Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who is Fuxi? Why is Fuxi the ancestor of human beings in China?

Who is Fuxi? Why is Fuxi the ancestor of human beings in China?

Who is Fuxi? Fuxi (date of birth and death unknown), surnamed Feng, also wrote Mi, Dong, Bao and Fu in Historical Records, also known as Huang, Tai Hao and Fu. Also known as Di Qing, one of the Five Emperors, was born in Ji Cheng (now Tianshui City, Gansu Province) in the middle and late Paleolithic period. Fuxi is the humanistic ancestor of the Chinese nation in ancient legends, the earliest recorded king in ancient books in China, and one of the founders of China medicine. According to legend, Fuxi, the first snake, married Nuwa's younger brother and sister and gave birth to a child. According to the changes of everything in the world, he invented and created divination gossip, created characters, and ended the history of "tying ropes and taking notes" He also tied ropes into nets to catch birds and hunt, taught people how to fish and hunt, invented musical instruments and composed music. Fuxi died11years later, leaving a lot of myths and legends about Fuxi. Fuxi has a sacred virtue, which unites and unifies all tribes in China, and worships Mount Tai with Chen Di as its capital. Fuxi took the body of a python, the head of a crocodile, the horn of a stag, the eye of a tiger, the scales of a red carp, the legs of a giant lizard, the claws of an eagle, the tail of a white shark and the whiskers of a fin whale, and founded the totem dragon of the Chinese nation, from which the descendants of dragons came.

Fuxi looked up at the clouds, rain, snow, thunder and lightning in the sky, the strong wind and fog on the ground, and observed the birds and animals. According to the theory of the change of Yin and Yang in heaven and earth, he created Eight Diagrams, which summarized all things in heaven and earth with eight simple but profound symbols. He imitates spiders in nature, weaving nets to fish and hunt. He also created a writing method instead of tying a knot on a rope.

Fuxi formulated the marriage system of human beings, implemented the binary system of men and women, and used deerskin as dowry. And take the animals they raise as surnames, or take plants, residences and official positions as surnames, so as to prevent promiscuity and consanguineous marriage, and make the surnames of China people originate and continue to this day.

Legend has it that Fuxi is regarded as a god and the founder of gossip because he created it. In ancient times, people knew nothing about nature. The weather will change, the sun and moon will move, and people will live and die. No one knows what all these phenomena are about. When people encounter unanswerable questions, they all ask Fuxi. When Fuxi couldn't answer them, he felt at a loss, so people lived in fear every day. Fuxi often looks around, trying to figure out how the sun, the moon and the sky change, and guessing the changing law of the earth's cold and hot, flowers and flowers falling. He saw the dense yarrow in the Central Plains and began to use yarrow to predict people.

One day, Fuxi fished by Cai River and caught a white turtle. He quickly dug a big pool and raised the white turtle. One day, Fuxi was putting food in the white turtle pond. Someone said that there were monsters in the Cai River. When I came to Cai River, I saw that the monster said that dragons were not like dragons and horses were not like horses, walking up and down on the water. When Fuxi was near the water, the monster came to Fuxi and stood there motionless. When Fuxi looked carefully, he saw that there were patterns on the monster's back: bottom 16, top 27, left 38, right 49 and middle 50. Fuxi cut a stalk of yarrow and drew it on a big leaf according to the pattern on the dragon's back. Hardly had he finished painting when the dragon jumped into the air with a loud cry and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Everyone asked around Fuxi, what kind of monster is this? Fuxi said, "It looks like a dragon and a horse. Let's call it a dragon horse. "

Fuxi took the leaf and pondered the pattern on it, but he couldn't figure out the mystery. On this day, he was sitting at the edge of the white turtle pond, thinking, when he suddenly heard the rapid flow of water. When he looked intently, the white sea turtle swam to him from the bottom of the water, with sparkling eyes, and then nodded to him three times. He put his head into his stomach and lay quietly by the water. He looked at the white turtle intently. Gradually, he found that there were five patterns in the middle of the white turtle shell cover, eight in the periphery, twelve in the outer circle and twenty-four in the outermost circle. His heart suddenly lit up, and he realized that the changing law of everything in heaven and earth was only yin and yang. Fuxi painted eight different patterns, namely eight diagrams.