Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Puyi spent the rest of her life watching it online. Where can I read the second half of Puyi's novels for free?

Puyi spent the rest of her life watching it online. Where can I read the second half of Puyi's novels for free?

Where can I read Puyi's novels in the second half of her life for free? If you want to know Puyi, you must read his autobiography My First Half Life. I wonder if you have read this book. I suggest you buy one, preferably published by Tongxin Publishing House, because you will also be given a ten-year diary of Puyi (1956- 1967). These two books should help you understand Puyi's life well.

I hope my answer can help you. Which is better, the last life of Puyi or the last life of Aisingiorro Puyi, the last emperor in China history? He worked in Fushun War Criminals Management Office for ten years. In the past ten years, he has changed from a person who can't even lift his shoes and button them, to a self-reliant newcomer. He was 53 years old when he was released, and there were only eight years left before he died. He was first assigned to work in the Botanical Garden and later transferred to the People's Political Consultative Conference in China. During the Cultural Revolution, he joined the CPPCC reform-through-labour team and continued to undergo reform. At that time, Puyi, although he had the desire to do everything well in his heart, was clumsy and made many things that made others and future generations laugh and cry. The rest of his life is ridiculous and pathetic.


In the 1960s, Puyi received reform-through-labour with Xin, Du and Shen Zui in the reform-through-labour team of China People's Political Consultative Conference. Besides attending classes and being criticized, they have many things to do, such as cleaning the office, boiling water, making tea, sweeping the yard, building walls, helping the kitchen and so on.

In a word, they must do whatever work is assigned to them. Do it quickly and well, don't be lazy. Otherwise, if the caretaker finds out, he will get more than one bargained for.

On one occasion, Puyi was assigned the task of sifting lime.

In fact, this job is not difficult. Just set up a sieve and shovel lime into it with a shovel.

Puyi has never done such a job, but he is always active in the work assigned to him.

New Xia Feng, who works in a group with him, taught him a trick: "As long as you follow the wind, you won't get lost."

Puyi just started shoveling, shoveling a little bit, and the wind direction soon dropped. He panicked, afraid that lime would fly into his eyes and become blind.

As a result, in a panic, I fell into a pile of lime, not only covered with lime, but also really blind.


He likes to move on when he sees the excitement.

One day, he posted posters in the reform unit. No one is going to see it, only Puyi is going to see it. He said: "Isn't the poster posted for us to learn? I want to go and see, I want to pursue progress ... "

He went out with two kettles.

There are two posters at the door of the boiler room, telling who is having sex again. Puyi stood outside, stretching his neck to look in, unable to see clearly; He asked the person next to him, what is written on it? A kind-hearted man lowered his voice and told him not to ask any more questions.

Puyi still won't give up, but also push forward: "Look at those bad ones, it will also help you ..."

At this time, some rebels recognized him and pointed the finger at him: "reactionary emperor, you'd better come and have a look. These things are incomparable with your three palaces and six hospitals!" Are you busy with so many women? Oh, by the way, you can't, you don't have the ability ... "

Puyi was pushed around by them and was already very weak. After several rounds, he was pushed to the ground and the kettle was broken.

Puyi went back with a sad face and had to go to Baitasi Department Store to make up two male thermos pots.

He is always so stupid.

But I think I'm smart.


When Puyi worked in the reform-through-labour team, everyone liked to drink the tea he made.

His tea is really better than others'. Du asked him what he knew, and he said, I stole it from the former imperial secretary.

Knowing that everyone loves to drink his tea, he is more active. Arrive early for work every day. The first thing is to boil water and then make tea.

However, if the teapot is used for a long time, it will have a strong water alkali. Sometimes precipitation can be drunk, but there is more water and alkali, and the precipitation is not good, so the brewed tea is mixed.

Everyone can't drink satisfactory tea, and Puyi feels responsible and has been very worried.

One day, when he was boiling water, he forgot to take down the kettle. As a result, the bottom of the kettle was dry and rusted. When you hit the ground, water and alkali will fall off. Dig back and forth with a small iron spoon a few times and the whole kettle will be much lighter.

Puyi publicizes his little coup when he meets people.

After a while, there was a thick scale on the bottom of the pot.

Puyi knows this time. He directly put the pot without water on the fire to dry, and the pot snapped. Soon, it smelled like paste.

