Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What exactly does this passage in Dafang Guangyuan Jue say?

What exactly does this passage in Dafang Guangyuan Jue say?

Anonymous Jun: Faan! Picture reference: ABCD1fg.myweb.hi/face _1681The answer is in the title ... and: the circle is perfect, and the feeling is bodhi. Complete bodhi is for Buddha's fruit. It is called "Yuanjue" because you are exhausted by suffering and satisfied with your merits. However, the essence of distance education means that the equality of all laws is as real as sex, that is, the equality of all beings is as real as sex. Therefore, if you name Jue Yuan, all laws and all beings are endless, and all are equal, just as real as sex. Summary: People with a round vision can see everything as truly as nature. 2010-03-0517: 06:19 Supplement: Good people. A round sense of self. It's not about sex. Comply with nature. You can't take anything without a permit. In reality, there are no bodhisattvas and no sentient beings. Round. The clear circle crosses all ten directions and crosses San Ji vertically. There is no life, no extinction, no separation, no movement. All realms originate from illusion, and there is no reality. All living beings live in the law of origin every day, and all live in the realm of fantasy. Although you live in a delusional environment, you should not know it and distinguish it. Why? Only one heart is dead, and everything is just reality. All situations are asexual, that is, single-minded. Yuanjue has no license and no bodhisattva. Therefore, it is an obstacle for all beings to solve problems. Bodhisattva's viewpoint is also an obstacle. When the Bodhisattva entered the earth, she saw the nature of the law and her heart was silent. In this way, if you don't seek truth, don't seek truth, and don't live in a pure heart, you can achieve a wonderful circle. This is a state where the heart has no place to live, does not take pictures, and is clean and harmonious.

It's Buddha nature.

This is reality. It is synonymous with Prajna. 2010-03-0615: 26: 56 supplement: inscription solution: cultivate illusion with illusion: observe with the emptiness of awareness. Although this is an illusion method, we still need to cultivate illusion through illusion in the early stage, and practice this illusion method until it is not sticky or grasping. When illusion becomes the division of the sixth consciousness, it is ridiculous. You need to get rid of the illusion gradually through practice. Knowing the illusion and leaving the illusion: a saint can live in the realm without having a heart, such as realizing its realm. Ordinary people are obsessed with owning me, plus their own habits, which is even more delusional and troublesome. As the saying goes, "When disillusioned, dust dies, and when disillusioned, it dies. Disillusionment destroys reason, it is not illusory. For example, grinding mirrors, the scale is clear. A good man is an illusion when he knows his body and mind. The pollution phase will be destroyed forever, and the ten parties will be clean. . 2010-03-0615: 28:19 supplement: the visionary, that is, everything is pure and true, all beings have the virtue of Tathagata, and can see the perfection of all Buddhism. All the origins and endings of the Tathagata are based on circular awareness, and they will never be ignorant before they can become Buddhas. All hallucinations, delusions and delusions are not your original pure self. Because the heart has no place to live, the heart has no dirt, and there is no need to name the environment to distinguish it. If so, magic dust is not magic dust, self-nature is not self-nature, and everything will eventually enter an empty phase. In this way, the immortal Buddha is intimate in nature and knows all the karma phenomena. 2010-03-0717: 53: 09 Supplement: How to observe the circle and feel the heart? Stop the view of the view

This is Guan Hui. Where is Jing? Wade is a bodhisattva. Good gentleman! There is no sense of wonder, and it is everywhere. If the Tathagata is born, it is equal to all laws. There are no two ways to do it, and it is convenient to follow suit. There are three differences in the return of circles. For all beings who have not been freed, the realm of awareness can be divided into three angles: mind, matter and knowledge. The so-called "mind" perspective is based on the subject's awareness; The so-called "physical" perspective is based on the perception of guests; The so-called "intellectual" perspective is to look away from the subject and object, but based on the cognitive function between the subject and object. .2010-03-0717: 55:15 supplement: mind-watching method, also known as "empty view". Because the mind is the subject of awareness and cannot be observed directly, we can take a static phase through observation (attention! Not to calm your heart! Forcing one's mind to be calm is "stopping" rather than "observing"), but taking pictures from the heart sublimates into disturbing things, and finally the perception is still, like a mirror image. The way of looking at things is also called "false view". Because the physical attribute is the consciousness of the guest, it can be directly observed, so by observing the illusion (attention! Instead of thinking about fantasy with your heart, staying away from fantasy and making changes. With the enhancement of his consciousness, the creative scope of the realm of awareness will become more accessible, and the more people are widely photographed, the wider the realm of karma created by all beings will become. This artificial realm of spiritual practice is like a seedling growing into a tree. The method of observing knowledge is also called "middle view". Because intellectuality is divorced from mind and matter, it is precisely the observation function of awareness, not the false obstacle at both ends of mind and matter.

