Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Constitution of the World Book of Changes Society

Constitution of the World Book of Changes Society

Constitution of the World Book of Changes Society

Chapter I General Principles

Article 1 Name of the Society: World Yijing Association [(WBCA)] English.

Article 2 Nature of the Society: The Society is a non-profit social organization voluntarily composed of experts and relevant units who are interested in inheriting and carrying forward the Yijing culture and have good moral cultivation. It is an academic group of Yijing registered by the Hong Kong SAR Government according to law.

Article 3 Purpose of the Association: unite, organize, coordinate and guide experts, scholars and people from all walks of life to study Yi studies, safeguard the peaceful reunification of the country, resolutely support the leadership of the Chinese production party, exemplary abide by the national constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, observe professional ethics and social ethics, criticize pseudoscience and get rid of feudal superstitions. In the process of research, I critically absorbed the Yijing culture and objectively and dialectically studied the origin, production, development and practical application of the Yijing culture. Insist on seeking truth from facts, integrate theory with practice, trace back to the source, inherit civilization, promote Yi-ology, and take it as our responsibility to revitalize China and safeguard world peace. Vigorously carry forward the Yijing culture and national spirit of the Chinese nation, adhere to scientific development, guide the people to correctly understand and apply the Yijing cultural knowledge to serve the construction of socialist modern civilization, and make positive contributions to promoting social harmony and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Article 4 This Association accepts the supervision, guidance and management of governments at all levels.

Article 5 The international mailing address of the Firm is: Room A, Floor 0/8, Jinwei Commercial Building 173, Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, and Floor 0/8, Jingwei Commercial Building1-173, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

Chapter II Appointment

Article 6 The tasks of this Society are:

1, the study and dissemination of China Yijing culture;

2. Hold academic reports, exchange meetings, seminars, training courses, academic lectures, qualification certification, etc. I ching;

3. Collect and sort out Yi-ology classics and organize the compilation of relevant teaching materials;

4. Compile the Association's briefings, academic journals and academic achievements;

5. Provide academic consulting services for all sectors of society.

Chapter III Members

Seventh social members are divided into unit members and individual members, and must meet the following conditions:

1. Experts and scholars who support the articles of association, are willing to join the association, have normal mental health and have no history of mental illness.

2. Have good moral cultivation, be willing to persist in being proud of loving the motherland, being ashamed of endangering the motherland, being ashamed of serving the people, being ashamed of deviating from the people, advocating science, being ignorant, working hard, being lazy and evil, uniting and helping each other, harming others and benefiting themselves, being honest and trustworthy, being selfish and forgetting righteousness, abiding by the law, and breaking the law.

3. Experts and scholars who are interested in Yijing culture, have certain basic knowledge of easy learning, and are interested in inheriting and carrying forward Yijing culture.

4. Maintain an objective, dialectical, realistic, modest and prudent style of study in academic research, and do not exaggerate and myth the Yijing culture. It is forbidden to attack other academic groups and scholars.

5. It is forbidden to pretend to be a "master", "master", "the best in the world", "immortal", "great god", "immortal", "half immortal" and "founder", and it is even more forbidden to engage in any feudal superstition or pseudo-scientific activities.

6. No fees may be charged to units or individuals on the grounds of consulting services of the Book of Changes, but when carrying out academic activities or consulting services of the Book of Changes, appropriate sponsorship or donations may be charged on the premise that units and individuals are completely voluntary.

7. The words "World Yijing Society" and the emblem are uniformly printed on the business card, and the certificate number and inquiry website must be marked on the front of the business card:/// ..

8. Speeches in papers and academic activities shall not involve politics, social systems or national policies, and shall not take state organs and state leaders as examples.

9, involving units, state secrets and personal privacy, have the obligation and responsibility of confidentiality.

