Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Grandma's demeanor can be described in 50 words.

Grandma's demeanor can be described in 50 words.

1. The description of my grandmother includes expression, movement, appearance and language. You may delay, but time will not. In a blink of an eye, grandma is already a white-haired old man. But she is as ingenious as a girl and brings a lot of happiness and emotion to our family.

I was happiest when I was three years old, because my grandmother often accompanied me, played with me and made me laugh. And accompany me out for fun from time to time. Under the guidance of my grandmother, I walked through cotton fields and gardens. Go near the river and walk all the paths. I'm not bored with such a trip, but every time I go out, I am in high spirits, clapping my hands and dancing.

I like grandma's cooking best, especially the Wowotou cooked by grandma, which is fragrant and can taste the taste of millet from time to time. Grandma heard that I like to eat, so she often makes steamed corn buns for me. I know very well in my heart that what I eat is not just a small steamed bun, but my grandmother's hard work and sweat.

Every time I put my foot into my shoe, I always feel soft. This is a cotton insole made by my grandmother to protect my feet from the cold. Grandma's craftsmanship is excellent. She sews all the insoles at home. Grandma makes many insoles every year. After that, she was not idle, so she immediately picked up the cotton-padded clothes and sewed them. It is happiness, joy and honor for such a hardworking and kind old man to be my grandmother!

Grandma treasures every penny so much. I remember that night, I went back to my hometown that I missed day and night. When I opened the door, I saw the light in my grandmother's room turned off. We thought grandma was not at home. Just as we were about to leave, grandma opened the door and walked out quickly. As soon as I saw her, I hugged her tightly and said she was saving electricity. In this way, we can pay less electricity and save money. After listening to it, I had mixed feelings, both moved and ashamed; What moved me was that grandma actually knew how to save electricity and money. I am ashamed, because I am really not as conscious as my grandmother in real life!

My grandmother is not only my grandmother, but also my role model! I wish grandma a long and healthy life, always set an example, continue to educate me with actions, and be the star of our family all the time!

2. grandma's handwritten composition fifty words grandma has been caring and loving me sincerely for more than ten years. During this period, the only thing I can't forget is grandma's thinner face, whiter hair and coarser wrinkled hands.

I haven't looked at grandma's busy and tired hands carefully for most of my life.

It was my mother's warm and delicate hands that made me start my first step in life; It was my father's strong hands that taught me to be a man; It was grandpa's big hands covered with cocoons that made me more strong.

Where's grandma's hand? Did it never appear when I was growing up? Don't! Appear in the eyes of family. Silently and selflessly doing the most common and trivial things on weekdays, but these things are just the most important and indispensable, such as cooking, sweeping the floor, feeding chickens and working in the fields. ...

Look back at grandma's hand: the whole hand is almost dry and has lost moisture, and there are some grayish yellow spots on the back of the hand. There is a kind of land color between nails and meat that is difficult to wash off. Maybe only by applying a lot of ointment can your hands be a little shiny, moist and energetic!

At home, the most literate are mom and dad, and the most illiterate is grandma. She doesn't know many words. I remember once asking grandma why you didn't go to school. Grandma told me with a reluctant smile, "it's not that I don't want to, but that my family is too poor and there are many brothers and sisters, so according to the idea at that time, I gave this opportunity to study to the only big brother in my family." Therefore, grandma told me that her hands can give me anything, and the only thing that she can't give is knowledge.

Yes, grandma's hand really gave me a lot. It has given me love, care and help for more than ten years ... in which season will grandma's hand fall asleep?

Now it seems that grandma's hand has proved her contribution. Her hands are weather-beaten, rough and even chapped in winter, but the scars left by carelessness when working in the fields are still faintly visible.

Ah, it was a pair of hard-working and great hands that made such a great grandmother!

3. Describe your sister in 50 words.

1. My sister is ten years old this year and is in the third grade of primary school. On her red face, a pair of big eyes are smart. Black hair, two curved eyebrows, like a crescent moon. One of her white teeth is missing. When she smiles, she becomes an open tooth, which is very cute.

