Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Moon composition 400 words

Moon composition 400 words

In our study, work and life, we always touch or use composition. Composition is a narrative method that expresses a theme through words after people's ideological consideration and language organization. I believe writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is my carefully arranged 400-word composition on the Moon for reference only. Welcome to reading.

The moon composition 400 words 1 The moon in late autumn is full of infinite sadness and homesickness, so it is "looking up, I found it was moonlight, and then sinking, and I suddenly thought of home." Or' I'm worried about the bright moon, and I'll go west with the wind.' "Blowing the biting autumn wind, loneliness arises spontaneously. The moon lifted its veil for a while and hid in the hazy thick son for a while. Although it has unique charm, how can sadness not emerge?

The moon in the sky hangs alone in the sky, and there are not even a few little stars around her. Looking at the bright moon in the sky, I can't help thinking of my parents in a foreign land. What are they doing at the moment? Are you thinking about me, too

I remember last Mid-Autumn Festival, my mother cooked a delicious meal, and our family ate sweet moon cakes and sat in the yard enjoying the moon. The moon that night is completely different from the moon tonight. The moon that night seemed to know that it was the little protagonist, and it was full of milky moonlight, which made people relaxed and happy. But ... tonight, the moon only sees the lonely moon hanging in the dark. Well, I think I am as humble as her. When can I be a little protagonist with my parents like Mid-Autumn Festival?

"When will there be a bright moon? Ask for wine from heaven. " I also hope that this bright moon can pin my thoughts on my parents, and the moon I can see is also their moon.

The afterglow of the sun gradually disappears, the sky darkens quietly, and the oncoming light and moon shadow are clear.

The evening breeze is blowing freely in the air. He is invisible. He is very naughty and likes to play practical jokes. Messing people's hair and frying things is his pleasure. He walked through the Woods, and the leaves made a loud noise; Across the grass, the grass kept swinging; Blowing across the lake, the lake rippled, but it will be fine soon.

The moon is looming in the clouds, as if playing hide-and-seek with us, and as if a shy little girl was afraid to come out. The evening breeze seems to be aimed at the moon on purpose and blew the clouds away in one breath. Instantly clear light immediately lit up the whole sky, and the moon was as white as jade, how like a precious white jade plate!

The moon in the lake is round, no different from the moon in the sky. Haha, I finally understand why the little monkey goes fishing for the moon! The lake is very quiet, as quiet as a mirror, reflecting the moon, clouds and trees, as if it were a painting. Suddenly, some birds were chirping in the forest. The poet Wang Wei and I should also have seen the scene of a bird out of the moon. A big carp jumped out of the lake. Ah! Fish scales glistened in the moonlight, and the fish jumped back into the water with a splash. The ripples on the water suddenly disappeared, and the newly broken mirror was as good as ever.

Clouds covered the moon again, as if the groom were protecting a beautiful bride, leaving only some moon shadows. This is my date with Moon Shadow.

Moon composition 400 words 3 "Mid-Autumn Festival!" I am happy at the mention of these three words. On this festival, we can eat moon cakes and enjoy the full moon.

After waiting for an hour, it's time to eat moon cakes. I wolfed down the moon cakes. The moon cakes I have eaten are egg yolk, pear, peach, bean paste and so on. "The moon is out!" I shouted happily. The moon is really round, round like a big plate. The moon is really dazzling, dazzling like the light from a golden mountain. When I look at the moon, I feel very sweet, because I am imagining myself eating a "Big Mac"! Grandma said, "hurry up and worship, so that you can grow up." I shook it by hand. At this time, naughty white clouds appeared again, blocking my beloved moon. Disgusting, you go away quickly. After a while, the moon appeared again. I enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes. This is really a pleasure! Looking at it, I naively thought: the moon seems to be very close to me. I don't move it, it follows me every few steps. So I took my sister to "chase the moon". I want to see the moon more closely and take it home. My sister and I chased it all the way ... I knew it was impossible. The moon is like playing hide-and-seek with me. Let us be exhausted, it still looks light-footed, with clear sleeves and crystal clear.

The Mid-Autumn Festival came like this. I really hope today is the Mid-Autumn Festival! So we can eat moon cakes and enjoy the full moon every day. ...

