Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Music score of guardian lover

Music score of guardian lover

1 (high)? 6? 5? 6?

Jump! Step! Jump! ?

4? .5? 4? 3?

Draw! Drew. Got it! ?

1 (high)? 6? 5? 6?

Chip! Syrup! Whip! ?

4? 4? 4? /5? 3/?

Ideal self?

1? 1? 2 - ? 3? 1? 1? 6- (low)? 16 (bass)? 7 (bass)? 1 - 2? 1?

Cool, strong and fashionable?

6 (bass)? 1? 1? 1? 1? 2? 1? 2? 1? 2? /3? 3/?

Although he is handsome?

5? .5? 5? 5? 4? 3? /2? 3/? 1?

This is not the case, is it?

6 (bass)? 4 - ? 3? 1 - ? 7 (bass) 1? 2? 1 - ?

I am just an ordinary girl.

1? 3? 5? 6? - 3? 2? 1 - ? 2? 1? 2? 3? 3?

You can't get rid of the pressure?

5? 6? 6? 6? 7? 1 (treble)? 7? 6? 5? .3? 6?

Do you really want to tell the truth?

3? 4? 5? 6? 6? 7 - ?

Even if it means.

6? 5? 6? 7? 7? 1- (treble)?

Not in line with your own personality?

7? 1- (treble)? 6? 5? 4? 5? 6? 7?

Will my heart?

1- (treble)? 7?


6? 6? 7? 1- (treble)? 6-2 (treble)? 1 (treble)? 7? 5? .3? 5? 6?

Be who you want to be?

1 (treble)? 1 (treble)? 1 (treble)? 2 (treble)? 1 (treble)? 7? 6? 5? 7? 6? - ?

Guarding sweetheart with you?

6? 6? 7? 1 (treble)? 6? 2 (treble)? 1 (treble)? 7? 5? 3? 5? 6?

Do what you want?

6? 1 (treble)? 1 (treble)? 6? 2 (treble)? 1 (treble)? 7?

No problem at all? No problem?

Is it all right to "be what you want to be"? No problem. "Repeat 1 time?

6 - 5 - ?

Are you sure?

1 (treble)? 6? 5? 6?

Jump! Step! Jump! ?

4? 5? 4? 3?

Drew. Draw! Got it! ?

1 (treble)? 6? 5? 6?

Chip! Syrup! Whip! ?

4? 4? 4? 5? 3?

Ideal self?

(Guarding Sweetheart Music Score)

(This is the only way ...)

(make do with it! )