Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Prayer for God's Ritual: Yu Bu's Way, and Yu Bu's Diagram of Nine Planets.

Prayer for God's Ritual: Yu Bu's Way, and Yu Bu's Diagram of Nine Planets.

Non-professionals certainly don't know what Yubu is. Quotations was created by Yu Xia, so it is called Quotations. It is a kind of footwork commonly used by Taoist priests in prayer ceremony, which has the function of exorcising evil spirits. So how did Yubu get there? What is the Ubuntu Nine Planetary Method? The next Taoist culture will follow me to understand the jade department.

The walking method of "Imperial Step" is also related to "Big Dipper".

According to the explanation of modern astronomy, there is a famous constellation Ursa Major in the northern hemisphere, which consists of seven brighter stars arranged like a spoon. China people named them Shu Tian, Tianwangxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang in ancient times. This is the famous "Big Dipper".

Taoism calls it: the brightest of the Big Dipper is Yuheng, and the darkest is Tianquan. The Big Dipper was a symbol of judging seasons in ancient times. In ancient books, "bucket handle refers to the east, and the world is spring; Bucket handle guide, the world is summer; Bucket handle refers to the west, and the world is autumn; Bucket handle refers to the north, and the world is winter. ".

Find the eye-catching Big Dipper, connect the two stars on the outer edge of the Dipper's mouth into a line, and extend it to the mouth of the mouth for five times, then you can find the Polaris that can tell the direction. Polaris is just an ordinary second-class star, 400 light years away from the earth where we live. The earth's axis of rotation always points to Polaris, so people in the northern hemisphere can tell the direction through it no matter what season.

According to the Records of Astronomy in Sui Dynasty, the Big Dipper is Xuan Ji and the Big Dipper is Yuheng. In ancient times, an armillary sphere was made to observe the stars, so there was the Xuan Ji Yuheng map, which looked at the stars, the circle and the sky with the straight as the ruler. In the middle of December, bucket handle Kuixing will point to the place where the moon was built, and bucket handle will point to the two days when it meets the leap moon.

Speaking of the Big Dipper, it is necessary to talk about the jade step, which is a common footwork used by Taoist priests when praying to the gods. It was created by Xia, so it is called "Jade Department". Because of its footwork, it turns step by step according to the position of the Big Dipper, just like stepping on a star, which is also called "step by step". Taoism worships the sun, the moon and the stars, especially the Big Dipper. It believes that praying to God with this gait can send God to summon souls, gain the spirit of seven stars, drive away evil spirits and welcome the truth. Taoist priests also use it to gather qi and exorcise evil spirits when they are lucky or entering mountains.