A bright moon, like a jade plate embedded in the deep blue sky, shines silver light on the earth.

The cold light of the moon shines on Taihu Lake, and the lake shines like a silver mirror.

The moonlight passed through the tree, leaving behind glittering jade.

The clear sky is like soft blue satin, and the full moon is like a jade plate, shining its brilliant light on the world.

The moon is like a fickle baby, sometimes afraid of a fat and round face, as if angry; Sometimes I open my mouth and smile happily. The moon, like a naughty child, often hides in Sister Yun's thick pocket and never shows up for a long time. Sometimes I stay away from Sister Yun like I'm afraid of being criticized.

The moon is like a young and lively mother who often plays hide-and-seek with the children of the stars. Sometimes, it hides behind the low treetops; Sometimes, it hides under a steep mountain; Sometimes, it is hidden in thick clouds, so that children will never find it.

Look, the moon with a golden ring has finally risen from behind the mountain! She, first golden, slowly passed through the white clouds like a light smoke, rising higher and higher. Suddenly, in an instant, the color of the moon becomes lighter and lighter; White, white! She stood proudly high. She is so cute and interesting, just like a silver jade plate reflecting white light.

A bright moon broke through the clouds, and Ran Ran rose into the deep blue night sky, illuminating the mountains and rivers of Yuan Ye. This scene is charming enough, but it is more charming on the water. The clear Mid-Autumn Moon slowly floats in the water, glowing with soft golden light, making the sea water bright and spotless.

On a quiet night, a little ant looked at the milky white shining moon and said to himself, "What's the smell of the moon?" Is it cream, chocolate or fruit? I really want to take off the moon and have a taste! "At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the fallen leaves in the sky swooshed. The little ant vaguely heard the moon say to him, "You little ant, you dare not even touch me and want to eat me. Stop dreaming! The ant thought: I will eat you!

The little ant struggled to climb to the top of the mountain and panted, "I must eat you!" " "At this time, the voice of the moon echoed in the valley." You have more than you can chew, but you still want to eat me, hahahahaha ... "

The clever little ant found a puppy by the roadside, a snake in the grass, an elephant drinking water through its nose and a little mouse looking for food by the pond, and finally picked up an abandoned garden scissors among the flowers. The little ant let the elephant stand on the top of the mountain first, then let the elephant roll up the puppy with its thick nose. The puppy grabbed the snake's tail with both hands and let the mouse climb to the top of the snake's head. Finally, the little ant stood on the little mouse, and he actually touched the moon. He picked up the garden scissors and cut at the moon, and the moon fell off at once.

Everyone cheered for the little ant, because he not only succeeded in realizing his wish, but also taught the arrogant moon a lesson. "Let's go and taste the moon!" Everyone went up and took a bite. Sour and sweet, memorable, so this is the taste of the moon. Everyone looks up at the moon in the sky. The moon was too ashamed to hide in the thick clouds and dared not come out again.

In the big forest, the animals are going to hold a sports meeting tomorrow night. The Lion King, Sister Deer and the old goat all came, and even Brother Jumping Frog came. At night, Mother Moon smiles and brings light to the earth, making the forest more vibrant.

Animals discuss how to hold tomorrow's sports meeting, and fireflies come to help. The animals watched happily as Mother Moon sprinkled light all over the earth to help everyone spend a hazy night. Mother Moon happily lifted herself to the highest sky, and the animals thanked her for the light. However, Mother Moon was soon covered with gray clouds. The road is also unclear, which brings inconvenience to animals. The animals stopped talking, and everyone was thinking, how will the sports meeting be held tomorrow night or so? The animals did their best. Brother Frog said, "Wouldn't it be better if we invited Mother Moon to join us in the sports meeting in the big forest?" Everyone thought the frog was right, and said it again and again. The old goat stroked his beard, nodded and thought. How to inform Yueniang?

The lion came up with a way to jump on the moon, and everyone agreed. In this way, the inclined run-up device was formed in a short time. I saw the little frog shouting "one, two, three" and jumped out first. Then the old goat, the deer sister and the lion king also rushed to the top and jumped out. "ouch!" Everyone fell to the ground and fell off the starter. The animals rubbed their swollen arms and kept complaining. Look at the sky again, the clouds have dispersed and Mother Moon is smiling again. The animals decided to hold a sports meeting tomorrow. Mother Moon smiled in the sky and praised the animals for their cleverness. ?