Article 8 Membership application procedures:

1. Submit an application to the Association Office;

2. With the approval of the Council, the Association will issue a membership card.

Article 9 Members shall enjoy the following rights:

1. The voting rights, the right to be elected and the voting rights of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors of this Association;

2. Participate in activities carried out by associations;

3. Priority in obtaining academic services;

4. Have the right to participate in the academic certification of the association according to its articles of association;

5. Apply to the Institute for research funding, publishing fees and the right to receive awards;

6. Have the right to introduce and recommend Yijing enthusiasts and researchers who meet the requirements of our association to join our association;

7. Have the right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Association;

8. Freedom of voluntary participation and withdrawal.

Article 10 Members shall perform the following obligations:

1. Implement the resolutions of the Standing Council of the Association;

2. Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of this Association;

3. Report the research situation to this Council, provide relevant materials of Yi-ology, and publish at least one trading scientific paper every year.

4. Those who fail to participate in the academic activities of the Society for two consecutive years without special reasons shall be deemed to have withdrawn automatically and be removed from the list.

5. A written notice shall be sent to this Association and the membership card shall be returned.

Article 11. If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association, it shall be removed by voting of the board of directors.

Article 12 If a member withdraws from the association or is removed from the association according to the articles of association, he/she may not ask the association for the original membership fee, evaluation fee, training fee, meeting fee and information fee for participating in the activities of the association at ordinary times.

Article 13 this association refuses to accept any criminals and cult members. The staff of this agency must strictly abide by the laws, regulations and policies of the country and region where they are located and the articles of association of this agency. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to engage in any illegal and criminal activities by using the identity or name such as membership card, post card, qualification certificate, consultant card and honor certificate granted by the Institute. If a member commits an illegal or criminal act, he will be dismissed immediately upon verification.

Chapter IV Establishment and Cancellation of Institutions and Responsible Persons

Article 14 The highest authority of this Association is the general meeting of members (or the general meeting of members), and its functions and powers are:

(a) to formulate and amend the articles of association;

(2) Electing and dismissing directors;

(three) to consider the work report and financial report of the Council;

(4) Deciding to terminate.

(5) Deciding on other major matters.

Article 15 A general meeting of members (or representatives of members) can only be held when more than two thirds of the members (or representatives of members) are present, and its resolution can only take effect when more than half of the members (or representatives of members) present at the meeting vote.

Article 16 The general meeting of members (or representative meeting of members) shall be held once every five years. Due to special circumstances, it is necessary to advance or postpone the general election, which shall be voted by the board of directors, reported to the competent business unit for review, and approved by the association registration authority.

Article 17 The Council is the executive body of the general assembly (or representative assembly), leading the association to carry out its daily work during the intersessional period and being responsible for the general assembly (or representative assembly).

Article 18 The functions and powers of the Council are:

(a) to implement the resolutions of the general assembly (or general assembly);

(two) to elect and recall the chairman (president), vice chairman (vice president), secretary general and deputy secretary general;

(3) Preparing for convening a general meeting of members (or a general meeting of members' representatives);

(four) to report the work and financial situation to the general assembly (or representative assembly);

(five) to decide to absorb or recall members;

(6) Deciding to establish offices, branches, representative offices and entities;

(seven) to decide the appointment and removal of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal responsible persons of various institutions;

(eight) to lead the institutions of the Institute to carry out their work;

(nine) to formulate internal management system;

(10) To decide on other major matters.

Article 19 A meeting of the board of directors shall be held only when more than two thirds of the directors are present, and its resolutions shall take effect only after being voted by more than two thirds of the directors present.

Article 20 The Council shall convene a meeting at least once a year, and it may also be convened by means of communication under special circumstances.

Article 21 The chairman (president), vice-chairman (vice-president) and secretary-general of this Association must meet the following conditions:

(a) adhere to the line, principles and policies of China * * * production party, have good political quality, and abide by the national constitution, laws and regulations;

(two) have a greater impact in the business field of the research association;

(3) The chairman (president), vice-chairman (vice-president) and secretary-general shall not be over 75 years old;

(4) Being in good health and able to stick to normal work;

(5) Having moral cultivation, having no bad social record, not participating in cult activities, and not being subjected to criminal punishment.

(6) Having full capacity for civil conduct.

Article 22 The term of office of the chairman (president), vice-chairman (vice-president) and secretary-general of this Association is 5 years. If it is necessary to extend the term of office due to special circumstances, it shall be agreed by more than two-thirds of the members (or member representatives) of the general assembly.