Hearing the strange smell of breaking into houses, the supervisor asked, "Why don't you take the pot down? You mean destroying public goods! "

Puyi was scared and immediately reported: "I want to help solve the problem of water and alkali!" " You see ... "

Whether it was hot or not, he took the kettle off the fire, connected it with cold water, and then knocked it upside down. He felt a little dirty again, so he dug hard at the bottom of the pot with an iron spoon. As a result, the iron spoon came out from the bottom of the pot!

He broke the bottom of the pot.

This is terrible. I don't think I can leave after work.


Puyi is sometimes arranged to help cook in the kitchen.

On this day, the chef arranged for him to go out and pull a cart of tomatoes to cook for the canteen.

Tomatoes are full of baskets, which are heavy. He is tall and has long arms, so he wants to lift the basket with both hands. However, his arm is so boring that he just can't catch it. As soon as his arm was loose, the basket of tomatoes fell off and the tomatoes rolled all over the floor.

Puyi also sat on the ground and couldn't get up. Not only is he thin, but he is often ill. Nephritis, uremia and heart disease are old friends who have followed him for many years.

The watchman came to see him and was very angry. He grabbed the rotten tomatoes on the ground, wiped them on Puyi's face and stuffed them into his mouth: "They are all broken, you eat them!" " "

Puyi sat there slumped, thinking only of wiping her face from left to right.

The administrator vented his anger and turned away. He stuck out his tongue and licked it carefully, and said with surprise, "It's sour and sweet, so delicious!" "

He's a little heartless.


Although I learned to work in the War Criminals Management Office, I am still inexperienced, so I don't make mistakes every day.

On this day, the chef asked Puyi to wash the kitchen rags, drawers and aprons.

Xin, who works on the sidelines, said, "It's not difficult. You pour water into a large aluminum basin, then pour alkali into it and put it on the fire. Find the laundry together, put it in and stir it with a stick. It can be won in twenty minutes. "

Puyi kept nodding and took out a small notebook to record the delivery process one by one.

"By the way, when lifting the aluminum basin, you must first put a cloth pad, or you will be burned again!" Xin Xiafeng quickly added. She knew that Puyi was always injured at work. He is impatient, and then his hands are slow.

Half an hour later, Puyi cooked a big pot of things to be washed. At this time, the chef came back.

He felt the fruits of Puyi's labor, smooth but not greasy. The chef said, "Teacher Pu will still work!"

Puyi was as happy as a child after hearing the praise.

After waiting for a while, the chef looked for his socks. Some chefs looked for his shorts, but they couldn't find them.

Puyi quickly said: "I washed my socks with rags and drawer cloths!" " And I wiped it with a washboard, and now it's all hanging outside! I want to learn from revolutionary comrades and do more good deeds! "

The chef flushed with anger: "drawer cloth is for cooking, and socks are worn by smelly feet." Can we wash together? " Who will eat after washing? Clean the drawer of the rag quickly! "

Puyi agreed to obey the rules and go back to rework.


He is really a special idiot.

The canteen asked him to pick celery, and he threw away the celery stalks, leaving all the leaves. When you see something new, pick it up for him quickly, so that he can survive.

Jiaozi, if you want to eat leek stuffing at noon, you can pick a large bundle of leeks into a small handful.

Let him do the dishes. The washed bowl is so slippery that he can't hold it steadily. He broke a few and cut his own hand. The jingle attracted the watchman, who quickly bent down to apologize.

Let him put the vegetables hanging outside under the eaves on rainy days, but he pushed them into the rain, saying that the vegetables were watered and sold well. It was discovered by the guards again, calling him a "ghost" and vandalizing it.

He endured all the criticisms and took a small notebook to write it down privately. He said: "I am a newcomer now. I not only work, but also get paid by publishing books and manuscripts. This was unimaginable before. I did something wrong and should be punished. How stupid of me! "

On one occasion, Master Park in the canteen asked Puyi to wash all the eggs to make tea eggs. He felt that the task was glorious, so he washed it very hard.

It's just that he washed too hard and crushed a lot of eggs. He broke all the eggs in a big pot.

Master Park was dumbfounded when he came back. "Tea eggs don't have to be broken, Laopu!"

Puyi was frightened and apologized again and again. ...

