Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Recalling grandma's excellent lyric prose

Recalling grandma's excellent lyric prose

Grandma's hand, the palm is a little square, the fingers are a little thick, there is a yellow and hard cocoon skin on the fingers, and the fingernails are hard and thick, which is difficult to cut. The joints and veins on the back of the hand are prominent, and the skin on the hand is wrinkled. The following is the representative work of my grandmother's lyric prose for everyone to enjoy.

Recalling grandma's masterpiece of lyric prose: grandma

Grandma in my memory is always so gentle and elegant.

Open the memory that has been sealed for a long time, and grandma's dribs and drabs flood to me. In my mind, my grandmother is like a pure lotus, plain and light, without any decoration, but she exudes noble and refined charm. Today, I still clearly remember her deep affection for us between her eyebrows.

Finishing the memento mori left by my grandmother, scene after scene, as if it was yesterday, but my grandmother had already left me. The happiest childhood because of you? My grandmother is so colorful; The saddest childhood, but because of you? My grandmother's sudden departure suddenly darkened.

I'm so happy, presumptuous and carefree with my grandmother around. Whenever the sun goes down, there will always be a familiar figure of my grandmother in Hutongkou. I speed up my steps, because where there is grandma, there is my home.

Now, I can't find that figure anymore, I can't see it anymore ~ ~ ~ ~

The old house was demolished after my grandmother left. Once a small yard, once an open space, my happy paradise, disappeared little by little with the roar of bulldozers ~ ~ ~

I grew up slowly without my grandmother. I thought that with the passage of time, I would forget everything, but the memory that belonged to my grandmother became stronger and stronger in my heart.

It's still sunset, and I'm still standing in the alley mouth of my old house. My grandmother's familiar figure is

The sunset outlines a clear orange outline, which is really beautiful! ! And my tears, but quietly flow down.

Recalling Grandma's representative lyric prose: Grandma.

Perhaps, in many people's childhood memories, the kindest and warmest image is always the image of grandma. ? Shake, shake, shake to Waipo Bridge? ,? Grandma's Penghu Bay grew up with her, always beautiful and warm. I have such wonderful childhood memories, but my grandmother left us for twenty years. Twenty years later, although my grandmother's appearance is still clear in my mind, I'm afraid her lonely burial has been lost.

Grandma is from Guangzhou. 1938, 10 In June, Japan occupied Guangzhou and the war broke out in South China. Grandma fled to Leizhou Peninsula with the refugees. That year, my grandmother was about thirty years old. When I was a child, my grandmother often told us about her life in Guangzhou. She is married and has several children. She still has relatives in Hong Kong and some in San Francisco. But why only my grandmother fell in Leizhou Peninsula, I have never been clear. Maybe the war broke out, the society was in chaos, refugees poured in, and the family was like a scattered grass, so it was difficult to reunite. Under such circumstances, everyone's life is like an ant, and it is lucky to survive.

Like any refugee in a war movie, you can imagine what kind of displacement my grandmother experienced. She wandered to the end of the mainland, hungry and unkempt, and settled in a remote village in Leizhou Peninsula. She was forced to marry a local villager to make a living. Then my grandmother gave birth to three more children. The first two are boys, and my mother is the third. But the bad grandmother didn't enjoy her family for long. Two boys died of typhoid fever, and soon her husband died of depression. When my mother 12 years old (maybe earlier), only mother and daughter lived alone. Grandma is a refugee, not a local, and has no relatives in the local area, which is basically equivalent to relying on others. You can imagine how difficult the life of the mother and daughter is. My mother was born in 1948, which is equivalent to the generation born in New China and raised under the red flag. However, my mother only studied for one year, and the little knowledge she learned was polished by bitter years. Later, she couldn't even write her own name.

My mother/kloc-married my father at the age of 0/7. I didn't have him until I was 22 years old because my father worked in other places and separated for a long time. According to my grandmother, she thought I was supposed to be a boy, but somehow I was born a girl, so she planned to throw me away. Because of grandma's excuse, I was finally saved. So grandma loves me very much, and I have special feelings for grandma. My home is in the town, only a few miles away from my grandmother's small village. My grandmother often comes to see me. I often go to my grandmother's house to play after I know better.

