Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Folk stories of the Spring Festival

Folk stories of the Spring Festival


Once upon a time, there was a Sanshengtang at the bridge head of Lao Jiang Bridge in Ningbo. There are three bodhisattvas in the Three Holy Halls: the county magistrate sits in the middle, the Nanyang guest on the left and the shoemaker on the right. Legend has it that this bridge is related to the Three Temples.

In the past, there was no bridge on the Sanjiangkou, and pedestrians all relied on a big wooden boat to ferry across the river. It took a lot of Guang Chen to ferry across the river. There are so many people coming and going that it is inconvenient to cross the border. If it rains and winds, it will capsize. There is a thatched shed next to the ferry. The shopkeeper is a shoemaker. His craft is good, and his workmanship is cheaper than others. Guests often rest in front of thatched sheds when ferrying.

One day, a businessman from Nanyang came with a small box in his right hand. He wants to ferry, and just before he comes back from the ferry, he will go to the leather shoes stall to repair his shoes. Hardly had the shoes been repaired when the ferry docked. He quickly put on his shoes, grabbed a few steps and rolled on the ferry.

When it was dark, the shoemaker tidied up the shoe stall and found a small suitcase next to it. He thought, "Nine times out of ten, guests come to repair shoes every day." I picked up the box and opened it casually. I was stunned. It turned out that it was full of gold, silver and jewels, shining. He thought, Jado's baby is lost here. That merchant should be in a hurry and can't send it back. Let's wait for him to pick it up.

The next day, as usual, the shoemaker set up a leather shoes stall, while doing his life, while paying attention to the past guests, and waited until the evening, but still did not see the merchants turn around. So I waited day after day, month after month, for more than three years.

One day, the businessman came as expected, only to see him go to the shoemaker's booth and say to the shoemaker; "Lao shifu, Nong's craft is really good! My shoes were mended by farmers. I have been wearing it for three years and I still don't wear it! " When the leather shoes master saw it, he quickly put down his figure, pointed to the old leather shoes worn by the guests and said with a smile, "The guest officer is so confused. It has been three years and one month. " Nanyang guest said, "Hey, don't make a mistake at a glance."

"Guang Chen, who repaired shoes that time, did anything drop casually?"

"yes. I have a small suitcase, which seems to be waiting here for the ferry in Guang Chen to break up. "

"What's in the trunk?"

"Gold and silver jewelry."

Hearing this, the shoemaker took out a small box from the room and gave it to the guest. Nanyang guest was shocked and thought: there are really good people in the world. I quickly opened the box and saw that there was no shortage of gold, silver and jewels in it. I was grateful to the customs, so I took out a string of jewelry and said, "Nong is really a rare good man." This is a token of my appreciation. You don't have to work so hard to repair shoes in the future. Go and open a shoe store. " The shoemaker pushed away the guest's hand and said, "Don't make a mistake. If I want these things, I won't wait here for three years. " The guest must send it, but the leather shoes master won't accept it anyway. In this way, you gave me a push, and my voice grew louder and louder, and more and more people gathered around to watch the fun. This Guang Chen happened to be the county magistrate passing by, and when he saw many people gathered around to watch the scene of bustle, he was involved. When he asked about such a thing, he said to the two men, "Don't push, you two. I have an idea. Please watch it. The river here is wide and the water is urgent, so it is not convenient for pedestrians to ferry across the border. You two don't want money. I think we should build a bridge here. There is not enough money. I'll make up the number. " After listening to the master's idea, all the onlookers applauded. Nanyang guests saw this scene and simply donated the whole box of jewelry.

In this way, a big wooden bridge named Lao Jiang Bridge was built on the Fenghua River near Sanjiangkou, connecting the road between the city and Jiangdong, and pedestrians no longer need ferries. Later, in order to commemorate the achievements of these three people, a three-holy temple was built at the bridgehead.


There is a bridge in Jiangdong, Ningbo, called Jingjia Bridge. Legend has it that it was named after Qianlong's search for his father.

