Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What exactly is the list of gods in the movie Gods Above? What's the role?

What exactly is the list of gods in the movie Gods Above? What's the role?

The list of gods is an artifact in the movie Episode I of Gods, which was created by Nu Wa and engraved with the names of 365 positive gods and vice gods.

Its main function is to seal the gods who have been demoted to the mortal world for various reasons and prevent them from entering the mortal world again and interfering with human life.

The list of gods in the film is divided into three parts, which are kept by Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tian Tongzu. When a god is exiled to the mortal world, it is necessary to seal it with the list of gods. And those gods who were exiled to the earth, some because they made mistakes, some because they had feelings with human beings.

One of the most impressive episodes is the story of Jiang Ziya and da ji. Jiang Ziya was originally a member of the divine world, but he was exiled to the mortal world because he fell in love with a mortal woman. On the earth, he met da ji, and their relationship developed into a highlight in the film. In the end, in order to save mankind and da ji, Jiang Ziya awakened the list of gods with his own blood, and successfully sealed da ji and the whole list of gods in the Millennium ice.

In short, as an artifact in the movie Gods Part I, the list of gods is of great significance. It not only represents the bond between man and God, but also reveals the complex relationship among love, friendship and faith.

The above is just my personal opinion, hoping to bring you help.