Although my grandmother's fate is very rough and life is very difficult, in my childhood memory, I think the warmest days are those days when I was with my grandmother at her house. Grandma's little house is actually very simple, just an old thatched cottage with only two small rooms. The back room is the bedroom, and the outhouse is the hall and kitchen. The house is very low, with adobe walls and thatched roofs. Because there is no male labor force at home, the thatch on the roof can't be replaced with old ones and added with new ones frequently, so it is difficult to resist the strong wind and heavy rain in the south, and the house often leaks rain. But whether it is summer or winter, I still like to run to grandma's cabin. In the dark night, lying in grandma's only bed, listening to all kinds of colorful stories told by grandma in different tones of birds outside, including her life in Guangzhou, her relatives' overseas experiences, and the legend that people avoided the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War. The most creepy things are those ghost stories. My grandmother likes to tell the scariest stories in the darkest night, which scares me into her arms. What impressed me the most was that she said that several people in white coats wandered in the Woods at night, catching children. Later, in the fourth grade, I was going to study at night. From my home to school, I have to go through a sugarcane forest and a cemetery. When I walked through these places alone, I often had the shadow of wearing a white coat in my mind. I started running, and those white shadows chased me. Hehe, these experiences have gradually tempered my courage.

When I was a child, I didn't know there were Andersen and Green, and there were no fairy tales in my childhood. As long as I can remember, my mother never told us stories or sang songs, even though she taught us some basic knowledge of life. My mother is a kind, docile and taciturn person. Because she didn't have much education and the hardships of life, she later married a strong husband, so her mother rarely expressed her views and feelings in her life, and even rarely had intimate communication with her children. So, I am very grateful to my grandmother. Her stories lit up my childhood and made it less gloomy.

There is the only well in the village next to grandma's hut. People are drawing water from morning till night. My greatest pleasure is to sit by the well and watch different people, men, women and children, come to fetch water and have fun. There is an old litchi tree in front of my grandmother's house. Every year when litchi is ripe and harvested, grandma will pick me up. When everyone was playing litchi, grandma spread a mat under the tree. Litchi fell on the mat, and I sat on the mat and ate until my stomach burst. Sometimes I will follow my big brothers to pick mangosteen, or follow my grandmother to dig herbs in the suburbs. When I was a child, I didn't know the bitterness of life, but I felt that such a life had endless fun.

In the second semester of my first grade, our family moved to the county, but left me in my hometown to live with my uncle. It was not until the second grade that my grandmother and I went to the city to reunite with my family. Grandma finally moved in with us. Grandma was over seventy years old that year, and her waist was finally parallel to the earth.

It is difficult for people to see her face when she walks with a 90-degree hunchback, but I know that she should be a beauty when she was young. She has a standard oval face, a broad forehead, delicate eyebrows, a straight nose and a small mouth. Although it is full of wrinkles and vicissitudes, it is faintly visible. Originally a godsend, she should be able to enjoy the grace of creation. Unfortunately, she lived in that era, and the cruel society and ruthless fate made her taste the bitterness and joys and sorrows of the world, leaving only half of her body. My grandmother has been hunchbacked for as long as I can remember. When I was a child, I thought it was a matter of course, and I didn't feel how pitiful my grandmother was. With the growth of experience, I gradually feel that my grandmother has two mountains on her back: heavy times and fate.

Grandma, who lives with us, has enjoyed her old age for more than ten years. But in the last few years of her life, she has been worried about her fate, and she insisted on returning to that small village to die. So-called? Deciduous leaves return to their roots? , is the last wish of every China people's life, although that small village is not the root of grandma, because she has no relatives there.

My grandmother in her eighties returned to a small village after leaving for many years. Because her old hut was too far away from everyone to be taken care of, one of her mother's cousins cleaned up a small room next to his house and gave her water and meals three times a day. But after all, I am not my own mother, and I can't take care of her sometimes. My mother, because there are too many things at home and the journey is long, can't go back to see her often. Every time I think about it, I feel sad. Fortunately, I was working in my hometown, close to my grandmother, but I often went to see her. But there is still no way to take care of her directly. Two years later, I went to Guangzhou to study and never saw my grandmother again. I heard that my cousin went to the wedding reception and brought her some cakes when she came back. Grandma died eating a wedding cake.