Article 23 The chairman (president) of this Association is the legal representative of this Association.

Article 24 The chairman (president) of this Association shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) Convening and presiding over the Council;

(two) to check the implementation of the resolutions of the general assembly (or representative assembly) and the Council;

(3) Signing relevant important documents on behalf of the organization;

(4) Handling other internal affairs of the Association.

Article 25 The Secretary-General of this Exchange shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(a) to preside over the daily work of the office and organize the implementation of the annual work plan;

(2) Coordinating the work of branches, representative offices and entities;

(3) Nominating the Deputy Secretary-General and the principal responsible persons of various offices, branches, representative offices and units, and submitting them to the Council for decision;

(four) to decide on the employment of full-time staff of offices, representative offices and entities;

(5) Handle other daily affairs.

Chapter V Academic Qualification Evaluation

Article 26 The Institute has an accreditation body for academic qualifications of the Book of Changes, and all researchers and enthusiasts of the Book of Changes can sign up for the accreditation. Academic evaluation is divided into three categories:

The main academic titles of the first category of Yi-ology research (disciplines: Yi-ology history, philosophy, astronomy, biology, management, mathematics, physics, traditional Chinese medicine, music, military affairs, literature, calligraphy, etc. ) are: 1 research intern; 2 assistant researchers; 3 Associate researcher; 4 researcher; 5 senior researchers and other 5 titles.

The second skill number planning category (subjects: Taiyi Shenshu, Daoism and Magic, Great Liu Ren, Wei Zi Doushu, Iron Plate Shenshu, Image Number Easy to Supplement, Four-poster Numerology, Name Prediction, China Fengshui, Astrology and Divination, Auspicious Theory, and other skills. Main academic title: 1 internship planner; 2 junior planner; 3. Intermediate planner; 4 planner; Senior planner.

The third I ching teaching category: 1, assistant lecturer; 2. Lecturer; 3. Associate Professor; 4. professor

Class IV professional certificates: Yi Li and Shu Shu.

The fifth category of honorary titles: world-famous Yi-ology elite, world-famous Yi-ology expert and world-famous Yi-ology tutor.

The sixth category of research awards: World Yi-ology Research Excellence Award, World Yi-ology Special Achievement Award, World Yi-ology Special Contribution Award and World Yi-ology Lifetime Achievement Award.

The above three types of certificates are evaluated by the academic evaluation committee according to the comprehensive level of the applicant, and the corresponding qualification certificates are issued. All certificates need to pay a one-time evaluation fee, and the person who issues the qualification certificate will become a full member of our association. See the academic qualification evaluation system of our association for the specific methods of evaluating academic titles of Yijing.

Article 27 The Institute will review the academic honorary title and research achievement award of Zhouyi once a year in the academic circle of Zhouyi, and submit an academic monograph or 2-5 monographs at the time of review, and the Institute will issue certificates after being reviewed and approved by the expert committee.

Chapter VI Learning Management

Article 28 The administrative duties of the Institute mainly include: 1 member; 2 directors; 3 executive director; Deputy Secretary-General of research office, office, branch, research center and research base; 5. Secretary-General of research room, office, branch, research center and research base; Deputy director of research office, department, branch, research center and research base; Director of research office, director of office, president of branch, director of research center and director of research base; 8. Deputy Secretary-General of the Institute; 9. Secretary-General of the Institute; 10 vice president of the society; 1 1 college consultant; 12 Executive President, Honorary President and President of the Society. The college has established a management Committee and an academic Committee.

The management committee is responsible for administrative management, and the academic committee is responsible for academic management.

Article 29 The above-mentioned administrative positions of 1 ~ 6 shall be reviewed by each office and reported to the Council of the Society for approval, and 7 ~ 12 shall be appointed by the Council of the Society. All positions in the institute have corresponding certificates. The administrative posts from 4 to 10 shall be elected and appointed from those with professional qualifications in the fields of philosophy, mathematics and teaching, but the administrative posts from 4 to 10 shall be held by those with the qualifications of researchers, forecasters and associate professors.

