Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How many obsidian bracelets do you wear?

How many obsidian bracelets do you wear?

Seven, including the meaning of Taoist seven-star array.

Obsidian is mostly distributed in areas with volcanic activity, such as Hawaii in the United States, Japan and Java Island in Indonesia. Obsidian is also produced in Iceland, Hungary, Lipari Islands in Italy, the former Soviet Union, Mexico, Ecuador and Guatemala. Dark black monocular obsidian is distributed in Arizona and New Mexico, and is called "Apache Tears" by Indians.

Which hand does obsidian bracelet wear: It is generally recommended that obsidian wear the right hand. Almost all the crystals are left-handed, but obsidian is right-handed, because according to the Qi method in ancient China, it is generally the principle of left entry and right exit. So the left hand is used for air intake and the right hand is used for air exhaust. Wearing obsidian in the right hand helps to absorb its negative energy, including unclean things or diseases, and even bad luck.

Obsidian is extremely evil, which can effectively resolve negative energy. Among the ancient Buddhist relics in China, there are quite a few obsidian relics or Buddha statues about town houses or exorcism. But please note that obsidian itself can mainly absorb a lot of negative energy, but it will not be removed, so it must be purified within a certain period of time.