After Qianlong ascended the throne, he visited the people incognito one year. It was said that today's son of heaven was not born in Manchu, but the son of Yang Lin, a minister of Han nationality. Qianlong wanted to ask questions, but he was afraid it would hurt the majesty of the son of heaven. He is always hesitant, so he frowned and moped. When she returned to the palace, Li, the nurse, saw the emperor in such a state, and she tried: "Long live the grandfather, is Nong a weak dragon?" I used to go back to the palace happily, but why are you sad today? "

Ganlong listened, and his heart moved. My wet nurse raised me since I was a child. She must know my background. She told Li what she heard in a private interview and asked him to tell the truth. Li thought: When I am old, I won't tell the truth. The emperor told the truth because he was afraid that he would never know. It turned out that Gan Long's father was Yang Lin, then Prime Minister. The imperial concubine and Mrs. Yang gave birth at the same time. The emperor really expects to have a boy who will inherit the throne in the future. The imperial concubine gave birth to a girl, and when she learned that Mrs. Yang gave birth to a boy, she ordered her son to enter the palace and spend a hundred days with the princess. Then Yang Lin took his son back to the house, opened the door and stared at it with blue eyes: bring back a girl! The husband and wife dared not say anything and decided to fly away. The next day, Yang Lin went to the temple to play the script, claiming that he was old and weak and came to Zhejiang to live in seclusion. Hearing this, Gan Long couldn't help feeling sad and burst into tears. Li quickly advised: "Long live the dragon, you must take good care of the dragon's health. If you miss your parents, you can take advantage of the southern tour to secretly find them and make proper arrangements. "

After listening to it, Ganlong felt reasonable. The next day, I went to Zhejiang by dragon boat, asking about it in the east and in the west. Knowing that Mrs. Yang was anxious to have children, she finally died of anxiety. Her biological father, Yang Lin, changed her name and surname and became a monk in Tiantong Temple.

Qianlong was sad and happy, anxious and nostalgic, and sent a message to drive Tiantong Temple. Along the way, when I passed a stone bridge, I suddenly rushed out of the bridge with a ragged and muddy face. The emperor's first two horses were frightened and threw Emperor Qianlong to the ground. The emperor fell, that's good! The guards immediately arrested the monk, and the civil and military officials quickly helped the emperor up. In normal times, the emperor would have beheaded the monk. Today, the emperor looked at the monk carefully and asked, "Why didn't Nong stop?" The monk knew that he was the current emperor and shouted, "Who is Nong?" The guards were frightened and the monk ate the leopard's guts. They caught the monk and took him away. Gan Long waved to stop him and asked, "What's your last name?" The monk's eyes were red: "Good, good, the poor monk's surname is Mu Yi, and his first name is Ermu." Turned around at once. Gan Longxin thinks: As a "yang", two trees are a "forest". Isn't it my biological father? Silent, he secretly sent someone to build a Yang, named it "Wang Yang", and personally recognized it as his biological father.

Because the horse on the bridge was frightened, Gan Long was taken in, and later generations called the small bridge "the bridge with a fright".


In Xixiang, Yinxian County, there is a clear river called Yinjiang River, and an ancient water conservancy project-Tashan weir runs across the middle reaches of Yinjiang River. There is a touching legend about the construction of this weir!

A long time ago, the water in the Yinjiang River was a rare treasure. If the fields are irrigated by Yinjiang River, rice can be harvested without fertilization. The Yinjiang River, on the other hand, is like a reclining bamboo tube with no tributaries and leads to the sea. The precious Yinjiang River flowed into the sea in vain, and the crops along the Yinjiang River for dozens of miles in Fiona Fang died because there was no water irrigation. In the flood season, the tidal current rushes upstream along this straight river, and there is nowhere to discharge. Crops are submerged by seawater, so people can only drink bitter and astringent seawater. Although the Yinjiang River is a treasure land, the people have suffered greatly from it, and everyone has left their homes and fled everywhere.

This year, a county palace named Wang came. He surveyed the Yinjiang River and learned about the people's feelings. He is determined not to let the precious white water of the Yinjiang River flow into the sea, and he will use it to irrigate the nearby100000 mu of land. The county magistrate Wang posted a notice and decided to dig a 60-mile-long inland river and introduce it into the river.