On the autumn night, the moon rose, rising from behind the building.

Have you washed in the fountain? The moon plate is so bright, the moonlight is so bright, it illuminates the tall buildings, the big trees and small trees on both sides of the path, and the winding roads and paths. ...

At this time, our family likes to take a leisurely walk on the moonlit path, look at the trees in the moonlight, look at the swings in the moonlight, and look at the "silver carpet" in the moonlight.

The path in the community has not been repaired yet, and it is covered with a lot of sand and stones. Listen, cicadas and crickets are having a concert in the moonlight. If in the daytime, butterflies will also be attracted and dance from time to time!

My brother and I rode a scooter to find the moon. We shuttled back and forth in the building, looking and looking, looking and looking, and finally found it! Naughty moon, it is playing hide-and-seek with us!

This time, I stared at the moon without giving it a chance to escape. Huh? What is the shadow on the moon? Could it be that Sister Chang 'e caught a cold and Xiaoyu Rabbit was pounding cold medicine for her? Could it be that WU GANG is cutting laurel trees? Or is the heavenly queen a guest in Guanghan Palace? It's possible!

This time, the moon never escaped, but obediently followed us like a big bodyguard. I can't help thinking of my grandmother in Hangzhou. Does she miss us under the moon like me? "I hope that people will live for a long time and have a good scenery for thousands of miles!" So I called her and told her what I thought.

The night is quieter, even cricket and cicada have stopped playing, but the moonlight is brighter, as if a big hand is touching me and the earth.

Ah! What a wonderful night!

In the evening, I went to the rockery with my friends, and the soft moonlight shone on my face, so comfortable!

Rockery is the place where our friends often go. It is not so much a mountain as a sculpture composed of several huge stones. From a distance, it looks like a big "pin". Looking closely, I don't know which craftsman carved the word "Fa" in various fonts. There is a small pavilion next to the rockery. The plaque on the pavilion reads Zhang Zai's famous sentence: "Stand for heaven and earth, stand for the people, make a career for future generations, and be peaceful for all things." Although I don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, I feel very heroic.

The moonlight shines on those huge stones, giving off a deep and quiet light. Friends climbed up and down in the moonlight and had a good time. When we were tired, we went to the small pavilion next to us to have a rest. Play with labor-saving stones, scissors and cloth.

At this time, a little friend had a new idea, "Come with me." We followed him to a small pond and stopped. I was stunned by what I saw. A golden jade plate was lying on the water, giving off bright light. The huge lotus leaf next to it can't bear to keep out. At this time, ripples appeared on the water. It turned out that the little friend who brought us made a long Shui Piao on the water with stones. The disks were broken all over the pond, but the lights were still bright and warm. Before I recovered, my friends scrambled to make waves with pebbles.

The moon is round and missing, missing and round. The rockery has accompanied us through countless beautiful and happy times, and we have grown taller and taller. Rockery is no longer the goal we want to conquer, and we are no longer ecstatic and showing off for climbing the "top of the mountain". But I was still fascinated by the bright lights in the pond.

Last night, I went to the nearby park to play. On the way to the park, I teased pigeons in a barbecue shop on the roadside for a while, and then walked to the park. There are many people dancing in the park.

Grandpa is also in the park. He sat on the wooden chair and I sat next to him. I looked up at the sky. Suddenly I feel that the sky has changed a lot in peacetime. At that time, the sky was beautiful. How beautiful is it? I'll teach you a lesson!

It was dark then, but it was different from the past. Clouds are still floating in the air. The moon has come out, which is different from the past. In the past, I only saw the moon. But the moon I saw yesterday was "wearing" a halo, and a cloud was added next to the halo, which made people feel beautiful.

I watched and I was fascinated. Seeing a jade rabbit in the middle of the moon, I thought of the legend of the Goddess Chang'e flying to the moon. I thought to myself, this myth is too real!

The moon is beautiful. Its halo is yellow in the middle, but its outer ring is orange. I am looking at other places. At that time, a lamp was always inseparable from my eyes. This night, the moon shines brightly in the sky, unforgettable!

