Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Write 600 words when the teacher is away.

Write 600 words when the teacher is away.

When the teacher is away.

"Ding Ling-",the bell rang for the morning reading class, but the teacher was late. As The monitor on duty, I looked anxiously in the direction where the teacher came.

Suddenly, there was a "giggle" of footsteps in the corridor, followed by a "report!" When I looked back, it turned out to be Zhang Qing, the neighbor of the Chinese teacher. I saw her face flushed and she said breathlessly, "Oh, no, the Chinese teacher-she is ill-can't come to class." I listened to it, and my heart was like a mess. what can I do? Students also talk to each other, and the class is "boiling".

My brain is running fast: "What should I do now that the teacher is away?" ? Today I am The monitor on duty, and I should be in charge of this class. Now ... yes, that's it! "So, I cleared my throat, quickly stepped onto the platform and said loudly," Please be quiet now! " "Everyone stopped talking at once, and 55 pairs of eyes in the class looked at me uniformly. I stood on the platform like a little teacher and directed everyone. "Pink, read it!" "What is the lesson?" "17 lesson." As a result, the students began to read loudly in the morning. Suddenly, the sound of reading in the classroom was loud and clear.

Although the class has settled down temporarily, I am still extremely anxious. Because after the morning class, it is the morning exercise class. Without a teacher to lead the team, I'm afraid the students will be confused. It's almost time, and I'm so anxious that I stamp my feet. Why hasn't the teacher come yet? When the bell rang, I had to bite the bullet and say to everyone, "classmates, the teacher didn't come today." I will lead the morning exercise class. I hope everyone can do this class in an orderly way. " "Yes!" The students answered in unison. In spite of this, I still can't rest assured that something will happen. But my worry is unnecessary-the students are disciplined, the team is neat, and their actions are consistent, even better than when the teacher is around! A stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

When I brought the team back to the classroom, I found that the teacher was already waiting for us. There was a gratified smile on the teacher's face, and I was happy from the heart.

This ability class is extraordinary. This is the last ability class of this semester. At the beginning of the lecture, Mr. Pu from Class Five came in a hurry and called Mr. Xin to the meeting. Teacher Xin said with a smile, "I'll have a short meeting and come back soon." You must be quiet! " "As soon as the teacher walked out of the classroom, someone in the class whispered, as if he had done something shameful and was discussing with his partner. When several people saw that Mr. Xin had gone away, they spoke loudly. These words keep popping out of our mouths like an open faucet, like a small fish spitting bubbles, one after another. At this time, even the quietest Chinese class representative turned on his own "faucet". Looking up, almost everyone is constantly encouraging with their mouths. The monitor is quite disciplined, holding a book, burying his head in a book and making no noise, as if he were going in. Ren Jiahao and Chen Qiushi are natural quarrels in our class. They are simply ghostly and earth-shattering, as if their voices were amplified by several decibels. Look, Guo Minxuan is also going to perform. She squinted gently, reached out her hands, slammed my pencil case, fumbled around and asked, "What is this?" "It turned out that she was pretending to be a blind child. She pulled my collar for a while and patted Qian's arm for a while, which made us jump up and down and "run" with the pencil case and the ability book. At this moment, the "scout" shouted: "Attention, the teacher is staring at the back door and window! "Let's see, isn't it? The teacher stared at us with bright eyes. We sat down almost at once and glanced at the teacher from time to time. The teacher strode into the classroom and said, "This ability class will write' When the teacher is away'. "We immediately smiled, so happy, so sweet!

Ah! I learned a lot from this lesson ... only by consciously observing discipline can I become a lovely boy! You can't be a person, but a good boy who abides by discipline!

When the teacher is away.

When the teacher was in the classroom, the classroom was quiet. Some pretended to be doing their homework and some pretended to be reading, but as soon as the teacher walked out of the classroom, I memorized five numbers in my mind: 1. Sure enough, their prototype was exposed, and the classroom seemed to explode, and the familiar sonata' Shouting and Nonsense' sounded. That is, stick your head out of the door or window to spy on the teacher's whereabouts. They act like spies and spies. It seems that they want to stage an "impossible task" in our class every day. When the teacher comes, they will call the teacher first and then run back to their seats in embarrassment. There are three or four people who are very conscious. It makes no difference whether the teacher is here or not. Compared with those who live in front of teachers with masks, even their usual voices need to be packaged. Suppress mandarin, pretend to be weak. In this way, we will become a complete two-faced. This affectation is so fake that it makes people feel sick. We must make sure that teachers and teachers are different.

Accompanied by a brisk piece of music, the third class began in the afternoon.

However, our class waited for a long time, but the teacher was still late. Some students have lost their temper and started talking and fighting.

At this time, the monitor stepped onto the platform and asked us to do our homework. We took out our homework one by one and did it seriously. Suddenly, Qintao Sun, who was sitting next to me, left his seat and walked to some clean buckets. Then he picked up one of the buckets filled with water and circled in the classroom, making the whole class laugh and cry.