Hearing the news of digging a river to divert water, people are in high spirits. Every household bought their own hoes and baskets to dig a river, and the fleeing residents came back, and the farmers in the distance also brought dry food to support them. Tens of millions of migrant workers dug for ten years and dug up an artificial river from Yinjiang to Yinxian City (now Ningbo). Everyone is dancing and laughing, always thinking that you are done.

However, something unexpected happened. Because the artificial river is too flat, once the Yinjiang River releases water, the water will flow downwards, and the river can't flow to the artificial river at all, but flows to the ocean along the original inclined river. Ten million people have worked hard for ten years, and it seems that it will be in vain. What shall we do? Magistrate Wang thought hard, and local people Qi Xin worked together. Mrs. Ning, who is in her nineties, came up with a solution. He suggested that a big weir be built next to another mountain where the new river and the original river intersect in the west of Yinjiang Town, so as to split the original river in two, cut off the Yinjiang River and force it to flow into the artificial river. This good idea was quickly recognized by the county magistrate and the people.

However, it is difficult to build a big weir on a river with a rapid current and a width of tens of feet! The most difficult project is also the most important project, which is to lay the foundation, fold up the thick pine stakes and knock them down. As soon as the water reached below it, the sand loosened, and the vertical stake immediately fell sideways, and the bones slipped into the sea with the water. In this way, after playing for three days and nights, dozens of wooden stakes have drifted away, and even one has not been successfully played. According to the plan, at least ten wooden stakes need to be firmly laid before the foundation of the big weir can be completed.

People are worried again. What shall we do? Mrs. Ning said frankly, "There are ways, but it is impossible."

"Man is the spirit of all things," said the old lady. "Human blood is priceless. If someone would rather sacrifice his own life, the blood of the people can solidify the foundation piles at the bottom of the river. This is the only way, but it takes ten lives! If ten people are willing to bleed, they will save thousands of people in Qian Qian, Fiona Fang and benefit future generations. "

People die quietly, people pile up piles of blood. This is giving your life!

"Build it with my blood!" The old man took the lead and said, "Who wants to follow?"

Suddenly, dozens of young people stood out from the crowd, "me!" " I do. Dozens of young people have signed up. Instead of letting the old lady die, people advised her: "Taigong, you are old and your blood is not strong enough. After the pile foundation is laid, you should arrange to lay the slate and build the weir. " Finally, ten young students were selected. Coincidentally, their surnames happen to be in the top ten among hundreds of surnames: Zhao, Qian, Sun, Li, Zhou, Wu, Zheng, Wang, Feng and Chen. Seeing the dedication of the people, Wang Zhifu was moved to tears.

That night, ten young people drank blood wine, became allies with heaven, and became sworn brothers.

The next day, the blood pile of human beings began, only to see a sea of people on both sides of the strait, men, women and children, all who could walk away.

Zhao's eldest brother took the lead, and the first one was tied to the tip of a big pine tree. He smiled. As the pile slowly sank to the bottom of the water, a huge hammer hit the top of the pile, and the tip of the pile was stuck by hot blood and nailed firmly to the sand at the bottom of the water. On the water, there are red ripples. The first pile succeeded! People are crying.

The second brother also tied the pile tip with a smile and sank into the water. As the heavy hammer struck, the straight pile was gradually inserted into the bottom of the river, and a bright red circle appeared on the water. The third, fourth and ninth brothers also went down, and all nine piles were finished. For those who dive into the water to observe the pile foundation, nine stakes go straight into the sand, deep and firm.

It's the tenth brother's turn. He is a little timid. He wanted to die, but he was afraid. He wanted to laugh, but he couldn't, and turned into a wry smile. Although he also took the pile into the water, and red circles appeared on the water, the pile was still firmly fixed, but it was a little horizontal, not as straight as the first nine piles.

