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Socrates' request

Socrates' defense "

About the author

Plato, Socrates' most famous disciple, was the first person to turn the word "philosophia" into a term. He wrote many dialogues, mostly with Socrates as the protagonist, but not all dialogues truthfully recorded Socrates' words and deeds, and many of them were his own reflections on various philosophical issues.

About this book

Socrates' Apology records Socrates' defense when facing the accusations of his compatriots in Athens, which is the best starting point for us to answer Socrates' questions.

This book is a famous chapter not only in the history of philosophy, but also in the history of literature. Socrates gave a classic description of his mission and the essence of philosophy, and said a famous saying that "life without trial is not worth living". His spirit of actively seeking death for philosophy has infected generations of philosophers to pursue wisdom fearlessly.

Core content

Restore the scene of Socrates' defense for you and explain three questions: first, why Socrates was sued; Second, why does Socrates think he is innocent; Third, why did Socrates defend himself by committing suicide and why was he so indifferent to death?

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1. Why did Socrates become a "problem"?

Socrates marked a turning point in the history of philosophy, but he didn't do anything in his life, and the records about Socrates left by that era were inconclusive, so who Socrates was, what he did and what kind of thoughts he had became a problem.

Socrates' apology provides us with the best way to answer this question, because it is Socrates' defense in front of more than 500 Athenian citizens.

Second, why was Socrates sued?

Socrates' defense is roughly divided into two parts, which respectively answer two questions: "Why am I being sued" and "Why am I innocent".

When explaining "why I was sued", Socrates thought that the reason why he was resented was an Oracle many years ago: the priest of Apollo Temple in Delphi said that no one was wiser than Socrates.

Socrates was puzzled by this, because he clearly knew that he was very ignorant, so he began to visit those who had the name of wisdom, trying to prove the Oracle wrong. After some examination, Socrates had to believe that the Oracle was right, because he found himself the only one who knew his ignorance, and it was at this point that he was wiser than others.

However, in the process of exposing others' ignorance, Socrates attracted universal resentment to himself, which eventually led to formal charges against him.

Third, how does Socrates expose the ignorance of others?

The discussion between Socrates and soothsayer Yusuf Fallon about "what is piety" shows how Socrates examines a man who thinks he is wise and reveals his ignorance.

First of all, Yusuf Lun tried to give some pious examples to illustrate "what is piety", but Socrates wanted a universal exposition or definition.

Yusuf Long tried to say for the second time that "piety means doing what God likes", but Socrates pointed out that according to mythology, different gods like different things, and it is difficult to reach an agreement. So how can we know what God likes?

For the third time, Yusuf Long tried to say that "piety means doing everything that God likes", and Socrates put forward a famous question here: "Because one thing is pious, God likes it; Or are you pious because of what God likes? " This is the famous "problem of traveling to Syria" in the history of philosophy and religion. Yusuf Fallon expressed his preference for the former, so it is wrong to say that "piety means doing all things that God likes".

With the help of Socrates, Yusuf made a fourth attempt, and this time he described piety as "the part of justice related to caring for God". Socrates then asked, God is so perfect, what can we do for God to "take care of God"? Yusuf Long has to say that piety will make God happy and like. So the discussion returned to the famous "question of traveling to Syria": whether it is piety because God likes it or piety because God likes it.

Youxufulun had to find an excuse to leave in a hurry. In this way, Socrates defeated the confident Yusuf in the debate, proving that Yusuf did not really understand "what is piety".

4. Why does Socrates think he is innocent?

In the second part of his defense, Socrates explained "Why am I innocent". Socrates made a classic defense of his philosophical life, saying that he would rather die than change his way of life. Because we don't know if death is a bad thing, but stopping his philosophical life is a bad thing he knows.

Socrates compared himself to a "horse" that God gave to the Athenians. His life's mission is to keep biting the sleeping horse in Athens, to keep Athens and its citizens alert and to make them pay attention to the health of their souls-that is, all kinds of virtues or virtues, rather than external money, honor or physical enjoyment. Therefore, he was a benefactor of Athens, not a sinner.

Socrates' speech on sentencing

In the first round of voting, Socrates was found guilty by 280 votes to 22 1. Later, his plaintiff advocated the death penalty, and Socrates responded more actively than before.

He said that as a benefactor of Athens, he should not be sentenced to any punishment, but should be rewarded by the polis-let him enjoy the support of the polis for life. Here Socrates said the most classic sentence in the whole article, which is also one of the most classic philosophical definitions in the history of philosophy: philosophy means examining our lives, because "for people, a life without examination is not worth living."

Six, Socrates' parting speech

In the second round of voting, the judge sentenced Socrates to death. Socrates said a few words to those who sentenced him to death and those who were acquitted when he left.

For those who find him guilty, Socrates said that it is actually more difficult to avoid evil deeds than death, because as long as people are not careful, they will fall into the trap of evil deeds and hurt their souls.

For those who think he is innocent, Socrates comforts them: death is either a dreamless sleep-it will be beautiful; Either there is an afterlife, then he can continue to talk to those great men who have died in the underworld to see if they have wisdom.

Finally Socrates said, "I will die and you will live." Which one will we do better? No one knows except God. " This ended his only defense in court in his life.


Socrates faced the accusations of his compatriots, and with the determination to die voluntarily, he defended himself and his chosen philosophical life with righteous words.

In his view, the reason why he was resented and finally brought to court was because he tirelessly exposed people's ignorance. But in Socrates' view, this is the real starting point of philosophy. Because compared with God, man is ignorant. Therefore, in this world, we can only keep looking, looking for wisdom and caring about the health of the soul.

And he himself is a "horse fly" given by God. His mission in life is to constantly remind people that "life without trial is not worth living". Only by constantly examining ourselves and others can we realize the essence of philosophy-Philo Sophia.

Socrates defended himself and philosophy by actively seeking death, and became the first "martyr" who died for philosophy in the history of western philosophy.

Golden sentence:

1. The so-called fear of death is nothing more than being smart and knowing that you don't know about death.

This city-state is like a big horse. Because it is lazy when it is big, it needs a guard to be alert. God sent me to this city-state to be such a guard, to alert, persuade and blame each of you.

3. If I say that I can't keep silent, because it means going against God, you won't believe me, and you will think that I am pretending; If I say that I talk about virtue every day, talk about other things you listen to me discuss, and listen to me examine myself and others, it is the greatest kindness to people-because for people, an unexamined life is not worth living-you won't believe it.

Author: Liu Wei

Brain map: Moses