Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What are the songs of Vitas Dolphin Sound?

What are the songs of Vitas Dolphin Sound?

Make a simple list. The following are Vitas's music albums from 2003 to 2007. Let's take a look first.

2003 & ltмама& gt;;


1. Star

2.мама/ Mom _ Mom

3. An autumn leaf

4. Many years later, черезгоды/many _ passed through the years.

5.птицыулетели/The bird flies away _ The bird flies away.

6.посвящение/dedication _ dedication


8.бое, какяюблю/God, how much I love _ My God, how much I love her!

9.косички/pigtails Braids

10.Даже звезды покажутся письмами (Бессонница)

Even the stars look like letters.

11.инопланетныйдруг/Alien's friend.

Reward tracks:

13. Just a moment.

2004 & lt мамы >

My mother's song/my mother's song

1. Happy птицасчастья/bird _ Happy bird

2.любитепокалюбися/Love, when you are still in love, just love.

3.вкрамагнолий/ On the border of Mulan _ on Mulan's land.

Almighty king, the king can do anything.

5.зима/ Winter _ Winter

6.гадалка/ fortune teller _ fortune teller

7.букет/ Bouquet _ Bouquet

8. морскаgпесенкаа/_ A Song of the Sea

9.говорящаякукла/talking doll _ talking doll

10. отцелихризантемы/chrysanthum Thank you.

1 1.горькиймед/Bitterhoney

12. ацыганиде10900/a Gypsies are marching, and Gypsies continue to walk.

13.одесса/ Odessa

10.2004 & lt; поцелуйдлиноюввечность>;

A kiss of eternity/a kiss of eternity

1, an eternal kiss/a kiss as long as eternity

Wherever you go, I will go/wherever you go, I will go.

Don't be so quiet and loud.


5. Half night, half day/half night, half day

6. Heartbeat/heartbeat

7.t-shirts and shorts/wearing tops and shorts


9. The streets of the capital

I believe in love/I believe in love.

1 1, Internet mood/Internet-mood

2007 & ltвозвращениедомой& gt;;

Go home/home

0 1 Lucia Di Lammermoor/ Lucia in Latin America.

02 оперная/Opera House

03 лебедьмой/My Swan _ My Swan

япрошувсехсвятых/_I ask the saints.

05 Где эти зимы? /

Where did you go in winter? _ Where are these winters?

06берегаросии/ Russia Coast _ Russia Coast

07 Здравствуй, Родина любимая моя/

Hello, my dear motherland! _ Hello, my dear motherland!

08 Прости, Господь! /Please forgive me, God! _ Forgive me, Lord!

09 вишневыйсад/cherry Orchard _ cherry orchard

10 милостыня/alms _ charity

11инопланетныйдруг/alien friend _

12друба/ Friendship _ Friendship

I prefer stars.

There is a little high note in the middle, but most of them are lyrical, which is very nice and beautiful.

There are three points to pay attention to before listening to the two songs "Crane Cry" and "Belarus".

1 Don't listen at night, you will have nightmares!

2 "Every time" you listen, you should be fully prepared! !

If you like listening to music with headphones, please turn the sound down to the lowest! !

Thank you for your cooperation! !

In addition, you can listen to the opera series-Opera, Opera 1 and Opera 2-which are different and have their own characteristics! !

Jamaica is also a good choice to shock your eardrum!

Smile and online mood, although there are not many high notes, but the melody is beautiful and moving, you can also try it! !