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What idioms do cows and birds have?

Birds phoenix: see the court; Phoenix: Phoenix, the legendary bird king in ancient times. In the old days, it was said that the monarch was wise and attached to the world. Later, it was also said that the highly respected people were rewarded.

Birds fly first is a metaphor for people with poor ability to do things. They are afraid that they can't catch up with others, so it is better to strike first. Used as a word of modesty. "Stupid birds fly first".

Stupid birds fly first. Stupid birds fly first. For example, people with poor ability are afraid of falling behind and doing things earlier than others.

A legendary bird in which a male and a female fly together. Metaphor is a loving couple.

Bird Road in Can Cong refers to a dangerous mountain road.

Hugging birds: encouraging and cajoling. Describe people who are noisy, like birds gathering together.

Beak: The beak of a bird. Long neck, sharp mouth. Refers to the appearance of a sinister and vicious person.

Insect book bird seal script: font. The font is like a bird bug. Borrow foreign words.

Birds flying in front of birds or sticking their heads out of their nests first. Metaphor is an outstanding or leading person.

Fish in the pond and birds in cages. Metaphor is a person who is bound and loses his freedom.

Birds with wind horns occupy the wind angle: use the wind to predict good or bad luck; Bird's eye: use the song of birds to predict good or bad luck. Generally refers to divination.

Phoenix is not a phoenix: it refers to phoenix, which symbolizes good luck. Phoenix does not come. Metaphor is that the world is not peaceful, politics is uncertain and there is no hope.

Raising birds to get thorns: collecting; Spine: Zizyphus jujuba. Many birds gather in the tree. Although there is no one around, there are still many birds watching. The metaphor of doing bad things in secret cannot be concealed.

Birds are exhausted, but good bows hide: collection. When the bird is shot out, the slingshot will be hidden and not used. After the metaphor is finished, kick out or destroy those who have contributed.

A bird scares a snake like a bird in the forest, and a frightened snake rushes into the grass. Describe cursive script as natural and fluent.

Innocent girl: Attachment. Birds snuggle up to people. Metaphor is attached to the powerful. It also symbolizes the petite, submissive and amiable form of children and girls.

Bird scenery: through the "shadow" The shadow of a bird is motionless. This is a metaphor that things have a dynamic and static relationship.

Birds fly high, and good bows hide metaphors. After the job is done, those who contribute abandon it, and there is no good end.

Turtle and bird trace refers to ancient hieroglyphics.

Chilling birds. Metaphor is a silent person.

Whip the fast cow. The faster the cow walks, the more you whip it and make it walk faster. Metaphor reward and punishment is unknown, reward lazy and punish diligent.

Bingji made the cow think of the weather change when he saw the abnormality of the cow, and praised the officials for caring about the sufferings of the people.

The disease of Bo Niu Bo Niu: a person's name, a native of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period, and a disciple of Confucius. Unfortunately, Boniu has boils, which is incurable. So it is used to refer to people's incurable diseases.

The original intention of beating cattle is to say that the main goal should be to destroy Qin like a beetle on the back of a cow, not to defeat others like a beetle. Later, by comparison, his ambition was bigger, not smaller.

After making an ox's mistake, because of the metaphor of "making an ox's mistake", I make my mistake perfect, or make up for it with my own efforts.

Build a rice cow version and an earth wall; Rice cow, feed the cow. Later, it was considered as a code name for the humble birth of a virtuous minister.

A sweaty cow is a pile of books on the post, so many cows and horses are sweating. Describe a book or its wealth.

Talk big and gossip.

Boast, flatter, brag: brag; Flatter: Flatter. Refers to the act of boasting, boasting and buttering up others.

Beat the cow to drink, kill the cow to filter the wine. Refers to preparing food and wine for Yan to enjoy.

Vertebrate cattle: killing cattle; Guest: Reward sergeant. Refers to the officers and men who fight for comfort.

The grass entered the cow's mouth, and its life soon entered the cow's mouth, and the cow would definitely eat it. Metaphor is doomed.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tiger calves: calves. The more wit, the less courage. Metaphor young people worry less and dare to do it.

There are many and detailed metaphors.

The cow under the bed heard the ants moving under the bed and mistakenly thought that the cow was fighting. Describe weakness, hearing loss and extreme allergies.

A black cow breathing the moon is a metaphor for people who are afraid of similar things because of their suffering.

The metaphor of Niu Guquan is to reason or speak to unreasonable people. It often implies futility or satirizes each other's stupidity. With "casting pearls before swine".

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty proclaimed the Emperor, Gong Sui, the governor of Bohai Sea, used a knife and gun to induce farmers to give up armed struggle and engage in agricultural production. Later, this metaphor became agriculture.

A person who listens to the pipa with a smile doesn't understand what the other person is saying. Accustomed to sneer at the speaker without looking at the object.

As much as cow hair, as much as cow hair. Describe a lot.