Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The explanation and significance of self-protection?

The explanation and significance of self-protection?

original text

Meng (Meng), Chi (Chi), Bao Bumao silk. When robbers came to trade silk, they came to me. Sending a child involves gas, as for Dunqiu. I didn't have good media during the money period. There is no anger in the child, and autumn lasts.

Go to the precipice and hope to return to the customs. I didn't see the resumption of customs, so I cried. Seeing the resumption of GATT, I was full of laughter and laughter. Er (Shi), the body has no blame (uncle). Driving your car to bribe me to move.

Mulberry leaves flourish before they fall. Yu Yu, I'm sorry! Sang (Ren) has no food! There is nothing to worry about. The anxiety of the scholar can still be said (Tuo). You can't say a woman is worried.

Mulberry fell, yellow, and fell. I was poor at the age of three. Qishui soup, curtain skirt. Women are unhappy, and scholars do their best. Scholars are also extremely useless.

Being a woman at the age of three is exhausting. Sleepless all night, there must be a dynasty. As for violence, what you say must be done. Brother doesn't know, (xi) he smiled. Calm down and think about it, and you will bow your head and feel sorry for yourself.

When I get old, I always complain. There is a shore and a plate. General's corner banquet, talking and laughing. Swear, forget it. On the contrary, I don't think about it. I'm already embarrassed!


The man looked honest and took the cloth for silk. I'm not here to change silk, but to talk to me about marriage. I'll take you to Qishuian, and then to Dunqiu. I didn't mean to postpone the wedding, but you don't have a good matchmaker. Please don't be angry, let's set the wedding date in autumn.

Climb up that bad wall and hope you will return to the suburbs. I didn't see you go back to the suburbs, sobbing. Seeing you come to the suburbs again, I smiled and liked it. You ask Bubu, Bubu is auspicious. You have to drive fast and deliver my dowry to your house.

Mulberry leaves are moist and tender before falling. Alas, turtledove! Don't be greedy for that mulberry. Oh, girl! Don't be too obsessed with that man. Men's infatuation won't last long, and it's easy to get out. Women are infatuated with men, and infatuation is hard to get rid of.

When the mulberry leaves finally fall, the branches and leaves are yellow and sad. I have been languishing in poverty for several years since I married you. The water is rolling, and the river splashes the car and wets the shirt. The woman has never made a mistake, but the man has behaved inconsistently. Men's behavior is irregular, half-hearted and immoral.

I have been married to you for many years, and I have done all the housework. Get up early and go to bed late with little rest, all year round. Everything gives you what you want, but you frown and stare Siblings and brothers didn't know, but gloated and laughed. Calm down and think about it, full of sorrow is only known to yourself.

I want to live with you until I am old, but when I am old, it makes me more worried. Although the water is wide and there is a shore, the swamp is always wide. Love time is * * * happy, talking and laughing is happier. I swear that I never thought I would change my face in my life. If you betray your oath and don't repent, the breakup will be over!

content analysis

Dream is one of the most representative poems in The Book of Songs. It describes a woman's whole process from falling in love, getting married and finally being abandoned, exposes the social reality of inequality between men and women under the marital power system, and shows the author's remorse and determination.

The whole poem is divided into six chapters. The first and second chapters write that the hero is pursued by Meng, infatuated with Meng after marriage and married with him. This is in stark contrast to Meng's later change of heart and abandonment of her, and also sets off Meng's hypocrisy and impetuousness. The third chapter turns from narration to lyricism. Write about your remorse and resentment after being abandoned by Meng. In the last three chapters, I recalled my years of hard work after marriage, being abused and abandoned, and my brother laughed at me and hurt himself. Finally, she chose to refuse her ungrateful husband and expressed her rebellious spirit.

This poem has high artistic value, and its greatest artistic achievement lies in shaping two distinctive characters. First of all, the image of the abandoned wife, who is a pure and kind-hearted beautiful girl, vividly wrote the image of this girl in the poem with "the mulberry has not fallen, and its leaves are fat." She loves to "protect herself" and looks at him with deep eyes. "I didn't see the reentry, but I cried and cried. I smiled when I saw the re-entry into the atmosphere. After marrying Meng, she dreamed of "growing old together" and living a good life, so she devoted herself to keeping the house and shouldering heavy housework until "the mulberry fell and withered, losing her youth and beauty" At this time, "Meng" has changed her mind and insulted her "as for violence"! She was helpless but laughed at by her brother, and no one could tell her sorrow. However, the unfortunate experience tempered her strong character. While regretting, she took a decisive attitude with a "self-protection" attitude, showing her rebellious spirit. This is a sympathetic and admirable image of abandoned wife. In sharp contrast, it is the image of "Meng". He used to be a small vendor who exchanged cloth for silk and won the love of girls with sweet words. When they got married, he left his mouth and put a lot of work on his wife's shoulders. He abandoned his wife cruelly when she lost her youth and beauty. The hypocrisy and fickleness of "self-protection" is in sharp contrast with the kindness and infatuation of the abandoned wife, which has a good artistic effect. /wenyanwen/gaozhong/5022.html

Secondly, the use of metaphor in poetry is also very successful. For example, "Mulberry leaves flourish before it falls" and "Mulberry leaves wither when it falls", and the changes of their appearance before and after marriage are compared with lush and withered mulberry leaves. Another example is "I like mulberries too much, because I like them too much", which is compared with the misfortune caused by my excessive infatuation with "self-protection". The use of metaphor makes the meaning of this poem vivid and appropriate, which accords with the identity of the protagonist.

Dream is a poetic work with strong lyricism. In reading, we seem to hear the sad life song of the abandoned wife and see her sad and firm moving image.

well-known saying

I can still say I'm worried. You can't say a woman is worried.

I didn't see the reentry, and I cried. Seeing the resumption of GATT, I was full of laughter and laughter.

3 Scholars are also extremely useless.

Swear, don't think about it.