Article 30 An applicant can become a permanent member of the Association only after paying the membership fee. Membership application and qualification review can be conducted separately or at the same time. For the promotion of the same category and academic subject, only the difference can be made up after re-declaration. If you need my bronze certificate, you need to add 300 yuan.

Thirty-first members with outstanding performance are recommended to participate in international academic exchanges and consulting services. Academic materials of the Book of Changes are exchanged regularly within the society, and academic seminars and professional training are held regularly. Papers and monographs of members of the society are published in Huaxia Civilization Publishing House first by the society, and contributions to the special issues and websites of the society are welcome. The website and publications of the Society focus on publicizing and commending the interviews and papers of members who have made outstanding achievements in management and Yi-ology research.

Article 32 The Society will set up a number of research laboratories, research centers, branches or offices in large and medium-sized cities around the world. According to the actual situation, the members of the society submit written applications, and the society sends personnel to inspect and approve and issue corresponding authorization letters. Each branch and office should have at least five to seven personnel. The main duties of each branch and office are to manage members, handle the affairs of the society, and carry out legal academic activities of the Book of Changes. The Society actively supports the academic activities of branches and offices and related matters.

Thirty-third branches and offices shall not charge members fees after their establishment, but branches and offices may charge conference fees and information fees for organizing meetings, training and learning. The association does not charge management fees and does not assign tasks unrelated to academics to branches and offices.

Article 34 After the establishment of an office, research room, research center, research base or branch, the academic activities of Zhouyi will be carried out under the leadership of the World Zhouyi Academic Committee. Each office can hire consultants according to its own needs, and the consultant certificate will be issued by the branch itself and reported to the society for the record. Members of offices, research laboratories, research centers, research bases or branches are managed by the offices on their behalf. All offices, research laboratories, research centers, research bases or branches can carry out legal academic exchanges, seminars and training activities of the I Ching only after being approved by the academic committee.

Thirty-fifth every year before 65438+February 3 1, the heads of offices and branches must submit the annual work summary to the management committee for assessment. For offices and branches with poor performance and poor management, study the change of ownership of the heads of offices and branches or the cancellation of branches. Members in places where there are no offices or branches are directly managed by the association.

Article 36 In areas where the Institute has no offices or branches, if there are Yi-ology enthusiasts and researchers who apply for membership or participate in the qualification assessment of Yi-ology, all offices and branches can apply for it on their behalf. Easy friends in this field can also apply directly to the headquarters of the Institute.

Article 37 All membership certificate, job certificates, qualification certificates, consultant certificates and honorary certificates of the Association shall be signed by the president himself and published on the website of the Association. Members not included in our website are invalid and illegal members.

Chapter VII Financial Management

Thirty-eighth sources of funding for the society: (1) membership fees; (2) donation; (3) government funding; (4) Income from activities or services provided within the approved business scope; (5) interest; (6) Other lawful income.

Article 39 the association collects membership fees in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 40 The funds of this firm must be used for the business scope and career development as stipulated in the articles of association.

Forty-first learn to establish a strict financial management system to ensure that accounting information is legal, true, accurate and complete.

Article 42 No unit or individual may occupy, privately divide or misappropriate the assets of this Exchange.

Article 43 The wages, insurance and welfare benefits of full-time staff of the research institute may be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of the state on public institutions.

Chapter VIII Procedures for Amending the Articles of Association

Forty-fourth amendments to the articles of association of this cooperative must be approved by the Council and reported to the general meeting (or representative meeting) for deliberation.

Article 45 The revised articles of association shall come into effect after being deliberated and adopted by the competent business unit at the general meeting (or representative meeting) and reported to the registration authority for approval.

Chapter IX Termination Procedure

Article 46 If an association has completed its purpose or is dissolved by itself or needs to be revoked due to division or merger, the Council or the Standing Council shall propose a termination motion and make a decision. The association shall be terminated after cancellation of registration by the registration authority. The remaining property after the termination of the association will continue to be used to develop undertakings related to the purpose of the association.

Chapter X Supplementary Provisions

Article 47 The Articles of Association was adopted by the shareholders' meeting (or representative meeting) on September 25th, 2007.

Article 48 The right to interpret the Articles of Association belongs to the Management Committee of the Society and the Academic Committee.