Master Park said, "This is hard for you! Nothing, make egg drop soup today. "

Puyi quickly said, "No, no, I'm guilty. I should apologize ... "

Master Park waved his hand and said disapprovingly, "It's not easy for you ... In today's Cultural Revolution, a chicken without hair is worse than a chicken. The people win another day, phoenix or phoenix, chicken or chicken! "

Puyi bowed repeatedly and said, "I can't stand it! I am guilty! "

Aisin Giorro Puyi became emperor at the age of three, and his fate was not up to him from then on. History didn't give him much choice, but he still wanted to live. So no matter what the political environment is, no matter how those people scold him and insult him, he can do it himself. For the rest of his life, he endured, endured and created some value.

He was originally a majestic emperor. Later, when he came out of prison, he was silent when he saw everyone. Said he was the biggest villain in China, he also recognized, beat him to scold him, he also recognized, organized and arranged for him to be a concubine of a fireworks woman, and he also recognized. He was a bookworm until he died. It has been almost fifty years since Mr. Puyi died. There is no last emperor in this world, the green hills are still there, and the green waters are still there. What happened to those emperors and generals is a thing of the past.

How did Puyi spend the rest of his life? Puyi experienced being fostered as a puppet by the Japanese, being trapped in the Soviet Union, being pardoned and working in Beijing Botanical Garden. 1967, Puyi died in Beijing at the age of 62. The rest of his life can be described as bittersweet. As the last emperor, he was lucky to have such an ending.

I have only heard of Puyi's TXT download in the second half of my life. Puyi, the first half of my life, the second half was written for him by others, or the first half is better! Puyi wrote it herself, and she has the most say. Others' is not necessarily accurate, besides, I have read the first half of my life, and his book also contains things about the second half. I feel good. I will order one online, which is hard to get in bookstores now.

How did the last emperor Puyi spend the rest of his life? Hello, I hope to adopt.

Died 1967, Puyi fell ill due to uremia. When Premier Zhou Enlai heard the news, he personally called the staff of China People's Political Consultative Conference and instructed them to cure Puyi's illness. Later, he was ordered to arrange a consultation of Chinese and Western medicine in the Capital Hospital. In the most critical situation, Premier Zhou appointed Pu Fuzhou, a famous old Chinese doctor, to see him and conveyed Premier Zhou's regards. He died at 2: 30 am on June 1967 and 10. Puyi's body was cremated according to the relevant laws of People's Republic of China (PRC), and his ashes were placed in Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery. 1995, his widow Li buried her ashes in Hualong royal cemetery in Yixian county, Hebei province, which is 20 kilometers southwest of Beijing1995, and Puyi's tomb is near Qingxi mausoleum. What book does Aisingiorro Puyi have, My First Half Life?

The first edition (1960): I wrote it for Pu Jie, and the chronicle ends at 1957. 1960 65438+ 10, Xinhua Bookstore published as an internal book. Second edition (1964): 1963, the final edition written by Li Wenda. 1964, published by Volkswagen Press. After the copyright dispute [9], the court ruled [10] that Puyi was the author of My First Half Life and enjoyed the copyright of the book. Full Edition (2007): 1964, published in my first half (final edition). Due to the social environment at that time and many political reasons, the original manuscript was deleted160,000 words. In 2007, My First Half Life was published, and all the deleted contents were restored. Puyi's situation was in the process of transformation, and Puyi's doggerel and divination words were made public for the first time. Puyi and his five women: 1993/07/ 15, Xu Hong, Publishing House, ISBN 957-544-46 1-2 (normal Chinese) (later made into a TV series and broadcast on Dongsen Comprehensive Station in Taiwan Province Province) "* *. Oriental press, ISBN 7-5060- 1209-X (in Chinese), On-the-spot Records of Puyi, 1999/0 1, Wang Qingxiang, Oriental press, ISBN 7-5060-1/kloc-. He was going to write about the rest of my life, but he died.

The protagonists are Puyi's novels The Last Emperor Puyi, The Last Emperor's Later Life, Eye of the Eyes, Feast, Puyi Treasure Record, Biography of the Last Emperor's Brother Pu Jie, Puyi Treasure Record 2 and Puyi Treasure Record 2: The Last Restoration Struggle.

Puyi (142) in his later years (12)