Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why is everything divided into yin and yang?

Why is everything divided into yin and yang?

The concept of Yin and Yang originated from the ancient people's view of nature in China. The ancients observed various opposing and related natural phenomena in nature, such as heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, cold and heat, men and women, up and down, etc. And summed up the concept of "Yin and Yang" in a philosophical way of thinking. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, Yi Zhuan and Lao Zi's Tao Te Ching both mentioned Yin and Yang [1]. The theory of Yin and Yang has penetrated into all aspects of China's traditional culture, including religion, philosophy, calendar, Chinese medicine, calligraphy, architecture, divination and so on. Yin and Yang are the division or subdivision of "unity of opposites or contradictory relationship", and the two are species relations. The foundation of yin, yang and five elements of Chinese studies seems simple, but few people know it, and even fewer people know it and can keep it.

Yin and Yang represent the most basic opposition of all things.

Yin is cold, dark, polymeric and materialized.

Yang is heat, light, heat and gasification.

There is yang in yin and yin in yang, and the rush of qi is considered to be harmonious (like invisible qi separating yin and yang and making them occupy their respective positions). )。

The position of yin and yang is constantly changing, and it goes round and round. What we can see is that Yin is inside, Yang is outside (that is, positive matter that polymerizes to produce Yang), and vice versa (similar to a black hole). Everything must conform to the law and structure of Yin and Yang, just like life (gathering) and then death (parting). This is the law of yin and yang. If yin and yang are out of balance or in the wrong position in the human body, people will get sick.

These are the real meanings of Yin and Yang, and they are also the fundamental meanings of the Taiji diagram drawn on this basis. Traditional Chinese studies (medicine, astronomy, geography, mathematics, philosophy and even various classics) are all based on this, and have profoundly influenced China people's world outlook and outlook on life.