Xiao Ju

2. Xiao Ju is fourteen years old this year, but his figure is not high, his arms are still so small, his cheekbones are still protruding, and his ten fingers are like a pile of dead bamboo branches, which seems to be broken when folded; Because she is thin, she looks very light.

Twenty months of georgette

Georgette is only twenty months old, the youngest of three children. She was still breastfeeding in May. Now she raises her little head, sits in the cradle, looks at her feet and begins to babble. A ray of morning light fell on her cradle, and it was hard to say whether Georgette's feet or the morning sunshine were the most ruddy.

When my sister was born,

When my sister was born, she was really ugly: her nose collapsed, her eyes were swollen, and she slept with her eyes closed all day. Round head, long hair and red face, not as good-looking as she is now.

Little brother country

My brother Xiao Guo is very interesting: he has a round head, a palm-sized hair on his forehead and two ears. He smiles at people. In fact, he has a bad heart. As soon as he knew how to play, he turned against me. Anything he wants me to take. He grabbed the paper tiger made by my grandmother and played with the fat doll. I can't touch them. If I want to write, he grabs a pencil; I eat steamed bread, but he doesn't even eat eggs. He still wants to eat steamed bread. ...

Hello, classmate, if the problem has been solved, remember to adopt in the upper right corner ~ ~ ~ Your adoption is my affirmation ~ Thank you.

Every time I come home from school, I can see my grandmother's busy figure in the kitchen. I can smell the smell of food from a distance, and my stomach can't help growling. My grandmother took the delicious dish and kindly said to me, "I must be hungry. Go wash your hands and eat." "Eat more! And eat more vegetables! " "Ha ha! Grandma knows me best. " I picked up the bowl chopsticks and wolfed them down. Grandma's cooking is the best.

Sometimes I am wronged, or after I criticize my father's' administrative class', she will hold my hand, touch my head, take me into her room, analyze why I criticize my father, tell me the truth of being a man, and let me know to correct my mistakes in time. When the younger brothers and sisters are sad, she will give them appropriate comfort and encouragement, and will take them out for a walk to distract them from their grievances. When we were sad and crying, her actions gave us more strength.

Of course, there is severity behind kindness. Grandma is a principled person. She should have fun when it is time to play, and study hard when it is time to learn. When we make mistakes, she will punish and scold us. I know she is thinking about our future, and sometimes it is not easy to scold us, but I always listen and think, "She is my grandmother, and I want to respect her!" " "So, if you don't want to hear those words, you have to do everything well and do your best, ha ha!

Grandma is also good at dealing with interpersonal relationships. In the garden downstairs of her house, she can often be seen chatting with some old friends, sometimes giving gifts or going to their house for tea. Grandma is also very willing to help others. I remember once in the park, a little boy was separated from his family. When grandma found out, she took them to find it. Finally, she found it under a flower. The little boy's family thanked her very much and made a special trip to visit her home!

Grandma is my spiritual pillar and my life guide. She gave me meticulous care and help in my life and study. I will never forget my grandmother's concern for me. I will cherish her love, respect her and repay her efforts with my practical actions!

5. Description fragment of demeanor, 50 words recommended for your reference: sister 1, sister is ten years old this year, in the third grade of primary school.

On her red face, a pair of big eyes are smart. Black hair, two curved eyebrows, like a crescent moon.

One of her white teeth is missing. When she smiles, she becomes an open tooth, which is very cute. Xiao Ju 2. Xiao Ju is 14 years old this year, but her figure is not high, her arms are still so small, her cheekbones are still so protruding, and her ten fingers are like a pile of dead bamboo branches, which seems to break if she folds; Because she is thin, she looks very light.

Georgette, who is twenty months old, is the youngest of three children. She was still breastfeeding in May. Now she raises her little head, sits in the cradle, looks at her feet and begins to babble. A ray of morning light fell on her cradle, and it was hard to say whether Georgette's feet or the morning sunshine were the most ruddy.

