Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Do you know that the astronomical astrologer Sima Qian is not only a Taishiling, but also a magical prophet?

Do you know that the astronomical astrologer Sima Qian is not only a Taishiling, but also a magical prophet?

Speaking of Sima Qian, everyone knows that he is the author of Historical Records. In fact, Sima Qian is not only a historian, but also an astronomer and one of the founders of Han Li. Today, we will discuss Sima Qian in depth.

One. Learn to travel around the world, be punished by corruption, and bear the burden of humiliation is recorded in historical records.

Under the guidance of his father Sima Tan, young Sima Qian was able to read and recite books such as Shangshu, Zuozhuan, Guoyu and Jieben at the age of ten. At the age of twenty, his father instructed him to travel around the world in order to find famous mountains and historical sites and collect folk anecdotes. He traveled all over the country, including the Miluo River to pay homage to Qu Yuan. Investigate Qilu culture and observe the legacy left by Confucius; Feel the atmosphere of the Chu-Han battlefield. This enriched rich historical materials for his later history books.

Sima Qian

After traveling around the world, Sima Qian took office in Chang 'an, which coincided with the prosperity of Hanwu. Many famous scholars gathered in Beijing, and Sima Qian eagerly got to know these talents, among which Dong Zhongshu and Kong Anguo had the greatest influence on him. In particular, the main ideas of Dong Zhongshu's Gongyangxue and Kong Anguo's Guwen Shangshu are reflected in Sima Qian's Historical Records.

Sima Qian's father, Sima Tan, was an official in the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, whose duty was to record history. Unfortunately, he never finished writing a history book, so he passed his last wish to Sima Qian before he died. Sima Qian was determined to write a set of history books for the country and the court. But it was an accident that really contributed to his completion of Historical Records.


The cause of the incident was that Emperor Wudi sent Li Guang's grandson Li Ling to take 5,000 infantry to fight against the Huns. But the Xiongnu leader Khan personally led 30 thousand cavalry to surround Liling's infantry. Although Li Ling's soldiers were very brave and killed five or six thousand tarquin people with arrows, the Han army was outnumbered and there were no reinforcements. In the end, Li Ling was arrested by the Huns and surrendered.

Li Ling's surrender angered Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He called ministers to discuss how to deal with Li Ling. Ministers condemned Li Ling for not being afraid of death and surrendering to the Huns. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked Sima Qian, the official at that time. Sima Qian put in a good word for Li Ling, thinking that he had to surrender in order to have a chance to atone in the future.

Who knows that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was very angry after listening to Sima Qian's answer. He thought that Sima Qian was deliberately protecting the surrenders and belittling Li Guangli (the younger brother of Emperor Wu's favorite concubine) who had failed to fight against Xiongnu before, so he immediately put Sima Qian in prison and later sentenced him to death (a kind of corporal punishment) after trial. Sima Qian had no money to atone, so he had to accept the criminal law and was put in prison.

Sima Qian, who had just been tortured, was very pessimistic and once wanted to die. But then I remembered my father's last wish, and then I remembered that many predecessors wrote great works under bad circumstances. For example, when Zhou Wenwang was locked up, he wrote a Book of Changes. Confucius was trapped and made up a book, Spring and Autumn Annals. Qu Yuan wrote Li Sao when he was released. Sun Bin wrote Sun Tzu's Art of War after his knee was gouged out. And why don't I use this time to finish the writing of history books?

As a result, Sima Qian was imprisoned, endured humiliation and completed the first biographical history of China-Historical Records. The Book of Historical Records 130 has more than 520,000 words, including biographies 12, 30 families, 70 biographies, tables 10 and 8 books. It has a great influence on later generations, and is called "a true record, believing in history". It is praised by Mr. Lu Xun as "a historian's swan song, leaving Sao without rhyme" and tied for the first "four histories".

Two. Astronomer and one of the founders of the Korean calendar.

Sima Qian is not only a great historian, but also an expert on astronomical phenomena. This can be proved by carefully reading his Historical Records, Official Books, Law Books and Almanac. Sima Qian inherited his father's legacy and completed the task of "pushing the past to change the sky", which is the most important example of his application in astronomy and occupies the highest position in the whole history of astrology education. Sima Qian also summarized the basic principles of astronomy since the Warring States Period. He believes that by combining fixed and changing astrology in astronomy, people can be predicted to change. This is also his great pioneering work in astronomy.

Sima Qian wrote historical records in prison.

Sima Qian was also one of the founders of the Han calendar. Because of the Zhuan Xu calendar that has been used in the early Han Dynasty, the calculation of the new moon and the dark moon is quite different from the actual situation, which will cause a lot of confusion in keeping the calendar. So the Taishi ordered Sima Qian, Dr. Gongsunqing, Dr. Dazhong, Hu Sui and others to advise Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to change the old imperial calendar. With the consent of the emperor, Sima Qian negotiated with Gong, Hu Ai, Assistant Minister Zun, Da Dian Hang and others to draw up Li Han. This is the origin of the folk "lunar calendar". "Li Han" is related to the law of the moon's movement and the 24 solar terms, and it is also one of the achievements created by Sima Qian by using astronomical knowledge.

Sima Qian, a famous historian, is really versatile. We should learn from his persistent spirit of delving into business and his flexible learning methods of drawing inferences from others. Constantly update and master modern professional knowledge, and strive to make more contributions to the country and people.