At this time, Yu Tianyi also came up, stood on the bucket with one foot and made a gesture of "golden rooster independence". Then he jumped down, sat on the bucket, folded his hands and began to practice. Qintao Sun also stopped to perform with Yu Tianyi-Yu Tianyi's acrobatics and Qintao Sun's dharma. The two cooperated very tacitly. The three closest friends sitting at the end-Gu Xinyu, Tao Xiaojing and Rong Xinyu-were not to be outdone, and the three of them actually played a "bucket ruler". Seeing that Gu Xinyu was a "flying dragon", Tao Xiaojing's ruler was bounced "flying". In the end, only Rong Xinyu and Gu Xinyu were left to "decisive battle". They played several rounds and couldn't tell the winner from the loser. Seeing that Rong Xinyu's ruler was forced into the corner, suddenly, Rong Xinyu used his killer "killer" and Gu Xinyu's ruler also "flew". Rong Xinyu finally "beat" Gu Xinyu and Tao Xiaojing and became the final "winner". ...

In this class, the students have a good time because the teacher is not here. ...

The classroom, which was quiet a few minutes ago, is now like a bee's nest and is beginning to make noise.

Some students work hard and do their homework (including copying homework). Some students are like machine guns, but they can't be shut with one mouth. Some students don't know if they can control themselves and run around. It's really a monkey's ass-they can't sit still. Some students read books with relish (textbooks, picture books, comic books ...);

When the teacher is away, everyone has homework, talking, chasing and reading. However, when the teacher is away, we should do the same. The class teacher or other teachers also manage; Let the teacher come back safely and happily.

Don't think we will take this opportunity to make a scene in heaven. We can be serious when the teacher is away! Early in the morning, the students came to the classroom, and we could hear the sound of reading from a distance. The original "naughty boy" was well managed by the group leader, monitor and class representative, and there was no sign of trying to play tricks. Under the guidance of the class cadres, we have a high enthusiasm for reading the text. Everyone has a bright smile on his face, so devoted and enthusiastic. Teacher, you must be surprised! The "naughty boy" in our class is much more diligent. They wiped the blackboard black and bright, and cleaned up the podium, which will definitely be praised by the teachers.

Teacher, when you are away, the group leader takes homework check and correction seriously, has no rest time, and sometimes even forgets to do math homework at noon. Everything is going well for everyone.

Teacher, when you were away, the students' smiles were everywhere, but there seemed to be something in them. Oh, this is what the students expect. I hope you can come back to us as soon as possible and listen to your eloquent speech.

At this moment, the teacher's footsteps reached our ears. Just now my classmates rolled and climbed back to their seats. We were also frightened, so we picked up the Chinese book and quickly installed it.

It was a Wednesday, the second class in the afternoon, and the teacher was going to a meeting, so he gave the students some homework and told them to write their homework quietly in the classroom, and then study by themselves after finishing their homework. Everyone should respond in unison: "Good!"

The teacher went out of the classroom to have a meeting. The classroom suddenly became quiet, and everyone was doing their homework carefully. Suddenly, I don't know who shouted: "The teacher is not here, free!" " "In an instant, the classroom exploded like a frying pan. Several naughty guys picked up a ruler and set up a fight, constantly shouting: "kill, kill, kill!" ""Fan Xiao stood on the table and shouted, "OK, well played!" Xiao mian fell asleep at his desk. Snoring is really shocking! Xiao Fang listened to a joke told by her deskmate and laughed so hard that she accidentally bumped into Han Xiao. Han Xiao threw himself into it, which was a slap in the face. Xiao Fang's face suddenly turned "sunny to heavy rain", made a 180 degree turn, and burst into tears at his desk. Xiao Tao likes practical jokes. He walked out of the classroom quietly and then turned back from the toilet. Fan Xiao saw a figure on enough paper, thought the teacher was coming, and shouted, "The teacher is coming!" Seeing that there were not many people, the chefs quietly returned to their seats, and the classroom became quiet again. The door opened. "Ah, I thought it was a teacher. I was shocked. It's Tao! ""Hey, Fan Xiao, the next broadcast will be on time! "... the frying pan exploded again.

As a monitor, when I saw this scene, I couldn't help but fly into a rage and said, "Calm down!" "The students were scared out of their wits by my shouting and stayed there one by one. It took a long time to wake up, and then he started to make trouble again: "monitor, you want to scare people to death!" """Yes, monitor, you will give us a heart attack!" I ignored these words and took the way of registration to control discipline. But for me, some naughty people ignore it and still do whatever they want. For them, I am really helpless. The classroom is still as lively as the market. I have to get back to my seat and do my homework.

At this moment, a figure appeared on the window. This time everyone thought it was Xiao Tao's prank, but they still ignored it. The door opened and the teacher came in this time. One by one, the students were shocked, then bowed their heads and were severely criticized by the teacher. ...

Well, when the teacher is away. ...

I am looking for it. I'm doing you a favor