My sister was 4 years old when she was born. When my sister was born, she was really ugly: her nose was flat, her eyes were swollen, and she slept with her eyes closed all day. Round head, long hair and red face, not as good-looking as she is now.

My brother is a small country. My brother is very interesting: he has a round head, a palm-sized hair on his forehead and two ears. He grinned at people. In fact, he has a bad heart.

As soon as he knew how to play, he turned against me. Anything he wants me to take. He grabbed the paper tiger made by my grandmother and played with the fat doll. I can't touch them. If I want to write, he grabs a pencil; I eat steamed bread, but he doesn't even eat eggs, but he wants to eat steamed bread ... the little hair is very small. 6. Xiao Maotou is very small, and its head is only as big as my big doll. His face is round and red, like a big apple.

She slept soundly, her eyes closed tightly, like two lines; Two eyebrows are like two crescent moons; Small mouth often moves, as if sucking milk. She was wrapped in a small quilt, tied tightly by a rope and did not move.

Lang Lang 7. Her name is probably Lang Lang. She is wearing a small blouse with a red background and white spots, with a prominent forehead and a flat nose. She has soft curly hair on her head, always quiet, like a quiet little philosopher. 6, shiny black hair, red face, two small eyes open like kittens, straighten chubby arms, and there are five nests on the arms.

He Manzi is four years old and He Manzi is four years old. He shaved a gourd and had a wooden comb on his head. As soon as he comes into contact with the long summer, he is light and looks like he just climbed out of the chimney. 9. This little guy, who is only five years old, looks particularly pleasing.

Forehead, high nose, beautiful black eyes like his mother. He followed his grandfather all day, delivering letters, things and newspapers to him.

Others say that he is grandpa's "guardian".

6. Grandma's handwritten 50-word composition may even crack in winter. My brothers and sisters have had a lot of grandma's sincere care and love for me for more than ten years. During this period, the only thing I can't forget is grandma's thinner face and summer.

I haven't looked at grandma's busy and tired hands carefully for most of my life. It was my mother's warm and delicate hands that didn't lack anything, and gave this opportunity to study to the only big brother in the family. "

So, grandma told me that her hands can give me anything; It was grandpa's big hands covered with cocoons that made me more strong. Where's grandma's hand? Did it never appear when I was growing up? Don't! Appear in the eyes of family.

Yes, grandma's hand really gave me a lot. It has given me more than ten years of care and care, and made me start the first step in my life ... in spring, I fed chickens and worked in the fields ... Looking back at my grandmother's hand: the whole hand was almost dry and lost moisture, and there were some gray-yellow spots on the back of my hand. There is a color between my nails and my flesh that is hard to wash: cooking and sweeping the floor! At home, the most literate are mom and dad, and the most illiterate is grandma. She doesn't know many words. I remember once asking grandma why you didn't go to school. Grandma told me with a reluctant smile, "it's not that I don't want to, it's that my family is too poor, but the scars I accidentally left when I was working in the field are still faintly visible." Ah, maybe only a large amount of ointment can make your hands a little shiny, moist and energetic. The only thing you can't give is knowledge, such as; It was my father's strong hands that taught me to be a man. In which season will grandma's hand fall asleep? Now it seems that grandma's hands have proved her dedication. Her weather-beaten hands are not only rough, but also her hair is sparse in winter. So according to the idea at that time, what a pair of hardworking and great hands made such a great grandmother.

Silently and selflessly doing the most common and trivial things on weekdays, but these things are the most important, autumn, those hands that are getting rougher and wrinkled.

7. Composition describing the demeanor of the characters 100 words Wonderful segment Description of the characters (youth)

1. The door opened and a young postman came in. I saw that his clothes were soaked, his trouser legs were rolled up high, and he was covered with mud from his knees to his toes, as if he had just got up from the mud. Holding a bag of mail wrapped in tarpaulin in his hand, he forgot to wipe the rain on his face and said to the people inside, "Childhood is coming!" " "

My sister is slim and strong, one head taller than me. Her neck is longer. When I am angry, I will call her "Changjin Deer". She is very energetic. When she looks at you, her eyes twinkle as if she could speak.

