Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Curse Chapter 1 Section 3 Library Raiders

Curse Chapter 1 Section 3 Library Raiders

Curse is a recently released horror game. The game was developed and produced by Storm Lord Games Company. Because the game has just been released, many players have not yet cleared customs. Here we will bring you the library raiders in the third section of the first chapter of Curse.

Other introductions: Graphic introduction of the whole process of curse game.

Section 3: Library

Step 1. Use the key in the drawer next to the phonograph in the hall to open the library door.

Look at the oil paintings on the wall when you go in. This is a portrait of the Earl of Saint-Germain. Maybe atherton worships him.

Then you can enter the main library. Your sixth sense is still alive. This room contains a lot of supernatural energy.

Step two. Near the middle bookcase, you can see the Vedas, the Book of St. Chris and the Four Chorus, all of which are legendary books. And there is a book missing from the shelf at the lower left.

Investigate the bookcase on the right, where you can see the tips of the list crystal, conation will, Tobin's spiritual guide and flood guide.

On the shelf on the left, I found an old book that was out of place with the books here. Take this black magic book and put it back in the lower left corner of the middle shelf where a book is missing. You will find a secret door opened.

Step three. Go into the secret room and investigate the paintings on the wall. This is a watercolor painting of China, which may date back to16th century. The rabbit in it doesn't mean the zodiac, but represents some kind of activity.

I found an interesting book on the desktop, which recorded immortal poems and a parasitic ceremony. It is said that it can make possessed people live forever.

Continue to investigate the page, which has a detailed description of the expulsion ceremony. First, draw a protective ring with salt, then bind the seal, and then say this spell. Once the ceremony is completed, the unclean soul will be ordered to leave.

Then you were knocked out of the room by a supernatural force.

Step four. Entering the bathroom on the right side of the library, I investigated in the mirror and found that I couldn't even see my own image.

Then investigate the sink and find that supernatural energy is emitted from this sink. If you choose "read", boiling blood will overflow from the ditch in the sink.

At this time, Mary's ghost will jump out of the mirror.

Step five. Quit from the library.

Go to the living room corridor and find the wardrobe in the living room corridor. After going in, investigate the hidden compartment above, and there is blood dripping out of the hidden compartment.

Step six. Go on, you will see Mary, and then the words "someone will pay the price" will appear on the wall. Maybe you will find the answer in the same room.

Walking into the living room, I found the fireplace. When I approached the fireplace, I found it was locked. I must find its key. I can see a pair of scissors in it.

Step seven. First, investigate the two boxes on the right side of the living room and the left side of the fireplace, and find that both need keys to open them.

At this time, it will trigger the closet on the right to knock on the door. For investigation, you can find the key behind the vase upstairs.

Use this key to open the small box on the left side of the fireplace, from which the soul board can be taken out.

Step eight. Put the soul board on the table on the left side of the living room for divination.

You successfully triggered Chris' soul to talk to you, and you can learn three questions: "Who are you (Chris)", "Why are you here (because of her)" and "Where is the key to the fireplace door (everyone can see it)".

When you leave the soul board, you must choose "farewell to leave", otherwise there will be a plot to kill.

Step eight. Investigate the cabinet on the left side of the small box and find a note in the top book.

According to records, Chris was the leader of the investigation team, and he doubted the authenticity of the manor residents.

Investigate the drawer in the middle of the cupboard, and there is a note in the book.

It says that Chris found the ouija board, which the ghost made him find on purpose.

Step nine. Go to the reading table on the right side of the fireplace and investigate the book. You will find Chris's notes.

It says it was a mistake to contact Mary. He mentioned something in the fireplace.

Then I investigated the bookcase on the right side of the living room and a book with white stars. Knowing that the evocation ceremony released Mary's soul brought bad luck to the players of that year.

Look for a key in the book above.

Step 10. Open the box on the right side of the entrance with the key in the book, take out the globe from it and put it on the window on the left.

To open the hidden compartment of the globe, you need to "let everyone see" according to Chris' prompt.

That is to say, turn the globe once, then click the button, the secret compartment will be opened and the key to the fireplace will be taken out.

After opening the fireplace, the scissors were taken out. When the scissors were pulled out, blood oozed from the ground and Mary's ghost suddenly appeared.

Step 1 1. The suggestion at this time is to stay in the living room, wait for Mary's arrival, and disperse it temporarily with a flashlight.

Mary attacked you when you pulled out your scissors. Maybe scissors have something to do with her.

From the exit of the living room to the corridor of the greenhouse, you will hear someone knocking at the door from the window.

Open the door and you will see Mary's ghost.

Other introductions: Graphic introduction of the whole process of curse game.

Curse Chinese version