I heard the news of my grandmother's death in her hometown of Guangzhou. I was very sad at that time. My grandmother has been on the run since that year and will never be able to return to her hometown. On that day, I wandered in the old streets of Guangzhou, hoping to step in her footsteps and comfort her wandering soul.

Twenty years later, grandma's grave was definitely not swept, and she was very lonely after her death.

Another Tomb-Sweeping Day. Does grandma hate it when firecrackers rumble and cigarettes curl all over the cemetery? Please forgive my granddaughter's unfilial behavior for not adding a few pieces of soil to your grave. I will bow to you and light some incense. I can only silently light a bouquet of incense for you in my heart, wishing you a happy reincarnation in heaven.

Recalling Grandma's representative lyric prose: Grandma.

Grandma, it has been many years since she died. In her later years, she was so attached to the world. Even if the world keeps her politely for another day, she will smile like a child, as if forgetting the hardships of life and the torture of illness, but in the end she still endured the illness and left with regret and helplessness.

Grandma's life is so ordinary that her full name is not left in the genealogy. I only remember her surname as Shi, and occasionally I heard someone calling her in dialect? Anai? Or? Lao nai? As for whether her name is written like this, it is impossible to know and study. Later, I asked my mother that she had never read a book and was completely at a loss. I didn't know my grandmother had a full name.

Grandma was born in a remote mountain village. At that time, most people there lived in? Do it at sunrise and rest at sunset? Farming and rural life. It is said that due to the poverty in her family, she learned from an early age that hard work is the greatest viability, and has long been an indispensable labor force at home, doing housework at home or doing farm work in the fields.

Grandma gave birth to four sons and three daughters and adopted a girl all her life. At first, the girl was just born for a few months and her mother died unfortunately. Grandma adopted her out of sympathy. Grandma has always regarded her as her own. But I didn't expect that one day, after my grandmother worked hard to raise her, she left without saying goodbye and went to recognize her biological father. Later, she came to her grandmother's house once, not to be grateful, but to borrow money. Grandma who has no money is still overjoyed, be caring and attentive. Since then, there has been no news, and grandma has never confided a complaint to outsiders. She often talks about it and wishful thinking that she will come again.

Grandma seems to have inexhaustible strength and work. For her, the meanest thing in the world is probably time, and she never gets more. However, in her busy schedule, she kept the house clean. There was no oil stain on the tables and chairs, and the floors of the two wooden houses were scrubbed spotless. Later, even if grandma was seriously ill, she didn't forget to do housework. Until the last moment of her life, she always reminded the whole family of their diet and daily life. For children, grandma only loves desperately and never thinks about her own safety and happiness.

In order to make up for her family and improve her life, grandma often goes out on long trips to buy and sell pickled aquatic products. I once heard my mother say that there was no large wholesale market in the early years. In order to buy goods more cheaply and save costs, my grandmother took a boat to an island and bought goods directly from fishermen. If it's windy and rainy, and the boat bumps, grandma will inevitably feel dizzy and vomit; After shopping, grandma gets up early every day, carrying a heavy burden on her thin shoulders, walking on the rugged mountain road and selling in remote villages. Although those villages are sparsely populated, grandma always sells some every time she goes. Due to overwork, grandma fainted after selling it home many times, and it took a long time to recover slowly, but she never called herself tired and bitter. When I was a child, I most expected my grandmother to come to our village to sell aquatic products. As long as she comes, our food will be rich. In my impression, although my grandmother can't read, her language ability is amazing. Every time the villagers ask grandma if it can be cheaper, grandma always answers with a smile: it can't be cheaper, or even the toll can't be paid. As she spoke, she grabbed some more from the bag and handed it to each other. When the other party pays, grandma only gives four, not five, odd change.