The young man looks less than twenty years old, with a pair of smart eyes under two curved eyebrows. You can tell at a glance that he is a capable man. Under a beautiful nose, there is a big mouth and two thick lips. People often say, "People with thick lips are all thumbs." But he has a glib tongue and is a talkative person.

4, my brother's eyes are highly myopic, and he can't live without glasses everywhere, just like a "blind man". Just take off his glasses and he will look like a sheep in front of me. One afternoon, my brother wanted to wash his hair. He asked me to bring him some soap to drink. I proudly thought: Hum! I'll run errands for you first, and then my treat. After a while, my brother craned his neck and beat soap bubbles all over his face. As soon as I saw the time was up, I quietly took my brother's basin away. After rubbing his hair, my brother went to wash his hair and took a handful of water and an empty one. He hurried to look for it, but as soon as he opened his eyes, the soap bubbles made him burst into tears. He groped his way like a blind man, groping around, and finally picked up a towel and wiped his eyes, but his eyes were still blurred, so he went to find his glasses.

I didn't have a chance to look at her carefully until she came near: I saw her ear-length short hair, big eyes and a smile on her mouth. Wear a red dress on the bed, and don't miss the school of Suzhou No.10 Middle School. She said to me gently, "Little sister, take my car!" " "Say that finish, she pushed the bike in the past.

6. The second brother sells seafood. It rains in the monsoon all year round, and it is very hard to get up early and get greedy. He is not tall and not very good-looking. Sometimes he looks like a good man, but he sells goods quickly and the vendors around him admire him.

7. In the carriage, a tall girl looked out of the window. She is strong and healthy. Slightly curly black hair in the back of the head, tied into two locks, hanging lightly. Crimson sweater collar, quietly revealing a dark blue coat. You can feel that this girl is full of youthful vitality and vigorous vitality.

8. My uncle is a docker in his twenties. He has a rectangular face, a black face and a red face. He is quite tall and strong, which makes people know that he is a strong young man at a glance.

8. Portrait of Grandma |50-300-word composition got up early today, ready to draw a portrait of Grandma. What about this painting? Please listen to me slowly:

Grandma's head

Grandma's head is not wrinkled like that. There are three almost long "canals" on the forehead, so you can't draw them too lightly or too heavily. There are wisps of silver in the middle of the hair, which are the traces of hard work day and night. If she laughs, the canal over her head will spread out; If she gets angry, the canal will shrink and tighten.

(2) Grandma's eyes

Grandma's eyes are strange. When she reads, her eyes only "shoot" where she wants to see, and she is very focused. When she walked, she looked around as if she had never seen the world. When she smiled, the "fishtails" on both sides of her eyes clearly appeared. So, I added a few wrinkles to the corner of my eyes.

(3) Grandma's nose

Grandma's nose is not very clever. Once, the steamed bread was broken and the sour taste came to the nose. Grandma sniffed casually and was about to take a bite. . My mother was quick-witted and grabbed the steamed bread and said, "This steamed bread is broken and can't be eaten." Then she stuffed the steamed bread into the trash can. Grandma is still muttering in a low voice: "It's sour and smelly, why throw it away!"

(4) Grandma's mouth, ears and hands

Grandma's mouth is a bit like that, that what? Nagging! Grandma repeats those words every day like a bodhisattva chanting. For example, "It's cold today, so put on more clothes." "People are alive, but they can be deleted and added" and so on. Listening for a long time is a little annoying, but it also contains love for us.

Just sketch grandma's ears! Anyway, everyone has similar ears. It's just that grandma's hearing is not very good, probably old people do!

Grandma's hands are rough, which are the "footprints" left by years. I don't know how many years she has worked hard for us. Cooking, washing clothes and mopping the floor. . There is no housework that she doesn't do. So, I drew a few more lines on grandma's hand.

Okay, we're done. Grandma will be very happy to see it tomorrow.