Dafang light source has learned a lot of classics. This is the Buddha's answer to 12 Bodhisattva's question. How can a yogi keep practicing until the Tathagata feels completely? Because these 12 people are Mahayana bodhisattvas and have a deep understanding of Mahayana. Therefore, the Buddha's answer is concise, and every sentence is directly related to Mahayana, which shows the right path of practice. But they are not ordinary people, nor are they people who have a second chance to learn, so it is easy to guess and understand with superficial words. The so-called round sleeper means that all sentient beings have a pure and perfect perception, which is not born and will not die. All sentient beings in the past, present and future of the void of the universe have this kind of perception, but from the beginning, all sentient beings regard this eternal perceptual paranoia about their own thoughts, their own bodies and all the scenery outside their bodies as true (this persistence is called ignorance), and then they are greedy for love and climb up, so it has been endless. All the troubles of life and death are fleeting and changeable, which also makes this pure perception hold different selves in various false and changeable phenomena. It's like seeing flowers in the air because of eye diseases, but there are no flowers in the air. If the perception of all beings can stay away from illusions, such as the recovery of eyes, then the eternal and clean perception will exist forever. But following the life and death of all beings for a long time, in the process of illusory consciousness, we must also achieve silent practice through illusion. After removing all the nonsense, there is a sense of silence. But in the process of practice, if you still don't observe, you will grasp your own experience in vain, for example: (In the dreamland, you said you thought you were enlightened. Also called illusory obsession. If you say you are fully conscious. I haven't left my illusion yet. People who say they have no sleep. This is also the case). Therefore, if perception can break all illusions, it is called immobility. All bodhisattvas should stay away from all illusory realms. Bodhisattva is driven by an illusory body, and its breadth is infinite. At the same time, we should constantly observe and break all the illusions in the world and realize that the illusory thoughts in the world should be kept away. The idea of "leaving" is also illusory, and the idea of "leaving" is also illusory. We should stay away until we realize that everything is delusional and cannot be separated, that is, we are out of illusion. For example, life and death worries are a tree, and spiritual liberation is a tree. Two trees make a fire by friction, and life and death practice are destroyed at the same time. This is to cultivate illusions with illusions, although all illusions are exhausted. I don't want to see it. All Mahayana bodhisattvas can get rid of illusion as long as they know that delusion is illusion. There is no more convenient revelation. As long as you are aware of the illusion, you can show your wonderful mind. There is no step-by-step practice. All bodhisattvas and last-time beings. Practice like this. If so, you can leave your fantasy forever. What is said to Bodhisattva Samantabhadra later is a heavy tribute, which is to reiterate this truth! The following example, I believe, can help you experience life and death. Practice is an illusion. Please try your real mind perception and experience the following evolution process of life and death practice: in the previous life, you experienced six infinite life and death, and this life appeared on this earth, diligently practiced Buddhism, came to live in heaven, and even heard four fruits. Later, you made a wish to live in the western paradise. When you saw the Buddha, you made a wish to live in the world. After numerous robberies, you made great achievements. Which one is you, please? If you want to know the subtle essence of Mahayana simply and deeply, you can log in to bddc/course_3_0, the Buddhist Fa Yin Communication Center.

Reference: Buddhist Fa Yin Communication Center bddc/course_3_0

What is the center of the circle? This is the sentence: all sentient beings have feelings. All kinds of illusions. Are born like Buddha. My understanding is that everything in the world, human and non-human, is illusory, and all are born of the "wonderful thoughts" of the Buddha. This wonderful idea is our sincerity, Buddha nature, Tathagata hiding, truth and emptiness. It is also our delusion, greed, anger, infatuation, etc.