Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Tarot card problem

Tarot card problem

Now we can start Tarot's prediction. Choose a card that suits you according to your feelings and preferences. What we recommend is this set of Vittarot cards presented with the book. Besides the simple and easy-to-understand pattern, it is very suitable for beginners. The pattern is absolutely beautiful and gives people a good feeling. It is also a classic. Choose a good card, and then you can use it to speculate. The general process of speculation is as follows:

Ask questions-decide the deck-shuffle-cut cards-set cards-solve cards-finish.

We will explain each step in detail.

The first section, asking questions.

We use tarot cards more by ourselves. When we face some problems or challenges, or encounter some troubles in our lives, we will ask tarot cards. We want to know why it happened and what we should do. Faced with these situations, the best interpretation of tarot cards is question reading. Write down our questions and get the answers by solving the cards. Questions will help us relate the instructions we received to the current situation in a meaningful way.

The first step is to thoroughly review the present situation, think about all the people directly or directly involved, imagine our future choices, and let our thoughts travel freely. Look at the problem without making judgments or tests, simply write down the ideas that appear in your mind, but try not to be too systematic and use intuition instead of rational analysis.

After reviewing, you can write down your own questions. In order to make a good guess, asking questions also requires some skills. Here are some suggestions:

(1) Accept the responsibility.

Write down our tarot card problem to show responsibility, and try to compare these two problems:

1, should I take my father to the hospital or take care of him at home?

2. What do I need to know to make the best living arrangements for my father?

The first question, the writer gave up his decision-making power, and he wanted the card to tell him what to do.

The second question, he just wants more information from tarot cards, and he knows that the decision is up to him.

The first question is very tempting. We want to make the best decision, but tarot cards can't make decisions for us. Avoid asking questions that give up responsibility, such as:

1, answer the question "Yes" or "No". (But this book also has a special introduction to the speculation methods of "yes" and "no". Page 222, item 4. -XI)

Can I get that job?

Can you keep exercising every day this month?

2. Questions that start with "should or should not".

Should I live with my parents?

Should I apply for this volunteer?

3. Just ask the question of time. (However, this kind of problem will be widely concerned. On page 332 of this book, there is a special explanation about how to predict the time. -XI)

When shall I get married?

When will I be promoted?

These questions are inappropriate. Instead, you should ask them this sentence:

Can you let me know what your childhood life was like? (This question is very strange-eleven)

What do I need to know to do this job well?

What does XXX mean?

What is the lesson or purpose of XXX?

How can I improve my chances in the company?

How can we achieve this goal?

(2) make choices diversified.

Write down our questions to show that our choices are diversified. Try to compare these two questions:

1, how can I get my boyfriend to give me a gift to apologize?

2. How can I get along better with my boyfriend?

First, the author didn't diversify her choices. She has decided the result-let her boyfriend give her a gift. The second problem is diversification. You can narrow the scope of the problem, but don't jump to conclusions in advance. The following two questions are diverse, but the second question is more specific:

1, how will applying for transfer to another company affect my career?

2. How will applying for a new branch in another city affect my career?

(3) Find the best level of detail.

Find the best boundary between fuzzy language and concrete language. Try to compare three methods about the same topic;

1, how to improve the working environment?

2. How can I clean my desk so that my assistant can find my files?

3. How can I improve the workflow between me and my assistant?

The first question is not specific. It doesn't mean what kind of working environment he is interested in. The second question is too specific, only seeing one side of the table. The third question is the best, because it finds a balance between the two and only contains the details necessary to find out the result we want to know.

(4) pay attention to yourself.

When we unlock the cards for ourselves, we are always the protagonists, and our problems should focus on ourselves. There are also some situations where people are asked questions.

Sometimes we may not realize that we are asking questions around others. Try to compare the following questions:

1, what caused my brother to get drunk?

2. How can I help my brother stop drinking?

3. What role do I play in my brother's drinking?

The first question focuses entirely on my brother and his problems. The second question includes the questioner himself, but his attention is still focused on his brother. The third question is the best because it is firmly based on the questioner himself.

(5) remain neutral.

Try to be neutral when writing questions. People often unconsciously think that their position is right, but if we really want instructions, we need to stand less on our personal position. Try to compare these questions:

1, why am I always doing housework?

2. How can we cultivate the spirit of cooperation in housework?

1, how can I make people listen to me?

2. Why do I feel that others are not listening when I try to communicate with others?

1, how can I get my boss not to let me work overtime?

2. Why do I have to take so many extra classes recently?

Question 1 is that the questioner thinks his position is correct-others are not like him. Question 2 is more neutral and diversified.

(6) positive attitude.

Writing questions is to have a positive attitude towards life. Try to compare these questions:

1, why can't my paper be published?

2. How can I publish my paper in an ideal magazine?

1, why can't I overcome my fear of speaking in public?

2. How can I effectively improve my ability to speak to the public?

1, can you help me find out why I always lose in the last round?

Can you help me find a way to achieve the final success of the competition?

1 has a sense of frustration. Question 2 is more confident and the questioner is more optimistic. He knows that as long as he gets useful advice, he will succeed, which is a more appropriate and favorable mentality.

(7) Speculation for others.

It's easier to guess for others. The questioner will ask him what he wants to know. However, as a card releaser, in addition to faithfully releasing cards for others, we also need to treat other people's inquiries with a responsible attitude. Because questioners are generally anxious. At this time, the interpreter must consider whether the question raised by the questioner is appropriate. If it is not suitable, appropriate guidance and adjustment should be made according to the inquirer's intention.

Let's introduce how to write the topic in detail, because writing the topic is an important part of the whole speculative process. Good questions will bring better speculative interpretation results. For example, it is difficult to guess the time by general tarot card speculation, but if you ask good questions, you can know the time. For example, I can ask, will my relationship with her be fruitful within a month? If the card you get is bright and encouraging, you know that there will be good news at least one month later.

It usually takes about three or four minutes to write a question, but the investment of just a few minutes will make us get rich returns. You can better understand your situation and understand the meaning of the card. If you speculate for others, listening to and correcting the questioner's questions will also improve your performance. We can do this:

In a pleasant and quiet environment, adjust your emotions, relax your body and mind, calm down, put aside your troubles and worries, fully integrate into the current situation, take a few deep breaths, relax your muscles and feel the peace that seems to be far away from the outside world. This time can be long or short according to our own performance, as long as we calm down. When you feel focused, take the card out of the container, hold it in one hand and put it on the cup in the other, close your eyes and bring it into our energy circle. Pray, declare, describe your feelings, write down your questions, and then move on to the next important step, shuffling.

Please adopt it.