Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The disappearance of the baby's body in Cangerling

The disappearance of the baby's body in Cangerling

About a kilometer east of the village, there is a mountain with a gentle east slope and a steep west slope. Nothing can live on the mountain except Xanthium sibiricum, so the locals call it Xanthium sibiricum. There is a house on the ridge, with a single family. The older generation in the village don't know when it was built, let alone who built it.

Xanthium sibiricum has only one way up the mountain, and the rest are all waist-high Xanthium sibiricum trees. As long as I can remember, almost no one will go to Xanthium sibiricum, or in other words, almost no one will go to Xanthium sibiricum on the bright side. There are many curious children in the village. As soon as the bold brothers discussed it, they made an appointment with their grandchildren and decided to take risks in Cangerling. At the beginning of the plan, the adults passing by caught it red-handed, and they hurried back to the village to inform their parents. My parents were furious when they heard the news. Some children look at the sticks in their parents' hands and instantly become rabbits jumping up and down. Just as the children whose parents didn't take "weapons" gloated, the rude plowman took off his muddy cloth shoes, and a beating was inevitable for everyone. What's more, they were confined for ten days and a half months.

I first learned about that place when I was ten years old. That year, a great event happened in the village, which pushed Cangerling to the forefront and became a topic that people had to talk about after dinner, and also closely linked the word "Cangerling" with fierceness.

From ancient times to the present, the farmers in these eight villages have a very heavy "son preference" thought. This idea also keeps the number of bachelors nearby high, and those fairly wealthy farmers will go to the village of Deming Township more than 20 miles away to find suitable girls. As soon as a girl marries into this door, giving birth to a child naturally becomes a major event in this family. If a boy with a handle is born, the family will be a hundred times happier than a bumper harvest. From then on, when you walk in the village, you will naturally stand up straight and hold your head high, which looks like the mighty demeanor of the champion when he comes home. But if it is an unlucky girl, after the umbilical cord of the doll is cut, the midwife will immediately sprinkle mung beans with the clear water in the wooden basin prepared in advance, pick up the girl from the white cloth, hold her neck in one hand and press the doll's face to the water. When the doll came into this world, the first cry turned into several blisters "gurgling" and the mung beans on the excited water made a "dadada" sound. There is also a rule that must be strictly observed in the whole process, that is, dolls must not be touched by men at home. Once encountering rumors, the doll's soul will be branded with this clan and will definitely come back for revenge after death. The disposal of the baby's corpse is the responsibility of the spirit girl, who only needs to pay the appropriate price.

It is said that the spiritual woman has a complicated ceremony to deal with the baby's corpse. No one has ever seen this mysterious ceremony, and no one wants it. And all the baby bodies are said to be buried in the graves at the top of Cangerling Mountain.

After the autumn harvest in September, the cultivators who worked hard for a year finally had nothing to do. Just then, a strange thing happened in the village.

Wang Fude, the third son of the Wangs, got up early in the morning to feed the animals. When he walked to the cowshed with a bucket, he could clearly see xanthium as big as several cows. He looked around the cowshed doubtfully, and found no loopholes for the cows to escape. Wang Fude was confused, so he didn't think about it. He filled the sink with water, threw some hay into the stone trough, and then turned to go home. But what he didn't notice was that the cow, who was indifferent to eating and continued to lie in the corner of the cowshed, had a pair of huge breasts full of milk after giving birth to a calf, and now it has become shriveled.

Before long, there were more and more similar things in the village. As things continued to ferment, the smell became more and more strange. Because of several xanthium ears on cattle, people invariably cast all their doubts on Xanthium Ridge.

After the village gong rang once, the square was crowded with chattering farmers. At that time, everyone panicked, and a voice jumped out of their small black heads: "Go to Cangerling!" " After a short silence, the crowd became more boiling. At this time, Cangerling, which was neglected on weekdays, was left out in the cold. Even those burly men, at the moment, lowered their bodies and pretended as if nothing had happened. Generate a loud voice in the crowd again, "just let that smart woman lead the way!" " Everyone agreed. The spirit woman in the crowd looked flustered, and cold sweat broke out on her palms and foreheads at the same time. Hurriedly waved and praised: "I ... I can't do it." As soon as she spoke, she felt like she had lost her job, so she added, "That ... right! The yin on the ridge is too heavy, I'm afraid I can't go back to the sky alone! " After that, she suddenly thought of someone. ......

