl together.

Li Qi's Baihua Garden (Wang Changling's "Journey on the Embankment") is the first of the Baihua Garden, and the Yellow River has no time to flow. There are no pedestrians in the wilderness in the poor autumn, and the horse's head comes to know who it is.

Wang Changling sent Pei Tunan across the Yellow River and returned to Cornus for a few days. It's still a shame to see strangers in the boudoir.

Wang Changling, Lv Wang (who once made a trip), was the Wangjing teacher of Baihua Garden, and when the Yellow River gushed. There are no pedestrians in the wilderness in the poor autumn, and the horse's head comes to know who it is.

Often built four songs, enter the dragon has been divided, landslides and ghosts cry and hate the general. The Yellow River stretches for thousands of miles to the north, and grievances become dark clouds.

When Li Bai sent his nephew Zheng Guan to join the army for three months, it was not too late to return to Japan. Cut Hu blood into yellow river water, hanging white magpie flag on his head.

Gao Shi's nine lyrics, composed of three fighters, are rampant in Tieling head, and logic takes the title of Hou in the west. Qinghai only drinks horses today, and the Yellow River doesn't need to take more precautions against autumn.

Du Fu's two poems on the Yellow River, the Haixi Army on the north bank of the Yellow River, are well known all over the world. There are countless iron horses, and the conference semifinals are crowded with high noses.

Du Fu's Two Poems on the Yellow River: The west bank of the Yellow River is my Shu country, so I don't need to support my family. I would like to wear a man to the king, mix a car full of books and abandon gold and jade.

Du Fu likes to listen to the slogan that thieves always retreat from five: the small dragon water enters the official army, and the Yellow River in Qinghai rolls up the clouds. The arctic turns to worry about dragons and tigers, and Xirong rests dogs and sheep.

Wang Zhihuan's two Liangzhou Ci Poems, The Yellow River is Far Above the White Clouds and The Lonely City Wan Ren. Why should a strong brother complain about willow? Spring is not enough.

Liuheyang Bridge bid farewell to the Yellow River. There is a pontoon bridge flowing out, and the road to Jin is long. Looking thousands of miles away, the north wind drives Ma Yu to rustle.

Liu complained about the restoration of Jinhe Jade Pass at the age of 18, North Korea's horse policy and knife circle. In the late spring when it snows heavily, the Great Wall, a journey across the Yellow River and around Montenegro.

Li Yi of Quxia Zhoufan tribe can finish and hunt the song of the Yellow River at dawn and dusk. Yan Song is not broken, and the horses are green.

When was Li Yi's "Ten percent of the Yellow River in Qu Xia flows eastward" buried in the battlefield? Cai Yan did not make Hu Jia, and Su Wu returned to hold the Han Festival.

Li Yi unified the Hanfeng River (once he made a trip to Tongmofeng), unified the west of Hanfeng River, and the Yellow River competed for the Great Wall. Only now, there is a stone, and no one in the north is empty.

Zhang remembered that the Yellow River flows through the county seat in the west of the south of the Yangtze River, so he should not wander in his thoughts. In order to remember the watercolors in Jiang Chun, I went to Wuzhou with my dream.

Liu Yuxi's nine poems (the fourth is a poem written by Zhang Ji) are composed of Nine Songs of the Yellow River and Wan Li Sand, and waves and winds are blowing from the horizon. Since you are from the sky, and now you seem to fly directly to the Milky Way, please take me to the sky, gather in the Milky Way, and go to the home of Cowherd and Weaver Girl together.

Meng Jiao cried at night and called Liu out, but he had to be sent to the Yellow River Spring, where resentment flowed all over the sky. Sad people have a unique night light to watch, and a piece of hometown book is full of tears.

Memories of parking on a cloudy night by the Baijuyi River; I'm boating, and I want you to go to the county building. Wan Li moonlit night, the east bank of the Yellow River, Haixitou.

Bai Juyi's Farewell to Wang Sima, Shaanxi Province is a melancholy farewell with bleak scenery and early spring. Your poem is not difficult to take off, there are white-headed people on the Yellow River.

Li Deyu Shangsi recalled that the Yellow River flows around the county seat in the west of Jiangnan, so Shangsi should not wander. In order to remember the water color of Jiang Chun, I never dreamed of going to Wuzhou.

Li Shefeng's two old songs, I won't come back if I take a ride, so I will find a sea of clouds and live in Sanshan. I don't know if I can leave a stone, but I drive the Yellow River to the world.

Liu Chang stayed in the north building of Shaanxi, and the second floor of Dr. Cui was full of mountains and rivers. Who can bear to lie in the wind in Ua? It's better to spend the autumn moon in Chengtou than to set an army in the state to ban the leakage of biography.

Tolerance is strong in the west wind and cool in the water grass. Poor yellow river, nine bends are exhausted, and the felt house is without a shadow.

Li Shangyin went to Shaanxi to send his source to worry about the sun, and divided it between the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the Western Yong Dynasty. How high is the Buddhist temple in Huiluan? I hope there is nothing in the Yellow River.

