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What are the Buddhist teachings? Detail point

Basic teachings

Buddhism believes that the world is full of pain and everything is impermanent. His basic teachings are four truths, namely "suffering, gathering, extinction and Tao". Bitterness is the starting point of Buddhism, which believes that there are seven pains in life: birth, old age, illness, death, love of parting, resentment and ambition. As long as you are in samsara, you can't escape the pain. Setting the truth to explain the root of suffering, thinking that suffering is due to human desire, it will have consequences, and the consequences are the root of suffering, which is causality. Eliminating the truth explains how to eliminate pain, and thinks that the key is to eliminate desire. Taoism gives the ways and methods of cultivation. Through the eight-way cultivation, one can achieve the realm of immortality, immortality, absolute tranquility and eternal detachment.

Buddhism advocates the spirit of humiliation and self-sacrifice, advocates the equality of all beings, and believes that anyone who believes in Buddhism can be freed.

Sakyamuni tried various methods to make people escape from samsara. Finally, he meditated under a bodhi tree for seven days and finally had an epiphany. He put forward a theory that getting rid of troubles and puzzles through practice is nirvana, thus gaining great wisdom. In order to get rid of life and death, he will naturally stay away from pain. With the development of various sects of Buddhism, various distinctive doctrines have been formed.

Hinayana Buddhism adheres to the original doctrine that Sakyamuni was the first person to have an epiphany, not a god, but a great virtue that has reached nirvana. If ordinary people follow the teachings of Buddhism, they must become monks for a period of time and eventually become arhats when they reach nirvana. Therefore, Hinayana Buddhism worships the cosmic order, which is the stupa symbolizing the world. Also known as "Datura". According to the records of several Buddhist scriptures, there is Sumi Mountain in the small world, surrounded by the Aral Sea, four states and eight seas overseas in 1993, and Tiewei Mountain is the outermost. There is a golden wheel (hard stone) under this small world, and a water wheel and a wind wheel are under it. A thousand such small worlds make up a Hanazono Sakura world, a thousand Hanazono Sakura worlds make up a middle world, and a thousand middle worlds make up a big world. In some temples, Datura is made into a mountain-shaped frame made of wooden strips, and below it is a wooden boat, symbolizing the Aral Sea.

Mahayana Buddhism believes that everyone can become a Buddha, and after practicing, people will eventually die in the western paradise to become a Buddha. Therefore, Mahayana Buddhism worships Buddha statues and does not have to become a monk. As long as there is a Buddha in your heart, you will eventually become a Buddha.