A boulder was pressed on the stake, and it was stacked layer by layer, with 36 layers stacked, and * * * used 5000 boulders. After the completion of its weir, the precious Yinjiang River finally obediently flowed into the artificially excavated inland river, reached Haohetou, the county seat, and irrigated the fields in Xixiang, Yinxian County. The salty and bitter seawater could no longer flow into its weir-Heba. Silverstream has since become a famous rice granary.

In memory of ten brothers with different surnames who died for the public, a Tashan Temple was built on the north bank of Tashan weir, in which ten brothers who benefited the people were carved. It is said that among the ten statues, the first nine are all smiling, while the tenth is sad.

Letters from Cao Yun

Tianyige library uses non-woven grass to clamp books against moth. According to legend, this kind of non-woven grass is changed by people.

During the Jiajing period, there was a gentleman named Qian in Qianjiazhuang, Yinxian County. He had only one daughter named Qian. Embroidered cloud was born with fine features. At the age of sixteen, Guang Chen not only embroidered, but also enjoyed reading, writing and painting.

One day, Xiuyun heard that there was a thousands of books in Tianyi Pavilion, and she decided to visit Tianyi Pavilion. However, she always failed to do so. After a long time, Xiuyun slowly got a heart attack, and people became sallow and emaciated, unable to eat or sleep well. Mr. Qian was so anxious that he didn't know the reason until he asked carefully. Mr. Qian thought, why don't I find someone to fix me up and marry Yun Xiu to the Fan family? I made up my mind to send someone to Fan's house to talk about coal the next day.

Fan asked about her talent, and she readily agreed. So, in a few days, the Fan family went to Qian's house to get engaged. After Yun Xiu married Fan Jia, the young couple showed great love and their in-laws were very satisfied.

How time flies! Months passed unconsciously. One night, Yun Xiu asked her husband to go to Tianyi Pavilion to read a book. Hearing this, he said awkwardly, "There is a family rule in the Fan family that' books are not married, and women are not allowed to go upstairs'. You can't go to the pavilion to read! "

Embroidered non-success listened to her husband's words and felt disheartened. She was ill that night. Since then, Yun Xiu has always come to this yard many times every day, staring blankly at Tianyi Pavilion Library. Look, look, I can't help crying. She cried, cried, cried for three days and three nights, and all her tears dried up, but she just stood there and turned into a humanoid stone. In the spring of the following year, green velvet grass grew in the place where embroidered clouds and tears flowed in the courtyard. Strangely, the roots of grass are facing Tianyi Pavilion.

One night, Yun Xiu's husband just fell asleep. Suddenly, there was a sweet piano sound in the garden. I saw Yun Xiu dancing with a group of beautiful fairies in the garden. Embroidered cloud came forward with tears in her eyes and said, "I couldn't go to Tianyi Pavilion to read when I was alive, but I became a fairy after I died." I hope you can remember the love of husband and wife in the past, bring Cao Yun in the garden to Tianyi Pavilion and put it in a book to fulfill my wish before my death. " Say, quietly leave the clouds. At this time, the husband shouted "embroidered cloud" and woke up to know that it was a dream.

Early the next morning, Yun Xiu's husband hurried to the yard. The yard was indeed covered with green velvet grass, so he collected it himself, dried it himself, took it to Tianyi Pavilion and put it in a book. Strange to say, after many years, all the books with non-success grass were not eaten by insects. Since then, the cursive script has been passed down from generation to generation.

A royal plaque hanging inward.

There is a plaque at the entrance of Yuyao municipal government, which reads four golden characters of "famous literary country"

Yuyao, known as "a famous literary country", happened in Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty. At that time, Yuyao produced many scholars, one mother, three elders, five sons, six ministers, eighteen bachelors and three champions. Xie Qian, an old man in Sange, was an official and upright in the court, and was highly valued by the court. On one occasion, Emperor Jiajing saw a thick stack of papers in his study, all written by Yuyao candidates. These articles are well written. Emperor Jiajing read one article after another, thinking: Yuyao has produced many literati, and now there are many good articles and talents, so he asked Xie Qian: "Do Yuyao people like books?"

"Yes, long live!" Xie Qian freely should be 1.