This is the moon that I saw last night.

Moon composition 400 words 10 Follow the footsteps of autumn and look up at the moon. The same moon, different seasons, draw the hearts that people miss.

A bright moon has risen, which makes people homesick. More feminine, less rough. Its Yin Hui shines on the earth, watching every move of pedestrians in the street. It was reflected in the water, so the fish couldn't help swimming up to find out.

The most beautiful month is in the boundless grassland, the gray-blue sky, and the secret of beauty is condensed in the silence of the Millennium. We were drunk under the gaze of the moon, tears for you, shining like pearls.

Whether ancient people or modern people, the full moon depends on the railing, long sleeves are good at dancing, and thin sleeves are fluttering, which can neither land nor meet the sky. Such as the Goddess Chang'e flying to the moon, sunny. Under the cool breeze, many waves, such as broken flower petals, fall into the ruthless water and splash layers of bitterness.

Watching the moon by the window, the dead branches cut the shadow of the moon by the window, and the branches are sad for no reason. The thin face of the moon swayed gently on the window, as if forgetting and sighing. If there are tears, it is the dead branches that give birth to a little bud, leaving a wisp of fragrance in the hearts of the moon watchers.

The deeper moonlight accompanied others, and I felt a bright light when I opened my eyes dimly. Is it sunshine or moonlight? My hazy eyes closed, and I only felt that I was walking, with brisk steps, and came to the moonlight. My voice and shadow dance with the poet. I sing and wander, let me keep company with the silent moon shadow for a while, and I would like to walk with the moon.

Moon Composition 400 words 1 1 Tonight, my mother and I took a walk on a small road by the river. At this time, the sky is particularly dark, only the sound of running water. We are tired of walking, tired of walking, tired of walking. I found a chair to rest. I looked up at the dome. I saw the misty fog wrapped around the lovely moon like a dream. Make it look less bright, but it looks so ethereal and gorgeous.

It pains me to see the bright moon. Think of a couplet that will never be sung again. Makes me feel a little sad. It often shows that people miss their relatives and friends. Li Baiyun, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, said, "I am worried about the bright moon, and I will follow you to Yelangxi". Isn't this also to express my concern for my friend Wang Changling with the bright moon? These ancient talents are concerned about the country and the people, and they are compassionate. Don't you also use this bright moon to express your ambition? This bright moon makes me miss my relatives and wanderers far away.

This moon reminds me of countless joys and sorrows I have experienced. There are parents, grandparents and even more relatives. I will cherish every day from now on, because I have the care of my parents and the support of my friends. It is because of those days that I can enrich my life and get a perfect self and a more wonderful life. This can't help but remind me of myself, those soldiers who stick to the same in the frontier, those teachers who are far away from home, and their persistence for ten years. Who won't cherish the good times in front of them?

I stood up and looked solemn. We walked home together!

Moon Composition 400 words 12 Whenever I wander alone in the dead of night, I always look up at the night sky helplessly but happily.

I used to fantasize about what I was, yes! If I can make a metaphor, should I be the moon or the unknown darkness?

When I was a child, I liked to listen to old people telling stories, especially stories about the moon. I'm always fascinated. Old people often say that if you point to the moon, your ears will be cut off. I feel horrible. Is the moon really that magical? Can its hands be that long? What kind of knife is this? I dare not point at it, sometimes even dare not look at it for a long time.

Later, I had some doubts. It was one night and I saw some adults chatting in the moonlight. They pointed to the moon and told the story of the Goddess Chang'e flying to the moon. At that time, I really worried about them! Alas, why didn't their ears be cut off?

Curiosity has always controlled me. On a beautiful night, many little stars sparkled in the blue sky, and a bright full moon hung in the air like a silver plate, scattering a piece of Yin Hui on the earth. I snuggled up to my mother. Touch your ears and decide to ask your mother. Mother said, "You will understand if you try."

"Give it a try!" I finally couldn't hold back my long-buried worries, suddenly touched the moon with my fingers and closed my eyes tightly. After a while, I opened my eyes and touched my ears. Ah! The ear is still there! I jumped for joy.