My mother has never seen my grandmother blushing and quarreling with others; Even if people make trouble, she always coaxed each other, smiled at each other, looked at each other kindly, and finally made up, made up again, and was sent to welcome. It is said that one summer at noon, grandma excitedly sent meals to grandpa who was working in the field; Grandpa just took the lunch box, suddenly lost his temper, threw it far away, and kept complaining, which made others dumbfounded; But grandma was as cool as a cucumber, as if ready, and hurried to find the lunch box that had been thrown far away, corrected the deformed lunch box hard, picked up the food scattered in the ground bit by bit, and took it home angrily without saying a word. A few days later, they made up again. In this regard, I really want to personally verify and ask my grandmother or grandfather, but I can't bear to speak after all. In fact, many times, grandma's good temper has become her and her family's amulet and firewall.

Grandma has never read books, but she buys a new almanac every year. After getting up every day, grandma will ask grandpa to read her the notes written in the solar calendar. As for what was taboo and what was suitable for doing that day, she knew it by heart, treated it with caution and never dared to cross the line. Whenever she meets an important day, she will make a distinctive mark on a page of the yellow calendar. My uncle's unfortunate early death made my grandmother more Buddhist. Before going to the temple every time, she fasted for a few days and carefully prepared sacrifices; After each worship ceremony, she seems to glow gradually.

Grandma's house is close to my hometown. Grandma often comes to my house to help her mother with housework when she is free, and brings some delicious food every time. The three of us are very happy and cheering. What impressed me the most was that the skins of oranges, apples and water chestnuts she brought were wrinkled and the pulp was shriveled and rotten. At first glance, I knew that they were kept by my grandmother for a long time. She couldn't bear to eat them herself, so she kept them for her grandchildren.

When I was 12 or 13 years old, I used firewood for cooking at home, and I always piled some firewood in front of the stove. All the chickens and ducks at home like to lay eggs in that firewood pile. One day, an old hen jumped out of the firewood pile and kept giggling. I knew it was laying eggs as soon as I heard it. When I was excited, I found that the old hen was originally next door, and my heart was inevitably lost. After I made up my mind to keep the egg for myself, in order to avoid the suspicion of my neighbors, I immediately turned around and drove it away because the old hen was crowing at my house. Grandma was a little confused when she saw it. After learning the reason, she said to me seriously: You can't be greedy and cheap. Children form bad habits and it is difficult for them to achieve great success when they grow up. ? Hearing this, I flushed and couldn't speak. After all, I understood grandma's inculcation and generously and reluctantly returned the warm and lovely eggs to my neighbors.

Later, my mother followed my eldest brother to live in the town, but my grandmother still took time to visit. Every time she goes, she always brings some local products such as potatoes, white radishes, dried sweet potatoes and ginger. When she is in good health, she often carries two bags full. When she is weak, she often carries a basket. If one day she comes home empty-handed, she must be in a hurry, or she is really weak. Grandma talked happily many times in front of children and outsiders, saying that my sister-in-law hit her on the back and cut her nails too long.

Grandma died of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Unless the pain is unbearable, she will never tell outsiders about her illness, and she is reluctant to spend money to go to the hospital. When she was seriously ill in hospital, she repeatedly asked about the medical expenses. However, when he was discharged from the hospital, he suspected that he was not completely cured and was unwilling to leave the hospital.

Before grandma died, grandpa was most worried. Grandpa has long been used to relying on grandma to take care of his life. Grandpa expected grandma to die soon, so he secretly went to the clinic alone, bought a box of sleeping pills, and prepared to take her away as soon as grandma left. Fortunately, my aunt found out and stopped it in time. Today, grandma is resting in the bamboo forest. If she knew what was going on underground, she would be relieved. Grandpa has gradually adapted to the lonely life.

After my grandmother died, every time I went to visit my grandfather, I never saw my grandmother waiting for me at the village entrance. The bitter and maple trees in Weicunkou, which have a history of hundreds of years, still stand there, looking particularly vigorous and lush.

Read "Memories of Grandma's Lyric Prose" and read:

1. Pay attention to lyric prose

2. miss grandma's prose

3. Prose about the years

Emotional prose of 4.800 words

5. Lyric prose works about farewell