Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Are gossip and five elements superstitious? Application of Eight Diagrams and Five Elements

Are gossip and five elements superstitious? Application of Eight Diagrams and Five Elements

Introduction to gossip and five elements:

Before understanding the application of the Eight Diagrams and Five Elements, let's take a look at what the Eight Diagrams and Five Elements are and what specific theories he has. In fact, gossip and five elements are two concepts, one is yin and yang, and the other is gossip theory. The theory of Eight Diagrams and Five Elements is the main philosophical theory of China in ancient times. The five elements refer to Jin Mu's five theories of fire, water and earth. China's ancient philosophy thought that everything was made up of these five elements, just as modern science thought that things were made up of atoms. As for the gossip theory, it is a philosophical continuation of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, which is widely used in Feng Shui.

Are gossip and five elements superstitious?

With the development of modern science, more and more people think that gossip and five elements are superstitious in ghosts. We can give a clear answer to the superstition of gossip and five elements, that is, gossip and five elements are not superstitious. Although the Eight Diagrams and Five Elements is a metaphysics, it is indeed a very profound knowledge. Just like western classical philosophy, the Eight Diagrams and Five Elements have both advantages and disadvantages, which should be understood dialectically.

Application of Eight Diagrams and Five Elements;

Finally, let's take a look at the application of gossip and five elements in modern life. After Bian Xiao's understanding, there are two main aspects in the application of Eight Diagrams and Five Elements. The first is palm reading. We often see some hemp gods and the like, using the theory of gossip and five elements. The second application is to look at the practice of feng shui. Everything we do now should pay attention to Feng Shui, including Gai Lou or moving. These are the applications of gossip and five elements in life.