"Think for yourself, don't believe anything unscientific." Looking at my happy appearance, my mother said to me.

Moon composition 400 words 13 "Grandma, why can't I catch up with the moon?"

"Because the moon is in the sky!"

I found a very interesting question when I was a child. That is, if we walk in the dark, we will definitely find the moon chasing behind us.

Once, I suddenly had an idea. In fact, the moon is chasing me behind, so I turn my back on the front and walk forward facing back. In this case, I will stretch out my arm and catch the moon when it is not looking.

So I really did it. But even so, the moon is still chasing after me. I have to run, hoping that the moon won't catch me.

But the moon runs much faster than me. It has been following closely.

I shouted angrily, "Damn moon, will you stop chasing me?"

The moon didn't answer any questions. Follow me silently.

I had to run home helplessly. Seeing grandma, I asked, "Grandma, why can't I catch up with the moon?"

Grandma smiled. Laugh enough before saying, "Because the moon is in the sky!" " "

"Why can the moon stay in the sky and I can't?"

"Because you have no wings. If you have wings, you can fly in the blue sky. "

I thought sadly, it's strange that the moon can stay in the sky without wings.

I still remember it was a moonlit night. I looked up and looked at the sky. I found many stars around the moon.

I began to fantasize. If I were a star, though not as bright as the moon, I could stay in the sky.

As I grow older, I know I will never catch up with the moon. It is even more impossible to become a star.

At the moment, I am thinking: My ideal is a moon. I'll try my best to catch up.

Moon composition 400 words 14 Autumn night, the moon rises from the junction of heaven and earth.

On such a dark night, you can hardly see which beam of light comes from the moon, only the faint light and the shadows of three people around you. The three shadows walked in tandem. These three people are me, my brother and my mother.

In such a dark night, the shadows are blurred, and things around seem familiar but unfamiliar. The stone road you step on seems to be stepping on the clouds. When we are bored, we play in the shadows. The shadow is like a bodyguard, it follows me wherever I go.

Sometimes my brother will play games when I go for a walk on the moon with me, but sometimes I will play nothing but a race to see who can run fast and come back first. Of course, sometimes I go to the rockery to find my classmates to play with. When I play, I forget all the difficulties and troubles. I just feel that I have fallen into the ocean of games, and even my brother is jumping around excitedly. It's not like playing with us. This is clearly a troublemaker!

In the moonlight, the Imperial Academy fell into the moonlight, and only a few figures were looming on the road. The lights of cars were sprinkled on the road, flashing like the light from luminous creatures in the deep sea. Laughter and laughter when walking on the moon will come out every day, because as long as you see the moon rising, you can see the shadows of these three people.

Moon composition 400 words 15 There is a bright moon hanging in the sky outside the window. Just finished watching the TV series "Monkey King", I am lying in bed thinking about how to have the magic of Monkey King. Suddenly, a colorful auspicious cloud floated outside the window, and the Monkey King suddenly appeared in front of me. I quickly asked in ecstasy, "Great Sage, I envy your magic. Can you teach me some? " He said, "Yes! But after you learn, you should do more good deeds. Come on ... "

With extraordinary power, I can't wait to try. Looking at the bright moon in the sky, I wonder what it looks like. So a somersault turned to the moon. Looking around, it's bleak. There is no water and air, no flowers and trees, it's too cold here ...! The population on the earth is so crowded that I can develop this place into a second home for human beings!

I immediately called the four gods of wind, rain, thunder and electricity and told them that it would rain heavily for 7749 days, so as to store enough water resources for human beings to enjoy. Then I blew the dust away, and the air enveloped the moon, and the second atmosphere of the universe-the lunar atmosphere was formed. Then I picked up a stone from the ground and said, "Change!" "It has become a super-large air conditioner hanging on the moon, making it like spring all year round. Next, I let buildings rise, and the earth was covered with crops, flowers and trees ... In a blink of an eye, the moon became a paradise on earth, where countless residents moved from the earth lived happily. ...

Suddenly my mother's voice came from my ear: "Jiaheng, you are going to be late, get up quickly!" " "It turns out that this is a dream. It seems that to realize this beautiful dream, we should not rely on the Monkey King's magical power, but rely on our own efforts and real skills.