The highest mountain in the surrounding mountains outside the village is called Yueling Mountain. There is a Taoist temple halfway up the mountain, and an ancient road has been built. The old man's surname is white, tall and thin, with a black bean-like mole hanging on his mouth, and a pinch of white hair floating on it, which adds a bit of mystery. Catch ghosts, visit fortune-teller, divination and geomantic omen. A long silvery white hair is said to be a punishment for revealing secrets. However, this just proves that his name is "living immortal".

Bai came to the village on the first day of October. After lunch, I personally selected five young people in the village, all big and burly, ready to go up the mountain after dark.

As soon as it got dark, the old man and his party went up the hill. White is holding a golden staff in his right hand, carrying an exquisite basket in his left hand, wearing a yellow and black robe and wearing a yellow paper scarlet letter around his waist, which undoubtedly makes the five young people feel more at ease. Before going up the mountain, the old road gave each of the five young people a symbol for a rainy day. Carefully follow the only road up the mountain, and under the faint fire, the atmosphere becomes more and more strange. Speaking of so-called graves, the lifesavers in the hands of young people are basically wet.

On the ground of the grave, there is no earthen bag that is common in graves, only branches are inserted in the ground to mark the position. The old man took out an oil lamp from an exquisite basket and a symbol. His fingers shook and lit, which amazed the young people present. After the oil lamp was lit, the old man stepped forward, put the oil lamp next to one of the branches, read a spell in his mouth, moved the oil lamp aside and whispered, "Dig it out." The two young men soon dug a big hole, and everyone gasped as the fire approached.

There was nothing in the pit. Lao Dao made the same French style as before, and dug two graves in succession, both of which were the same as before. Five young people panicked again. The old man turned and walked slowly into the house, followed by five young people.

The door of the house was locked and a group of people moved to the window. Raise the golden hoop in vain, clanging. Suddenly, he shouted, "Stop messing around, you children! ! ! "The silence on the mountain was roared by the old road, and the young people were scared out of their wits and huddled together. The old man took out a few symbols from his waist, quickly put his hand on the window, exhaled slowly, looked at the five young people contemptuously again and said, "All right, follow me down the mountain." Just as I was about to leave, a demon wind blew from nowhere and the symbols on the window were blown off. "no! Let's go! ! "The dust from the wind roared past with the leaves of Xanthium sibiricum, and the young people fled everywhere, as if they saw something terrible flying towards them and wanted to swallow it in one gulp.

The young people ran all the way to the foot of the mountain, and the old people trotted all the way and finally reached the foot of the mountain. The robe of the old Taoist priest was covered with Xanthium sibiricum, and some of the young people's feet were bleeding, and some were yellow urine.

At dawn the next day, the whole village gathered in Little Square to listen to Lao Dao's adventures. The old man is now on the platform, looking at the crowded square. He whispered, "well, being original has found out what happened. The baby girl must have turned into a baby ghost and lived in Cangerling. " The audience exclaimed. "Well, folks, don't panic. The original will play a French game to trap those children in the mountains. As long as everyone stops going to Cangerling, nothing will happen. " Cheers and applause rang out from the audience at the moment.

On the day of practicing in vain, some people said that their bull was so thin. For several days in a row, the red bull in the village has also been sluggish. The more people look at it, the more they think that the testicles hanging under the cow's stomach are getting smaller at the moment. At that time, there were rumors that the ghost of the female doll went to the village to suck the cow's yang dry. If this continues, it will start to suck the man's yang. People once again turned their eyes to the old road for help. As soon as the old man closed his eyes, he pondered for a while and uttered a sentence that shocked the audience. "All the bulls have been cut off." The old man explained that it was because something congenial ran down the mountain before, and now he lives in bovine testis, and the kid was caught in the net before he got enough yang.

Farmers, especially those families that have given birth to girls, can only cut off all the cattle balls because of fear. The old man threw everything into the fire, and there was a buzz. People smell barbecue and some people are drooling.

After the incident, Lao Dao took the money and left in a hurry. And no one dares to go to Xanthium Ridge, and the only way is to be gradually covered by Xanthium.

Six months after the incident, it was found that the belly of their cattle seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. .....