Feng Xue Liangzhou Ci: Last night, Fan Bing rebelled against China, while Shazhou defended Liangzhou. The Yellow River Jiuqu belongs to Han now, and the Great Wall is full of blood.

Si Kongtu's Langtaosha doesn't need a long drifting jade cave, and Song prefers Langtaosha. The Yellow River wins the Tianhe River, and Wan Li enters the Han family.

Si Kongtu accidentally wrote five new stores, Nanpingyuan traveled at night, and the Yellow River was hard to believe. Crossing the willow knows people's desires and does not let the official ship go.

Hu Ceng's epic "Wang Bo of the Yellow River" will never be buried again, and the Yellow River is still at a loss. Down the river to * * * cowherd language, had to spirit if heaven.

In Zhou Pu's last song, there was a gust of wind, and people were walking around without anyone. The Yellow River twists the ice first, and the purple plug does not see flowers in the third spring.

There is 100 jade in He Ninggong's words, which is the level of spring, and the small fish are paired. I know from the inside that it is like the Yellow River, and the nine songs have been completely cleared this year.

Wang Yanming looked at the north and the sun, and Mingjun immediately cried Hu Sha. A pair of tears dripping from the Yellow River deserved to flow eastward into the Han family.

Li Qiao said goodbye to the stranger, and Fang Zun was temporarily relieved. People turn to Peng, and spring is accompanied by plum blossoms. Baiyun divides the water, and the Yellow River goes around Jinguan. Don't ask if you are eccentric, you will become a spot in the past.

Rong Yu Sai Qu Xia went up the mountain to see Hu Bing, and Hu Machi made rapid progress. The Yellow River ice has merged, which means grazing southward. Fuck Yao and leave the army at night.

Yixiao Li's ancient song-promoting is the idea of a river-promoting woman, and there are nine songs in the Yellow River. Marry a boatman, and an empty bed becomes a shadow. If you don't care about your heart, it is not as good as a stone. Then your concubine is like jade.

Wang Wei Yulin County Song Shantou pine Berlin, the sound of the spring under the mountain hurts the guest. Thousands of miles of Wan Li are covered with spring grass, and the Yellow River flows eastward. Huanglong guards Chivalrous Man, fearing that every China envoy will not know him.

Meng Jiao Zage Feather Forest Line: Snow and cold break fingers, wind and ice crack. The eagle shooter in the middle of the lake can't do it today. Feathers are inserted in the forest, and goshawks are released in brocade arms. Whip the white horse and walk out of the Yellow River mausoleum.

Li Bai's ancient feather family is very diverse, each with its own basis. Zhou Zhou can't, six purlins don't wave. I want to hold the wings of birds and fly to the Yellow River. Flying people ignore me, sighing will be safe.

Li Bai gave assistant minister Cui a two-foot-long yellow river carp, which was originally produced. Not counting my forehead, I came back full of fish. An old friend of Donghai boasted at first sight. If the wind and waves meet, they want the Hannah Quinlivan market more.

Li Baiyuan sent eleven poems, the balcony is separated by Chu water, and spring grass gives birth to the Yellow River. Acacia has no day and night, like waves. There is no reason to wave to the sea and want to see it. Send a little tear to the distance, like a flower.

What's the difference between giving the tape recorder to Wang and Huayin sending him to sing wildly? People who climb the iron shaft are precious, and the days of printing are running out. See you in the fairy palm cloud and close the door. Both Pisces are sent, and the Yellow River is outside the county.

Cen Can Kanxiang sent Shangguan scholar back to Kansai, but he stayed alone all day. There is no official support for the elderly, and there are many poor families outside. Drunk eyes and light hair, spring dreams cross the Yellow River. When is it close to Guancheng?

Cen Can sent Cui Zhuben to xia yang, and he always loved xia yang County. He had been there a few years ago. Bai Niao is exempted from the county and the Yellow River is exempted from overseas. Travel near the ground is less, the family is poor, and there are many debts. I know your new meaning. Good spring in Binet.Alfred.

On the way to the Yellow River, Gao Shi wrote thirteen poems and entered the Yellow River from the east. Looking at the Taihang Mountain in the north, I spent half a day. Mountains and rivers set each other off, and the depth is unpredictable. Since ancient times, talented people have come forth in large numbers, and we have never met.

Du Fu, the elegy of the late General Wuwei, has three outstanding swords. He can shoot animals with a bow. The front of the shovel is smooth and smooth, and the fierce bite force is lost. Red feather thousand-handed rice, yellow river ice in October. Running across the desert is so fast that it is called.

The Third Paragraph of Tanci in the 21st Century: On the Opening Words in Qin and Han Dynasties;

The Yangtze River flows eastward, and the waves wash away heroes. Whether it is right and wrong or failure, it is empty now and has disappeared with the passage of time. Castle Peak still exists, the sun still rises and the sunset still sets.

