Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How many children do Nuwa and Fuxi have?

How many children do Nuwa and Fuxi have?

Fuxi and Nu Wa gave birth to four children, namely Kirin, Phoenix, Shaodian and Fu Fei. According to Sima Qian's Historical Records and other ancient documents, "Hua Xushi" gave birth to "Fuxi Nuwa", Fuxi Nuwa gave birth to "Shaodian" and Shaodian gave birth to "Yanhuang". According to legend, when Hua Xushi went out, she accidentally stepped on the giant's footprints and got pregnant. After 12 years of pregnancy, she gave birth to Fuxi, and later gave birth to her daughter, named Nuwa. In the later period of Hua Xushi, mankind suffered a great flood, and only two brothers and sisters, Fuxi and Nu Wa, hid in the gourd and survived, praying to heaven and getting inspiration from heaven. Brothers and sisters get married, get married and have children, which continues the human blood. ?

According to the myth and legend "Shan Hai Jing", when the universe first opened, Nu Wa and Fuxi lived in Kunlun Mountain, living alone and ashamed to get married through consultation, so they entrusted their fate to heaven and decided to decide by divination. They each lit a bonfire and made a big wish.

Said: "If God doesn't let mankind become extinct, let my brother and sister get married, and let the smoke of two fires merge into one;" If you don't agree to our marriage, let the smoke of two fires separate. "When two thick clouds are intertwined, they begin to have sex in order to reproduce human beings. Fuxi took a fan made of straw and covered their faces when they made love. There are many legends about Fuxi and Nuwa, which have been passed down to this day and have far-reaching influence.

Later, with the development of productive forces, the human marriage system began to be standardized, some marriage modes were banned, and brother-sister marriage was also banned. Er Shen is the creator of China myth, and the children of Nu Wa and Fuxi also occupy an important position in China myth. Their grandson Emperor Yanhuang became the ancestor of the Chinese nation. Nu Wa and Fuxi have done a lot for mankind. Nu Wa made man to mend the sky, and Fuxi taught man to use fire and weave nets to fish.