Emperor Jiajing thought of Confucius and Mencius' hometown, and both of them had plaques of "famous literary countries". He also wanted to give Wang Yangming's hometown a piece. Yan Song and other traitors were jealous and said to Emperor Jiajing, "You can't believe everything Xie Qian says." Therefore, Emperor Jiajing specially sent an academician named He to Yuyao for an unannounced visit.

He Hanlin came to Yuyao by boat and specially hung a wooden sign on the bow, which read "All books must pass". One day, the boat arrived at Qilipu, and there was a seven-year-old child on the shore, shouting loudly that the boat should stop, and the boat should stop. Hearing this, He Hanlin told the boatman to dock the boat, called the child aboard and asked him what he wanted. The child pointed to the wooden sign on the ship and said to himself, "Sir,' all books must pass'. Have you read all the books? " He Hanlin thought that there was no "general book" in the Four Books and Five Classics, but it was hard to say that he didn't know, so he had to say, "I have read it naturally." The child took out a book from his side and said, "Then please recite it." He Hanlin took a look and found it was an imperial calendar. He asked, "Can you recite it?" The child said, "Of course."

"You recite it first."

The child recited every word from beginning to end.

He Hanlin listened while reading, and when the child finished reciting, he recited it again from beginning to end.

The child added, "Reciting can only be regarded as reading, not as' passing'. If you want to call' pass', you have to backwards. "

He Hanlin was surprised and said, "Can you recite it backwards?" The child said, "Please listen carefully, sir." Say that finish, fall back like a stream. He Hanlin read while listening, and sure enough, he didn't miss a word. At this time, He Hanlin had to give up and took down the sign "All books must pass" in front of the children. I thought children had such literary talent, let alone others. He stopped his visit and rushed back to Beijing overnight to report to the emperor, saying, "Yuyao people are really talented and knowledgeable." After hearing this, Emperor Jiajing decided to give the plaque. At this time, Xie Qian has retired to his hometown, Zhao Wenhua in Cixi has become a college student in Wenhua Hall, and Yuyao has won the plaque of "a famous literary country". He was not convinced, but he dared not disobey the imperial edict, so he consulted with several good ministers and made things difficult for him. When sending the plaque, it is cold and clear, and it is stipulated that the plaque should be hung inward and not externally.

Therefore, since the Ming Dynasty, the plaque of "Famous Country of Literature" has been hung at Yamenkou, Yuyao County, but it has always been facing inward and not outward.

Tiantong temple

Tiantong Temple in Dongxiang, Ningbo, Ala, is known as the Southeast Buddhist Country. There is such a story in this temple.

According to legend 1700 years ago, there was a young man named Yixing who lived by selling seats, but his business was not good. Three days, he was hungry for four days. One summer, he sold his seat in the East Valley and walked into the mountains. It's cool and cool. At first glance, this place is surrounded by green hills and a creek pit. Yixing saw that it was a good place, so he settled down and decided to cultivate.

After Yixing stayed, all kinds of peaches sat in front of the grass temple to chant Buddhist scriptures in their spare time. Read it, read it, your hair is white. One day, when the Jade Emperor was cruising in the sky with Taibai Venus and patrolling the East Valley, he saw a golden light coming out of the ground. He looked down and found an old monk sitting in front of the temple practicing. The Jade Emperor was moved by customs and sent Taibai Venus down to serve the old monk. Taibai Venus evolved into a 14-or 15-year-old boy who sent meals to the old monk every day. Seeing that the boy was clever and diligent, the monk in Yixing took him as an apprentice.

At that time, it happened that Si Mazhao was the emperor. The emperor believed in Buddhism and wanted to worship a monk as a teacher, but he couldn't find it anywhere, so he was unhappy. One night, the emperor saw a boy in his dream and said to him, "In the southeast, there is a little Mao 'an, where there are two monks, an old man and a young man. "This old monk is the monk you want to worship."