The white-haired hermit by the river has long been used to the changes of time. I met an old friend and had a drink. How many things in the past and how many times have been put into the conversation.

Appreciation of Luo Yin's poem The Yellow River

Don't pour Ejiao in this direction, because it is difficult to understand God's will.

Out of the Kunlun Mountains, I realized that Han Yin should be curved.

Great-grandfather swears that clothes are small, and immortals are light.

Who knows after three thousand years? Why report peace!

The Yellow River is actually not eulogizing the Yellow River, but attacking and mocking the imperial examination system in the Tang Dynasty.

From the beginning, the author used the Yellow River as a metaphor, implying the hypocrisy of the imperial examination at that time, and revealing that the officialdom was as turbid as the Yellow River, even if all the Ejiao used to clarify the turbid water was poured in, it would not help. Then he used the word "providence is hard to understand" to point the finger at the supreme ruler.

In the next two sentences, the author further describes the darkness in the imperial examination field. There is a line in Li Bai's poem, "You can't see how the water of the Yellow River moves out of heaven". The Yellow River was called nine songs in ancient times, such as Liu Yuxi's "Langtaosha": "The Yellow River Wan Li Sand Nine Songs". The poet skillfully linked these two meanings, galloped his imagination and wrote: "If you understand Yin Han, it should be a song". On the surface, the Yellow River can reach the sky because of its tortuous course. And "Han Yin" is often used to refer to the royal family or the imperial court in ancient poems, so the real meaning of this sentence is that those who can reach the emperor (referring to achieving high officials and generous salaries through imperial examinations) must use the means of "bending", that is, improper means. The imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty, especially in the late Tang Dynasty, mainly did not test knowledge, but whether scholars had the ability to rely on and curry favor with those in power. Honest people are doomed to failure.

The ancients mistakenly thought that the Yellow River originated in Kunlun Mountain, so the author said that "it is only when it leaves Kunlun". This is also meaningful. "Kunlun", like "Han Yin", refers to the nobles of the imperial court and even the emperors of dynasties. Because those who are promoted and recommended to be officials collude with noble ministers in private, they become unclean as soon as they get started, just as the Yellow River has become turbid at its birthplace.

Five or six sentences contain two allusions. The fifth sentence refers to the oath taken by Emperor Gaozu when he pacified the world and made great contributions. In the oath, he said, "Make the river like a belt and Mount Tai as sharp as a point." Your title will not be lost until the Yellow River is as narrow as a belt and Mount Tai is as flat as a grindstone. The sixth sentence says that Zhang Qian was ordered to explore the source of the Yellow River in the Han Dynasty. It is said that he took a raft and kept going upstream. Unconsciously, he went to a place where he saw a woman weaving and a man herding cattle. Zhang Qian later returned to Xishu and asked Yan Junping, who was good at divination. Junping said that you have reached the place where the cowherd and the weaver girl are in the sky.

It is also meaningful for the author to borrow these two allusions. The last sentence means that since Emperor Gaozu made great contributions (just the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty was also called "Gaozu"), the nobles have been crowned with wealth for generations, occupying the title of the imperial court, as if they really had to wait until the Yellow River was as small as a belt. The next sentence goes on to say that the feudal nobles occupied the title and dominated the state affairs, just like "the gods occupied the bucket". (the big dipper in the sky, ancient astronomy belongs to the purple element, living around the North Pole. The ancients used it to symbolize the royal family or court. ) Since it occupies the "Beidou", the "guest" who wants to go to heaven (referring to the person who asks for an official in the exam) will naturally fly straight without any effort.

It can be seen that although every sentence of the poet is about the Yellow River, every sentence is an allusion to the feudal dynasty, and the swearing is very sharp and the metaphor is very appropriate. This is closely related to Luo Yin's painful experience of ten failed imperial examinations.

Legend has it that "the Yellow River has been cleared for thousands of years, and the most sage thought Da Rui" (see Gao Xin by Wang Jia), so the poet said that the Yellow River was cleared only once every three thousand years (it should be a thousand years). Who can wait? So the pen turned and said, in that case, I won't bother you to announce the good news! In other words, the Yellow River is difficult to clarify, and the foul smell of the imperial court cannot be changed. This is a sign of despair in the Tang Dynasty. From then on, Luo Yin really returned to his hometown of Hangzhou and became an official under Qian Liumen. Since then, he has never taken the Chang 'an exam.

There are two points in the art of this poem: first, the poet satirizes the imperial examination system by using the Yellow River, which is very clever; Secondly, every sentence is closely related to the Yellow River, but each sentence has a different meaning and the technique is quite ingenious. The poet's exposure of the imperial examination system in Tang Dynasty is incisive and representative. The tone in the poem is intense, and some people once said that it is "losing great anger, and his words are impetuous" (see Leng's "Hundred Ways to Write Poems"), that is, it is not "gentle and sincere". This is the golden mean of not understanding Luo Yin's mood at that time.