Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Ask for two reading notes [similar to reading after reading]

Ask for two reading notes [similar to reading after reading]


★ Thoughts on reading childhood

Everyone has a childhood, and everyone's childhood is different, but are we all as poor as Gorky's childhood? No, we didn't. We are the only child in our family and the apple of our parents' eye. Gorky's childhood is not as happy as ours, nor is his family as happy as ours.

Gorky has no father since he was 7 years old, and lives with his mother and elderly grandmother. Other children have new clothes, but he doesn't. He only has a few patched clothes and a schoolbag. However, instead of blaming his mother, he studied harder and prepared to pay tribute to his hard-working mother.

Childhood this book records some stories of Gorky's childhood, which is a little bitter and a little human: I really admire Gorky's success in such a difficult environment.

Gorky liked mathematics very much when he was young. In a math class, the teacher gave the class a question. The title is: "1+2+3+4+...+ 100 =?" "This embarrassed many students, who were all in a hurry. Only Gorky worked it out, which is equal to 5050. From then on, the teacher will not look down on them because their family is poor, but think that he is very talented in mathematics.

We should learn from Gorky, and Confucius said it well: "Meet Si Qi."

★ Thoughts on reading childhood

I recently read Gorky's Childhood, which vividly depicts the tragic childhood of the protagonist Aletha. Alisha's parents died, and his grandfather was very grumpy. Only his grandmother loves him. Grandfather doesn't like him very much, and his two uncles hate him even more. He survived in such a bad environment. In fact, Aletha's prototype is Gorky himself, and Gorky used Aletha to describe his childhood. This made me deeply realize the ugly face of people at that time. Gorky's childhood is so miserable compared with ours now!

How happy we are, spoiled by our parents. Sitting in a spacious and bright classroom every day, listening to the teacher; There are big fish and meat waiting for you to taste when you go home; I will give you what you want; If someone bullies you, adults will not hesitate to give that person a hard lesson. What about Gorky's era? Gorky rarely has a quiet day, and almost every day someone hurts him, insults him and bullies him. I don't understand either. Why do those people do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit themselves? Are these meaningless things worth doing?

Therefore, we should cherish today's happy life. We should grasp the tail of childhood, study hard, and never know when we will be blessed. Such an excellent learning environment and such a wonderful childhood life, if we don't study hard, we will be too sorry for our parents.

Now, seeing that childhood is about to leave, we are greeted by energetic teenagers. Let's cherish the last moment of childhood. Careless, childhood will leave us, seize the last time of childhood, and leave our best impression on childhood!