The emperor believed it and immediately set off for the southeast the next day. As soon as we found the East Valley, there was a grass temple. The old monk in the temple is sitting in front of the temple reciting Buddha. The emperor immediately worshipped the old monk as his teacher. At noon that day, the emperor was leaving the temple, and the old monk sent the emperor down the mountain. At this moment, the boy stood in front of buddhist nun, shouting for Master to eat. The emperor looked back and was taken aback. The boy standing in front of buddhist nun is exactly the same as in his dream, even with the same voice. I thought to myself: Is this arranged by God? Why didn't I seize the opportunity to build a temple?

Back in Beijing, the emperor ordered a temple to be built in the East Valley.

A few years later, the boy saw that the temple had been built and the old monk had served it well. He said to the old monk, "Master, I'm leaving." The old monk said, "You have worked hard for several years, and now the temple will be built. Why did you leave? "

The boy had to tell the truth: "I'm in the Jin family, and I'm here to serve you on the orders of the jade emperor." Now that you have been delivered, I can go. " Say that finish, the young man disappeared.

In order to commemorate this prodigy, Yixing monks named the temple built as Tiantong Temple.

Tiger-head shoes

Why do elders wear tiger-headed shoes for their newborn children and grandchildren? This has a history.

There are tigers in the cold mountain, and they often eat people down the mountain, which makes people uneasy and fearful. Every family keeps their children indoors and doesn't let them go out.

At that time, there was a clever little daughter-in-law, who was very interested in her three-year-old son and was happy to dress him up. It took three days and three nights to make a pair of "tiger shoes" for the children. Children wear these shoes, and they are happy to make friends. They run and play outside all day.

One night, the tiger in the mountain came to the village to look for food. When he saw a child playing by the village, he jumped on him. When the tiger took the child down, he saw the child's feet and thought, hey, my child is in the nest. Why did he come? Let him go gently. Children are not sensible and are not afraid of tigers. Seeing that the shoes on their feet are the same as the tiger's head, I remembered a sentence that Guang Chen's mother said when she put on his shoes: "Bite, bite, bite." He shouted "bite, bite, bite" while lying on his back and kicking his feet hard. At this time, the tiger is lowering its head and caressing the child with its tongue. One of the child's little feet just kicked the tiger in the eye. The tiger endured the pain and thought, alas, this is not my child. This little tiger is worse than me. It will definitely eat me. He was so scared that he turned and fled to the mountains in despair. From then on, tigers dare not go down the mountain to eat people. After people knew this truth, they all learned from this clever daughter-in-law and embroidered a pair of tiger-headed shoes for their children to wear on their feet to prevent tigers from hurting them.

In modern times, New Year's Day refers to the first day of the first year of the year. Since the Gregorian calendar was introduced to China, the word New Year has been used to commemorate it.

New year, the traditional old calendar year is called Spring Festival.

Before that, New Year's Day always refers to the first day of the Chinese New Year. Yuan is "the beginning"

"Start" means "day", and New Year's Day is collectively called "initial day".

The first day of the year.

1949 the first session of China people's political consultative conference was held on September 27th.

The resolution of the meeting: "The people of China * * * and the national calendar adopt the method of AD calendar", which is what we are.

The so-called solar calendar is to distinguish between the lunar calendar and the solar calendar, and in view of the 24 th lunar month

The "beginning of spring" in the solar terms is around the Lunar New Year, so it is put on the first day of the first lunar month.

Renamed as "Spring Festival", the beginning of January in the solar calendar must be "New Year's Day". At this point, New Year's Day became.

A festival for the people of the whole country.

Celebrating the beginning of the new year and celebrating the new year can be said to be a common custom in all countries and regions of the world.

In China, it is also listed as a national holiday. China and most countries and regions in the world adopt public

In the calendar, 65438+1 October1is designated as the beginning of the new year, which is called "New Year's Day".

Because the longitude position of different countries in the world is different, and the time of each country is also different, therefore,

The date of New Year's Day is also different. For example, Tonga, an island country in Oceania, is located on the west side of the Japanese boundary.

It is the place where the first day started in the world and the first country to celebrate New Year's Day. And a drill bit

Western Samoa, to the east of international date line, is the latest place in the world to start a new day. Gong Yi

Calendar, China is the first 12 country in the world to start the New Year.